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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
3cd9fcd release 0.18.5 29 November 2011, 11:52:30 UTC
0b413d4 make node closed exception serializable 29 November 2011, 08:57:35 UTC
dc4b278 When _source is disabled, don't return it in realtime get fetching the document from the transaction log, closes #1509. 29 November 2011, 07:40:41 UTC
1941063 sync with latest Lucene block join, init parentDoc to -1, which makes the assert commented out valid again 28 November 2011, 21:48:55 UTC
893af90 add the option to get mapping as a parsed map, also do some internal refactoring to share the code that parses into a map 28 November 2011, 18:20:16 UTC
e811779 set "http" on NodeInfo instances if it is passed in the constructor 28 November 2011, 15:09:20 UTC
d319f20 Upgrade to netty 3.2.7, closes #1506. 28 November 2011, 12:49:15 UTC
9ae6c39 Registering a percolate query with additional "object" level metadata can fail, closes #1505. 27 November 2011, 16:06:53 UTC
1bc0ec7 Support Greek stemming While the GreekAnalyzer supports stemming, custom analyzers for the greek language cannot be build because there is no GreekStemmer (although lucene has one). 27 November 2011, 11:23:34 UTC
e192f60 Upgrade to Lucene 3.5, closes #1502. 27 November 2011, 10:59:08 UTC
7b4c406 better failure messages when dynamic mapping is disabled 25 November 2011, 07:42:04 UTC
7b5d874 even though it can't happen (offset is 0 when loading from the index), use properly the field to get binary values with offset and length 24 November 2011, 19:47:07 UTC
f3b2d2f support compressed percolator index 24 November 2011, 19:33:46 UTC
ddef564 improve how decoding is done on the transport layer, embedding FrameDecoder into the message handler, and reducing allocation of buffers and better guess into allocating cumalation buffers 24 November 2011, 18:04:28 UTC
fd3f83f Using _parent:123 in a query string query fails to fetch docs, closes #1497. 24 November 2011, 11:59:46 UTC
cf59ddd Support using _id:1234, or using term query/filter on _id even when _id is not indexed, closes #1496. 24 November 2011, 10:32:19 UTC
64bde11 wrong order on build rootMappers, closes #1493. 24 November 2011, 07:58:29 UTC
de4085c changed writeObject to writeArray dealing with json array not json map 24 November 2011, 07:50:47 UTC
97a9215 Query DSL: indices query to allow to set a `no_match_query`, closes #1492. 23 November 2011, 17:02:57 UTC
531161e AWS Plugin: Add more automatic region configuration, closes #1490. 23 November 2011, 16:10:39 UTC
8a667a5 another go at trying to solve: BigCouch returns JSON array for sequence #1478. 23 November 2011, 07:21:32 UTC
c521c72 Multi field mapper with more than one extra mapping can cause endless re-sync'ing of mapping between nodes, closes #1487. 23 November 2011, 07:05:08 UTC
7505093 IndicesQueryBuilder generates the wrong query name, closes #1485. 22 November 2011, 13:58:44 UTC
a442466 upgrade to aws sdk 1.2.12 22 November 2011, 12:22:32 UTC
5c0d4d4 By default, set http.compression to false, closes #1482. 21 November 2011, 17:54:33 UTC
6f157d1 support boost on block join query (nested) 21 November 2011, 08:45:07 UTC
e5195f2 Binary field compression causes wrong _source decoding, closes #1475. 20 November 2011, 10:59:54 UTC
98089ef read bulk_size/drop_threshold from twitter river configuration as documented 20 November 2011, 10:38:40 UTC
6fc6451 Add HTTPS handling to CouchDB river Introduces 2 new configuration options: * couchProtocol: http/https - Describes the protocol in use. * no_verify: true/false - Allows to disable hostname verification for hosts with problematic certs 20 November 2011, 09:37:16 UTC
