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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f742a96 Upgrade to v0.2.2 02 March 2017, 23:57:34 UTC
cbfd4c3 Travis PyPI deploy: add wheel 02 March 2017, 23:46:45 UTC
2587193 Limit deployment to Python 3.6 job only 02 March 2017, 23:34:01 UTC
a34946f Remove, switching to Travis deploy 02 March 2017, 23:29:01 UTC
8858d78 Travis CI: deploy to PyPI 02 March 2017, 23:23:09 UTC
0b7baab Travis CI: deploy to GitHub Releases 02 March 2017, 23:23:09 UTC
8f74660 Use pandoc to generate README.rst Closes 02 March 2017, 22:47:41 UTC
91562f7 Expand lists 02 March 2017, 22:10:21 UTC
d026d13 Change neo4j import queue size defaults Intended to speed up the hetnet importation into Neo4j. See 02 March 2017, 21:39:57 UTC
bf8f548 Minor cleaning of 02 March 2017, 21:36:53 UTC
7fe01f1 Add py2neo version 3 URI compatibility (#8) Closes Closes Closes 02 March 2017, 21:28:39 UTC
48b65b0 Disable failing pytest feature in travis py34 16 February 2017, 00:28:25 UTC
d32ba2a Add support for bidirectional self-loop edges Do not allow the adding of duplicate edges. 16 February 2017, 00:23:24 UTC
8531e2b Improve tests 15 February 2017, 23:35:03 UTC
7472d90 Make abbreviation tests pytest discoverable 15 February 2017, 23:06:00 UTC
0799fe3 Add Travis CI 15 February 2017, 22:35:59 UTC
903a4c8 Count nodes and edges in graph 15 February 2017, 22:18:32 UTC
69aea62 Fix tests with updated import path 15 February 2017, 22:17:16 UTC
042ba59 Add pip install from PyPi command 29 September 2016, 00:48:20 UTC
321fc74 Move pypandoc to dev but not install dependency Upload to PyPI as v0.2.1. performs upload 29 September 2016, 00:47:11 UTC
ace55ab Prepare 0.2.0 release and ready for PyPI 05 September 2016, 19:45:59 UTC
63a3737 Add get_unicode_str function to BasePath 05 September 2016, 17:23:41 UTC
6d4a6f9 Check type for edge/path equality 20 May 2016, 18:22:39 UTC
2c135fc Add unicode metaedge str and style dataframe 30 March 2016, 18:15:03 UTC
7542a0d Fix empty labeled unique node constraint bug 22 March 2016, 05:28:33 UTC
4a492cd Separate index and join hints 21 March 2016, 20:32:25 UTC
9517fd4 Fix non-xlsxwriter engine error 18 March 2016, 05:11:26 UTC
7ecb8c9 Fix metanodes with no nodes bug 18 March 2016, 00:44:11 UTC
f7b1f67 Freeze excel header rows 18 March 2016, 00:08:04 UTC
9e29b0c Improve DWPC query Change `paths` to `path`. Singular better expresses the query plan. 17 March 2016, 18:31:31 UTC
e8bcd98 Activate `unique_nodes` by default Simplify the `format_expanded_clause` query to use not equals (`<>`). 17 March 2016, 18:24:53 UTC
d16f26b Merge branch 'master' of 11 March 2016, 23:46:44 UTC
d524498 Sort metanodes and metaeges in writable_from_metagraph 11 March 2016, 23:46:34 UTC
b53848c Enable ftp:// and ftps:// url support 08 March 2016, 15:20:07 UTC
ac3d331 Bug fixes 29 February 2016, 00:49:37 UTC
cdf7dfc Add metanode to degree_df functionality 29 February 2016, 00:06:43 UTC
fe66a5b Add join index hint Adds `USING JOIN ON` index hint in `construct_dwpc_query()` when `using=True`. Previously, this hint was not included due to a bug in neo4j 2.3.1. See 28 February 2016, 22:40:05 UTC
a6c8a28 Standardize metaedge abbreviations Switch from arranging by text to non-inversion when standardizing metaedge abbreviations. Remove direction indicators (inequality symbols), in standardized abbreviations. 22 February 2016, 21:45:13 UTC
9681f11 Exclude inverted edges The user will almost always want to see each metaedge once. Fixes a bug where undirected edges with the same source and target metanode had incorrect counts. 22 February 2016, 21:09:04 UTC
5e3647a Add bzip2 read/write support Refactor file handling. 18 February 2016, 01:14:22 UTC
9370d71 Change statistics reporting Switch from printing to a mix of logging and returning stats. Fixed a index bug in stat reporting. 17 February 2016, 02:35:19 UTC
9facc4b Neo4j XSwap bug fixes Fix swap so: ``` u-->v y v ^ ^ becomes | | x-->y u x ``` Remove property transfer which was causing a relationship not found bug. Use cypher `id` function rather than attribute. Switch incorrect slashes to backslashes. Fix random index selection. 06 January 2016, 17:00:44 UTC
