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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
7b2c014 Fix Java build (#10105) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: cbi42 Differential Revision: D36891073 Pulled By: ltamasi fbshipit-source-id: 16487ec708fc96add2a1ebc2d98f6439dfc852ca 03 June 2022, 15:11:31 UTC
b8fe7df Fix LITE build (#10106) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: cbi42 Differential Revision: D36891284 Pulled By: ltamasi fbshipit-source-id: 304ffa84549201659feb0b74d6ba54a83f08906b 03 June 2022, 06:42:41 UTC
e88d893 Add comments/permit unchecked error to close_db_dir pull requests (#10093) Summary: In [close_db_dir]( pull request, some merging conflicts occurred (some comments and one line `s.PermitUncheckedError()` are missing). This pull request aims to put them back. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36884117 Pulled By: littlepig2013 fbshipit-source-id: 8c0e2a8793fc52804067c511843bd1ff4912c1c3 03 June 2022, 04:52:35 UTC
ed50ccd Install zstd on CircleCI linux (#10102) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36885468 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 6ed5b62dda8fe0f4be4b66d09bdec0134cf4500c 03 June 2022, 04:38:29 UTC
e6432df Make it possible to enable blob files starting from a certain LSM tree level (#10077) Summary: Currently, if blob files are enabled (i.e. `enable_blob_files` is true), large values are extracted both during flush/recovery (when SST files are written into level 0 of the LSM tree) and during compaction into any LSM tree level. For certain use cases that have a mix of short-lived and long-lived values, it might make sense to support extracting large values only during compactions whose output level is greater than or equal to a specified LSM tree level (e.g. compactions into L1/L2/... or above). This could reduce the space amplification caused by large values that are turned into garbage shortly after being written at the price of some write amplification incurred by long-lived values whose extraction to blob files is delayed. In order to achieve this, we would like to do the following: - Add a new configuration option `blob_file_starting_level` (default: 0) to `AdvancedColumnFamilyOptions` (and `MutableCFOptions` and extend the related logic) - Instantiate `BlobFileBuilder` in `BuildTable` (used during flush and recovery, where the LSM tree level is L0) and `CompactionJob` iff `enable_blob_files` is set and the LSM tree level is `>= blob_file_starting_level` - Add unit tests for the new functionality, and add the new option to our stress tests (`db_stress` and `` ) - Add the new option to our benchmarking tool `db_bench` and the BlobDB benchmark script `` - Add the new option to the `ldb` tool (see - Ideally extend the C and Java bindings with the new option - Update the BlobDB wiki to document the new option. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ltamasi Differential Revision: D36884156 Pulled By: gangliao fbshipit-source-id: 942bab025f04633edca8564ed64791cb5e31627d 03 June 2022, 03:04:33 UTC
a020031 Add kLastTemperature as temperature high bound (#10044) Summary: Only used as temperature high bound for current code, may increase with more temperatures added. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ci Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36633410 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: eecdfa7623c31778c31d789902eacf78aad7b482 02 June 2022, 20:10:49 UTC
3dc6eba Support specifying blob garbage collection parameters when CompactRange() (#10073) Summary: Garbage collection is generally controlled by the BlobDB configuration options `enable_blob_garbage_collection` and `blob_garbage_collection_age_cutoff`. However, there might be use cases where we would want to temporarily override these options while performing a manual compaction. (One use case would be doing a full key-space manual compaction with full=100% garbage collection age cutoff in order to minimize the space occupied by the database.) Our goal here is to make it possible to override the configured GC parameters when using the `CompactRange` API to perform manual compactions. This PR would involve: - Extending the `CompactRangeOptions` structure so clients can both force-enable and force-disable GC, as well as use a different cutoff than what's currently configured - Storing whether blob GC should actually be enabled during a certain manual compaction and the cutoff to use in the `Compaction` object (considering the above overrides) and passing it to `CompactionIterator` via `CompactionProxy` - Updating the BlobDB wiki to document the new options. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Adding unit tests and adding the new options to the stress test tool. Reviewed By: ltamasi Differential Revision: D36848700 Pulled By: gangliao fbshipit-source-id: c878ef101d1c612429999f513453c319f75d78e9 02 June 2022, 02:40:26 UTC
65893ad Explicitly closing all directory file descriptors (#10049) Summary: Currently, the DB directory file descriptor is left open until the deconstruction process (`DB::Close()` does not close the file descriptor). To verify this, comment out the lines between `db_ = nullptr` and `db_->Close()` (line 512, 513, 514, 515 in to leak the ``db_'' object, build `ldb` tool and run ``` strace --trace=open,openat,close ./ldb --db=$TEST_TMPDIR --ignore_unknown_options put K1 V1 --create_if_missing ``` There is one directory file descriptor that is not closed in the strace log. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Add a new unit test DBBasicTest.DBCloseAllDirectoryFDs: Open a database with different WAL directory and three different data directories, and all directory file descriptors should be closed after calling Close(). Explicitly call Close() after a directory file descriptor is not used so that the counter of directory open and close should be equivalent. Reviewed By: ajkr, hx235 Differential Revision: D36722135 Pulled By: littlepig2013 fbshipit-source-id: 07bdc2abc417c6b30997b9bbef1f79aa757b21ff 02 June 2022, 01:03:34 UTC
b4d0e04 Add support for FastLRUCache in stress and crash tests. (#10081) Summary: Stress tests can run with the experimental FastLRUCache. Crash tests randomly choose between LRUCache and FastLRUCache. Since only LRUCache supports a secondary cache, we validate the `--secondary_cache_uri` and `--cache_type` flags---when `--secondary_cache_uri` is set, the `--cache_type` is set to `lru_cache`. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - To test that the FastLRUCache is used and the stress test runs successfully, run `make -j24 CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS=—duration=960 blackbox_crash_test_with_atomic_flush`. The cache type should sometimes be `fast_lru_cache`. - To test the flag validation, run `make -j24 CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS="--duration=960 --secondary_cache_uri=x" blackbox_crash_test_with_atomic_flush` multiple times. The test will always be aborted (which is okay). Check that the cache type is always `lru_cache`. Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36839908 Pulled By: guidotag fbshipit-source-id: ebcdfdcd12ec04c96c09ae5b9c9d1e613bdd1725 02 June 2022, 01:00:28 UTC
45b1c78 Update for #9922 (#10092) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36832311 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: 8fb1cf90b1d4dddebbfbeebeddb15f6905968e9b 01 June 2022, 22:36:55 UTC
5864900 Get current LogFileNumberSize the same as log_writer (#10086) Summary: `db_impl.alive_log_files_` is used to track the WAL size in `db_impl.logs_`. Get the `LogFileNumberSize` obj in `alive_log_files_` the same time as `log_writer` to keep them consistent. For this issue, it's not safe to do `deque::reverse_iterator::operator*` and `deque::pop_front()` concurrently, so remove the tail cache. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ``` # on Windows gtest-parallel ./db_test --gtest_filter=DBTest.FileCreationRandomFailure -r 1000 -w 100 ``` Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36822373 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 5e738051dfc7bcf6a15d85ba25e6365df6b6a6af 01 June 2022, 22:33:22 UTC
463873f Add bug fix to (#10091) Summary: Add to the bug fixed in Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36821861 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: 598812fab88f65c0147ece53cff55cf4ea73aac6 01 June 2022, 21:07:13 UTC
a00cffa Reduce risk of backup or checkpoint missing a WAL file (#10083) Summary: We recently saw a case in crash test in which a WAL file in the middle of the list of live WALs was not included in the backup, so the DB was not openable due to missing WAL. We are not sure why, but this change should at least turn that into a backup-time failure by ensuring all the WAL files expected by the manifest (according to VersionSet) are included in `GetSortedWalFiles()` (used by `GetLiveFilesStorageInfo()`, `BackupEngine`, and `Checkpoint`) Related: to maximize the effectiveness of track_and_verify_wals_in_manifest with GetSortedWalFiles() during checkpoint/backup, we will now sync WAL in GetLiveFilesStorageInfo() when track_and_verify_wals_in_manifest=true. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: added new unit test for the check in GetSortedWalFiles() Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36791608 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: a27bcf0213fc7ab177760fede50d4375d579afa6 01 June 2022, 18:02:27 UTC
d04df27 Persist the new MANIFEST after successfully syncing the new WAL during recovery (#9922) Summary: In case of non-TransactionDB and avoid_flush_during_recovery = true, RocksDB won't flush the data from WAL to L0 for all column families if possible. As a result, not all column families can increase their log_numbers, and min_log_number_to_keep won't change. For transaction DB (.allow_2pc), even with the flush, there may be old WAL files that it must not delete because they can contain data of uncommitted transactions and min_log_number_to_keep won't change. If we persist a new MANIFEST with advanced log_numbers for some column families, then during a second crash after persisting the MANIFEST, RocksDB will see some column families' log_numbers larger than the corrupted wal, and the "column family inconsistency" error will be hit, causing recovery to fail. As a solution, RocksDB will persist the new MANIFEST after successfully syncing the new WAL. If a future recovery starts from the new MANIFEST, then it means the new WAL is successfully synced. Due to the sentinel empty write batch at the beginning, kPointInTimeRecovery of WAL is guaranteed to go after this point. If future recovery starts from the old MANIFEST, it means the writing the new MANIFEST failed. We won't have the "SST ahead of WAL" error. Currently, RocksDB DB::Open() may creates and writes to two new MANIFEST files even before recovery succeeds. This PR buffers the edits in a structure and writes to a new MANIFEST after recovery is successful Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: 1. Update unit tests to fail without this change 2. make crast_test -j Branch with unit test and no fix to keep track of unit test (without fix) Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36043701 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: 5760970db0a0920fb73d3c054a4155733500acd9 01 June 2022, 17:52:26 UTC
7c8c803 Remove unused variable `single_column_family_mode_` (#10078) Summary: This variable is actually not being used for anything meaningful, thus remove it. This can make slightly simpler by reducing the amount of state that must be made lock-free. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: make check Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36779817 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: ffb0d9ad6149616917ae5e02bb28102cb90fc406 31 May 2022, 20:03:37 UTC
151dc00 Bypass tests instead of skipping (#10076) Summary: Make fb test infra happy, more details: Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36768766 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 4f039a5c623abb6d4a7d09bbf97077618e7ec2c8 31 May 2022, 20:02:50 UTC
5ab5537 Deflake unit test BackupEngineTest.Concurrency (#10069) Summary: After, BackupEngineTest.Concurrency becomes flaky. During DB::Open(), someone else can rename/remove the LOG file, causing this thread's `CreateLoggerFromOptions()` to fail. The reason is that the operation sequence of "FileExists -> Rename" is not atomic. It's possible that a FileExists() returns OK, but the file gets deleted before Rename(), causing the latter to return IOError with PathNotFound subcode. Although it's not encouraged to concurrently modify the contents of the directories managed by the database instance in this case, we can still perform some simple handling to make DB::Open() more robust. In this case, we can check if a racing thread has deleted the original LOG file, we can allow this thread to continue creating a new LOG file. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ~/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel -r 100 ./backup_engine_test --gtest_filter=BackupEngineTest.Concurrency Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36736913 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 3cbe92d77ca175e55e586bdb1a32ac8107217ae6 31 May 2022, 16:36:32 UTC
9baeef7 Fix unittest ExternalSSTFileBasicTest.StableSnapshotWhileLoggingToManifest (#10066) Summary: Fix the unittest `ExternalSSTFileBasicTest.StableSnapshotWhileLoggingToManifest` introduced in that is failing. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36720669 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: 47a6d2c161f27b605ede5c62d1776eecaf0d5363 31 May 2022, 15:48:57 UTC