e828467 BigCouch returns JSON array for sequence, closes #1478. 18 November 2011, 11:36:16 UTC
57ca1e7 * Try to extract value from String using FieldMapper when reading from the transaction log. 17 November 2011, 17:20:50 UTC
88b240e handle valueForString in binary case 17 November 2011, 16:19:53 UTC
efc17ab make sure we use the default index analyzer for _all field, even though it works well without it now because the _analyzer field comes before it and sets the context.analyzer 17 November 2011, 13:41:22 UTC
0dc4a42 add another instanceof check on Date and not direct check 17 November 2011, 12:28:25 UTC
310e982 add another instanceof check on Date and not direct check 17 November 2011, 12:28:20 UTC
25fae68 move to 0.18.5 snap 16 November 2011, 19:58:04 UTC
30a3d19 release 0.18.4 16 November 2011, 19:55:54 UTC
5085aed Broken plugin script, closes #1474. 16 November 2011, 19:02:26 UTC
3649224 move to 0.18.4 snap 16 November 2011, 13:22:30 UTC
52fc93b actually release 0.18.3 in the version code as well 16 November 2011, 13:04:35 UTC
ad6d0ca release 0.18.3 16 November 2011, 12:57:47 UTC
f5ebce5 Inner queries not resolved correctly in has_child filter when searching directly against the parent type (in the URI for example), closes #1471. 16 November 2011, 12:16:03 UTC
9460bcb Couchdb River: since changes parameter (seq) is not url encoded, closes #1470. 15 November 2011, 21:41:31 UTC
732cdfe better toString for custom score query 15 November 2011, 20:21:30 UTC
c5d821f NPE when highlighting 15 November 2011, 16:11:40 UTC
4d8bca4 refactor sub fetch phase to also allow for hits level execution 15 November 2011, 16:11:32 UTC
1eb929a FVH should use the parsed query, and not a possible rewritten query 15 November 2011, 14:46:28 UTC
ecef64d upgrade to mvel 2.1 Beta7 15 November 2011, 14:46:23 UTC
be7c637 upgrade to jackson 1.9.2 15 November 2011, 14:46:17 UTC
d417dd6 Highlighting on term vector enabled field should not highlight filters by default, closes #1469. 15 November 2011, 11:43:13 UTC
a5132fb XContentBuilder to handle extended classes of java.util.Date, closes #1465. 15 November 2011, 09:35:16 UTC
3891896 Indices Stats API: Providing groups as part of the HTTP API does not return stats for those groups, closes #1468. 15 November 2011, 08:32:22 UTC
e0f12ba Add counts of currently executing get operations 15 November 2011, 08:21:46 UTC
72413e7 Nested facet execution can fail with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, closes #1467. 15 November 2011, 07:28:36 UTC
8ac4598 apply fix to unsafe decoder in lzf, still use vanilla for now 15 November 2011, 06:46:36 UTC
af9719d Date Range: Inclusive upper range does not round up properly, closes #1463. 14 November 2011, 15:17:09 UTC
8f71bae Index shard search slow log (query and fetch), closes #1462. 14 November 2011, 12:12:36 UTC
53cb597 get should report time in millis, but return in nanoseconds 14 November 2011, 08:41:07 UTC
b002881 Add counts of currently executing index, delete, query and fetch operations 14 November 2011, 08:41:02 UTC
84388f2 disable optimized decoder by default 14 November 2011, 08:10:59 UTC
2971671 Using root object level mapping (_size, _source) can cause reparsing of the mapping on startup, close #1458. 13 November 2011, 18:56:44 UTC
a56947b Percolate / Analyzer API can hang if it fails to execute, closes #1457. 13 November 2011, 17:55:21 UTC
86d552d don't use CLASSPATH in plugin, and simplify plugin.bat 13 November 2011, 17:18:03 UTC
