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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
45cd53e [2.0.x] Bumped trove classifier for 2.0 alpha 1. 22 September 2017, 18:04:22 UTC
bf987b7 [2.0.x] Bumped version to 2.0 alpha 1. 22 September 2017, 16:58:24 UTC
828d55c [2.0.x] Removed empty sections in 2.0 release notes. Backport of 559040f3d3552870cf010b5d10779ab30913d854 from master 22 September 2017, 16:50:22 UTC
08dfcd8 [2.0.x] Updated man page for Django 2.0 alpha. 22 September 2017, 16:26:46 UTC
366df25 [2.0.x] Bumped django_next_version in docs config. 22 September 2017, 16:21:21 UTC
01d440f Fixed #27332 -- Added FilteredRelation API for conditional join (ON clause) support. Thanks Anssi Kääriäinen for contributing to the patch. 22 September 2017, 15:53:17 UTC
3f9d85d Removed unused eof argument to BoundaryIter._find_boundary(). Unused since its introduction in d725cc9734272f867d41f7236235c28b3931a1b2. 22 September 2017, 14:47:14 UTC
6f7279c Refs #28593 -- Made URLResolver._populate() more resilient to signal interrupts. _populate() sets the populating attribute to prevent infinite recursion in case a urlconf includes itself. The flag is a threadlocal to avoid a race condition [1] where one thread sets the flag and another checks it, then proceeds to access data that's supposed to be populated (e.g. _reverse_dict) but isn't yet. The potential still exists for a thread to set the threadlocal, then be interrupted by a signal such as SIGALRM and raise before resetting the threadlocal flag. In this scenario, subsequent calls to _populate() in the same thread will short-circuit erroneously. The bulk of the method was already wrapped in a try/finally in df41b5a, but since a signal interrupt can occur at any line executed by the interpreter, this moves up the try to ensure threadlocal gets reset. [1]: 22 September 2017, 14:16:05 UTC
771e06a Added a test for QuerySet.select_related() reverse caching. 21 September 2017, 18:25:42 UTC
d612026 Refs #28595 -- Added a hook to add execute wrappers for database queries. Thanks Adam Johnson, Carl Meyer, Anssi Kääriäinen, Mariusz Felisiak, Michael Manfre, and Tim Graham for discussion and review. 21 September 2017, 16:13:09 UTC
347551c Fixed #28508 -- Set the foreground color to black in CSRF and 404 error templates. 21 September 2017, 14:23:23 UTC
41a7876 Added test for too large input to django.utils.http.base36_to_int(). 21 September 2017, 14:21:02 UTC
4fe6588 Fixed #28576 -- Added color interpretation method to GDALBand. 21 September 2017, 13:42:38 UTC
52eb5b2 Fixed #28617 -- Made ogrinspect output pep8 compliant. 21 September 2017, 01:03:14 UTC
df41b5a Fixed #28593 -- Added a simplified URL routing syntax per DEP 0201. Thanks Aymeric Augustin for shepherding the DEP and patch review. Thanks Marten Kenbeek and Tim Graham for contributing to the code. Thanks Tom Christie, Shai Berger, and Tim Graham for the docs. 20 September 2017, 22:04:42 UTC
c4c128d Fixed #28488 -- Reallowed error handlers to access CSRF tokens. Regression in eef95ea96faef0b7dbbe0c8092202b74f68a899b. 20 September 2017, 20:22:18 UTC
77f82c4 Initialized CsrfViewMiddleware once in csrf_tests. 20 September 2017, 20:22:12 UTC
46dcdf9 Added a checks test for valid i18n patterns. 20 September 2017, 14:23:28 UTC
a30ef35 Removed unused list in Query.resolve_lookup_value(). Unneeded since its introduction in 4f138fe5a496a81115c4fba6615a517fc62c3b17. 20 September 2017, 13:50:14 UTC
f86aa66 Fixed typo in docs/internals/deprecation.txt. 19 September 2017, 14:09:01 UTC
