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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
e5b086a Bump stable tag to 5.6.2. 16 January 2024, 22:30:10 UTC
49959c6 .pot update for 5.6.2 release. 16 January 2024, 22:23:25 UTC
81d5765 5.6.2 version bumps. 16 January 2024, 22:22:09 UTC
b1f7cfb Readme update for 5.6.2. 16 January 2024, 22:21:08 UTC
458a1c5 Ensure that pf-nomination-imp script is loaded on Reader pages. See #1180. 12 January 2024, 20:53:12 UTC
a1d952f Bump stable tag to 5.6.1. 11 January 2024, 19:48:17 UTC
ef6e278 .pot update for 5.6.1. 11 January 2024, 19:44:24 UTC
468aaa5 5.6.1 version bumps. 11 January 2024, 19:43:02 UTC
51821c7 Fix variable name typo. See #1179. 10 January 2024, 22:33:38 UTC
0d39327 When enqueuing CSS or JS assets, only add `.min` for directories that include minified assets. See #1179. 10 January 2024, 22:32:30 UTC
7c30b23 Bump stable to 5.6.0. 04 January 2024, 03:13:23 UTC
19c4d11 Updated .pot for 5.6.x. 04 January 2024, 03:08:47 UTC
d21d283 Ensure that build step takes account of nominate-this-block-editor. It was part of `start` but not `build`. 04 January 2024, 03:07:30 UTC
c2ce716 Minified assets for 5.6.0. 04 January 2024, 02:28:10 UTC
f4e36eb .pot update for 5.6.0. 04 January 2024, 02:24:52 UTC
78ca331 5.6.0 version bumps. 04 January 2024, 02:23:53 UTC
a43ab03 Readme updates for 5.6.0. 04 January 2024, 02:22:21 UTC
a53ccad Fix data fetching when building 'nominators' property of nomination REST object. 03 January 2024, 19:23:01 UTC
cec6308 Removal of redundant code. 03 January 2024, 19:21:53 UTC
e0a0dd2 Cleaner separation of nomination Keywords panel from 'Nomination Info'. See #902. 03 January 2024, 19:20:29 UTC
2713b37 Allow Nomination Info section to show on draft post type, and properly show nominator count. See #902. 03 January 2024, 19:03:36 UTC
11ec2cb Use 'Submit Comment' on comment submission interface. See #1003. 03 January 2024, 18:49:07 UTC
b4e5cb0 In item-nominators, get the list of nominators from the nomination item. Don't trust what's stored on the post, which might not be updated with subsequent nominations. 02 January 2024, 23:36:35 UTC
897a0f8 Ensure that nom_id is properly recorded for items advanced to the last step. Previously, the value of 'nom_id' was being overwritten during the copying of all metadata from the nomination post. 02 January 2024, 23:35:38 UTC
86a1da5 Remove unused params from item-nominators `render_block()` callback. See #1104. 02 January 2024, 21:37:24 UTC
09f8337 Proper processing of 'var:' CSS properties when building `style` for item-nominators block. See #1104. 02 January 2024, 21:35:39 UTC
d88db3e item-nominators should be alphabetically ordered on front end. See #1104. 02 January 2024, 21:35:06 UTC
8507a69 'Nominators' block. See #1104. 02 January 2024, 21:15:16 UTC
2efd9fc Make nominator information accessible in the API for posts and nominations. See #1104. 21 December 2023, 19:52:36 UTC
ef9e7ae Don't replace source author name or URI with non-PF posts. See #1175. 21 December 2023, 02:50:33 UTC
c3b2008 Cleanup to PressForward section on Post block editor sidebar panel. 21 December 2023, 02:49:41 UTC
608788a 'Forward to Source' feature for block editor. See #1175, #1124. 21 December 2023, 02:39:01 UTC
95a93f4 yarn.lock 21 December 2023, 01:57:52 UTC
4e6bb88 Improved loading of bookmarklet-code scripts and styles. Ensure consistency between Dashboard and frontend. See #1125. 21 December 2023, 01:57:16 UTC
2f57819 Spacing and button appearance for bookmarklet buttons in block editor. See #1125. 12 December 2023, 22:33:40 UTC
80e65f1 Add Nominate This code block. This involves abstracting the markup, style, and JS used for the Tools > Bookmarklet section so that it can be reused on the front end. See #1125. 12 December 2023, 20:55:14 UTC
8826087 Adds infrastructure for PF blocks. This includes a directory for block source assets, the PHP tools necessary to load server-side block tools, and asset-enqueuing logic. See #1125. 11 December 2023, 22:20:01 UTC
6a269a6 Don't show Send to Draft or Subscribe to Feed panels on non-nomination posts. See #1124. 11 December 2023, 21:27:22 UTC
4a46320 Add missing JS dependency. See #1124. 11 December 2023, 21:10:56 UTC
b3521b0 Keywords -> Tags conversion tool for Block Nominate This. See #1124. 11 December 2023, 17:25:24 UTC
0573b4e 'Subscribe to Feed' tool for Block Nominate This. See #1124. 08 December 2023, 20:53:04 UTC
31c149e Don't allow nomination auto-drafts to be switched to 'draft' status during autosave. This behavior in the Block Editor causes potential duplicates in the Nomination list, since the Nomination list must use both the 'publish' and 'draft' statuses to support the legacy Nominate This tool. See #1124. 08 December 2023, 15:56:11 UTC
e3e9a5e Don't add 'Nomination Data' metabox in block Nominate This. It's inaccurate and not necessary in this context. In the future we may remove it in all instances of the block editor, since the information can be shown elsewhere using block-native tools. See #1124. 07 December 2023, 19:40:16 UTC
