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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
a29c802 Sort for layout, but don't reorder. This fixes a bug in the pie layout sorting where we want the sort order to affect the layout, but not the order in which arcs are rendered—and furthermore we want the order of arcs to always match the order of data. (If you want to sort the data, do that before it is passed to the layout.) 24 February 2011, 22:36:57 UTC
ade083d More convenient pies. This adds d3.layout.pie, which can be used to compute the start and end angles for arcs given an arbitrary array of data. In addition, d3.svg.arc now has a `centroid` method that computes the center of the arc, useful for labeling. Together these changes greatly simplify the donut & pie examples. This commit also includes a `map` method for selections, which is similar to the `filter` method. This allows you to map the data bound to the current selection. I'm not currently using it, but it seems like a useful feature for those cases where you want to rebind the current selection to different (but related) data. 24 February 2011, 22:13:05 UTC
23dc44e Oops, include sqrt transform. 23 February 2011, 21:04:18 UTC
77f81a0 Merge branch 'master' of Conflicts: src/core/core.js 23 February 2011, 20:35:41 UTC
3ecb753 Non-contiguous cartogram example. Also includes new d3.geom.polygon.centroid method. Props to Zachary Johnson for the inspiration! 23 February 2011, 20:33:18 UTC
59c32fc Fix subgroup sorting in chord layout. 23 February 2011, 17:09:43 UTC
6d8a51b Merge branch 'array_slice' of into jasondavies-array_slice Conflicts: src/core/call.js 19 February 2011, 20:41:21 UTC
d563b53 Remove slice(arguments). 18 February 2011, 23:10:17 UTC
e6bfd66 Split `d3_array` into `d3_arrayNodes` and `d3_arrayArguments`. 18 February 2011, 19:50:26 UTC
fe5fdb3 Fix `d3_array` for older/more esoteric browsers. This code is adapted from `makeArray` in Sizzle.js. 18 February 2011, 18:40:35 UTC
8da80dc Support for Sizzle. D3 now supports Sizzle, preferring Sizzle to the native Selectors API if Sizzle is available. Sizzle internally uses the native Selectors API and thus this should have minimal performance implications; also, it allows you to use Sizzle proprietary extensions such as ":first". This commit also restricts the definition of the enter selection so that only append and insert operations are defined. The other operations were generally unsupported anyway, and it cleans up the code to have separate implementations for insert and append. (I might enable additional operations in the future, such as `filter`, `sort` and `each`, but this seems like a reasonable first pass.) 17 February 2011, 19:56:13 UTC
c31590e Add support for namespaced listeners. You can now also remove listeners by specifying a null listener. 16 February 2011, 17:53:48 UTC
67f122b Fix scroll events for Firefox 16 February 2011, 13:26:54 UTC
77a061f Add d3.svg.symbol. The `symbol` class can be used to generate dot symbols for scatterplots. This commit also fixes a couple bugs with negative-domain log and pow scales, as well as tick generation. 14 February 2011, 07:20:10 UTC
0e1c1fa Add d3.geo.bounds. This method can be used for computing the bounding box of arbitrary GeoJSON objects. This commit also fixes a bug in d3.geo.path, such that it will accept any GeoJSON object, rather than requiring GeoJSON feature objects. 12 February 2011, 03:42:52 UTC
c34cd15 Add color-by-area with zoom example. This uses d3.geo.path to compute the projected area (in square pixels) of each county in the choropleth. It also usees d3.behavior.zoom to add geometric pan and zoom. 12 February 2011, 01:35:21 UTC
12eb5c1 Add geometric zooming example. 11 February 2011, 21:44:56 UTC
d215ace Add d3.behavior module. Includes, as the first behavior, a pan & zoom behavior. The canvas can be panned by dragging the mouse, and zoomed using the mousewheel (or by double-click). By listening to redraw events, users can decide whether to implement geometric zooming (such as by setting the "transform" attribute on an `svg:g` element) or semantic zooming (by changing the domain of a scale object and repositioning elements). This commit also includes two bug fixes. The `d3.format` class now properly groups thousands of negative numbers, and supports the sign specifier. The unicode minus symbol \u2212 is used for negative values. The `d3.scale.pow` class now properly handles negative numbers, as well. 11 February 2011, 21:00:41 UTC
