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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
48d5968 Fixed a bug introduced during merging of the Linux and Windows readers 01 September 2015, 23:01:05 UTC
8e85f07 Merge branch 'master' of into amitaga/mergeHTKMLFReaders 01 September 2015, 20:27:19 UTC
1df4e8e Merge the linux and windows forks of the HTKMLFReader fork into one. 01 September 2015, 20:09:57 UTC
7915fef Fixed CPUONLY build 01 September 2015, 07:06:38 UTC
885de65 remove testcases.yml from LSTM test folder before baseline results are provided. 31 August 2015, 18:40:19 UTC
5aea0d4 bug fix, m_boundaryInfo should not be moved to deviceId like most others, but to CPUDEVICE 31 August 2015, 05:28:04 UTC
658c57d bug fix in TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(): forgot to pass first arg (GetDeviceId()), and it accepted it because, due to optional parameters, the signature still matched (a bool was silently cast as an int) 31 August 2015, 04:15:02 UTC
1c65a18 added the LSTM test files to the VS Solution (no code change) 31 August 2015, 03:43:38 UTC
ca6bdc6 Add the speech LSTM test config. test results are not provided yet. 30 August 2015, 07:15:32 UTC
d4776c3 ensure that run-test has executable permissions 28 August 2015, 23:59:03 UTC
66a4862 This merges a larger set of changes to the ComputationNode structure, aimed at allowing to reduce code duplication. The load and copy constructors (and virtual Duplicate()) are gone; instead use LoadFromFile() and CopyTo() directly. Shared code from Past/FutureValueNode and the non-linearities (Sigmoid etc.) were extracted into shared base classes. The updated constructors and related functions now have consistent formatting w.r.t. spacing and indentation, to make future meachnical refactorings easier. Every ComputationNode derivate now has a typedef Base to make it less error-prone to refer to the respective base class. Merge branch 'fseide/refactor_nodes' 28 August 2015, 23:20:20 UTC
2da4e80 fixed a few gcc warnings in the 1-bit SGD code 28 August 2015, 22:23:01 UTC
4e2a28c fixed a few gcc-side warnings and a spelling error in the name of FormRecurrentLoop() that got fixed but partially undone during the last merge; added clear installation instructions for MS MPI SDK in the source file at the place where it fails if you don't have it 28 August 2015, 22:09:51 UTC
ac235bc Reduced number of Epochs in NoQuantization tests to 4 from older value of 10 to reduce test running time 28 August 2015, 21:53:56 UTC
e904bc8 Merge branch 'master' of into fseide/refactor_nodes Conflicts: MachineLearning/CNTK/CNTK.vcxproj.filters MachineLearning/CNTK/ComputationNetwork.h 28 August 2015, 21:15:32 UTC
3f39749 Fixes for handling zero sized MBs in parallel training 28 August 2015, 20:49:23 UTC
8b7ff84 fixed a missing 'template' keyword gcc really couldn't do without 28 August 2015, 18:47:53 UTC
3fbc3bc added headline comments to class ComputationNetwork--one day we will sort them in a logical order; replaced a few more throw runtime_error by RuntimeError() 28 August 2015, 16:28:54 UTC
dbbdb70 general gcc happiness (not fully happy yet); fix of a bug that gcc found (wrong typecast) 28 August 2015, 08:02:00 UTC
ded2ae1 reverted back all constructor initializers into actual initializer syntax; fixed a few more incorrect Base calls (DumpNodeInfo(), and also a few CopyTo()) 28 August 2015, 07:38:54 UTC
a6f2425 fixed base class call for NonlinearityNode; moved CopyTo() and MoveMatricesToDevice() to NonlinearityNode 28 August 2015, 06:13:51 UTC
ef09af8 ComputationNode derivates now have a typedef Base to specify their direct base class in the hierarchy, in to reduce risk of bugs from calling the wrong base-class functions; ComputationNode no longer has a public constructor, to enforce that it is ever only constructed using ComputationNode::New() which does part of construction using virtual functions 28 August 2015, 06:06:59 UTC