a0f391c build: fix pkg-config file generation (#9953) Summary: - Instead of hardcoding "lib" and "include" in `libdir` and `includedir`, use the values from [`GNUInstallDirs`]( - Use `PROJECT_DESCRIPTION` and `PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL` instead of their `CMAKE_` conterparts to fix pkg-config generation when rocksdb is not the top-level project (see [`project()`]( - Drop explicit `CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR` and `CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR` in [`configure_file()`]( as that's implied by default (and quite intuitive). See CC: trynity Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36716373 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 57840eeb4453099fa1fe861dc03366085dbca704 30 May 2022, 19:46:40 UTC
0adac6f Deflake Transaction stress tests (#10063) Summary: TSAN test is slower, for `TransactionStressTest` and `DeadlockStress`, they're reaching the timeout limit of 600 seconds. Decreasing the transaction test number. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36711727 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 600f82a6d32108f52fbe5572fcc7497607b7fe98 30 May 2022, 19:34:43 UTC
460b44c Deflake column_family_test to avoid hang (#10060) Summary: Tests could hang because of flags are not test and set atomiclly, so it's waiting for a sync point forever. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36706311 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: d54b8053ce51b2de74162b28f496c048519b6cde 30 May 2022, 19:31:46 UTC
4eb7b35 Fix compile error in Clang 13 (#10033) Summary: This PR fixes the following compilation error in Clang 13, which was tested on macOS 12.4. ``` ❯ ninja clean && ninja [1/1] Cleaning all built files... Cleaning... 0 files. [198/315] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/util/ FAILED: CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/util/ ccache /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ -DGFLAGS=1 -DGFLAGS_IS_A_DLL=0 -DHAVE_FULLFSYNC -DJEMALLOC_NO_DEMANGLE -DLZ4 -DOS_MACOSX -DROCKSDB_JEMALLOC -DROCKSDB_LIB_IO_POSIX -DROCKSDB_NO_DYNAMIC_EXTENSION -DROCKSDB_PLATFORM_POSIX -DSNAPPY -DTBB -DZLIB -DZSTD -I/Users/jaepil/work/deepsearch/deps/cpp/rocksdb -I/Users/jaepil/work/deepsearch/deps/cpp/rocksdb/include -I/Users/jaepil/app/include -I/opt/homebrew/include -I/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/include -W -Wextra -Wall -pthread -Wsign-compare -Wshadow -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Woverloaded-virtual -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-invalid-offsetof -fno-omit-frame-pointer -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -Wno-unused-function -Werror -O3 -DNDEBUG -DROCKSDB_USE_RTTI -arch arm64 -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk -std=gnu++17 -MD -MT CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/util/ -MF CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/util/ -o CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/util/ -c /Users/jaepil/work/deepsearch/deps/cpp/rocksdb/util/ /Users/jaepil/work/deepsearch/deps/cpp/rocksdb/util/ error: no member named 'move' in namespace 'std' Cleanable::Cleanable(Cleanable&& other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); } ~~~~~^ /Users/jaepil/work/deepsearch/deps/cpp/rocksdb/util/ error: no member named 'move' in namespace 'std' *this = std::move(from); ~~~~~^ 2 errors generated. [209/315] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/rocksdb.dir/tools/block_cache_analyzer/ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. ``` Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36580562 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: 0f6b241d186ed528ad62d259af2857d2c2b4ded1 28 May 2022, 07:15:28 UTC
514f0b0 Fail DB::Open() if logger cannot be created (#9984) Summary: For regular db instance and secondary instance, we return error and refuse to open DB if Logger creation fails. Our current code allows it, but it is really difficult to debug because there will be no LOG files. The same for OPTIONS file, which will be explored in another PR. Furthermore, Arena::AllocateAligned(size_t bytes, size_t huge_page_size, Logger* logger) has an assertion as the following: ```cpp #ifdef MAP_HUGETLB if (huge_page_size > 0 && bytes > 0) { assert(logger != nullptr); } #endif ``` It can be removed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: make check Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36347754 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 529798c0511d2eaa2f0fd40cf7e61c4cbc6bc57e 27 May 2022, 14:23:31 UTC
e228515 Pass the size of blob files to SstFileManager during DB open (#10062) Summary: RocksDB uses the (no longer aptly named) SST file manager (see to track and potentially limit the space used by SST and blob files (as well as to rate-limit the deletion of these data files). The SST file manager tracks the SST and blob file sizes in an in-memory hash map, which has to be rebuilt during DB open. File sizes can be generally obtained by querying the file system; however, there is a performance optimization possibility here since the sizes of SST and blob files are also tracked in the RocksDB MANIFEST, so we can simply pass the file sizes stored there instead of consulting the file system for each file. Currently, this optimization is only implemented for SST files; we would like to extend it to blob files as well. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Add unit tests for the change to the test suite ltamasi riversand963 akankshamahajan15 Reviewed By: ltamasi Differential Revision: D36726621 Pulled By: gangliao fbshipit-source-id: 4010dc46ef7306142f1c2e0d1c3bf75b196ef82a 27 May 2022, 12:58:43 UTC
8c4ea7b Add timestamp support to secondary instance (#10061) Summary: This PR adds timestamp support to the secondary DB instance. With this, these timestamp related APIs are supported: ReadOptions.timestamp : read should return the latest data visible to this specified timestamp Iterator::timestamp() : returns the timestamp associated with the key, value DB:Get(..., std::string* timestamp) : returns the timestamp associated with the key, value in timestamp Test plan (on devserver): ``` $COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make -j24 all $./db_secondary_test --gtest_filter=DBSecondaryTestWithTimestamp* ``` Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36722915 Pulled By: jowlyzhang fbshipit-source-id: 644ada39e4e51164a759593478c38285e0c1a666 27 May 2022, 02:45:31 UTC
f6e4538 Disable file ingestion in crash test for CF consistency (#10067) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36727948 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: a3502730412c01ba63d822a5d4bf56f8bae8fcb2 27 May 2022, 00:41:30 UTC
6c50082 Remove code that only compiles for Visual Studio versions older than 2015 (#10065) Summary: There are currently some preprocessor checks that assume support for Visual Studio versions older than 2015 (i.e., 0 < _MSC_VER < 1900), although we don't support them any more. We removed all code that only compiles on those older versions, except third-party/ files. The ROCKSDB_NOEXCEPT symbol is now obsolete, since it now always gets replaced by noexcept. We removed it. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36721901 Pulled By: guidotag fbshipit-source-id: a2892d365ef53cce44a0a7d90dd6b72ee9b5e5f2 26 May 2022, 23:55:08 UTC
91ba783 Enable IngestExternalFile() in crash test (#9357) Summary: Thanks to and the known bugs in file ingestion (besides mmap read + file checksum) are fixed. Now we can try again to enable file ingestion in crash test. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: stress file ingestion heavily for an hour: `$ TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm python3 tools/ blackbox --max_key=1000000 --ingest_external_file_one_in=100 --duration=3600 --interval=20 --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --max_bytes_for_level_base=2097152` Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D33410746 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: d276431390995a67f68390d61c06a40945fdd280 26 May 2022, 17:31:37 UTC
c9c58a3 Add C API for User Defined Timestamp (#9914) Summary: Fixes Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15 Differential Revision: D36599983 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 39000fb473f850d88359e90b287035257854af0d 26 May 2022, 16:40:10 UTC
4cf2f67 Expose DisableManualCompaction and EnableManualCompaction to C api (#10052) Summary: Add `rocksdb_disable_manual_compaction` and `rocksdb_enable_manual_compaction`. Note that `rocksdb_enable_manual_compaction` should be used with care and must not be called more times than `rocksdb_disable_manual_compaction` has been called. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36665496 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: a4ae6e34694066feb21302ca1a5c365fb9de0ec7 26 May 2022, 04:46:17 UTC
28ea1fb Provide support for IOTracing for ReadAsync API (#9833) Summary: Same as title Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Add unit test and manually check the output of tracing logs For fixed readahead_size it logs as: ``` Access Time : 193352113447923 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 15075 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 659456 Access Time : 193352113465232 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 14425 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 671744 Access Time : 193352113481539 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 13062 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 684032 Access Time : 193352113497692 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 13649 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 696320 Access Time : 193352113520043 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 19384 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 708608 Access Time : 193352113538401 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 15406 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 720896 Access Time : 193352113554855 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 13670 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 733184 Access Time : 193352113571624 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 13855 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 745472 Access Time : 193352113587924 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 13953 , IO Status: OK, Length: 12288, Offset: 757760 Access Time : 193352113603285 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: Prefetch , Latency: 59 , IO Status: Not implemented: Prefetch not supported, Length: 8868, Offset: 898349 ``` For implicit readahead: ``` Access Time : 193351865156587 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: Prefetch , Latency: 48 , IO Status: Not implemented: Prefetch not supported, Length: 12266, Offset: 391174 Access Time : 193351865160354 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: Prefetch , Latency: 51 , IO Status: Not implemented: Prefetch not supported, Length: 12266, Offset: 395248 Access Time : 193351865164253 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: Prefetch , Latency: 49 , IO Status: Not implemented: Prefetch not supported, Length: 12266, Offset: 399322 Access Time : 193351865165461 , File Name: 000026.sst , File Operation: ReadAsync , Latency: 222871 , IO Status: OK, Length: 135168, Offset: 401408 ``` Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D35601634 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: 5a4f32a850af878efa0767bd5706380152a1f26e 26 May 2022, 02:47:03 UTC
5490da2 Fix flaky db_basic_bench caused by unreleased iterator (#10058) Summary: Iterator is not freed after test is done (after the main for loop), which could cause db close failed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Able to reproduce consistently with higher thread number, like 100, make sure it passes after the fix Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36685823 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 4c98b8758d106bfe40cae670e689c3d284765bcf 26 May 2022, 01:02:04 UTC
bd170dd Abort RocksDB performance regression test on failure in test setup (#10053) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Need to exit if ldb command fails, to avoid running db_bench on empty/bad DB and considering the results valid. Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36673200 fbshipit-source-id: e0d78a0d397e0e335d82d9349bfd612d38ffb552 25 May 2022, 20:35:08 UTC
356f8c5 FindObsoleteFiles() to directly check whether candidate files are live (#10040) Summary: Right now, in FindObsoleteFiles() we build a list of all live SST files from all existing Versions. This is all done in DB mutex, and is O(m*n) where m is number of versions and n is number of files. In some extereme cases, it can take very long. The list is used to see whether a candidate file still shows up in a version. With this commit, every candidate file is directly check against all the versions for file existance. This operation would be O(m*k) where k is number of candidate files. Since is usually small (except perhaps full compaction in universal compaction), this is usually much faster than the previous solution. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: TBD Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36613391 fbshipit-source-id: 3f13b090f755d9b3ae417faec62cd6e798bac1eb 25 May 2022, 19:43:48 UTC
b0e1906 Update VersionSet last seqno after LogAndApply (#10051) Summary: This PR fixes the issue of unstable snapshot during external SST file ingestion. Credit ajkr for the following walk through: consider these relevant steps for of IngestExternalFile(): (1) increase seqno while holding mutex -- (2) LogAndApply() -- (a) write to MANIFEST with mutex released (b) apply to in-memory state with mutex held A snapshot taken during (2a) will be unstable. In particular, queries against that snapshot will not include data from the ingested file before (2b), and will include data from the ingested file after (2b). Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Added a new unit test: `ExternalSSTFileBasicTest.WriteAfterReopenStableSnapshotWhileLoggingToManifest`. ``` make external_sst_file_basic_test ./external_sst_file_basic_test ``` Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36654033 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: bf720cca313e0cf211585960f3aff04853a31b96 25 May 2022, 17:05:17 UTC
