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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
b0686e2 Merge branch '2.10.0' 10 August 2012, 03:11:48 UTC
ee03eb6 Merge branch 'master' of git:// into 2.10.0 10 August 2012, 01:46:28 UTC
cded852 Add d3.lab and d3.hcl. Includes d3.interpolateLab and d3.interpolateHcl. 09 August 2012, 04:22:21 UTC
952abef Add d3.random.{logNormal,irwinHall}. Fixes #571. 09 August 2012, 03:42:12 UTC
e42eb90 Add d3.scale.threshold. Fixes #755. 09 August 2012, 03:33:30 UTC
3d4d679 Fix for locale-specific abbreviations. 09 August 2012, 02:12:43 UTC
15ba641 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/map' into 2.10.0 Conflicts: src/core/transition-attr.js src/core/transition-style.js 09 August 2012, 01:08:47 UTC
2d9fe17 Expose d3.tween. Fixes #747. This is a little bit more verbose, but it avoids additional optional arguments on transition.{attr,style}. 09 August 2012, 00:53:46 UTC
79a3c0d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pack-padding' into 2.10.0 09 August 2012, 00:36:40 UTC
7ac1ae7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/delimiter-separated-values' into 2.10.0 09 August 2012, 00:36:01 UTC
7c6a7fd Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ordinal-band-padding' into 2.10.0 09 August 2012, 00:35:19 UTC
90ae6c0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/custom-line-interpolation' into 2.10.0 Conflicts: src/svg/line.js 09 August 2012, 00:34:25 UTC
f069348 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/transition-interpolate' into 2.10.0 Conflicts: src/core/interpolate.js 09 August 2012, 00:32:32 UTC
609ab91 Merge branch 'time-format-locale' into 2.10.0 09 August 2012, 00:30:36 UTC
fbcc82b Remove duplicate locale specification. 07 August 2012, 19:35:10 UTC
d6d2792 Allow static localization of d3.time.format. You can now build a locale-specific version of d3.time.format. For example, LANG=fr_FR make will pull strings from the time/format-fr_FR.js file, rather than en_US. 07 August 2012, 19:21:49 UTC
48570c6 Multi-value map support for transitions. 05 August 2012, 23:39:11 UTC
07f72be Multi-value map support for on. 05 August 2012, 23:29:04 UTC
74596a9 Remove support for functions that return maps. 05 August 2012, 22:52:10 UTC
f2b45c1 Multi-value map support for classed. 05 August 2012, 21:54:02 UTC
a39ca24 Better comments and minor optimization. 05 August 2012, 17:42:28 UTC
d4f6f4d Minor optimization and better comments. 05 August 2012, 17:38:00 UTC
b20c823 Better comments. Test most-specific first. 05 August 2012, 17:09:16 UTC
ce8852b Multi-value map support for property. 05 August 2012, 16:53:33 UTC
5c1dd6d Multi-value map support for style. 05 August 2012, 16:53:07 UTC
1976674 Multi-value map support for attr. 05 August 2012, 16:52:31 UTC
91630af Revert piecewise interpolation for transforms. Rather than adopting CSS’s elaborate rules for detecting when the start and end transform are the same type as using piecewise (i.e., string-based) interpolation, we always use the consolidated transform transition. If you want to use string-based interpolation, simply specify d3.interpolateString as the interpolator. Fixes #746. 04 August 2012, 19:13:16 UTC
3064f0a Custom interpolators for transition.{attr, style}. Fixes #747. 04 August 2012, 19:02:17 UTC
6dd9939 Merge branch 'fix-minus' into 2.9.8 03 August 2012, 00:50:14 UTC
da3131c Use hyphen instead of unicode minus for negatives. Although the unicode minus is typographically correct, using the standard hyphen is more conventional (and is compatible with standard parsing). 03 August 2012, 00:48:26 UTC
4801b69 Merge branch 'fix-time-scale-nice' into 2.9.8 01 August 2012, 21:31:00 UTC
b484273 Add test for rotate-origin transitions. 01 August 2012, 21:29:21 UTC
e56e246 Clarify matrix decomposition comment slightly. 01 August 2012, 12:31:48 UTC
bb075f6 Fix rotate transforms with non-zero origin. Previously, only the angle was being interpolated. Unfortunately, it looks like the origin information is lost when converted to a matrix. For example, "rotate(0 100 100)" is the identity matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]. Interpolating the matrix decomposition seems better than dropping the origin altogether. 01 August 2012, 12:23:35 UTC
