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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
e63c19a release 0.19.4 21 May 2012, 20:06:05 UTC
0fd15c7 fix heap memory settings in default, and comment out all the options (in case they are changed in the init.d one) 21 May 2012, 09:18:25 UTC
84f79e7 use CHM in percolator so we don't copy on write large data in case of many percolators 21 May 2012, 08:39:14 UTC
a8a4ec9 Mapping: Using _default_ mapping _routing mapping definition fails to apply when introducing type through indexing, closes #1967. 20 May 2012, 19:37:37 UTC
be4079e improve map builder to initialize the inner map with a map to build the data from 20 May 2012, 17:51:11 UTC
0f12a52 better failure when missing default analyzer, don't allow to override name method with extending index analyzer, always use the injected one 20 May 2012, 10:24:39 UTC
cecc471 better logging for shard and index 20 May 2012, 09:34:48 UTC
b5aa1cf Percolator: Registering (indexing) a new percolator query will still be stored in memory if actually indexing it fails, closes #1965. 19 May 2012, 17:40:26 UTC
1d7562b Mapping: default mapping with dynamic templates can cause them to double on each restart, closes #1964. 17 May 2012, 22:11:54 UTC
0e921ff Get API: Allow to provide a parent value which automatically set the routing value, closes #1961. 16 May 2012, 22:40:40 UTC
e6da3ef Index Templates settings provided in a config file fails to load properly, closes #1960. 16 May 2012, 22:01:43 UTC
de10ca9 better failure logging when failing to read a tempalte 16 May 2012, 21:17:54 UTC
b0976ef Mapping: Allow to specify enabled set to false on a property without specifying the type, closes #1959. 16 May 2012, 19:34:08 UTC
70a0b4e Upgrade to Netty 3.4.5, closes #1958. 16 May 2012, 18:58:58 UTC
785ef64 on failure to extract a plugin, log the message and bail 15 May 2012, 20:56:54 UTC
e20a1b8 Percolator Index: Don't index the `query` element in a percolated query, closes #1949. 13 May 2012, 11:12:30 UTC
fddc470 Percolator: Wrongly using analyzer configured for the actual index on percolator filtering, closes #1948. 13 May 2012, 10:36:25 UTC
d3961d8 deb: ES_HEAP_SIZE not exported, closes #1947. 13 May 2012, 07:12:14 UTC
5a71aed Shutdown API: When sending an "all" shutdown, it also shutsdown node clients, closes #1939. 10 May 2012, 20:34:11 UTC
58957b0 Query String URI: Add `lenient` to the URI `q` parameters, closes #1937. 10 May 2012, 10:54:55 UTC
058fa94 Query DSL: query_string syntax to support wildcard fieldnames in the query text, closes #1936. 10 May 2012, 10:49:47 UTC
089f4b3 Query String: Add `lenient` flag to support *value* parse failures, closes #1932. 10 May 2012, 09:03:48 UTC
17fa678 Allow to customize quote analyzer to be used when quoting text in a query_string, closes #1931. 10 May 2012, 08:52:37 UTC
4051ded Added JAVA_HOME paths (6 and 7) for Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 09 May 2012, 21:02:22 UTC
88ad64e Debian: Update deps to be on openjdk-7-jre-headless first, then 6, closes #1929. 09 May 2012, 21:02:18 UTC
bab6801 Get API: When _source is disabled, the source is still used if fetched from the transaction log, closes #1927. 08 May 2012, 14:58:57 UTC
efb022f Percolator: Filtering percolators based on a query can cause wrong matches to be returned, closes #1925. 08 May 2012, 13:56:12 UTC
8f425f9 org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple have 2 identical methods, closes #1922. 08 May 2012, 10:38:36 UTC
2ca2db4 Binary field is stored by default, allow to disable it, closes #1919. 07 May 2012, 17:29:43 UTC
48722b0 Upgrade to guava 12.0, closes #1920. 07 May 2012, 17:09:27 UTC
9c047c5 better handling of value from array when cleaning thread locals 07 May 2012, 13:54:55 UTC