e4a8ee0 made m_direction, m_SEQUENCE_BOUNDARY and m_SentenceBoundary template parameters 28 August 2015, 05:19:48 UTC
27138de eliminated Duplicate() as a virtual function, now just a base member that calls virtual CopyTo(); copy constructors also gone 28 August 2015, 04:58:36 UTC
b6523b2 brought back the node constructor--for base, but not for load or copy (copy constructor still there TBD; load constructors all gone); this means that every node has a constructor again--but only one--that must be written, even if it just calls the base constructor :(, but with VS 2015 this will go away; constructors with extra args now have the standard args (deviceId, name) always in first position, to allow splitting construction and initialization (but it seems we don't even need this); CreateNodeFromFile() now calls LoadFromFile() explicitly, which gives it access to the virtual version of it 28 August 2015, 03:57:03 UTC
5cc2322 Merge branch 'dongyu/memshare' of into dongyu/memshare 28 August 2015, 01:33:00 UTC
cebb972 Merge branch 'dongyu/memshare' of into dongyu/memshare 28 August 2015, 01:08:44 UTC
9e43a66 Merge branch 'dongyu/memshare' of into dongyu/memshare 28 August 2015, 00:53:27 UTC
5f4c933 Merge branch 'master' of into dongyu/memshare 28 August 2015, 00:52:50 UTC
219409b Merge branch 'master' of into dongyu/memshare 27 August 2015, 23:40:21 UTC
61aaaa2 Add plumbing for matrix share in ComputationNetwork.h 27 August 2015, 23:06:55 UTC
2df79c2 added comments on further refactoring constructors 27 August 2015, 16:20:45 UTC
070079d Merge branch 'master' of into erw/MA-latest 27 August 2015, 01:42:14 UTC
af37121 Removed unneeded old ModelAveraging specific device selection code 27 August 2015, 01:31:44 UTC
c4f2f98 Minor changes in readme.txt and .config samples 26 August 2015, 21:37:09 UTC
360b74c Merge branch 'master' of into erw/MA-latest 26 August 2015, 20:41:02 UTC
4d68cfb Fixed linux build 26 August 2015, 20:39:13 UTC
187ebd2 Added the new RequireSegBatch function to the Linux fork of the HTKMLFReader too 26 August 2015, 20:08:51 UTC
6cd140f Merge branch 'master' of into erw/MA-latest 26 August 2015, 20:01:57 UTC
fa56f3a Fixed a couple of bugs in the ModelAveraging implementation and some code cleanup 26 August 2015, 20:01:42 UTC
aa4ab23 add CIFAR-10 samples 26 August 2015, 18:40:21 UTC
f27edad Merge branch 'master' of into dongyu/memshare Conflicts: MachineLearning/CNTK/SGD.h change m_needRegularization to m_needAdaptRegularization in SGD.h to make it clearer. 26 August 2015, 18:35:54 UTC
1f12c63 add MatrixPool.h, correct the spelling in function FormRecurrentLoops. Move evaluation criterion computation before training criterion computation so that we can share the function value matrix with the gradient value matrix for some nodes. 26 August 2015, 17:49:31 UTC
29246df On top of the most recent 1-bit codebase, implement the model averaging; remove all the #ifdef MPI_SUPPORT 26 August 2015, 09:27:20 UTC
d7e3bac 1) Print parallel training parameters at the beginning of each epoch 2) Fixed an issue in the E2E tests due to which even in the CPU configuration, the tests were actually being run on the GPU 26 August 2015, 04:21:45 UTC
4e2ce17 fixed a deref bug in Platform.h _fopen_s()--it never returned f 26 August 2015, 02:12:25 UTC
9a52465 added missing Construct() functions to SoftmaxNode 26 August 2015, 02:10:18 UTC
a45e1db fixed a gcc warning in Matrix.cpp 25 August 2015, 21:13:22 UTC
6e0eb9d Added a new subtest to the Quantization unit test 25 August 2015, 20:06:05 UTC
7b35db0 added missing file Platform.h to VS Project; moved those VS-proprietary CRT function emulations that were defined in Basics.h to Platform.h where they seem to belong now; Platform.h now triggers on _MSC_VER_ not on __UNIX__ Platform.h wtocharpath() changed to use std::string, to avoid memory leaks; fixed a few printf strings in LUSequenceReader that were flagged by gcc; fixed a few two-phase name lookup issues in deference to the C++ gods; moved FrameRange out from ComputationNode to escape two-phase name lookup madness; 25 August 2015, 19:02:19 UTC