b71466e Improve transaction C-API (#9252) Summary: This PR wants to improve support for transaction in C-API: * Support two-phase commit. * Support `get_pinned` and `multi_get` in transaction. * Add `rocksdb_transactiondb_flush` * Support get writebatch from transaction and rebuild transaction from writebatch. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36459007 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 47371d527be821c496353a7fe2fd18d628069a98 25 May 2022, 16:38:10 UTC
9901e7f Enable checkpoint and backup in db_stress when timestamp is enabled (#10047) Summary: After and, we can enable checkpoint and backup in stress tests when user-defined timestamp is enabled. This PR has no production risk. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ``` TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm make crash_test_with_ts ``` Reviewed By: jowlyzhang Differential Revision: D36641565 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: d86c9d87efcc34c32d1aa176af691d32b897644a 25 May 2022, 01:25:43 UTC
af7ae91 Fix potential ambiguities in/around port/sys_time.h (#10045) Summary: There are some time-related POSIX APIs that are not available on Windows (e.g. `localtime_r`), which we have worked around by providing our own implementations in `port/sys_time.h`. This workaround actually relies on some ambiguity: on Windows, a call to `localtime_r` calls `ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::localtime_r` (which is pulled into `ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE` by a using-declaration), while on other platforms it calls the global `localtime_r`. This works fine as long as there is only one candidate function; however, it breaks down when there is more than one `localtime_r` visible in a scope. The patch fixes this by introducing `ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::{TimeVal, GetTimeOfDay, LocalTimeR}` to eliminate any ambiguity. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: `make check` Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36639372 Pulled By: ltamasi fbshipit-source-id: fc13dbfa421b7c8918111a6d9e24ce77e91a7c50 25 May 2022, 01:20:17 UTC
a96a4a2 Fix ApproximateOffsetOfCompressed test (#10048) Summary: introduced new an option `use_zstd_dict_trainer`, which is stored in SST as text, e.g.: ``` ... zstd_max_train_bytes=0; enabled=0;... ``` it increased the sst size a little bit and cause `ApproximateOffsetOfCompressed` test to fail: ``` Value 7053 is not in range [4000, 7050] table/ Failure Value of: Between(c.ApproximateOffsetOf("xyz"), 4000, 7050) ``` Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: verified the test pass after the change Reviewed By: cbi42 Differential Revision: D36643688 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: bf12d211f6ae71937259ef21b1226bd06e8da717 24 May 2022, 23:35:58 UTC
23f34c7 Skip ZSTD dict tests if the version doesn't support it (#10046) Summary: For example, the default ZSTD version for ubuntu20 is 1.4.4, which will fail the test `PresetCompressionDict`: ``` db/ Failure Invalid argument: zstd finalizeDictionary cannot be used because ZSTD 1.4.5+ is not linked with the binary. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'testing::internal::GoogleTestFailureException' ``` Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: test pass with old zstd Reviewed By: cbi42 Differential Revision: D36640067 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: b1c49fb7295f57f4515ce4eb3a52ae7d7e45da86 24 May 2022, 22:44:49 UTC
c78a87c Avoid malloc_usable_size() call inside LRU Cache mutex (#10026) Summary: In LRU Cache mutex, we sometimes call malloc_usable_size() to calculate memory used by the metadata object. We prevent it by saving the charge + metadata size, rather than charge, inside the metadata itself. Within the mutex, usually only total charge is needed so we don't need to repeat. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Run existing tests. Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36556253 fbshipit-source-id: f60c96d13cde3af77732e5548e4eac4182fa9801 24 May 2022, 20:31:16 UTC
d4081bf Add timestamp support to CompactedDBImpl (#10030) Summary: This PR is the second and last part for adding user defined timestamp support to read only DB. Specifically, the change in this PR includes: - `options.timestamp` respected by `CompactedDBImpl::Get` and `CompactedDBImpl::MultiGet` to return results visible up till that timestamp. - `CompactedDBImpl::Get(...,std::string* timestsamp)` and `CompactedDBImpl::MultiGet(std::vector<std::string>* timestamps)` return the timestamp(s) associated with the key(s). Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ``` $COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make -j24 all $./db_readonly_with_timestamp_test --gtest_filter="DBReadOnlyTestWithTimestamp.CompactedDB*" $./db_basic_test --gtest_filter="DBBasicTest.CompactedDB*" $make all check ``` Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36613926 Pulled By: jowlyzhang fbshipit-source-id: 5b7ed7fef822708c12e2caf7a8d2deb6a696f0f0 24 May 2022, 19:14:10 UTC
8515bd5 Support read rate-limiting in SequentialFileReader (#9973) Summary: Added rate limiter and read rate-limiting support to SequentialFileReader. I've updated call sites to SequentialFileReader::Read with appropriate IO priority (or left a TODO and specified IO_TOTAL for now). The PR is separated into four commits: the first one added the rate-limiting support, but with some fixes in the unit test since the number of request bytes from rate limiter in SequentialFileReader are not accurate (there is overcharge at EOF). The second commit fixed this by allowing SequentialFileReader to check file size and determine how many bytes are left in the file to read. The third commit added benchmark related code. The fourth commit moved the logic of using file size to avoid overcharging the rate limiter into backup engine (the main user of SequentialFileReader). Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - `make check`, backup_engine_test covers usage of SequentialFileReader with rate limiter. - Run db_bench to check if rate limiting is throttling as expected: Verified that reads and writes are together throttled at 2MB/s, and at 0.2MB chunks that are 100ms apart. - Set up: `./db_bench --benchmarks=fillrandom -db=/dev/shm/test_rocksdb` - Benchmark: ``` strace -ttfe read,write ./db_bench --benchmarks=backup -db=/dev/shm/test_rocksdb --backup_rate_limit=2097152 --use_existing_db strace -ttfe read,write ./db_bench --benchmarks=restore -db=/dev/shm/test_rocksdb --restore_rate_limit=2097152 --use_existing_db ``` - db bench on backup and restore to ensure no performance regression. - backup (avg over 50 runs): pre-change: 1.90443e+06 micros/op; post-change: 1.8993e+06 micros/op (improve by 0.2%) - restore (avg over 50 runs): pre-change: 1.79105e+06 micros/op; post-change: 1.78192e+06 micros/op (improve by 0.5%) ``` # Set up ./db_bench --benchmarks=fillrandom -db=/tmp/test_rocksdb -num=10000000 # benchmark TEST_TMPDIR=/tmp/test_rocksdb NUM_RUN=50 for ((j=0;j<$NUM_RUN;j++)) do ./db_bench -db=$TEST_TMPDIR -num=10000000 -benchmarks=backup -use_existing_db | egrep 'backup' # Restore #./db_bench -db=$TEST_TMPDIR -num=10000000 -benchmarks=restore -use_existing_db done > rate_limit.txt && awk -v NUM_RUN=$NUM_RUN '{sum+=$3;sum_sqrt+=$3^2}END{print sum/NUM_RUN, sqrt(sum_sqrt/NUM_RUN-(sum/NUM_RUN)^2)}' rate_limit.txt >> rate_limit_2.txt ``` Reviewed By: hx235 Differential Revision: D36327418 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: e75d4307cff815945482df5ba630c1e88d064691 24 May 2022, 17:28:57 UTC
fd24e44 Fix failed VerifySstUniqueIds unittests (#10043) Summary: which should use UniqueId64x2 instead of string. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: unittest Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36620366 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: cf937a1da362018472fa4396848225e48893848b 24 May 2022, 16:00:06 UTC
700d597 Expose unix time in rocksdb::Snapshot (#9923) Summary: RocksDB snapshot already has a member unix_time_ set after snapshot is taken. It is now exposed through GetSnapshotTime() API. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Update unit tests Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36048275 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: 825210ec287deb0bc3aaa9b8e1f079f07ad686fa 24 May 2022, 05:31:08 UTC
8e9d915 Fix fbcode internal build failure (#10041) Summary: The build failed due to different namespaces for coroutines (std::experimental vs std) based on compiler version. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ltamasi Differential Revision: D36617212 Pulled By: anand1976 fbshipit-source-id: dfb25320788d32969317d5651173059e2cbd8bd5 24 May 2022, 03:06:14 UTC
253ae01 Update version on main to 7.4 and add 7.3 to the format compatibility checks (#10038) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36604533 Pulled By: ltamasi fbshipit-source-id: 54ccd0a4b32a320b5640a658ea6846ee897065d1 23 May 2022, 21:55:33 UTC
a479c2c Fix stress test failure "Corruption: checksum mismatch" or "Iterator Diverged" with async_io enabled (#10032) Summary: In case of non sequential reads with `async_io`, `FilePRefetchBuffer::TryReadFromCacheAsync` can be called for previous blocks with `offset < bufs_[curr_].offset_` which wasn't handled correctly resulting wrong data being returned from buffer. Since `FilePRefetchBuffer::PrefetchAsync` can be called for any data block, it sets `prev_len_` to 0 indicating `FilePRefetchBuffer::TryReadFromCacheAsync` to go for the prefetching even though offset < bufs_[curr_].offset_ This is because async prefetching is always done in second buffer (to avoid mutex) even though curr_ is empty leading to offset < bufs_[curr_].offset_ in some cases. If prev_len_ is non zero then `TryReadFromCacheAsync` returns false if `offset < bufs_[curr_].offset_ && prev_len != 0` indicating reads are not sequential and previous call wasn't PrefetchAsync. - This PR also simplifies `FilePRefetchBuffer::TryReadFromCacheAsync` as it was getting complicated covering different scenarios based on `async_io` enabled/disabled. If `for_compaction` is set true, it now calls `FilePRefetchBufferTryReadFromCache` following synchronous flow as before. Its decided in Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: 1. export CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS=" --async_io=1" make crash_test -j completed successfully locally 2. make crash_test -j completed successfully locally 3. Reran CircleCi mini crashtest job 4 - 5 times. 4. Updated prefetch_test for more coverage. Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36579858 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: 0c428d62b45e12e082a83acf533a5e37a584bedf 23 May 2022, 19:15:26 UTC
bea5831 Move three info logging within DB Mutex to use log buffer (#10029) Summary: info logging with DB Mutex could potentially invoke I/O and cause performance issues. Move three of the cases to use log buffer. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Run existing tests. Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36561694 fbshipit-source-id: cabb93fea299001a6b4c2802fcba3fde27fa062c 23 May 2022, 17:09:37 UTC
1e4850f Java build: finish compiling before testing (etc) (#10034) Summary: Lack of ordering dependencies could lead to random build-linux-java failures with "Truncated class file" because tests started before compilation was finished. (Fix to java/Makefile) Also: * export SHA256_CMD to save copy-paste * Actually fail if Java sample build fails--which it was in CircleCI * Don't require Snappy for Java sample build (for more compatibility) * Remove check_all_python from jtest because it's running in `make check` builds in CircleCI Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI, some manual Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36596541 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 230d79db4b7ae93a366871ff09d0a88e8e1c8af3 23 May 2022, 16:56:40 UTC
cb85860 Add plugin header install in CMakeLists.txt (#10025) Summary: Fixes - Plugin specific headers can be specified by setting ${PLUGIN_NAME}_HEADERS in ${PLUGIN_NAME}.mk in the plugin directory. - This is supported by the Makefile based build, but was missing from CMakeLists.txt. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - Add a plugin with ${PLUGIN_NAME}_HEADERS set in both ${PLUGIN_NAME}.mk and CMakeLists.txt - Run Makefile based install and CMake based install and verify installed headers match Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36584908 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: 5ea0137205ccbf0d36faacf45d712c5604065bb5 23 May 2022, 16:53:36 UTC
56ce3ae Minimum macOS version needed to build v7.2.2 and up is 10.13 (#9976) Summary: Some C++ code changes between version 7.1.2 and 7.2.2 now seem to require at least macOS 10.13 (2017) to build successfully, previously we needed 10.12 (2016). I haven't been able to identify the exact commit. **NOTE**: This needs to be merged to both `main` and `7.2.fb` branches. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36303226 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: 589ce3ecf821db3402b0876e76d37b407896c945 22 May 2022, 22:06:46 UTC
bed40e7 Update HISTORY for 7.3 release (#10031) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36567741 Pulled By: ltamasi fbshipit-source-id: 058f8cc856d276db6e1aed07a89ac0b7118c4435 21 May 2022, 11:54:36 UTC
899db56 Point libprotobuf-mutator to the latest verified commit hash (#10028) Summary: Recent updates to has caused link errors for RocksDB CircleCI job 'build-fuzzers'. This PR points the CI to a specific, most recent verified commit hash. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: watch for CI to finish. Reviewed By: pdillinger, jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36562517 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: ba5ef0f9ed6ea6a75aa5dd2768bd5f389ac14f46 21 May 2022, 00:16:07 UTC