f0aaff6 change when setting the order for index templates in the rest API 07 May 2012, 11:01:00 UTC
659568f Upgrade to netty 3.4.3.Final, closes #1914. 06 May 2012, 16:52:40 UTC
dccc76f When setting `index.recovery.initial_shards` in the config file, it is ignored, closes #1912. 04 May 2012, 14:07:30 UTC
ac0a01d Transport Client: Add `client.transport.ignore_cluster_name` to ignore the cluster name validation, defaults to `false`, closes #1910. 03 May 2012, 22:12:19 UTC
133dddf separate to two methods, one taking single address and one taking a list 03 May 2012, 20:24:31 UTC
7a336bd Upgrade to Netty 3.4.2, closes #1909. 03 May 2012, 19:04:01 UTC
ec6a955 upgrade to jackson 1.9.7 03 May 2012, 18:29:18 UTC
c1b0eb1 ClassCastException during percolation query, closes #1905. 03 May 2012, 14:57:20 UTC
50fb91c Transport Client: When adding an address was already added, ignore it, closes #1906. 03 May 2012, 13:11:35 UTC
1ea51f0 add debug message when adding and removing addressing from the transport client 03 May 2012, 12:00:30 UTC
891328b Search Preference: Add _shards prefix to explicitly list shards, and add _prefer_node option, closes #1904 02 May 2012, 22:12:41 UTC
18a9bcd Support Java Date when serializing update parameters, closes #1902. 02 May 2012, 21:00:22 UTC
9efeda5 call mergeInit in the serial merge scheduler case to get proper stats for it 02 May 2012, 21:00:17 UTC
df55fdf Index Merge Scheduler: Configuring using `serial` fails to load, closes #1901. 02 May 2012, 17:53:15 UTC
0338bfa Query DSL: filtered query to support null filter or {} filter (in which case, just the query is executed), closes #1900. 02 May 2012, 11:59:01 UTC
27baac8 Network: Add network.address.serialization.resolve setting (defaults to false) to always resolve publish address based on host name, closes #1899. 02 May 2012, 11:30:38 UTC
21f363e better logging when a merge stats with some stats on it 02 May 2012, 11:00:19 UTC
8e2311f Java API: Improve TransportClient in sniff mode to be more lightweight on connections and API, closes #1898. 02 May 2012, 08:44:39 UTC
8944456 add logging with a reason why the cache is cleared (filter and field) 01 May 2012, 13:38:05 UTC
6393f0b automatically fix maxMergeAtOnce if segmentsPerTier is changed with tiered merge policy 01 May 2012, 09:57:40 UTC
1a77445 use nanoTime instead of millis 01 May 2012, 08:59:21 UTC
dcb5b88 add trace logging for how long it took to load field data cache 01 May 2012, 08:57:20 UTC
4e289ff remove unused class 30 April 2012, 18:58:40 UTC
b33dd55 move to 0.19.4 snap 30 April 2012, 09:32:39 UTC
078c8da release 0.19.3 30 April 2012, 09:31:14 UTC
704280d When a node disconnects from the cluster (not enough master nodes, or a client node) and rejoins it might not update its internal routing table, closes # 29 April 2012, 21:58:21 UTC
2399d0e make the call the apply settings sync'ed 29 April 2012, 16:43:54 UTC
3cc505c Highlighting: Using "plain" (non term vector) highlighting with custom score within a filtered query fails to highlight, closes #1894. 29 April 2012, 15:20:39 UTC
760f371 JDK 7 requires minimum of 256k stack size, update scripts to set it, closes #1892. 29 April 2012, 14:16:41 UTC
792b259 JDK 7 requires minimum of 160k stack size, update scripts to set it, closes #1892. 29 April 2012, 14:15:04 UTC
e4ec03d allow to set the full source when creating index (settings + mappings) in the Java API 28 April 2012, 18:18:48 UTC
f44c61d index.shard.check_on_startup set to fix: throw failure only if we are not fixing the index 27 April 2012, 21:38:24 UTC
ff9b17e adding 'fix' value for invoking Lucene's fixIndex method 27 April 2012, 21:38:18 UTC
eec0615 adding fixIndex() method 27 April 2012, 21:38:13 UTC