7133162 Fix nice implementation for time scales. The previous implementation didn't handle polylinear domains correctly. 01 August 2012, 02:38:36 UTC
108d65d Merge branch '2.9.7' 31 July 2012, 21:59:49 UTC
540d3ac Fix polar clock example. The shortest-path interpolation for HSL was causing all the bars to be the same color. Switching to string-interpolation preserves the original behavior. 31 July 2012, 21:54:04 UTC
b878f25 Merge branch 'transform-null' of git:// into 2.9.7 Conflicts: examples/transform/test-rotate.html src/core/interpolate.js 31 July 2012, 21:46:28 UTC
06deb8f Don't use shortest-path for same-type transitions. If the transform transition isn't the same type, then we can use the shortest- path for rotate transitions. But, if the transforms are the same type, then we should use the simpler string interpolation without the shortest-path. 31 July 2012, 20:56:18 UTC
ea48a4a Merge branch 'bisect-large' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 20:30:39 UTC
cb832c1 Fix d3.time.dayOfYear test. 31 July 2012, 20:29:20 UTC
7905b83 Merge branch 'fix-time-tests' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 20:20:26 UTC
20d38f8 Update transform/test-rotate. We no longer pick the shortest path for same type transitions. 31 July 2012, 15:15:30 UTC
11e1efa Same type transforms: support matrix functions. 31 July 2012, 13:51:49 UTC
65a4645 d3.bisect: support very large arrays. 31 July 2012, 13:00:26 UTC
e9abea5 More efficient handling of null transforms. Avoid unnecessary object creation. 31 July 2012, 12:42:48 UTC
ed131d2 Add support for interpolating null transform lists. For consistency with CSS3 [1], a null "from" or "to" transform list is replaced by an identity function list whose types match those of the non-null transform list. [1]: 31 July 2012, 12:01:45 UTC
ba009d9 Fix typo in comments: coallesce → coalesce. 31 July 2012, 11:03:01 UTC
b4d7993 Use shortest path even for large angles. 31 July 2012, 07:38:13 UTC
43360e4 Merge branch 'linear-closed-interpolation' into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 07:30:31 UTC
b102a48 Use shortest path for rotate transitions. 31 July 2012, 07:27:14 UTC
f0c5c46 Undo changes to transform/test-rotate. 31 July 2012, 06:43:35 UTC
62d18a1 Merge branch 'fix-us-counties' into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 06:39:40 UTC
4c66d7d Merge branch 'beautify' into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 02:43:47 UTC
ef8672c Condense d3.interpolateTransform slightly. Also, fix the transform rotate test. 31 July 2012, 02:42:32 UTC
14ab1b3 Merge branch 'transform' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:54:22 UTC
5e7c5dd Merge branch 'fix-event-callbacks' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:20:11 UTC
90bfec5 Merge branch 'fix-time-full-year' into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:18:48 UTC
45f742b Merge branch 'dbltap' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:18:04 UTC
3d6acd0 Merge branch 'faster-linear-interpolation' into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:17:15 UTC
e74a925 Merge branch 'fix-classed-remove' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:16:33 UTC
151d5fe Merge branch 'fix-time-dayOfYear' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:13:32 UTC
d449be9 Merge branch 'transition-filter' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:12:37 UTC
313c5b3 Merge branch 'pack-opt' of git:// into 2.9.7 31 July 2012, 01:11:07 UTC
e0275d5 Merge counties into MultiPolygons as needed. Fixes #620. Also adds county names. 31 July 2012, 00:05:24 UTC
e4181f3 rebuild minimized version 26 July 2012, 00:26:06 UTC
a912896 properly declare my new variable (it was just a transcription error, really!) 26 July 2012, 00:25:03 UTC
ef1730b an extension of monotonicity so that local minima and maxima in data are respected (that is the local maxima of the curve only occurs at the local maxima of the data) 25 July 2012, 23:24:26 UTC
7e92806 slight error in the implementation of Cubic Hermite Splines 25 July 2012, 23:23:22 UTC
1e69f5e Fixes custom timezone tests for Node.js 0.8.x. The process.env.TZ trick no longer seems to work. The fix automatically adds an offset to the minutes being set, relative to the current timezone. It assumes that the dates being tested in the scope are not in DST, since the offset is relative to the timezone offset at the epoch. 25 July 2012, 20:35:03 UTC