f648915 Fix a bug of not setting enforce_single_del_contracts (#10027) Summary: Before this PR, BuildDBOptions() does not set a newly-added option, i.e. enforce_single_del_contracts, causing OPTIONS files to contain incorrect information. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: make check Manually check OPTIONS file. Reviewed By: ltamasi Differential Revision: D36556125 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: e1074715b22c328b68c19e9ad89aa5d67d864bb5 20 May 2022, 23:48:50 UTC
2db6a4a Seek parallelization (#9994) Summary: The RocksDB iterator is a hierarchy of iterators. MergingIterator maintains a heap of LevelIterators, one for each L0 file and for each non-zero level. The Seek() operation naturally lends itself to parallelization, as it involves positioning every LevelIterator on the correct data block in the correct SST file. It lookups a level for a target key, to find the first key that's >= the target key. This typically involves reading one data block that is likely to contain the target key, and scan forward to find the first valid key. The forward scan may read more data blocks. In order to find the right data block, the iterator may read some metadata blocks (required for opening a file and searching the index). This flow can be parallelized. Design: Seek will be called two times under async_io option. First seek will send asynchronous request to prefetch the data blocks at each level and second seek will follow the normal flow and in FilePrefetchBuffer::TryReadFromCacheAsync it will wait for the Poll() to get the results and add the iterator to min_heap. - Status::TryAgain is passed down from FilePrefetchBuffer::PrefetchAsync to block_iter_.Status indicating asynchronous request has been submitted. - If for some reason asynchronous request returns error in submitting the request, it will fallback to sequential reading of blocks in one pass. - If the data already exists in prefetch_buffer, it will return the data without prefetching further and it will be treated as single pass of seek. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - **Run Regressions.** ``` ./db_bench -db=/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main -benchmarks="fillseq" -key_size=32 -value_size=512 -num=5000000 -use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction=true -target_file_size_base=16777216 ``` i) Previous release 7.0 run for normal prefetching with async_io disabled: ``` ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main -benchmarks="seekrandom" -key_size=32 -value_size=512 -num=5000000 -use_direct_reads=true -seek_nexts=327680 -duration=120 -ops_between_duration_checks=1 Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags RocksDB: version 7.0 Date: Thu Mar 17 13:11:34 2022 CPU: 24 * Intel Core Processor (Broadwell) CPUCache: 16384 KB Keys: 32 bytes each (+ 0 bytes user-defined timestamp) Values: 512 bytes each (256 bytes after compression) Entries: 5000000 Prefix: 0 bytes Keys per prefix: 0 RawSize: 2594.0 MB (estimated) FileSize: 1373.3 MB (estimated) Write rate: 0 bytes/second Read rate: 0 ops/second Compression: Snappy Compression sampling rate: 0 Memtablerep: SkipListFactory Perf Level: 1 ------------------------------------------------ DB path: [/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main] seekrandom : 483618.390 micros/op 2 ops/sec; 338.9 MB/s (249 of 249 found) ``` ii) normal prefetching after changes with async_io disable: ``` ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main -benchmarks="seekrandom" -key_size=32 -value_size=512 -num=5000000 -use_direct_reads=true -seek_nexts=327680 -duration=120 -ops_between_duration_checks=1 Set seed to 1652922591315307 because --seed was 0 Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags RocksDB: version 7.3 Date: Wed May 18 18:09:51 2022 CPU: 32 * Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake) CPUCache: 16384 KB Keys: 32 bytes each (+ 0 bytes user-defined timestamp) Values: 512 bytes each (256 bytes after compression) Entries: 5000000 Prefix: 0 bytes Keys per prefix: 0 RawSize: 2594.0 MB (estimated) FileSize: 1373.3 MB (estimated) Write rate: 0 bytes/second Read rate: 0 ops/second Compression: Snappy Compression sampling rate: 0 Memtablerep: SkipListFactory Perf Level: 1 ------------------------------------------------ DB path: [/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main] seekrandom : 483080.466 micros/op 2 ops/sec 120.287 seconds 249 operations; 340.8 MB/s (249 of 249 found) ``` iii) db_bench with async_io enabled completed succesfully ``` ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main -benchmarks="seekrandom" -key_size=32 -value_size=512 -num=5000000 -use_direct_reads=true -seek_nexts=327680 -duration=120 -ops_between_duration_checks=1 -async_io=1 -adaptive_readahead=1 Set seed to 1652924062021732 because --seed was 0 Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags RocksDB: version 7.3 Date: Wed May 18 18:34:22 2022 CPU: 32 * Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake) CPUCache: 16384 KB Keys: 32 bytes each (+ 0 bytes user-defined timestamp) Values: 512 bytes each (256 bytes after compression) Entries: 5000000 Prefix: 0 bytes Keys per prefix: 0 RawSize: 2594.0 MB (estimated) FileSize: 1373.3 MB (estimated) Write rate: 0 bytes/second Read rate: 0 ops/second Compression: Snappy Compression sampling rate: 0 Memtablerep: SkipListFactory Perf Level: 1 ------------------------------------------------ DB path: [/tmp/prefix_scan_prefetch_main] seekrandom : 553913.576 micros/op 1 ops/sec 120.199 seconds 217 operations; 293.6 MB/s (217 of 217 found) ``` - db_stress with async_io disabled completed succesfully ``` export CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS=" --async_io=0" make crash_test -j ``` I**n Progress**: db_stress with async_io is failing and working on debugging/fixing it. Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36459323 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: abb1cd944abe712bae3986ae5b16704b3338917c 20 May 2022, 23:09:33 UTC
e015206 Fix crash due to MultiGet async IO and direct IO (#10024) Summary: MultiGet with async IO is not officially supported with Posix yet. Avoid a crash by using synchronous MultiRead when direct IO is enabled. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Run manually Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15 Differential Revision: D36551053 Pulled By: anand1976 fbshipit-source-id: 72190418fa92dd0397e87825df618b12c9bdecda 20 May 2022, 19:38:21 UTC
cc23b46 Support using ZDICT_finalizeDictionary to generate zstd dictionary (#9857) Summary: An untrained dictionary is currently simply the concatenation of several samples. The ZSTD API, ZDICT_finalizeDictionary(), can improve such a dictionary's effectiveness at low cost. This PR changes how dictionary is created by calling the ZSTD ZDICT_finalizeDictionary() API instead of creating raw content dictionary (when max_dict_buffer_bytes > 0), and pass in all buffered uncompressed data blocks as samples. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: #### db_bench test for cpu/memory of compression+decompression and space saving on synthetic data: Set up: change the parameter [here]( to 16384 to make synthetic data more compressible. ``` # linked local ZSTD with version 1.5.2 # DEBUG_LEVEL=0 ROCKSDB_NO_FBCODE=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ZSTD=1 EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="-DZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY -DZSTD -I/data/users/changyubi/install/include/" EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L/data/users/changyubi/install/lib/ -l:libzstd.a" make -j32 db_bench dict_bytes=16384 train_bytes=1048576 echo "========== No Dictionary ==========" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -num=10000000 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=0 -block_size=4096 -max_background_jobs=24 -memtablerep=vector -allow_concurrent_memtable_write=false -disable_wal=true -max_write_buffer_number=8 >/dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm /usr/bin/time ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=0 -block_size=4096 2>&1 | grep elapsed du -hc /dev/shm/dbbench/*sst | grep total echo "========== Raw Content Dictionary ==========" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -num=10000000 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -block_size=4096 -max_background_jobs=24 -memtablerep=vector -allow_concurrent_memtable_write=false -disable_wal=true -max_write_buffer_number=8 >/dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm /usr/bin/time ./db_bench_main -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -block_size=4096 2>&1 | grep elapsed du -hc /dev/shm/dbbench/*sst | grep total echo "========== FinalizeDictionary ==========" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -num=10000000 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -compression_use_zstd_dict_trainer=false -block_size=4096 -max_background_jobs=24 -memtablerep=vector -allow_concurrent_memtable_write=false -disable_wal=true -max_write_buffer_number=8 >/dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm /usr/bin/time ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -compression_use_zstd_dict_trainer=false -block_size=4096 2>&1 | grep elapsed du -hc /dev/shm/dbbench/*sst | grep total echo "========== TrainDictionary ==========" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -num=10000000 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -block_size=4096 -max_background_jobs=24 -memtablerep=vector -allow_concurrent_memtable_write=false -disable_wal=true -max_write_buffer_number=8 >/dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm /usr/bin/time ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -block_size=4096 2>&1 | grep elapsed du -hc /dev/shm/dbbench/*sst | grep total # Result: TrainDictionary is much better on space saving, but FinalizeDictionary seems to use less memory. # before compression data size: 1.2GB dict_bytes=16384 max_dict_buffer_bytes = 1048576 space cpu/memory No Dictionary 468M 14.93user 1.00system 0:15.92elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 23904maxresident)k Raw Dictionary 251M 15.81user 0.80system 0:16.56elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 156808maxresident)k FinalizeDictionary 236M 11.93user 0.64system 0:12.56elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 89548maxresident)k TrainDictionary 84M 7.29user 0.45system 0:07.75elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 97288maxresident)k ``` #### Benchmark on 10 sample SST files for spacing saving and CPU time on compression: FinalizeDictionary is comparable to TrainDictionary in terms of space saving, and takes less time in compression. ``` dict_bytes=16384 train_bytes=1048576 for sst_file in `ls ../temp/myrock-sst/` do echo "********** $sst_file **********" echo "========== No Dictionary ==========" ./sst_dump --file="../temp/myrock-sst/$sst_file" --command=recompress --compression_level_from=6 --compression_level_to=6 --compression_types=kZSTD echo "========== Raw Content Dictionary ==========" ./sst_dump --file="../temp/myrock-sst/$sst_file" --command=recompress --compression_level_from=6 --compression_level_to=6 --compression_types=kZSTD --compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes echo "========== FinalizeDictionary ==========" ./sst_dump --file="../temp/myrock-sst/$sst_file" --command=recompress --compression_level_from=6 --compression_level_to=6 --compression_types=kZSTD --compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes --compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes --compression_use_zstd_finalize_dict echo "========== TrainDictionary ==========" ./sst_dump --file="../temp/myrock-sst/$sst_file" --command=recompress --compression_level_from=6 --compression_level_to=6 --compression_types=kZSTD --compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes --compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes done 010240.sst (Size/Time) 011029.sst 013184.sst 021552.sst 185054.sst 185137.sst 191666.sst 7560381.sst 7604174.sst 7635312.sst No Dictionary 28165569 / 2614419 32899411 / 2976832 32977848 / 3055542 31966329 / 2004590 33614351 / 1755877 33429029 / 1717042 33611933 / 1776936 33634045 / 2771417 33789721 / 2205414 33592194 / 388254 Raw Content Dictionary 28019950 / 2697961 33748665 / 3572422 33896373 / 3534701 26418431 / 2259658 28560825 / 1839168 28455030 / 1846039 28494319 / 1861349 32391599 / 3095649 33772142 / 2407843 33592230 / 474523 FinalizeDictionary 27896012 / 2650029 33763886 / 3719427 33904283 / 3552793 26008225 / 2198033 28111872 / 1869530 28014374 / 1789771 28047706 / 1848300 32296254 / 3204027 33698698 / 2381468 33592344 / 517433 TrainDictionary 28046089 / 2740037 33706480 / 3679019 33885741 / 3629351 25087123 / 2204558 27194353 / 1970207 27234229 / 1896811 27166710 / 1903119 32011041 / 3322315 32730692 / 2406146 33608631 / 570593 ``` #### Decompression/Read test: With FinalizeDictionary/TrainDictionary, some data structure used for decompression are in stored in dictionary, so they are expected to be faster in terms of decompression/reads. ``` dict_bytes=16384 train_bytes=1048576 echo "No Dictionary" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=0 > /dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=readrandom -cache_size=0 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=0 2>&1 | grep MB/s echo "Raw Dictionary" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes > /dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=readrandom -cache_size=0 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes 2>&1 | grep MB/s echo "FinalizeDict" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -compression_use_zstd_dict_trainer=false > /dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=readrandom -cache_size=0 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes -compression_use_zstd_dict_trainer=false 2>&1 | grep MB/s echo "Train Dictionary" TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -benchmarks=filluniquerandom,compact -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes > /dev/null 2>&1 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true -benchmarks=readrandom -cache_size=0 -compression_type=zstd -compression_max_dict_bytes=$dict_bytes -compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=$train_bytes 2>&1 | grep MB/s No Dictionary readrandom : 12.183 micros/op 82082 ops/sec 12.183 seconds 1000000 operations; 9.1 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found) Raw Dictionary readrandom : 12.314 micros/op 81205 ops/sec 12.314 seconds 1000000 operations; 9.0 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found) FinalizeDict readrandom : 9.787 micros/op 102180 ops/sec 9.787 seconds 1000000 operations; 11.3 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found) Train Dictionary readrandom : 9.698 micros/op 103108 ops/sec 9.699 seconds 1000000 operations; 11.4 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found) ``` Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D35720026 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: 24d230fdff0fd28a1bb650658798f00dfcfb2a1f 20 May 2022, 19:09:09 UTC