c7403bb Translog: Buffering translog does not write directly to the file channel but to RAF, which causes problems reading from the channel on windows, closes #1887. 27 April 2012, 15:47:45 UTC
0607981 provide version in the english filter 27 April 2012, 10:26:38 UTC
5742e14 Date Histogram Facet: Add `quarter` as an interval, closes #1884. 24 April 2012, 16:04:40 UTC
a9fb52e fixed always returning 1 if launching in background without pidpath 24 April 2012, 12:12:12 UTC
f258445 Add missing TextQueryBuilder and FuzzyQueryBuilder properties 24 April 2012, 12:07:27 UTC
63df02a not only noclass, throwable will do well here.... 22 April 2012, 09:25:34 UTC
32e1a9c When creating an index, fail properly on classpath error 22 April 2012, 09:25:29 UTC
7e66e1c Fix WildcardQueryBuilder when only rewrite is changed If only the rewrite field is changed, and not the boost one, the serilization did not write the rewrite field. 22 April 2012, 09:22:19 UTC
ca2e444 ignore failure to flush when the engine is closed and updating its settings 21 April 2012, 14:51:45 UTC
cc16e87 Upgrade to Netty 3.4.1.Final, closes #1878. 21 April 2012, 13:03:36 UTC
88e08ab Better handling of fields that have `.` in their name when doing property based navigation, closes #1875. 19 April 2012, 14:28:33 UTC
4948cc7 NullPointerException in geo_distance_range without to, closes #1865. 17 April 2012, 12:56:24 UTC
66454c1 On recovery (startup), the recovery translog file handle is not properly closed, closes #1866. 17 April 2012, 09:14:49 UTC
78858f4 cleanup a bit full source with put index template 15 April 2012, 15:23:07 UTC
e6743ee Fix for issue #1860 : Index Templates API - Set Source 15 April 2012, 15:23:02 UTC
cbf3aa8 Upgrade to Netty 3.4.0, closes #1863. 15 April 2012, 15:15:36 UTC
15ba9d7 Upgrade to Lucene 3.6, closes #1862. 15 April 2012, 14:40:03 UTC
72a71af Fixes plugin install failure on Windows 7 / JDK 7u3 15 April 2012, 11:32:52 UTC
641c0df add trace logging to client nodes when sniffing of when ti connects to a node 11 April 2012, 20:06:06 UTC
5765344 XContentBuilder throws NPE on null Boolean, closes #1853. 11 April 2012, 17:55:13 UTC
0819d61 Setting index.auto_expand_replicas in the elasticsearch config file does not apply, closes #1852. 11 April 2012, 17:55:09 UTC
a27dbb7 Node Stats: Add timestamp per node stats element, closes #1851. 11 April 2012, 09:21:03 UTC
60e9506 rename method to conform with other custom analysis methods 09 April 2012, 18:03:51 UTC
5d9a34f add simplified extension point for plugins to add custom analysis components 09 April 2012, 18:03:46 UTC
a27dcea Bulk API: Allow to control if its compressed or not using `action.bulk.compress` (defaults to true which is current behavior), closes #1850. 05 April 2012, 17:48:06 UTC
eca885f Relocation of shards causes bulk indexing client to hang, closes #1839. 05 April 2012, 17:26:26 UTC
99afaf9 remove double call to shards (meaningless, but still) 05 April 2012, 16:24:28 UTC
462cd34 move to 0.19.3 snap 04 April 2012, 17:52:39 UTC
0d23b96 release 0.19.2 04 April 2012, 17:51:19 UTC
37210b0 don't throw index missing when updating number of replicas on a closed index 04 April 2012, 17:17:14 UTC
4a5ede7 Java API Query DSL: Add wrapper filter similar to wrapper query accepting a json filter in raw format, closes #1844. 04 April 2012, 16:53:39 UTC
70ef28d increase teh number of "med" connections from 4 to 6 04 April 2012, 15:53:54 UTC
1407af6 better printing in slow log output 04 April 2012, 15:13:28 UTC
30676c9 Support for Latvian stemming: `latvian` analyzer and `latvian` language for stemmer filter, closes #1842. 04 April 2012, 13:40:16 UTC
295abe5 log if sigar was loaded as well 04 April 2012, 12:08:39 UTC
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