b423122 Fix two bugs in transitions. First, always coerce the tween target value (the value of the style or attribute at the end of the transition) to a string. This guarantees that the correct interpolator is chosen, and avoids a null dereference. Second, default color channels to zero rather than undefined, so as to avoid NaN channel values if there is an error parsing the color. This can occur, say, if the background color of a div is unset and defaults to "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)". 08 February 2011, 23:59:03 UTC
e4935b1 Add brushing & linking to splom. 07 February 2011, 17:56:05 UTC
99c31e1 Don't include empty arrays in d3.split. 02 February 2011, 20:59:10 UTC
ea5ebb1 Don't use the null context. Instead, use the group data array as the context when evaluating the join key function on the new data. 02 February 2011, 20:10:39 UTC
8186c4b Restructure chord example. 01 February 2011, 05:59:49 UTC
f8ae20d Simplify data join. Add insert & empty. The data join is now specified as a single function of data, as with all other properties. This allows the key to be computed on the previously-bound data, rather than requiring the key to be serialized into the DOM (say, as an attribute). In the case that there is no previously-bound data, it is still possible to access the associated node as the `this` context. The `enter` operator no longer performs an append. For symmetry with the `exit` operator, you must call `append` after obtaining the entering selection. This requires a tiny bit more code, but should make the code more clear. Also, it provides an opportunity to use a different instantiation operator, such as the new `insert` operator. This takes a second argument, which is a selector for the insert-before reference element. For example, the selector ":first-child" will prepend nodes. The `empty` operator allows you to query whether a selection is empty (i.e., contains zero matching nodes). 31 January 2011, 19:00:35 UTC
44e67e2 Restructure calendar example. 31 January 2011, 06:01:15 UTC
1de75bc Fix Firefox bug with style transitions. You can't set the priority to be undefined; it has to be null. (Even though null == undefined in JavaScript, but let's not be picky!) 29 January 2011, 00:26:09 UTC
811aa10 Scale interpolators & range rounding. You can now override the scale interpolator by calling the `interpolate` method. One particularly useful interpolator is the new `d3.interpolateRound`, which is like `interpolateNumber`, except that it returns integers. This makes it easier to produce a scale that outputs exact pixel values, and avoid antialiasing artifacts. For convenience, the quantitative scales have a `rangeRound` method which sets the range and the interpolator at the same time. Similarly, a `rangeRoundBands` has been added to the ordinal scale. 28 January 2011, 21:14:43 UTC
8036608 Use `d3.event` to reference current event. 27 January 2011, 23:13:56 UTC
bf4c410 Fix for lack of global `event` e.g. in FF 3.6. 27 January 2011, 22:58:29 UTC
5748994 Add d3.scale.quantize. A quantize scale is much like a linear scale, but it returns a discrete value from a set range (similar to quantile and ordinal scales). 25 January 2011, 19:31:54 UTC
41c91fd Merge branch 'force' 21 January 2011, 19:59:14 UTC
1a6163c Add d3.geom.quadtree. 21 January 2011, 19:59:05 UTC
ce07649 Move to id. 20 January 2011, 18:40:14 UTC
9ae67c7 Add ISO-3166 country codes. 20 January 2011, 18:25:03 UTC
ca2e207 Fix initial opacity. 17 January 2011, 22:16:53 UTC
c678ecb Remove cruft. 17 January 2011, 20:34:02 UTC
870bc20 Remove cruft. 17 January 2011, 20:32:19 UTC
6530773 Add d3.layout.stack, d3.min, d3.max. 17 January 2011, 20:27:29 UTC
473ee4f Update examples index. 12 January 2011, 00:45:29 UTC
6a4a2d1 Allow d3.geo.albersUsa to be rescaled. 11 January 2011, 22:25:25 UTC