6255ac7 Bump nokogiri from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6 in /docs (#10019) Summary: Bumps [nokogiri]( from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6. <details> <summary>Release notes</summary> <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">nokogiri's releases</a>.</em></p> <blockquote> <h2>1.13.6 / 2022-05-08</h2> <h3>Security</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Address <a href="">CVE-2022-29181</a>, improper handling of unexpected data types, related to untrusted inputs to the SAX parsers. See <a href="">GHSA-xh29-r2w5-wx8m</a> for more information.</li> </ul> <h3>Improvements</h3> <ul> <li><code>{HTML4,XML}::SAX::{Parser,ParserContext}</code> constructor methods now raise <code>TypeError</code> instead of segfaulting when an incorrect type is passed.</li> </ul> <hr /> <p>sha256:</p> <pre><code>58417c7c10f78cd1c0e1984f81538300d4ea98962cfd3f46f725efee48f9757a nokogiri-1.13.6-aarch64-linux.gem a2b04ec3b1b73ecc6fac619b41e9fdc70808b7a653b96ec97d04b7a23f158dbc nokogiri-1.13.6-arm64-darwin.gem 4437f2d03bc7da8854f4aaae89e24a98cf5c8b0212ae2bc003af7e65c7ee8e27 nokogiri-1.13.6-java.gem 99d3e212bbd5e80aa602a1f52d583e4f6e917ec594e6aa580f6aacc253eff984 nokogiri-1.13.6-x64-mingw-ucrt.gem a04f6154a75b6ed4fe2d0d0ff3ac02f094b54e150b50330448f834fa5726fbba nokogiri-1.13.6-x64-mingw32.gem a13f30c2863ef9e5e11240dd6d69ef114229d471018b44f2ff60bab28327de4d nokogiri-1.13.6-x86-linux.gem 63a2ca2f7a4f6bd9126e1695037f66c8eb72ed1e1740ef162b4480c57cc17dc6 nokogiri-1.13.6-x86-mingw32.gem 2b266e0eb18030763277b30dc3d64337f440191e2bd157027441ac56a59d9dfe nokogiri-1.13.6-x86_64-darwin.gem 3fa37b0c3b5744af45f9da3e4ae9cbd89480b35e12ae36b5e87a0452e0b38335 nokogiri-1.13.6-x86_64-linux.gem b1512fdc0aba446e1ee30de3e0671518eb363e75fab53486e99e8891d44b8587 nokogiri-1.13.6.gem </code></pre> <h2>1.13.5 / 2022-05-04</h2> <h3>Security</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated to address <a href="">CVE-2022-29824</a>. See <a href="">GHSA-cgx6-hpwq-fhv5</a> for more information.</li> </ul> <h3>Dependencies</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated from v2.9.13 to <a href="">v2.9.14</a>.</li> </ul> <h3>Improvements</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] The libxml2 HTML4 parser no longer exhibits quadratic behavior when recovering some broken markup related to start-of-tag and bare <code>&lt;</code> characters.</li> </ul> <h3>Changed</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] The libxml2 HTML4 parser in v2.9.14 recovers from some broken markup differently. Notably, the XML CDATA escape sequence <code>&lt;![CDATA[</code> and incorrectly-opened comments will result in HTML text nodes starting with <code>&amp;lt;!</code> instead of skipping the invalid tag. This behavior is a direct result of the <a href="">quadratic-behavior fix</a> noted above. The behavior of downstream sanitizers relying on this behavior will also change. Some tests describing the changed behavior are in <a href=""><code>test/html4/test_comments.rb</code></a>.</li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>... (truncated)</p> </details> <details> <summary>Changelog</summary> <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">nokogiri's changelog</a>.</em></p> <blockquote> <h2>1.13.6 / 2022-05-08</h2> <h3>Security</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Address <a href="">CVE-2022-29181</a>, improper handling of unexpected data types, related to untrusted inputs to the SAX parsers. See <a href="">GHSA-xh29-r2w5-wx8m</a> for more information.</li> </ul> <h3>Improvements</h3> <ul> <li><code>{HTML4,XML}::SAX::{Parser,ParserContext}</code> constructor methods now raise <code>TypeError</code> instead of segfaulting when an incorrect type is passed.</li> </ul> <h2>1.13.5 / 2022-05-04</h2> <h3>Security</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated to address <a href="">CVE-2022-29824</a>. See <a href="">GHSA-cgx6-hpwq-fhv5</a> for more information.</li> </ul> <h3>Dependencies</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated from v2.9.13 to <a href="">v2.9.14</a>.</li> </ul> <h3>Improvements</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] The libxml2 HTML parser no longer exhibits quadratic behavior when recovering some broken markup related to start-of-tag and bare <code>&lt;</code> characters.</li> </ul> <h3>Changed</h3> <ul> <li>[CRuby] The libxml2 HTML parser in v2.9.14 recovers from some broken markup differently. Notably, the XML CDATA escape sequence <code>&lt;![CDATA[</code> and incorrectly-opened comments will result in HTML text nodes starting with <code>&amp;lt;!</code> instead of skipping the invalid tag. This behavior is a direct result of the <a href="">quadratic-behavior fix</a> noted above. The behavior of downstream sanitizers relying on this behavior will also change. Some tests describing the changed behavior are in <a href=""><code>test/html4/test_comments.rb</code></a>.</li> </ul> </blockquote> </details> <details> <summary>Commits</summary> <ul> <li><a href=""><code>b7817b6</code></a> version bump to v1.13.6</li> <li><a href=""><code>61b1a39</code></a> Merge pull request <a href=""></a> from sparklemotion/flavorjones-check-parse-memory-ty...</li> <li><a href=""><code>83cc451</code></a> fix: {HTML4,XML}::SAX::{Parser,ParserContext} check arg types</li> <li><a href=""><code>22c9e5b</code></a> version bump to v1.13.5</li> <li><a href=""><code>6155881</code></a> doc: update CHANGELOG for v1.13.5</li> <li><a href=""><code>c519a47</code></a> Merge pull request <a href=""></a> from sparklemotion/2525-update-libxml-2_9_14-v1_13_x</li> <li><a href=""><code>66c2886</code></a> dep: update libxml2 to v2.9.14</li> <li><a href=""><code>b7c4cc3</code></a> test: unpend the LIBXML_LOADED_VERSION test on freebsd</li> <li><a href=""><code>eac7934</code></a> dev: require yaml</li> <li><a href=""><code>f3521ba</code></a> style(rubocop): pend Style/FetchEnvVar for now</li> <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li> </ul> </details> <br /> [![Dependabot compatibility score](]( Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `dependabot rebase`. [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start) [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-end) --- <details> <summary>Dependabot commands and options</summary> <br /> You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: - `dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR - `dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it - `dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it - `dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it - `dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging - `dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed - `dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually - `dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) - `dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) - `dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) - `dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language - `dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language - `dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language - `dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the [Security Alerts page]( </details> Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36536897 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: 368c24e86d5d39f0a3adc08a397ae074b1b18b1a 20 May 2022, 18:00:15 UTC
16bdb1f Add timestamp support to DBImplReadOnly (#10004) Summary: This PR adds timestamp support to a read only DB instance opened as `DBImplReadOnly`. A follow up PR will add the same support to `CompactedDBImpl`. With this, read only database has these timestamp related APIs: `ReadOptions.timestamp` : read should return the latest data visible to this specified timestamp `Iterator::timestamp()` : returns the timestamp associated with the key, value `DB:Get(..., std::string* timestamp)` : returns the timestamp associated with the key, value in `timestamp` Test plan (on devserver): ``` $COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make -j24 all $./db_with_timestamp_basic_test --gtest_filter=DBBasicTestWithTimestamp.ReadOnlyDB* ``` Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36434422 Pulled By: jowlyzhang fbshipit-source-id: 5d949e65b1ffb845758000e2b310fdd4aae71cfb 20 May 2022, 01:39:41 UTC
57997dd Multi file concurrency in MultiGet using coroutines and async IO (#9968) Summary: This PR implements a coroutine version of batched MultiGet in order to concurrently read from multiple SST files in a level using async IO, thus reducing the latency of the MultiGet. The API from the user perspective is still synchronous and single threaded, with the RocksDB part of the processing happening in the context of the caller's thread. In Version::MultiGet, the decision is made whether to call synchronous or coroutine code. A good way to review this PR is to review the first 4 commits in order - de773b3, 70c2f70, 10b50e1, and 377a597 - before reviewing the rest. TODO: 1. Figure out how to build it in CircleCI (requires some dependencies to be installed) 2. Do some stress testing with coroutines enabled No regression in synchronous MultiGet between this branch and main - ``` ./db_bench -use_existing_db=true --db=/data/mysql/rocksdb/prefix_scan -benchmarks="readseq,multireadrandom" -key_size=32 -value_size=512 -num=5000000 -batch_size=64 -multiread_batched=true -use_direct_reads=false -duration=60 -ops_between_duration_checks=1 -readonly=true -adaptive_readahead=true -threads=16 -cache_size=10485760000 -async_io=false -multiread_stride=40000 -statistics ``` Branch - ```multireadrandom : 4.025 micros/op 3975111 ops/sec 60.001 seconds 238509056 operations; 2062.3 MB/s (14767808 of 14767808 found)``` Main - ```multireadrandom : 3.987 micros/op 4013216 ops/sec 60.001 seconds 240795392 operations; 2082.1 MB/s (15231040 of 15231040 found)``` More benchmarks in various scenarios are given below. The measurements were taken with ```async_io=false``` (no coroutines) and ```async_io=true``` (use coroutines). For an IO bound workload (with every key requiring an IO), the coroutines version shows a clear benefit, being ~2.6X faster. For CPU bound workloads, the coroutines version has ~6-15% higher CPU utilization, depending on how many keys overlap an SST file. 1. Single thread IO bound workload on remote storage with sparse MultiGet batch keys (~1 key overlap/file) - No coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 831.774 micros/op 1202 ops/sec 60.001 seconds 72136 operations; 0.6 MB/s (72136 of 72136 found)``` Using coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 318.742 micros/op 3137 ops/sec 60.003 seconds 188248 operations; 1.6 MB/s (188248 of 188248 found)``` 2. Single thread CPU bound workload (all data cached) with ~1 key overlap/file - No coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 4.127 micros/op 242322 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 14539384 operations; 125.7 MB/s (14539384 of 14539384 found)``` Using coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 4.741 micros/op 210935 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 12656176 operations; 109.4 MB/s (12656176 of 12656176 found)``` 3. Single thread CPU bound workload with ~2 key overlap/file - No coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 3.717 micros/op 269000 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 16140024 operations; 139.6 MB/s (16140024 of 16140024 found)``` Using coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 4.146 micros/op 241204 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 14472296 operations; 125.1 MB/s (14472296 of 14472296 found)``` 4. CPU bound multi-threaded (16 threads) with ~4 key overlap/file - No coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 4.534 micros/op 3528792 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 211728728 operations; 1830.7 MB/s (12737024 of 12737024 found) ``` Using coroutines - ```multireadrandom : 4.872 micros/op 3283812 ops/sec 60.000 seconds 197030096 operations; 1703.6 MB/s (12548032 of 12548032 found) ``` Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15 Differential Revision: D36348563 Pulled By: anand1976 fbshipit-source-id: c0ce85a505fd26ebfbb09786cbd7f25202038696 19 May 2022, 22:36:27 UTC
5be1579 Address comments for PR #9988 and #9996 (#10020) Summary: 1. The latest change of DecideRateLimiterPriority in is reverted. 2. For 2.1. Remove `we will regrad this verification as user reads` from the comments. 2.2. `Do not set` the read_options.rate_limiter_priority to Env::IO_USER . Flush should be a background job. 2.3. Update 3. In IOOptions, mark `prio` as deprecated for future removal. 4. In `file_system.h`, mark `IOPriority` as deprecated for future removal. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Unit tests. Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36525317 Pulled By: gitbw95 fbshipit-source-id: 011ba421822f8a124e6d25a2661c4e242df6ad36 19 May 2022, 22:23:53 UTC