538c8a5 Show success message after a Nominate This submission. The success message is shown on a static panel after a redirect. See #1124. 07 December 2023, 00:51:35 UTC
1e8c6c4 Proper handling of nominator array after nominating duplicate item from Block Editor Nominate This. This requires the introduction of a new method `add_user_to_nomination_array()` that avoids some of the add/remove magic in `apply_nomination_array()`. See #1124. 16 November 2023, 17:47:54 UTC
dad477f Nominated panel should show 'nomination' items from both draft and publish status. The Classic Nominate This interface places nominations in draft status. The Block Nominate This interface places them in publish status. It may turn out to be necessary to regularize this in the future, but for now the multiple values of 'post_status' when assembling the Notifications panel allows them all to be visible. See #1124. 15 November 2023, 20:11:37 UTC
5ed693b Ensure that send-to-draft-imp script is enqueued on Nominated panel. 15 November 2023, 18:38:59 UTC
d5ece52 More reliable targeting of info button on Nominated panel. See #1124. 15 November 2023, 18:33:18 UTC
7849210 Store nominated item_tags in postmeta. See #1124. 15 November 2023, 18:26:24 UTC
123cc3d Date-related metadata saving in block Nominate This. * Save nomination date in various formates expected by PF. * Get the item's published date out of linked data, if available. See #1124. 15 November 2023, 18:14:06 UTC
b0acb21 PHPCS fix. 15 November 2023, 17:50:07 UTC
613e408 'Send to Draft' tool for block Nominate This, and other nomination metadata saving. Unlike in the Classic bookmarklet, the block editor's Send to Draft is not a separate button, but is a checkbox that you must check on the pre-publish panel. This is due to the technical limitations of the block editor, but it also results in less clutter. See #1124. 15 November 2023, 17:30:15 UTC
d0efb82 Fix the way that metas are registered to ensure proper subtype is passed. See #1124. 14 November 2023, 20:38:28 UTC
c48a54e Use icon for plugin settings panel. See #1124. 14 November 2023, 19:43:22 UTC
0e7293b eslint issues. 14 November 2023, 17:22:56 UTC
61e829b Whitespace. 14 November 2023, 17:22:48 UTC
0aebd7f Display Source Link in block editor sidebar for nominations. See #1124. 14 November 2023, 17:22:17 UTC
4d38fdb Fix spelling error. 14 November 2023, 17:04:33 UTC
741a4c5 Improve asset loading strategy for block-editor-specific assets. This makes it more consistent to load scripts and styles that are needed only in the Block Editor. See #1124. 14 November 2023, 17:02:40 UTC
7b0dfa2 When loading block Nom This, tag queries should get exact matches only. The REST client supports only searches, which can yield non-exact and partial matches. See #1124. 14 November 2023, 15:41:58 UTC
02808e1 Update Nominate This shortcut link in Tools section. Block is now the default UI, so the default shortcut should point to post-new.php. In situations where the site admin has forced Classic, or where the Classic Editor plugin allows the user to prefer Classic, PF's redirects will automatically move the user to the correct editor. See #1124. 10 November 2023, 20:30:05 UTC
c4c1df1 Add 'Force Classic Editor for Nominate This' setting to the 'Site' tab of the plugin settings page. See #1124. 10 November 2023, 20:21:08 UTC
1996967 Refined logic for `pressforward_use_block_nominate_this()`. In order to more closely follow the settings in the Classic Editor plugin, we mimic the core filters that WP itself uses to determine which editor to use. Then plugins like Classic Editor filter them, and we use the filtered values to determine whether to use the block or classic editor. This change means that the config setting will become "Force Classic editor for Nominate This", and the default behavior will be Block, where Block is available. See #1124. 10 November 2023, 20:07:24 UTC
0714c9d Redirect to the correct Nominate This interface, depending on config settings. See #1124. 10 November 2023, 19:21:26 UTC
211f66e Add filterable option that determines whether to use Classic or Block Nominate This. See #1124. 10 November 2023, 19:21:00 UTC
372e3be Initial pass at Block Editor Nominate This. This includes the following: * We continue to use the same basic infrastructure for fetching remote URL content in nominate-this.js. But this file then includes branching for modifying the interface in Block vs Classic. I went with this approach so that I could avoid extra abstraction at the moment, though we might revisit to separate concerns somewhat. * I use some tricks to change strings to get rid of 'Publish' language in favor of 'Nominate'. * The 'Fetching from URL' notices shown on slow-loading sites are loaded in the block editor via the Notices API. See #1124. 09 November 2023, 21:10:06 UTC
98bf8c8 Update build tasks for block editor Nominate This. See #1124. 09 November 2023, 21:09:44 UTC
76d47d0 Block-editor specific scripts for Nominate This. This component is specific to Inspector controls that are related to the nomination flow. The remote URL fetching logic is in the primary nominate-this.js library. See #1124. 09 November 2023, 21:08:53 UTC