f8d23c3 Add untested Xswap permutation 29 December 2015, 03:07:23 UTC
1aa1964 Add permutation module To perform randomized edge swaps on the hetnet. 19 December 2015, 23:30:19 UTC
de3b607 Make all Cypher functions lowercase 14 December 2015, 01:19:12 UTC
0683f5f Label-aware expanded node uniqueness constraint Add an method for specifying node uniqueness in a path that leverages known node labels. See 14 December 2015, 00:48:58 UTC
f6deae3 Allow unique node constraint Excluding paths with duplicate nodes is a potentially useful feature. See This commit adds an optional duplicate node exclusion for DWPC cypher queries. Thanks @ikwattro for suggesting the nested method. See Thanks @antoine-lizee for suggesting the expanded method. See 09 December 2015, 22:59:09 UTC
079edb2 Add USING clauses to DWPC query Add an option (turned on by default) to include USING clauses in DWPC cypher queries. The USING option directs neo4j to traverse from both ends ( The meet in the middle approach can lead to large efficiency improvements. See for an example. Thanks @jexp for the input. 26 November 2015, 18:38:22 UTC
98121d6 Fix metaedge to metarel conversion bug 25 November 2015, 02:07:58 UTC
d4b5f4e Unique rel_type per metaedge Append abbreviation to rel_type so every metaedge has a unique rel_type. Previous implementation only appended the abbreviation for metaedge to metarel conversion. Add caching for metanode to label conversion, metaedge to rel_type conversion, and metaedge to metarel conversion. 25 November 2015, 01:00:08 UTC
89502d8 Update for pandas 17 24 November 2015, 21:53:53 UTC
a59c85f Improve readability Add some docstrings Reorder code blocks Alphabetically order imports 24 November 2015, 19:35:18 UTC
908f183 Remove ordered option for writable_from_graph() OrderedDict to Dict conversion is easy, so no need to explicitly support creating Dict writables. Give yaml.dump() a Dict rather than an OrderedDict to avoid error. 24 November 2015, 19:24:11 UTC
c9dfafd Remove GML capability The GML is poorly documented. We haven't tested our support in a while and haven't used the feature. Removed for safety. 24 November 2015, 16:30:07 UTC
4874a0e Auto detect format and support metagraph io 24 November 2015, 16:28:40 UTC
446b959 Enable url reading 24 November 2015, 00:22:19 UTC
306ddb1 Add metagraph files for testing 23 November 2015, 23:53:09 UTC
61d831f Remove object reference in metagraph writable 06 November 2015, 16:47:37 UTC
49b22aa Separate metagraph handling for writables Enables creating a writable of only the metagraph or creating a metagraph only from a writable. 06 November 2015, 16:37:34 UTC
8107d78 Make rel_types unique for all metaedges @antoine-lizee discovered excessive node labeling in our Cypher queries was causing performance nightmares. See Therefore, switch to neo4j graphs where each metaedge produces a different relationship type. Accomplish by append the metaedge abbreviation to the end of the rel type. For example, change `ASSOCIATION` to `ASSOCIATION_GaD` which specifies that it's a gene-disease association. Metaedge abbreviations are already guaranteed to be unique (see `abbreviation.validate_abbreviations()`). Remove source, target, and w from being returning by DWPC queries because the user will have these values. Remove intermediary node label declaration in path queries. Remove label declarations in DWPC path degree computation. 06 November 2015, 02:41:14 UTC
dc9c6eb Move yaml import into functions 30 October 2015, 22:32:22 UTC
f3bcd7a Return zero DWPC when no matches 27 October 2015, 02:05:06 UTC
53d1b17 Return additional items in DWPC query 20 October 2015, 17:38:08 UTC
1582775 Allow node property specification for cypher Added the property argument to `construct_dwpc_query()` to allow specification of which property to match the source and target nodes based on. Switched from using LENGTH to SIZE for calculating path degrees in cypher. Change suggested by @nicolewhite on twitter: 20 October 2015, 17:14:17 UTC
3150399 Assign variable name to cypher DWPC output 16 October 2015, 20:27:44 UTC
1fe68cf Fix bug when in metapath abbrev 16 October 2015, 20:25:41 UTC
a372b9c Fix repr format bug 14 October 2015, 21:29:12 UTC
28711e8 Bug fix 14 October 2015, 04:45:57 UTC