487037e Merge branch 'jheer-master' Adds support for contours (d3.geom.contour) and cardinal spline interpolation. I've extended cardinal spline interpolation to d3.svg.area, and added closed basis spline interpolation. The spline tension is now set using a named method, and closed splines can be generated using basis-closed and cardinal-closed, respectively. This commit also includes Jeff's nifty clustered force-directed graph example! 11 January 2011, 00:05:58 UTC
7048af6 Fix a bug in transitions (`tx` is undefined). If the same element were selected multiple times, then the transition would be cleared on the associated node, causing `tx` to be undefined. We now abort the transition in this case, rather than causing a JavaScript error. 10 January 2011, 01:33:35 UTC
373ddee Add nest, keys, values & entries operators. 08 January 2011, 23:18:38 UTC
f0bf366 Fix for nearly whole d3.svg.arc's. It's surprisingly difficult to render a circle in SVG. 05 January 2011, 23:38:38 UTC
888ee9d Reformat us-counties.json for readability. 05 January 2011, 23:38:17 UTC
bdcb648 Turn off the compiler's "advanced" optimizations. The renaming of attributes is totally not worth the hassle of maintaining an externs file (or using the awkward `foo["bar"]` syntax). The file size reduction from the advanced optimizations was negligible, besides! 05 January 2011, 19:35:39 UTC
bfed47b Ignore NaN in d3.scale.quantile. Also, expose a `quantiles` method for returning the array of quantile thresholds. 04 January 2011, 23:01:09 UTC
085eb2f Add path.area(). This computes the projected area (in square pixels) of the given GeoJSON object. This is useful for producing choropleth maps that area normalized to the visible area. 04 January 2011, 22:14:53 UTC
19d478f Add quantile scale. 03 January 2011, 18:30:36 UTC
2cdaf6a Fix a bug when rendering certain arcs. Also, don't forget you need attr("fill-rule", "evenodd") for rings! 17 December 2010, 20:50:53 UTC
5067f0a Move cardinal splines to svg/line.js 16 December 2010, 06:06:24 UTC
633a931 Add cardinal splines and clustered graph example 15 December 2010, 17:32:29 UTC
70cb535 Merge branch 'master' of git:// 15 December 2010, 16:46:23 UTC
8f757c2 Update version number. 14 December 2010, 22:41:41 UTC
c8a2c9d Placeholder ticks for d3.scale.pow. Just reuse the linear tick algorithm for now. 14 December 2010, 22:41:04 UTC
be85713 Fix bug in `classed` operator. Need to reset the `lastIndex` attribute of the regular expression to 0. 11 December 2010, 00:14:42 UTC
2bdf55c Better XHR utilities. Two new XHR utilities are included in this commit for fetching XML and HTML data. The latter can be used to scrape data from websites that don't support a more suitable API (such as JSON or XML), conveniently using the W3C DOM API including selectors. Parsing HTML is surprisingly tricky, as browser support for it is poorly standardized. It's possible to embed the HTML in the current document or an iframe, but that runs embedded scripts and loads external resources (images, stylesheets), which is a security hazard! Our approach uses the DOM Level 2 Range API, and the nonstandard createContextualFragment method, which is supported by major browsers. Strangely, WebKit (Chrome & Safari) can only access the body of the loaded HTML document, whereas Firefox parses the whole document. 09 December 2010, 23:04:24 UTC
8a6d054 Clarify Tornado installation instructions. 09 December 2010, 22:46:45 UTC
b9ad0a4 Minor tweaks and beautification 07 December 2010, 04:48:11 UTC
ecf796c Added contour by marching squares 07 December 2010, 04:27:25 UTC
7278115 Update version to 0.27.1. 06 December 2010, 23:36:22 UTC
2f63829 Simple CCW test for convex hull 06 December 2010, 20:52:37 UTC
6d97ab2 Add `classed` operator for toggling CSS classes. 30 November 2010, 21:40:05 UTC
bbcf25e Fix a bug with zero-duration transitions. Also, don't generate chords if both the source and target value are zero. 29 November 2010, 00:28:48 UTC
6307364 Add layout module, with layout.chord class. 28 November 2010, 21:15:07 UTC
f02364d More refactoring of svg.chord. 28 November 2010, 19:39:35 UTC
e08ff41 Add a little mouseover interaction. 28 November 2010, 04:35:57 UTC
c86d8bc Allow chords to link back to themselves. 28 November 2010, 02:19:30 UTC