c36bf02 * Add support for LZF compression on binary fields. 13 November 2011, 13:36:32 UTC
fae9580 upgrade to lzf compress 0.9 13 November 2011, 12:05:33 UTC
060f094 fix top_terms_boost parsing for multi term rewrite 13 November 2011, 10:52:54 UTC
764a45d Fix processing of regex patterns in large terms facet requests 13 November 2011, 10:52:49 UTC
5b259d0 add the search request to the search context 13 November 2011, 10:52:42 UTC
f56f6d7 Blank routing should be ignored, closes #1450. 13 November 2011, 10:04:50 UTC
f9853d8 also support _percolate for bulk item requests 13 November 2011, 08:18:39 UTC
fb6748e Search: Search requests execute by mistake on the networking http IO thread, causing other http operations to hang, closes #1455. 11 November 2011, 20:20:57 UTC
c2497aa better handlign of open channels 11 November 2011, 20:18:37 UTC
c5a9d5d configure the scheduled TP to not wait for delayed execution, so we shutodown faster 10 November 2011, 19:53:14 UTC
22da1fb AbstractCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory should store the dictionary as a CharArraySet instance, not a Set, closes #1449. 10 November 2011, 18:13:08 UTC
61e862e fix minimum_should_match in query_string builder 10 November 2011, 10:14:01 UTC
9d77091 increase search stats rounds to make sure the stats are higher than 0 10 November 2011, 10:02:31 UTC
b8a3d40 improve boolean filter 10 November 2011, 10:02:24 UTC
0fc8fea Log warning when application of an updated cluster state fails with an exception 10 November 2011, 08:14:32 UTC
f20158d Fix reporting of total indexing stats 10 November 2011, 08:07:48 UTC
afc65b2 Fix possible NPE in TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards operation 10 November 2011, 08:05:12 UTC
524c189 Mapping: Improve applying guessed types on dynamic templates, closes #1446. 09 November 2011, 07:02:53 UTC
e06be05 data.path locations are unevenly filled (0.18.2), closes #1436. 02 November 2011, 21:44:07 UTC
402ac44 change the version in the build file 02 November 2011, 18:53:18 UTC
04d34f1 Aliases should be processed when index routing changes 01 November 2011, 18:06:44 UTC
7fcaccc add more details logging on info of data path 28 October 2011, 05:46:02 UTC
5b5bd25 move to 0.18.3 snap 27 October 2011, 18:40:23 UTC
864d95d release 0.18.2 27 October 2011, 18:38:53 UTC
3b2b8ea Search: Fetching fields that end up extracted from source might fail, closes #1431. 27 October 2011, 18:29:08 UTC
b014b0d Merge Scheduler: Allow to set index.merge.scheduler.max_merge_count, closes #1430. 27 October 2011, 00:15:16 UTC
73dceff move to 0.18.2 snap 26 October 2011, 23:40:36 UTC
d197f22 release 0.18.1 26 October 2011, 23:38:52 UTC
d9e4f2a External data location configuration fails ( setting), closes #1429. 26 October 2011, 23:31:05 UTC
0831c6a move to 0.18.1 snap 26 October 2011, 19:02:04 UTC
3544b07 release 0.18.0 26 October 2011, 18:58:24 UTC
0cde90f minimum_number_should_match in a query_string, closes #1420. 25 October 2011, 23:58:12 UTC
b652c65 Highlighting broken with custom_filters_score query, closes #1425. 25 October 2011, 22:58:52 UTC
2778a67 indexing option ignored in index_stats, closes #1423. 25 October 2011, 18:20:43 UTC
f9d0e82 if source is not stored, treat it as an empty map in things like scripts or non stored field extraction 25 October 2011, 18:18:53 UTC
8d08a66 make flags public just so people can hack it if needed 25 October 2011, 17:01:12 UTC
6f39fce First indexing fails when indexing a type with an attachment field mapped using a dynamic template, closes #1418. 24 October 2011, 23:40:27 UTC
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