f13bd32 Refs #14370 -- Fixed typo in ModelAdmin.autocomplete_fields docs. 19 September 2017, 12:51:46 UTC
f7b0532 Refs #28334 -- Fixed crash in hstore/citext oid caching during test db creation. 19 September 2017, 11:04:31 UTC
e7adad2 Fixed typo in docs/topics/cache.txt. 19 September 2017, 10:52:01 UTC
fb02ebe Fixed #28597 -- Fixed crash with the name of a model's autogenerated primary key in an Index's fields. 18 September 2017, 18:06:00 UTC
94cd8ef Fixed #14370 -- Allowed using a Select2 widget for ForeignKey and ManyToManyField in the admin. Thanks Florian Apolloner and Tim Graham for review and contributing to the patch. 18 September 2017, 17:48:02 UTC
01a294f Refs #14370 -- Vendored Select2 4.0.3 for use by the admin. From 18 September 2017, 17:47:50 UTC
774f554 Fixed #28610 -- Skipped test when serializer is not available Thanks Tim Graham for the review. 18 September 2017, 16:22:13 UTC
d549b88 Fixed #26608 -- Added support for window expressions (OVER clause). Thanks Josh Smeaton, Mariusz Felisiak, Sergey Fedoseev, Simon Charettes, Adam Chainz/Johnson and Tim Graham for comments and reviews and Jamie Cockburn for initial patch. 18 September 2017, 13:42:29 UTC
da1ba03 Added test skipping for a PostgreSQL JSONField test. 18 September 2017, 13:19:26 UTC
3939e2b Changed default value of DatabaseFeatures.has_bulk_insert to True. 18 September 2017, 12:12:35 UTC
256182c Revert "Refs #21286 -- Enabled serializer tests with time pk model" This reverts commit 01c6a3e227b645e8dea97e9befecd23d1d3b8581. Unfortunately, the YAML serializer is not yet able to cope with time values. 18 September 2017, 07:34:21 UTC
01c6a3e Refs #21286 -- Enabled serializer tests with time pk model 17 September 2017, 17:29:33 UTC
dc37e88 Fixed #26818 -- Added responsive CSS for the admin. 16 September 2017, 23:11:19 UTC
8f94773 Removed unneeded StdDev.convert_value() and Variance.convert_value(). Seems unneeded since its introduction in f59fd15c4928caf3dfcbd50f6ab47be409a43b01. 16 September 2017, 19:05:31 UTC
8738580 Simplified Count.convert_value() and RegrCount.convert_value(). 16 September 2017, 09:31:51 UTC
86a18dc Fixed #28334 -- Added caching for hstore/citext OIDs. 15 September 2017, 14:00:12 UTC
cb362a6 Removed unnecessary check in SQLCompiler.get_related_selections(). 15 September 2017, 12:37:46 UTC
1dafd8c Refs #24031 -- Added test for When.__repr__(). 15 September 2017, 10:13:38 UTC
116940e Fixed a Dutch translation in i18n tests. 14 September 2017, 12:26:38 UTC
7cc8507 Added a test for mixing args and kwargs in reverse(). 14 September 2017, 11:07:41 UTC
0ec0e50 Removed unnecessary parens in various code. 14 September 2017, 01:20:29 UTC
ee4043f Refs #28593 -- Moved django.conf.urls.include() to django.urls(). The old location remains for backwards compatibility. Documentation will be updated separately along with the rest of the URL routing changes. 13 September 2017, 20:32:03 UTC
0214f36 Merged isinstance() calls. 13 September 2017, 19:00:45 UTC
c6a1fae Refs #27090 -- Added real database sequence introspection. Thanks Mariusz Felisiak for the Oracle part and Tim Graham for the review. 13 September 2017, 18:12:32 UTC
c2ecef8 Refs #28569 -- Fixed gis_tests.inspectapp.tests.OGRInspectTest.test_time_field. 12 September 2017, 17:19:44 UTC
ac756f1 Fixed #28440 -- Fixed WSGIServer hang on responses without a Content-Length. Disabled keep-alive to fix the regression in e6065c7b8363202c5eb13ba10c97a8c24d014b45. 12 September 2017, 14:41:28 UTC
2a4b331 Moved contrib.gis.geometry.regex to contrib.gis.geometry. 12 September 2017, 13:51:02 UTC