a449308 Whitespace. 09 November 2023, 21:08:36 UTC
81dd074 Script loading improvements. - Ensure that nominate-this-block-editor script is loaded - Add infrastructure to allow some scripts to depend on wp-api, which cannot be detected by `@wordpress/scripts` 09 November 2023, 21:07:35 UTC
fe15fa7 .map() expects a return value, even though we don't use it. 09 November 2023, 19:24:37 UTC
acc72a6 JSDoc improvements in nominate-this.js. 09 November 2023, 19:24:24 UTC
c986f58 When importing remote featured image during nomination, force image extension to lowercase. Sometimes they come through as .JPG etc and we need to accept them. 09 November 2023, 19:23:26 UTC
8035c8b Specify 2-space indent for JS files. 09 November 2023, 19:23:07 UTC
de17c70 Catch 'item_feat_img' postmeta from block editor and process featured image. See #1124. 06 November 2023, 19:41:59 UTC
025cba4 Ensure that item_feat_img metadata is available in API. Necessary for the block editor. See #1124. 06 November 2023, 19:41:29 UTC
0bc19d9 Ensure that 'nomination' custom fields can be accessed in block editor. See #1124. 03 November 2023, 19:35:58 UTC
c8fe977 Only show published nominations on Nominations page. When using the block editor, WP saves an auto-draft several seconds after the post is initially populated. We don't want these auto-drafts to appear on the nominations page. See #1124. 03 November 2023, 19:35:09 UTC
26cb551 Allow custom fields to show in rest. See #1124. 03 November 2023, 19:34:49 UTC
12701de Check whether OPML upload is allowed before showing Upload OPML button. Fixes #1172. 28 September 2023, 00:45:20 UTC
ad5a378 Remove 'No HTTPS allowed' message from OPML upload page. There is in fact no restriction on fetching HTTPS items. Fixes #1173. 28 September 2023, 00:12:05 UTC
dfa5709 Bump PHPStan level to 5. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:27:44 UTC
9697d04 Ignore PHPStan false positives related to the `$args` param in WP cron functions. It thinks that WP expects arrays of int/mixed for `$args` but this appears incorrect; WP in fact stores `$args` as strings. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:27:00 UTC
798c3ff Ignore JWT controller when scanning with PHPStan. There appears to be a series of bugs in the JWT controller with regard to how keys are encoded and decoded. PF attempts to pass strings to the methods in Firebase\JWT where that library expects full Key objects or arrays. I'm unsure at this time how the system is intended to be used, so I'm leaving it broken and ignoring it in CI. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:25:32 UTC
ac3a3e2 Some standardization of parameters in Controllers\Metas. The `$state` parameter on `add_meta()` and related methods was being used inconsistently, sometimes as a uniqueness boolean and sometimes as a value check (ie, only update a piece of metadata if the key AND value match). I've eliminated the latter types of checks and standardized on the boolean `$is_unique` treatment throughout. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:24:07 UTC
bac835d Pass proper param type to `set_post_format()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:19:15 UTC
f3899ca Pass strings to `sanitize_key()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:16:58 UTC
0a111c5 Force string parameter to `pf_feed_object()`. 27 September 2023, 15:01:36 UTC
b980f22 Standardize on `int` for `$item_id` param of `get_the_guid()` wrappers. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 15:00:18 UTC
206003d Pass integers to `get_the_title()`, `get_term()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:58:49 UTC
212fba2 Fix order of operations in JWT key generation callback. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:57:58 UTC
6cf409e `DateTime::createFromFormat()` expects second param to be a string, even if it's a Unix timestamp. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:56:41 UTC
899f049 Fix parameter type passed to `get_taxonomies()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:55:30 UTC
6f761cf HTTP headers must be strings. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:54:37 UTC
e49d44f Omit `$callback` param when creating Folders submenu item. An empty string is an invalid parameter type here. We don't need a callback because we're invoking a core taxonomy page, so we can safely omit the parameter. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:52:20 UTC
5beb44b Pass strings to `esc_html()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:48:47 UTC
b22e415 More removal of unused methods. See #1149. 27 September 2023, 14:46:08 UTC
d1b827b Remove unused `resolve_nomination_state()` method. See #1149. 27 September 2023, 14:44:44 UTC
e3412d4 Pass proper param type to `pf_thing_trasher()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:43:22 UTC
cd9560b Pass strings to `esc_html()`. See #1167. 27 September 2023, 14:43:10 UTC
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