280b9f3 Fix auto_prefix_mode performance with partitioned filters (#10012) Summary: Essentially refactored the RangeMayExist implementation in FullFilterBlockReader to FilterBlockReaderCommon so that it applies to partitioned filters as well. (The function is not called for the block-based filter case.) RangeMayExist is essentially a series of checks around a possible PrefixMayExist, and I'm confident those checks should be the same for partitioned as for full filters. (I think it's likely that bugs remain in those checks, but this change is overall a simplifying one.) Added auto_prefix_mode support to db_bench Other small fixes as well Fixes Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Expanded unit test that uses statistics to check for filter optimization, fails without the production code changes here Performance: populate two DBs with ``` TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb_nonpartitioned ./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom -num=10000000 -disable_wal=1 -write_buffer_size=30000000 -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -prefix_size=8 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb_partitioned ./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom -num=10000000 -disable_wal=1 -write_buffer_size=30000000 -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -prefix_size=8 -partition_index_and_filters ``` Observe no measurable change in non-partitioned performance ``` TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb_nonpartitioned ./db_bench -benchmarks=seekrandom[-X1000] -num=10000000 -readonly -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -prefix_size=8 -auto_prefix_mode -cache_index_and_filter_blocks=1 -cache_size=1000000000 -duration 20 ``` Before: seekrandom [AVG 15 runs] : 11798 (± 331) ops/sec After: seekrandom [AVG 15 runs] : 11724 (± 315) ops/sec Observe big improvement with partitioned (also supported by bloom use statistics) ``` TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb_partitioned ./db_bench -benchmarks=seekrandom[-X1000] -num=10000000 -readonly -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -prefix_size=8 -partition_index_and_filters -auto_prefix_mode -cache_index_and_filter_blocks=1 -cache_size=1000000000 -duration 20 ``` Before: seekrandom [AVG 12 runs] : 2942 (± 57) ops/sec After: seekrandom [AVG 12 runs] : 7489 (± 184) ops/sec Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36469796 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: bcf1e2a68d347b32adb2b27384f945434e7a266d 19 May 2022, 20:09:03 UTC
c6d326d Track SST unique id in MANIFEST and verify (#9990) Summary: Start tracking SST unique id in MANIFEST, which is used to verify with SST properties to make sure the SST file is not overwritten or misplaced. A DB option `try_verify_sst_unique_id` is introduced to enable/disable the verification, if enabled, it opens all SST files during DB-open to read the unique_id from table properties (default is false), so it's recommended to use it with `max_open_files = -1` to pre-open the files. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: unittests, format-compatible test, mini-crash Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36381863 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 89ea2eb6b35ed3e80ead9c724eb096083eaba63f 19 May 2022, 18:04:21 UTC
dde774d Mark old reserve* option deprecated (#10016) Summary: **Context/Summary:** removed inefficient `reserve*` option API but forgot to mark them deprecated in `block_based_table_type_info` for compatible table format. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: build-format-compatible Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36484247 Pulled By: hx235 fbshipit-source-id: c41b90cc99fb7ab7098934052f0af7290b221f98 19 May 2022, 05:25:54 UTC
4da34b9 Set Read rate limiter priority dynamically and pass it to FS (#9996) Summary: ### Context: Background compactions and flush generate large reads and writes, and can be long running, especially for universal compaction. In some cases, this can impact foreground reads and writes by users. ### Solution User, Flush, and Compaction reads share some code path. For this task, we update the rate_limiter_priority in ReadOptions for code paths (e.g. FindTable (mainly in BlockBasedTable::Open()) and various iterators), and eventually update the rate_limiter_priority in IOOptions for FSRandomAccessFile. **This PR is for the Read path.** The **Read:** dynamic priority for different state are listed as follows: | State | Normal | Delayed | Stalled | | ----- | ------ | ------- | ------- | | Flush (verification read in BuildTable()) | IO_USER | IO_USER | IO_USER | | Compaction | IO_LOW | IO_USER | IO_USER | | User | User provided | User provided | User provided | We will respect the read_options that the user provided and will not set it. The only sst read for Flush is the verification read in BuildTable(). It claims to be "regard as user read". **Details** 1. Set read_options.rate_limiter_priority dynamically: - User: Do not update the read_options. Use the read_options that the user provided. - Compaction: Update read_options in CompactionJob::ProcessKeyValueCompaction(). - Flush: Update read_options in BuildTable(). 2. Pass the rate limiter priority to FSRandomAccessFile functions: - After calling the FindTable(), read_options is passed through GetTableReader(, BlockBasedTableFactory::NewTableReader(, and BlockBasedTable::Open(). The Open() needs some updates for the ReadOptions variable and the updates are also needed for the called functions, including PrefetchTail(), PrepareIOOptions(), ReadFooterFromFile(), ReadMetaIndexblock(), ReadPropertiesBlock(), PrefetchIndexAndFilterBlocks(), and ReadRangeDelBlock(). - In RandomAccessFileReader, the functions to be updated include Read(), MultiRead(), ReadAsync(), and Prefetch(). - Update the downstream functions of NewIndexIterator(), NewDataBlockIterator(), and BlockBasedTableIterator(). ### Test Plans Add unit tests. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36452483 Pulled By: gitbw95 fbshipit-source-id: 60978204a4f849bb9261cb78d9bc1cb56d6008cf 19 May 2022, 02:41:44 UTC
f1303bf Remove two tests from platform dependent tests (#10017) Summary: Platform dependent tests sometimes run too long and causes timeout in Travis. Remove two tests that are less likely to be platform dependent. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Watch Travis tests. Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36486734 fbshipit-source-id: 2a3ad1746791c893a790c2a69a3b70f81e7de260 18 May 2022, 23:18:12 UTC
0a43061 Remove ROCKSDB_SUPPORT_THREAD_LOCAL define because it's a part of C++11 (#10015) Summary: ROCKSDB_SUPPORT_THREAD_LOCAL definition has been removed. `__thread`(#define) has been replaced with `thread_local`(C++ keyword) across the code base. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36485491 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 6522d212514ee190b90b4e2750c80c7e34013c78 18 May 2022, 22:25:19 UTC
e3a3dbf Avoid overwriting options loaded from OPTIONS (#9943) Summary: This is similar to, including the following fixes/refactoring: 1. If OPTIONS file is specified via `-options_file`, majority of options will be loaded from the file. We should not overwrite options that have been loaded from the file. Instead, we configure only fields of options which are shared objects and not set by the OPTIONS file. We also configure a few fields, e.g. `create_if_missing` necessary for stress test to run. 2. Refactor options initialization into three functions, `InitializeOptionsFromFile()`, `InitializeOptionsFromFlags()` and `InitializeOptionsGeneral()` similar to db_bench. I hope they can be shared in the future. The high-level logic is as follows: ```cpp if (!InitializeOptionsFromFile(...)) { InitializeOptionsFromFlags(...); } InitializeOptionsGeneral(...); ``` 3. Currently, the setting for `block_cache_compressed` does not seem correct because it by default specifies a size of `numeric_limits<size_t>::max()` ((size_t)-1). According to code comments, `-1` indicates default value, which should be referring to `num_shard_bits` argument. 4. Clarify `fail_if_options_file_error`. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: 1. make check 2. Run stress tests, and manually check generated OPTIONS file and compare them with input OPTIONS files Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36133769 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 35dacdc090a0a72c922907170cd132b9ecaa073e 18 May 2022, 19:43:50 UTC
a74f14b Log error message when LinkFile() is not supported when ingesting files (#10010) Summary: Right now, whether moving file is skipped due to LinkFile() is not supported is opaque to users. Add a log message to help users debug. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Run existing test. Manual test verify the log message printed out. Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36463237 fbshipit-source-id: b00bd5041bd5c11afa4e326819c8461ee2c98a91 18 May 2022, 18:23:12 UTC
05c678e Set Write rate limiter priority dynamically and pass it to FS (#9988) Summary: ### Context: Background compactions and flush generate large reads and writes, and can be long running, especially for universal compaction. In some cases, this can impact foreground reads and writes by users. From the RocksDB perspective, there can be two kinds of rate limiters, the internal (native) one and the external one. - The internal (native) rate limiter is introduced in [the wiki]( Currently, only IO_LOW and IO_HIGH are used and they are set statically. - For the external rate limiter, in FSWritableFile functions, IOOptions is open for end users to set and get rate_limiter_priority for their own rate limiter. Currently, RocksDB doesn’t pass the rate_limiter_priority through IOOptions to the file system. ### Solution During the User Read, Flush write, Compaction read/write, the WriteController is used to determine whether DB writes are stalled or slowed down. The rate limiter priority (Env::IOPriority) can be determined accordingly. We decided to always pass the priority in IOOptions. What the file system does with it should be a contract between the user and the file system. We would like to set the rate limiter priority at file level, since the Flush/Compaction job level may be too coarse with multiple files and block IO level is too granular. **This PR is for the Write path.** The **Write:** dynamic priority for different state are listed as follows: | State | Normal | Delayed | Stalled | | ----- | ------ | ------- | ------- | | Flush | IO_HIGH | IO_USER | IO_USER | | Compaction | IO_LOW | IO_USER | IO_USER | Flush and Compaction writes share the same call path through BlockBaseTableWriter, WritableFileWriter, and FSWritableFile. When a new FSWritableFile object is created, its io_priority_ can be set dynamically based on the state of the WriteController. In WritableFileWriter, before the call sites of FSWritableFile functions, WritableFileWriter::DecideRateLimiterPriority() determines the rate_limiter_priority. The options (IOOptions) argument of FSWritableFile functions will be updated with the rate_limiter_priority. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Add unit tests. Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36395159 Pulled By: gitbw95 fbshipit-source-id: a7c82fc29759139a1a07ec46c37dbf7e753474cf 18 May 2022, 07:41:41 UTC
b84e336 Add table_properties_collector_factories override (#9995) Summary: Add table_properties_collector_factories override on the remote side. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: unittest added Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36392623 Pulled By: jay-zhuang fbshipit-source-id: 3ba031294d90247ca063d7de7b43178d38e3f66a 18 May 2022, 03:57:51 UTC
0070680 Adjust public APIs to prefer 128-bit SST unique ID (#10009) Summary: 128 bits should suffice almost always and for tracking in manifest. Note that this changes the output of sst_dump --show_properties to only show 128 bits. Also introduces InternalUniqueIdToHumanString for presenting internal IDs for debugging purposes. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: unit tests updated Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36458189 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 93ebc4a3b6f9c73ee154383a1f8b291a5d6bbef5 18 May 2022, 01:43:48 UTC
8b1df10 fix: build on risc-v (#9215) Summary: Patch is modified from ~~ Tested on Arch Linux riscv64gc (qemu) UPDATE: Seems like the above link is broken, so I tried to search for a link pointing to the original merge request. It turned out to me that the LLVM guys are cherry-picking from `google/benchmark`, and the upstream should be this: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: siying, jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D34170586 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 41b16b9f7f3bb0f3e7b26bb078eb575499c0f0f4 18 May 2022, 00:33:01 UTC