5ae51b2 Simplify svg.chord API. We now use the same property accessors (startAngle, endAngle and radius) for two source and target objects. Note that you don't have to structure your data hierarchically; you can define a source and target accessor that restructures the data on the fly. 27 November 2010, 22:13:02 UTC
ed9321d Update examples index. 27 November 2010, 22:10:07 UTC
c021172 Add d3.{split,merge}. These are symmetric operators for splitting and merging (blending) arrays. The split operator is useful for line and area charts where some of the data points may be undefined; split the data into subarrays and render each as its own line or area. This commit also fixes a bug in d3.svg.line when the data array is empty. 27 November 2010, 18:35:11 UTC
163a37e Add svg.chord class. 27 November 2010, 09:07:00 UTC
d16d680 Use d3.svg.area for streamgraph example. 27 November 2010, 02:01:21 UTC
b786b5c Add b-spline support to d3.svg.{line,area}. I'll add support for other types of splines shortly. These classes now also support constants for the various x and y properties. Also, the area class can now be used with a variable baseline (y0) for creating streamgraphs. I will update the current streamgraph demo to use d3.svg.area in a future commit. 27 November 2010, 01:55:45 UTC
1855ca2 Add moire pattern example. 26 November 2010, 23:12:36 UTC
46b5d54 Minor beautification. 23 November 2010, 07:58:27 UTC
bbe029f Added convex hull at d3.geom.hull 23 November 2010, 00:21:46 UTC
9761e25 Fix externs. Fix reentrant events. 19 November 2010, 01:33:56 UTC
35ec68a RGB-HSL and HSL-RGB conversion. New categorical colors. 16 November 2010, 08:05:22 UTC
7cb9d58 Add selection.node(). 12 November 2010, 02:32:13 UTC
5b43420 Fix delay in stack transition. 11 November 2010, 06:43:02 UTC
9f92558 Add transition.remove. Better staged transitions. Transitions created within the end event of an earlier transition now reuse the same transition ID, which allows staged transitions to continue in parallel even if the a later transition has been scheduled. Now that transitions support remove, we can dispatch transition end events even if the active transition does not own the element. 10 November 2010, 23:46:58 UTC
7f7ce5c Another fix for concurrent transitions. Don't run older transitions after newer transitions complete. 10 November 2010, 01:54:52 UTC
cf6db8a Fix overlapping exit & update transitions. 10 November 2010, 00:14:49 UTC
138fd92 Add Mercator projection. 09 November 2010, 22:45:31 UTC
d21a500 Fix bug in style tween. 09 November 2010, 22:42:31 UTC
fbdad9c Add world administrative boundaries GeoJSON file. 09 November 2010, 22:41:14 UTC
caab7aa Cancel concurrent transitions. 09 November 2010, 06:49:31 UTC
ef4088e Defer interpolator initialization. We don't want to compute the start value of the interpolator until the instance starts transitioning. 09 November 2010, 05:55:31 UTC
f8557b9 Tweak README. 08 November 2010, 22:51:07 UTC
f629ad5 Update README. 08 November 2010, 22:34:14 UTC
156ff68 Move Voronoi & Delaunay code into geom module. 08 November 2010, 05:09:59 UTC
bcf37e4 Generate Delaunay from Voronoi. 08 November 2010, 04:57:25 UTC
841f354 Tweak clipping code. 08 November 2010, 00:56:02 UTC
ee58048 Make Voronoi implementation compile with Closure. 07 November 2010, 23:59:40 UTC
ae5d3fb Oops, invert area for clockwise polygons. 07 November 2010, 21:53:47 UTC
a502859 Add d3.geom module. For now, just Sutherland-Hodgman clipping and area of a convex polygon. 07 November 2010, 21:49:59 UTC
57059e3 Replace previous optimization with filter. It's probably best to assume that if the attr is being set, it's changing, and therefore we shouldn't check the original value. The caller can now use the filter operator to optimize, if needed. 07 November 2010, 16:53:34 UTC
cfe47b5 Add mouseover interaction to Voronoi example. Also, change svg.mouse so that it returns an array [x, y] rather than {x, y}; this makes it easier to convert to a string, e.g., for SVG's transform attribute. Also, optimize selection.attr so that it checks the attribute value before setting the attribute. (I thought it would be slower to check, but surprisingly it's not!) 07 November 2010, 07:12:45 UTC
56ef531 Return closed polygons for Voronoi, rather than edges. 07 November 2010, 02:10:50 UTC
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