f896eb3 Removed django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend. The layer of indirection is unchanged and undocumented since its introduction in ff60c5f9de3e8690d1e86f3e9e3f7248a15397c8. 12 September 2017, 13:51:02 UTC
f36e5d6 Used sqlite3.Connection.load_extension() instead of query execution for SpatiaLite loading. 12 September 2017, 13:35:33 UTC
0dbcd0e Added tests for DecimalValidator. 11 September 2017, 18:18:02 UTC
bd903e8 Fixed #28570 -- Dropped support for GEOS 3.3.x. Removed setting SRID in GEOSGeometry.clone() which was only required in GEOS 3.3.0. 11 September 2017, 17:57:24 UTC
08654a9 Fixed #28492 -- Defined default output_field of expressions at the class level. This wasn't possible when settings were accessed during Field initialization time as our test suite setup script was triggering imports of expressions before settings were configured. 11 September 2017, 16:22:39 UTC
13be453 Refs #28492 -- Stopped accessing settings at Field.db_tablespace initialization. Deferring accesses to settings allows database fields to be initialized before settings are loaded. 11 September 2017, 16:21:49 UTC
c466ef3 Tested field deconstruction with DEFAULT_DB_TABLESPACE and db_tablespace. 11 September 2017, 16:20:45 UTC
3905cfa Fixed #28353 -- Fixed some GIS functions when queryset is evaluated more than once. Reverted test for refs #27603 in favor of using FuncTestMixin. 11 September 2017, 15:56:39 UTC
99e65d6 Fixed #28578 -- Renamed DatabaseCreation number arguments to suffix. 11 September 2017, 15:32:40 UTC
a0b4ecc Fixed #28392 -- Fixed GIS's WKT regex to match large scientific notation numbers. Thanks Greg Larmore for report and initial patch. 11 September 2017, 13:13:02 UTC
4844af9 Fixed #28579 -- Doc'd upgrade effort expectations for Django 2.0. 11 September 2017, 13:07:14 UTC
a4092af Removed unnecessary parens in _get_app_label_and_model_name(). 10 September 2017, 19:26:06 UTC
a599ae6 Refs #24928 -- Added introspection support for PostgreSQL RangeField 09 September 2017, 18:22:47 UTC
0cbb6ac Refs #24928 -- Added introspection support for PostgreSQL JSONField Thanks Adam Johnson and Tim Graham for the reviews. 09 September 2017, 16:26:29 UTC
ffbee67 Fixed some comments referring to a nonexistent TestClient class. 09 September 2017, 15:21:15 UTC
8b5a298 Fixed #25961 -- Removed handling of non-thread safe GEOS functions. 09 September 2017, 14:14:48 UTC
63d2472 Fixed capitalization of "Spherical Mercator." 09 September 2017, 13:35:30 UTC
0ab1dc0 Fixed deepcopy of AreaField and DistanceField. 08 September 2017, 18:13:50 UTC
0c4ac12 Fixed #28546 -- Fixed translation's to_locale() with langauge subtags. Thanks Brent Hand for the initial patch. 08 September 2017, 17:46:00 UTC
9829b75 Added more tests for translation's to_locale(). 08 September 2017, 17:43:06 UTC
22a5b88 Removed to_lower parameter for translation's to_locale(). Unused since 2bab9d6d9ea095c4bcaeede2df576708afd46291. 08 September 2017, 17:12:43 UTC
ff17ef1 Simplified GEOSFuncFactory. 08 September 2017, 14:38:30 UTC
4ac2ab3 Removed obsolete doc references to javascript_catalog. 08 September 2017, 11:53:56 UTC
6e4c628 Reverted "Fixed #27818 -- Replaced try/except/pass with contextlib.suppress()." This reverts commit 550cb3a365dee4edfdd1563224d5304de2a57fda because try/except performs better. 07 September 2017, 12:16:21 UTC
8b2515a Removed unneeded __init__() methods. 07 September 2017, 12:10:49 UTC
44a6c27 Fixed #28561 -- Removed inaccurate docs about QuerySet.order_by() and joins. As of ccbba98131ace3beb43790c65e8f4eee94e9631c, both examples don't use a join. 06 September 2017, 23:21:38 UTC