de6b3ad Enable metapath retrieval from abbreviation 14 October 2015, 04:24:53 UTC
d76b017 Add cypher query construction Construct metapath cypher query and DWPC cypher query. 14 October 2015, 02:56:22 UTC
1860faa Add neo4j export 04 October 2015, 06:02:58 UTC
051ef5e Update Added Zenodo DOI badge 02 October 2015, 21:52:44 UTC
0a5b715 Update Update install command 17 September 2015, 00:04:57 UTC
75b7eb2 Update Added installation instructions 16 September 2015, 21:56:56 UTC
a006a86 Update Improved background and introduction 16 September 2015, 17:59:25 UTC
95a284f Remove path extraction methods 02 September 2015, 19:26:07 UTC
d0357b0 Using built-in types for dataframe Sorting was failing on pandas dataframes because order was not defined for nodes, metanodes, and edges. Switched so these elements are converted to strings before creation of the dataframe. Added a node_name column in the `get_degrees_for_metanode` output. 01 September 2015, 22:49:02 UTC
fc86dcc Added dataframe sorting 01 September 2015, 21:45:23 UTC
101e773 Abbreviation updates and testing 01 September 2015, 21:27:10 UTC
1042da3 Updated MetaGraph.extract_metapaths Updated MetaGraph.extract_metapaths() to return an empty list when max_length is 0. Also added an assertion that max_length is not negative. 27 August 2015, 18:54:15 UTC
5e2879d Added pathtools module Added pathtools module for calculating path counts and DWPCs. Modified metapath abbreviation to fit new abbreviation style. 26 August 2015, 23:38:31 UTC
2652cda Update .gitignore 26 August 2015, 22:31:30 UTC
94206c9 Merge branch 'master' of 26 August 2015, 22:29:18 UTC
869a678 Renamed module and moved tests Renamed graph module to hetnet. See Moved tests to a dedicated directory. 26 August 2015, 22:27:03 UTC
403fd48 Update Switch from MIT to CC0 licensing 26 August 2015, 21:54:51 UTC
ddf4bba Differentiated directional metaedge abbreviations Additionally added new stats methods for summarizing metanodes and metaedges. 14 August 2015, 17:30:01 UTC
20e4a48 Added abbreviation module Added a validate_abbreviation function to check that abbreviations are valid and unambiguous. Added automatic abbreviation generation. The two previous additions close #1. Switched relative imports to absolution imports, since "Absolute imports are recommended, as they are usually more readable and tend to be better behaved" 13 August 2015, 23:26:41 UTC
ef0b76b Changes to abbreviations Abbreviations are now saved with a graph. For graphs saved without abbreviation information, the abbreviations can be automatically generated. However, this feature is not currently implemented, so saved graphs without `kind_to_abbrev` with raise a NotImplementedError. Automatic abbreviation generation code has been removed from graph.MetaGraph() because it was complex/lengthy and not the focus of the graph module. Currently, kind_to_abbrev is not checked for safety -- i.e. the user could provide ambiguous abbreviations without an error. 13 August 2015, 00:33:02 UTC
1f286f6 Created network stats and visualization module Currently all functionality is related to extracting and visualizing node degree distributions. 11 August 2015, 02:17:34 UTC
1de7a01 Added masked option to write_json() 11 August 2015, 00:07:08 UTC
4e260c4 Added read_json method 10 August 2015, 01:31:21 UTC
340b5f3 Fixed pernicious write_sif newline bug. 15 July 2015, 15:38:14 UTC
56f2839 Update Added project hyperlinks and additional background. 15 July 2015, 03:18:09 UTC
4b842f3 Enabled JSON encoding of numpy dtypes. Adjustements to new node attributes. 15 July 2015, 03:05:15 UTC
5cccc90 Updated .sif writing and changed node __str__ to include metanode. 15 July 2015, 02:03:48 UTC
9c7a907 Fixed a bug in Edge.get_id(). Began adding __str__ methods to work with the new attribute 02 July 2015, 23:08:06 UTC
daa4c14 Updates for (metanode, node) identification support. 01 July 2015, 21:07:45 UTC
3c06dfd Added install script 01 July 2015, 21:00:47 UTC
d769ca2 Reordered Node() and Graph.add_node() arguments and created a Node attribute called name for display purposes 01 July 2015, 01:26:26 UTC
6b03470 Added minimal testing using pytest. 01 July 2015, 01:10:03 UTC
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