3573558 Rewrite memory-charging feature's option API (#9926) Summary: **Context:** Previous PR,, added separate flag for each charged memory area. Such API design is not scalable as we charge more and more memory areas. Also, we foresee an opportunity to consolidate this feature with other cache usage related features such as `cache_index_and_filter_blocks` using `CacheEntryRole`. Therefore we decided to consolidate all these flags with `CacheUsageOptions cache_usage_options` and this PR serves as the first step by consolidating memory-charging related flags. **Summary:** - Replaced old API reference with new ones, including making `kCompressionDictionaryBuildingBuffer` opt-out and added a unit test for that - Added missing db bench/stress test for some memory charging features - Renamed related test suite to indicate they are under the same theme of memory charging - Refactored a commonly used mocked cache component in memory charging related tests to reduce code duplication - Replaced the phrases "memory tracking" / "cache reservation" (other than CacheReservationManager-related ones) with "memory charging" for standard description of this feature. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - New unit test for opt-out `kCompressionDictionaryBuildingBuffer` `TEST_F(ChargeCompressionDictionaryBuildingBufferTest, Basic)` - New unit test for option validation/sanitization `TEST_F(CacheUsageOptionsOverridesTest, SanitizeAndValidateOptions)` - CI - db bench (in case querying new options introduces regression) **+0.5% micros/op**: `TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/testdb ./db_bench -benchmarks=fillseq -db=$TEST_TMPDIR -charge_compression_dictionary_building_buffer=1(remove this for comparison) -compression_max_dict_bytes=10000 -disable_auto_compactions=1 -write_buffer_size=100000 -num=4000000 | egrep 'fillseq'` #-run | (pre-PR) avg micros/op | std micros/op | (post-PR) micros/op | std micros/op | change (%) -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- 10 | 3.9711 | 0.264408 | 3.9914 | 0.254563 | 0.5111933721 20 | 3.83905 | 0.0664488 | 3.8251 | 0.0695456 | **-0.3633711465** 40 | 3.86625 | 0.136669 | 3.8867 | 0.143765 | **0.5289363078** - db_stress: `python3 tools/ blackbox -charge_compression_dictionary_building_buffer=1 -charge_filter_construction=1 -charge_table_reader=1 -cache_size=1` killed as normal Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36054712 Pulled By: hx235 fbshipit-source-id: d406e90f5e0c5ea4dbcb585a484ad9302d4302af 17 May 2022, 22:01:51 UTC
f6339de Clarify some SequentialFileReader::Read logic (#10002) Summary: **Context/Summary:** The logic related to PositionedRead in SequentialFileReader::Read confused me a bit as discussed here Therefore I added a drawing with help from cbi42. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - no code change Reviewed By: anand1976, cbi42 Differential Revision: D36422632 Pulled By: hx235 fbshipit-source-id: 9a8311d2365564f90d216c430f542fc11b2d9cde 17 May 2022, 17:24:04 UTC
b11ff34 Use STATIC_AVOID_DESTRUCTION for static objects with non-trivial destructors (#9958) Summary: Changed the static objects that had non-trivial destructors to use the STATIC_AVOID_DESTRUCTION construct. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36442982 Pulled By: mrambacher fbshipit-source-id: 029d47b1374d30d198bfede369a4c0ae7a4eb519 17 May 2022, 16:39:22 UTC
3f263ef Add a temporary option for user to opt-out enforcement of SingleDelete contract (#9983) Summary: PR started to enforce the contract of single delete described in For some of existing use cases, it is desirable to have a transition during which compaction will not fail if the contract is violated. Therefore, we add a temporary option `enforce_single_del_contracts` to allow application to opt out from this new strict behavior. Once transition completes, the flag can be set to `true` again. In a future release, the option will be removed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: make check Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36333672 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: dcb703ea0ed08076a1422f1bfb9914afe3c2caa2 16 May 2022, 22:44:59 UTC
e66e6d2 Use SpecialEnv to speed up some slow BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam (#9974) Summary: **Context:** `BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting` and `BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup` involve creating backup and restoring of a big database with rate-limiting. Using the normal env with a normal clock requires real elapse of time (13702 - 19848 ms/per test). As suggested in, this PR is to speed it up with SpecialEnv (`time_elapse_only_sleep=true`) where its clock accepts fake elapse of time during rate-limiting (100 - 600 ms/per test) **Summary:** - Added TEST_ function to set clock of the default rate limiters in backup engine - Shrunk testdb by 10 times while keeping it big enough for testing - Renamed some test variables and reorganized some if-else branch for clarity without changing the test Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - Run tests pre/post PR the same time to verify the tests are sped up by 90 - 95% `BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting` Pre: ``` [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/0 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/0 (11123 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/1 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/1 (9441 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/2 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/2 (11096 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/3 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/3 (9339 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/4 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/4 (11121 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/5 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/5 (9413 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/6 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/6 (11185 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/7 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/7 (9511 ms) [----------] 8 tests from RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam (82230 ms total) ``` Post: ``` [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/0 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/0 (395 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/1 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/1 (564 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/2 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/2 (358 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/3 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/3 (567 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/4 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/4 (173 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/5 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/5 (176 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/6 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/6 (191 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/7 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimiting/7 (177 ms) [----------] 8 tests from RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam (2601 ms total) ``` `BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup` Pre: ``` [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/0 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/0 (7275 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/1 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/1 (3961 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/2 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/2 (7117 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/3 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/3 (3921 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/4 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/4 (19862 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/5 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/5 (10231 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/6 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/6 (19848 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/7 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/7 (10372 ms) [----------] 8 tests from RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam (82587 ms total) ``` Post: ``` [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/0 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/0 (157 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/1 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/1 (152 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/2 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/2 (160 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/3 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/3 (158 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/4 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/4 (155 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/5 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/5 (151 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/6 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/6 (146 ms) [ RUN ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/7 [ OK ] RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam.RateLimitingVerifyBackup/7 (153 ms) [----------] 8 tests from RateLimiting/BackupEngineRateLimitingTestWithParam (1232 ms total) ``` Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36336345 Pulled By: hx235 fbshipit-source-id: 724c6ba745f95f56d4440a6d2f1e4512a2987589 16 May 2022, 17:54:02 UTC
204a42c Added GetFactoryCount/Names/Types to ObjectRegistry (#9358) Summary: These methods allow for more thorough testing of the ObjectRegistry and Customizable infrastructure in a simpler manner. With this change, the Customizable tests can now check what factories are registered and attempt to create each of them in a systematic fashion. With this change, I think all of the factories registered with the ObjectRegistry/CreateFromString are now tested via the customizable_test classes. Note that there were a few other minor changes. There was a "posix://*" register with the ObjectRegistry which was missed during the PatternEntry conversion -- these changes found that. The nickname and default names for the FileSystem classes was also inverted. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D33433542 Pulled By: mrambacher fbshipit-source-id: 9a32da74e6620745b4eeffb2712be70eeeadfa7e 16 May 2022, 16:44:43 UTC
c4cd8e1 Fix a bug handling multiget index I/O error. (#9993) Summary: In one path of BlockBasedTable::MultiGet(), Next() is directly called after calling Seek() against the index iterator. This might cause crash if an I/O error happens in Seek(). The bug is discovered in crash test. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: See existing CI tests pass. Reviewed By: anand1976 Differential Revision: D36381758 fbshipit-source-id: a11e0aa48dcee168c2554c33b532646ffdb68877 13 May 2022, 20:15:10 UTC
b58a1a0 Revert "Bugfix/fix manual flush blocking bug (#9893)" (#9992) Summary: This reverts commit 6d2577e5672a7abe7b41a67f1cccce3a6601b30e. A proposal for resolving our current internal test failures. A fix is being planned. More context can be found: TSAN error: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36379154 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: b240261e766eff099513799cf5631832093f4cd2 13 May 2022, 19:31:30 UTC
f6d9730 Fix stress test with best-efforts-recovery (#9986) Summary: This PR - since we are testing with disable_wal = true and best_efforts_recovery, we should set column family count to 1, due to the requirement of `ExpectedState` tracking and replaying logic. - during backup and checkpoint restore, disable best-efforts-recovery. This does not matter now because always disables wal when testing best-efforts-recovery. In the future, if we enable wal, then not setting `restore_opitions.best_efforts_recovery` will cause backup db not to recover the WALs, and differ from db (that enables WAL). - during verification of backup and checkpoint restore, print the key where inconsistency exists between expected state and db. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb make crash_test_with_best_efforts_recovery Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36353105 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: a484da161273e6216a1f7e245bac15a349693917 13 May 2022, 19:29:20 UTC
bfc6a8e Option type info functions (#9411) Summary: Add methods to set the various functions (Parse, Serialize, Equals) to the OptionTypeInfo. These methods simplify the number of constructors required for OptionTypeInfo and make the code a little clearer. Add functions to the OptionTypeInfo for Prepare and Validate. These methods allow types other than Configurable and Customizable to have Prepare and Validate logic. These methods could be used by an option to guarantee that its settings were in a range or that a value was initialized. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: pdillinger Differential Revision: D36174849 Pulled By: mrambacher fbshipit-source-id: 72517d8c6bab4723788a4c1a9e16590bff870125 13 May 2022, 11:57:08 UTC
cdaa957 Put build size checking logic in Makefile (#9989) Summary: ... for better maintainability, in case of Makefile changes / refactoring. This is lightly modified from rocksd-lego-determinator, and will be used by Meta-internal CI with custom REPORT_BUILD_STATISTIC Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: some manual stuff Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36362362 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 52b65b6282fe839dc6d906ff95a3ed66ca1574ba 13 May 2022, 05:54:18 UTC
07c6807 Add pmem-rocksdb-plugin link in (#9934) Summary: This change adds pmem-rocksdb-plugin link in The link is: It provides a collection plugins to enable Persistent Memory (PMEM) on RocksDB. The pmem-rocksdb-plugin repo contains RocksDB’s plugins for LSM-tree based KV store to fit it on the PMEM by effectively utilize its characteristics. The first two basic plugins are: 1) Providing a filesystem API wrapper to write RocksDB's WAL (Write Ahead Log) files on PMEM to optimize write performance. 2) Using PMEM as secondary cache to optimize read performance. Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36366893 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: d58a39365e9b5d6a3249d4e9b377c7fb2c79badb 13 May 2022, 05:02:28 UTC