f3c9562 Fixed #15648 -- Allowed QuerySet.values_list() to return a namedtuple. 06 September 2017, 19:32:32 UTC
a027447 Fixed #27318 -- Made cache.set_many() return the list of failed keys. 06 September 2017, 18:38:44 UTC
407c124 Fixed #28032 -- Added Paginator.get_page(). Moved boilerplate from docs to a method. 06 September 2017, 18:17:19 UTC
5b1c389 Refs #23919 -- Replaced usage of django.utils.functional.curry() with functools.partial()/partialmethod(). 06 September 2017, 17:11:18 UTC
34f27f9 Replaced @cached_property with class attributes where possible. 06 September 2017, 14:13:43 UTC
690fc30 Removed DatabaseWrapper.psycopg2_version. Unused since 3adc5f1ee6618a615db07d4a868b366a15c39f82. 06 September 2017, 13:51:56 UTC
379caf3 Replaced deque() with list() in prefetch_related_objects(). deque() isn't needed since algorithm doesn't require FIFO. 06 September 2017, 12:13:18 UTC
a8ad1e3 Replaced get_pointer_arr() with usage of GEOM_PTR for simplicity. 06 September 2017, 12:06:36 UTC
ad4a8ac Fixed #11557 -- Added support for a list of fields in Meta.get_latest_by and QuerySet.earliest()/latest(). 06 September 2017, 00:14:54 UTC
093fd47 Fixed #28335 -- Allowed query expressions in Meta.ordering. 05 September 2017, 23:10:20 UTC
3d2c390 Refs #28555 -- Forwardported 1.11.6 release note. 05 September 2017, 20:46:55 UTC
15f2d87 Removed unneeded __init__() in PostgreSQL DatabaseWrapper. 05 September 2017, 20:22:36 UTC
1b86088 Added stub release notes for 1.11.6. 05 September 2017, 20:13:46 UTC
d67cce4 Fixed typo in django/db/models/ docstring. 05 September 2017, 19:28:37 UTC
48c394a Fixed #28555 -- Made CharField convert whitespace-only values to the empty_value when strip is enabled. 05 September 2017, 16:41:38 UTC
79ae581 Added 2017-12794 to the security release archive. 05 September 2017, 16:09:44 UTC
46e2b9e Fixed CVE-2017-12794 -- Fixed XSS possibility in traceback section of technical 500 debug page. This is a security fix. 05 September 2017, 14:58:38 UTC
73b6d02 Added stub release notes for security releases. 05 September 2017, 14:58:38 UTC
6639464 Removed hardcoding from get_earliest_or_latest tests' tearDown(). 05 September 2017, 14:04:22 UTC
2ef4b47 Refs #28518 -- Improved performance of loading geometries from DB. 05 September 2017, 13:54:57 UTC
c309ec0 Simplified admin.widgets.url_params_from_lookup_dict(). 05 September 2017, 13:47:11 UTC
3633c2a Used dict comprehensions in BaseMemcachedCache.get_many() and set_many() for better readability. 05 September 2017, 13:14:41 UTC
179b247 Removed useless condition from Oracle's NullBooleanField's check constraint. NULL cannot be compare with standard operators on Oracle, it works only with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators. Therefore 'OR ... IS NULL' condition in NullBooleanField's check constraint is redundant. Nullability is checked in a separate constraint. 05 September 2017, 09:17:06 UTC
3ba4de5 Added tests for BooleanField/NullBooleanField's check constraints on Oracle. 05 September 2017, 07:02:56 UTC
f413578 Fixed #28126 -- Added GistIndex to contrib.postgres. Thanks to Marc Tamlyn for the initial patch. 05 September 2017, 01:08:02 UTC
66657eb Improved messages in IndexErrors raised by GDAL objects. 04 September 2017, 23:00:32 UTC
0d9e116 Fixed #28569 -- Corrected get_layer_by_name prototype to skip error checking. All other get_*_by_name functions have errcheck=False. This makes it return None for an invalid name instead of raising a GDALException. 04 September 2017, 22:56:23 UTC
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