efaa9ca Some minor code comments added for data-parallel training and gradient quantization 25 August 2015, 05:37:01 UTC
62830a7 Raised the tolerance for training loss comparison in the single precision parallel training E2E test 24 August 2015, 22:21:25 UTC
51c6c01 Merge branch 'master' of into amitaga/scratch_1 24 August 2015, 19:35:45 UTC
4814b8d Fixed a bug in quantization code for high bit count 24 August 2015, 18:46:15 UTC
e25b804 undid the last two trials, since they did not fix it 22 August 2015, 07:07:22 UTC
0f0c62f one more trial commit hoping it will build now 22 August 2015, 07:00:32 UTC
e3d90aa explicitly added ComputationNodeNonLooping implementations to namespace; trial commit to see if Linux gcc eats this now 22 August 2015, 06:28:19 UTC
bcaba05 OK, now it compiles, was a wrong type 22 August 2015, 06:06:17 UTC
433a633 split DelayedValueNode off from PastValueNode and FutureValueNode--note: does not compile yet, some issue with a protected member 22 August 2015, 06:01:30 UTC
a161dd4 unified PastValueNode and FutureValueNode, ready for merging 22 August 2015, 04:50:10 UTC
e494a3b changed signatures of looping Eval and Partial functions from index/num to FrameRange; new class ComputationNode::FrameRange that auto-casts from nothing and size_t to the respective meaning (whole MB vs. time index, resp.); made PastValue and FutureValue more similar (not yet completed to be ready to merge them) by unifying naming and introduction a direction variable; fixed a bunch of throw std::invalid_arguemnt -> InvalidArgument(); 22 August 2015, 03:51:36 UTC
9287b59 ComputeInputPartial() and EvaluateNode() now call their time-range counterpart as the default implementation 22 August 2015, 02:26:41 UTC
93fc0ec changed signature of looping Eval/Partial function to include a new parameter 'numFrames', in prep of eliminating the non-looping one altogether; those two are now pure virtual; nodes that do not implement this must now derive from ComputationNodeNonLooping, and for some that implemented them, that code has been deleted (in lieu of the shared new base class) 22 August 2015, 02:20:00 UTC
e093c27 made those Eval and Partial functions that take a time index pure virtual, and fixed up the 6 classes that do not implement them with a derived base class that dummy-implements them only for those 6 classes, in prep of eliminating the non-time index version 22 August 2015, 01:41:32 UTC
e88ed79 oops, accidentally deleted a character, fixed 22 August 2015, 01:15:30 UTC
9bf8de1 attempt to refactor non-linearity nodes, only partially successful due to inconsistent definition of Partial's signature; some refactoring in ComputationNetwork.h: a few blocks that applied the same operation to 7 arrays (m_features .. m_pairNodes) now use a loop and a new method GetAllNodeGroups(); replaced throw invalid_argument with call to new function InvalidArgument(); added InvalidArgument() analogously to RuntimeError() and LogicError() 22 August 2015, 01:10:54 UTC
19357cf Added more unit tests for quantization to cover all bit sizes 22 August 2015, 00:25:46 UTC
d915f01 Fixed a bug inadvertently added when addressing code review feedback 21 August 2015, 21:53:25 UTC
64e7bea Merge branch 'master' of into amitaga/scratch_1 Conflicts: MachineLearning/CNTK/CNTK.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/SGD.h 21 August 2015, 20:46:03 UTC
19973aa Fixed linux build issue 21 August 2015, 20:10:01 UTC
928886e Make use of zero threshold for 1bit quantization a runtime option 21 August 2015, 19:25:15 UTC
e331c44 Fixed a bug in the reduction code used for quantization on the GPU 21 August 2015, 18:45:43 UTC
9dcb541 all constructors replaced by explicit Construct() functions, hoping that many of those will disappear 21 August 2015, 04:27:44 UTC