bcb1287 Port the batched version of MultiGet() to RocksDB's C API (#9952) Summary: The batched version of MultiGet() is not available in RocksDB's C API. This PR implements rocksdb_batched_multi_get_cf which is a C wrapper function that invokes the batched version of MultiGet() which takes one single column family. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Added a new test case under "columnfamilies" test case in Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36302888 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: fa134c4a1c8e7d72dd4ae8649a74e3797b5cf4e6 13 May 2022, 01:17:36 UTC
6442a62 Update WAL corruption test so that it fails without fix (#9942) Summary: In case of non-TransactionDB and avoid_flush_during_recovery = true, RocksDB won't flush the data from WAL to L0 for all column families if possible. As a result, not all column families can increase their log_numbers, and min_log_number_to_keep won't change. For transaction DB (.allow_2pc), even with the flush, there may be old WAL files that it must not delete because they can contain data of uncommitted transactions and min_log_number_to_keep won't change. If we persist a new MANIFEST with advanced log_numbers for some column families, then during a second crash after persisting the MANIFEST, RocksDB will see some column families' log_numbers larger than the corrupted WAL, and the "column family inconsistency" error will be hit, causing recovery to fail. This PR update unit tests to emulate the errors and tests are failing without a fix. Error: ``` [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/0 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF test_cf [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/0, where GetParam() = (true, false) (91 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/1 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF test_cf [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/1, where GetParam() = (false, false) (92 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/2 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF test_cf [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/2, where GetParam() = (true, true) (95 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/3 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF test_cf [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecovery/3, where GetParam() = (false, true) (92 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/0 db/ Failure TransactionDB::Open(options, txn_db_opts, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &txn_db) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/0, where GetParam() = (true, false) (94 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/1 db/ Failure TransactionDB::Open(options, txn_db_opts, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &txn_db) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/1, where GetParam() = (false, false) (97 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/2 db/ Failure TransactionDB::Open(options, txn_db_opts, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &txn_db) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/2, where GetParam() = (true, true) (94 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/3 db/ Failure TransactionDB::Open(options, txn_db_opts, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &txn_db) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.TxnDbCrashDuringRecovery/3, where GetParam() = (false, true) (91 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/0 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/0, where GetParam() = (true, false) (93 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/1 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/1, where GetParam() = (false, false) (94 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/2 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/2, where GetParam() = (true, true) (90 ms) [ RUN ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/3 db/ Failure DB::Open(options, dbname_, cf_descs, &handles, &db_) Corruption: SST file is ahead of WALs in CF default [ FAILED ] CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest.CrashDuringRecoveryWithFlush/3, where GetParam() = (false, true) (93 ms) [----------] 12 tests from CorruptionTest/CrashDuringRecoveryWithCorruptionTest (1116 ms total) ``` Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Not needed Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36324112 Pulled By: akankshamahajan15 fbshipit-source-id: cab2075ac4ebe48f5ef93a6ea162558aa4fc334d 11 May 2022, 23:12:55 UTC
e96e8e2 Remove slack CircleCI hook (#9982) Summary: Our Slack site is deprecated Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CircleCI Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36322050 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 678202404d307e1547e4203d7e6bd467803ccd5e 11 May 2022, 20:17:21 UTC
e943bbd Temporarily disable sync_fault_injection (#9979) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: siying Differential Revision: D36301555 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: ed298d3484b6aad3ef19746e984bf4c52be33a9f 11 May 2022, 19:19:07 UTC
e8d604c Reorganize CircleCI workflows (#9981) Summary: Condense down to 8 groups rather than 20+ for ease of browsing pages like Also, run nightly builds at 1AM or 2AM Pacific (depending on daylight time) rather than 4PM or 5PM Pacific, so that they actually use each day's landed changes. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI And manually inspected ``` grep -Eo 'build-[^: ]*' .circleci/config.yml | sort | uniq -c | less ``` to ensure I didn't orphan anything Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36317634 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1c10d29d6b5d60ce3dd1364cd91f175380075ff3 11 May 2022, 18:16:09 UTC
26768ed Support single delete in ldb (#9469) Summary: Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D33953484 fbshipit-source-id: f4e84a2d9865957d744c7e84ff02ffbb0a62b0a8 10 May 2022, 23:37:19 UTC
0d1613a Avoid some warnings-as-error in CircleCI+unity+AVX512F (#9978) Summary: Example failure when compiling on sufficiently new hardware and built-in headers: ``` In file included from /usr/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include/immintrin.h:49, from ./util/bloom_impl.h:21, from table/block_based/, from In function '__m512i _mm512_shuffle_epi32(__m512i, _MM_PERM_ENUM)', inlined from 'void XXH3_accumulate_512_avx512(void*, const void*, const void*)' at util/xxhash.h:3605:58, inlined from 'void XXH3_accumulate(xxh_u64*, const xxh_u8*, const xxh_u8*, size_t, XXH3_f_accumulate_512)' at util/xxhash.h:4229:17, inlined from 'void XXH3_hashLong_internal_loop(xxh_u64*, const xxh_u8*, size_t, const xxh_u8*, size_t, XXH3_f_accumulate_512, XXH3_f_scrambleAcc)' at util/xxhash.h:4251:24, inlined from 'XXH128_hash_t XXH3_hashLong_128b_internal(const void*, size_t, const xxh_u8*, size_t, XXH3_f_accumulate_512, XXH3_f_scrambleAcc)' at util/xxhash.h:5065:32, inlined from 'XXH128_hash_t XXH3_hashLong_128b_withSecret(const void*, size_t, XXH64_hash_t, const void*, size_t)' at util/xxhash.h:5104:39: /usr/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include/avx512fintrin.h:4459:50: error: '__Y' may be used uninitialized [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized] ``` Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: I was able to re-run in CircleCI with ssh, see the failure, ssh in and verify that adding -fno-avx512f fixed the failure. Will watch build-linux-unity-and-headers Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36296028 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: ba5955cf2ac730f57d1d18c2f517e92f34be77a3 10 May 2022, 22:24:40 UTC
e78451f Increase soft open file limit for mini-crashtest on Linux (#9972) Summary: CircleCI was using a soft open file limit of 1024 which would frequently be exceeded during test runs. Now using ``` ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` ``` to set soft limit up to the hard limit (524288 in my test). I've also applied this same idiom to existing applicable MacOS configurations to reduce hard-coding numbers. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: CI Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36262943 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 86320cdf9b68a97fdb73531a7b4a59b4c2d2f73f 10 May 2022, 16:51:03 UTC
7b7a37c Add microbenchmarks for `DB::GetMergeOperands()` (#9971) Summary: The new microbenchmarks, DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable and DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile, correspond to the two different LSMs tested: all data in one memtable and all data in one SST file, respectively. Both cases are parameterized by thread count (1 or 8) and merge operands per key (1, 32, or 1024). The SST file case is additionally parameterized by whether data is in block cache or mmap'd memory. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: ``` $ TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/db_basic_bench/ ./db_basic_bench --benchmark_filter=DBGetMergeOperands The number of inputs is very large. DBGet will be repeated at least 192 times. The number of inputs is very large. DBGet will be repeated at least 192 times. 2022-05-09T13:15:40-07:00 Running ./db_basic_bench Run on (36 X 2570.91 MHz CPU s) CPU Caches: L1 Data 32 KiB (x18) L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x18) L2 Unified 1024 KiB (x18) L3 Unified 25344 KiB (x1) Load Average: 4.50, 4.33, 4.37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Time CPU Iterations UserCounters... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:1/threads:1 846 ns 846 ns 849893 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:32/threads:1 2436 ns 2436 ns 305779 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:1024/threads:1 77226 ns 77224 ns 8152 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:1/threads:8 116 ns 929 ns 779368 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:32/threads:8 330 ns 2644 ns 280824 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInMemtable/entries_per_key:1024/threads:8 12466 ns 99718 ns 7200 db_size=0 DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1/mmap:0/threads:1 1640 ns 1640 ns 461262 db_size=21.7826M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1/mmap:1/threads:1 1693 ns 1693 ns 439936 db_size=21.7826M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:32/mmap:0/threads:1 3999 ns 3999 ns 172881 db_size=19.6981M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:32/mmap:1/threads:1 5544 ns 5543 ns 135657 db_size=19.6981M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1024/mmap:0/threads:1 78767 ns 78761 ns 8395 db_size=19.6389M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1024/mmap:1/threads:1 157242 ns 157238 ns 4495 db_size=19.6389M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1/mmap:0/threads:8 231 ns 1848 ns 347768 db_size=21.7826M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1/mmap:1/threads:8 214 ns 1715 ns 393312 db_size=21.7826M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:32/mmap:0/threads:8 596 ns 4767 ns 142088 db_size=19.6981M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:32/mmap:1/threads:8 720 ns 5757 ns 118200 db_size=19.6981M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1024/mmap:0/threads:8 11613 ns 92460 ns 7344 db_size=19.6389M DBGetMergeOperandsInSstFile/entries_per_key:1024/mmap:1/threads:8 19989 ns 159908 ns 4440 db_size=19.6389M ``` Reviewed By: jay-zhuang Differential Revision: D36258861 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: 04b733e1cc3a4a70ed9baa894c50fdf96c0d6064 09 May 2022, 22:17:19 UTC
c5c5870 Fix format_compatible blowing away its TEST_TMPDIR (#9970) Summary: broke format_compatible check because of `make clean` referencing TEST_TMPDIR. The Makefile behavior seems reasonable to me, so here's a fix in Apparently I also included removing a redundant part of our CircleCI config. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: manual run: SHORT_TEST=1 ./tools/ Reviewed By: riversand963 Differential Revision: D36258172 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: d46507f04614e888b414ff23b88d040ae2b5c294 09 May 2022, 20:38:46 UTC
4527bb2 Fix conversion issues in MutableOptions (#9194) Summary: Removing unnecessary checks around conversion from int/long to double as it does not lose information (see For example, `value > Double.MAX_VALUE` is always false when value is long or int. Can you please have a look adamretter? Also fixed some other minor issues (do you prefer a separate PR?) Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36221694 fbshipit-source-id: bf327c07386560b87ddc0c98039e8d6e8f2f1e82 09 May 2022, 19:34:26 UTC
89571b3 Improve the precision of row entry charge in row_cache (#9337) Summary: - For entry charge, we should only calculate the value size instead of including key size in LRUCache - The capacity of string could show the memory usage precisely Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36219855 fbshipit-source-id: 393e48ca419d230dc552ae62dd0eb1cc9f45961d 09 May 2022, 19:27:38 UTC
39b6c57 Improve memkind library detection (#9134) Summary: Improve memkind library detection in build_detect_platform: - The current position of -lmemkind does not work with all versions of gcc - LDFLAGS allows specifying non-standard library path through EXTRA_LDFLAGS After the change, the options match TBB detection. This is a follow-up to Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr, mrambacher Differential Revision: D32192028 fbshipit-source-id: 115fafe8d93f1fe6aaf80afb32b2cb67aad074c7 09 May 2022, 19:26:09 UTC
9f7968b arena.h: fix Arena::IsInInlineBlock() (#9317) Summary: When I enable hugepage on my box, unit test fails, this PR fixes this issue: [ FAILED ] ArenaTest.ApproximateMemoryUsage (1 ms) memory/ Failure Value of: arena.IsInInlineBlock() Actual: true Expected: false arena.IsInInlineBlock() = 1 memory/ Failure Value of: arena.IsInInlineBlock() Actual: true Expected: false Pull Request resolved: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D36219813 fbshipit-source-id: 08d040d9f37ec4c16987e4150c2db876180d163d 09 May 2022, 19:21:21 UTC
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