aa3e38e Fix and add tests for transition.filter. Thanks, @mbostock! 25 July 2012, 18:36:21 UTC
5b04aa0 Inherit ID, time and ease from parent transition. Thanks, @mbostock! 25 July 2012, 17:22:03 UTC
4188113 Add missing file. 25 July 2012, 17:18:44 UTC
eadf003 Clamp Math.sqrt to be on the safe side. 25 July 2012, 14:26:05 UTC
9b3e780 Further optimisation of d3.layout.pack. Also avoids floating point errors without clamping, hopefully. 25 July 2012, 12:46:20 UTC
7c28977 Minor optimisation for d3.layout.pack. Uses the identity sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1. 25 July 2012, 12:00:40 UTC
29a674b Add missing semicolon. 25 July 2012, 09:58:06 UTC
1893f29 Add transition.filter. Fixes #726. Behaves the same as selection.filter. 25 July 2012, 09:02:49 UTC
c3716c7 Minor optimisations to d3.interpolateTransform. 24 July 2012, 20:25:55 UTC
a40c153 Retain d3.transform's public API. That is, d3.transform is for decomposing a matrix. 24 July 2012, 20:17:11 UTC
feb2cef Amend previous commit to use private methods. 24 July 2012, 18:49:39 UTC
839fcd4 Interpolate "same type" transforms in isolation. For consistency with CSS3's 2D transforms, two transforms with the same number of transform functions and corresponding functions of the same type are treated differently: each transform function is interpolated in isolation. This allows us to interpolate many transforms that contain constant functions in a more useful way, e.g. "rotate(<variable>)translate(<constant>)" The variable rotation angle would now be linearly interpolated on its own, keeping the constant translation vector constant. 24 July 2012, 17:45:52 UTC
e8f5d86 Fix #720: d3.time.dayOfYear floating-point error. 23 July 2012, 17:34:39 UTC
fe80362 Minor optimisation and Chrome bug workaround. There appears to be a bug in Chrome causing the whole tab to crash when setting svgNode.className.baseVal = "" for a newly-created element without a non-empty class name: This fix is a minor optimisation: if the current class is empty then removing a class should be a no-op. It also conveniently works around the Chrome bug. 23 July 2012, 15:15:01 UTC
7c3f2cc pass group index (and any potential other arguments in future) on to event handler 21 July 2012, 01:00:10 UTC
fd308af Beautify d3.v2.js. The main advantage of beautification is that we can add abundant source comments to the original files without increasing the size of d3.v2.js. 19 July 2012, 18:07:36 UTC
fb86373 Add generated file. 19 July 2012, 18:02:35 UTC
7442d95 Merge branch 'date-2d' of git:// into fix-time-full-year 17 July 2012, 21:00:08 UTC
83b5f45 Fix #711 for years in the first century. Alas, the JavaScript Date constructor is Y2K-centric. 17 July 2012, 20:45:34 UTC
5c1cd6b Add generated file. 17 July 2012, 20:45:18 UTC
544addb Fix node-canvas example. 13 July 2012, 16:02:12 UTC
42b9253 Convert 2-digit years according to POSIX. This is also the convention used by Python 1.5.2+. Values 69-99 are mapped to 1969-1999, and values 0–68 are mapped to 2000–2068. 10 July 2012, 15:40:19 UTC
69f02eb Don't interpret double-pan as double-tap. Firstly, the last-touched-time was being set on touchend, even if a pan gesture had occurred. This caused a pan quickly followed by a single tap to be interpreted as a double-tap. In this fix, the time is only set on touchstart. Secondly, the time is cleared on touchmove, so that a pan gesture cancels double-tap detection. 05 July 2012, 07:44:28 UTC
8c9fed4 Add linear-closed interpolation. Fixes #610. 04 July 2012, 18:22:08 UTC
9cf2595 Faster linear interpolation. 04 July 2012, 18:21:05 UTC
c5d230d Merge branch '2.9.6' 03 July 2012, 01:08:52 UTC
2643a86 Merge branch 'fix-axis-transition' into 2.9.6 03 July 2012, 01:06:53 UTC
3d40415 Merge branch 'faster-geo-path' into 2.9.6 03 July 2012, 01:06:23 UTC
306a3e3 Merge branch 'fix-interpolate-hsl' into 2.9.6 03 July 2012, 01:05:51 UTC
d0b0af5 Fix more bugs in circle clipping. It was returning 0 rather than null when a feature was completely clipped, and it was crashing when a closed polygon was completely clipped. 03 July 2012, 00:42:23 UTC
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