aed4013 some formatting and deleting of old stuff 20 August 2015, 23:45:04 UTC
88a6935 centralized the big if statement that maps strings to node instantiations, now exists only at once place 20 August 2015, 23:40:24 UTC
ab04579 changed all "new" instantiations of ComputationNodes to a new function New<>() that will allow polymorphic construction; bug fix: PairNetworkNode() constructor arguments were in wrong order 20 August 2015, 22:41:37 UTC
cddb9bb cleaned up node constructors a bit after most code is moved to ComputationNode constructor 20 August 2015, 19:53:12 UTC
4124018 add MNIST sample 20 August 2015, 18:19:56 UTC
905d152 finalized the TransferFromDeviceToDevice() simplification 20 August 2015, 18:13:26 UTC
198ad68 towards cleaning up ComputationNodes: constructors no longer call InitRecurrentNode(); and also not MoveMatricesToDevice() unless the class has custom code here; instead, ComputationNode() does these above two; wrappers for TransferFromDeviceToDevice() for the usual conditions: TransferToDeviceIfNotThere() and TransferToDeviceIfNotThereAndNotAutoPlace() (we may want to rename these later); moved a few functions from ComputationNode.h to .cpp (we should move more) 20 August 2015, 18:02:13 UTC
da58ea2 Merge branch 'master' of into fseide/shared_ptr 20 August 2015, 02:02:24 UTC
faf3a5c Fixed linux build issues 20 August 2015, 01:57:01 UTC
9ee02fc Stop training in the middle of a epoch if the training criterion becomes NAN 20 August 2015, 00:09:01 UTC
48f6116 bug fix: enable_shared_from_this requires a special protocol to actually recover the shared_ptr, which I did not know. Changed all ComputationNodePtr(this) to shared_from_this(). Works now. 19 August 2015, 21:30:04 UTC
0776f24 changed ComputationNodePtr from ComputationNode<ElemType>* to a shared_ptr--does not fully work yet (using 'this' as a key into a map fails), but checking in anyway to have a baseline to compare further fixes against; changed FeatureNodes() and similar functions to return a reference instead of a pointer (since the result cannot be NULL); adapted all functions that take the result of these function calls to also take a reference instead of a pointer 19 August 2015, 17:39:46 UTC
7013d5c Check for error condition in CNTKEval/EvalWriter 19 August 2015, 01:01:24 UTC
0049157 added the files of the new Tests\Speech test to the Solution and created a small README.txt 18 August 2015, 23:06:07 UTC
aef77e2 (VS 2013 insists that this file has changed, so comitting it) 18 August 2015, 21:54:27 UTC
ef7c92b Added some more unit tests for quantization 18 August 2015, 19:15:56 UTC
acd24c7 Addressed code review feedback 17 August 2015, 21:48:06 UTC
3a2f92a Added Print function for QuantizedMatrix to aid debugging 17 August 2015, 17:24:15 UTC
7011424 Removed preprocessor definition for enabling/disabling inclusion of residue in computing quantization range. Not including the residue is actually a bug and now the residue is always included when computing the quantization range 15 August 2015, 22:16:24 UTC
01ff9b2 Enable use of residual value in the quantization range computation 15 August 2015, 20:19:11 UTC
46c571a Added some more unit tests for quantization 14 August 2015, 23:29:37 UTC
115f6d3 Added E2E tests for Data Parallel SGD training 13 August 2015, 09:08:11 UTC
f5e4aa9 Merge branch 'master' of into amitaga/scratch_1 Conflicts: MachineLearning/CNTK/CNTK.cpp 12 August 2015, 20:59:51 UTC
bba8a92 remove IsForwardComputing from FindInRecurrentLoop function. 12 August 2015, 19:05:37 UTC
755c4c7 Merge branch 'amitaga/scratch_1' of into amitaga/scratch_1 12 August 2015, 16:56:13 UTC
2b2f9ed Improve DistGradHeader type implementation 12 August 2015, 16:55:10 UTC
ca189d8 Added ability to run speech e2e tests on Windows (cygwin) 12 August 2015, 01:17:37 UTC
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