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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
4e9ac75 [vcp] delete of edited revision with dead state 23 August 2005, 03:30:05 UTC
dc2b4ce * New class hierarchy. All base classes are moved to packages/Exchanger, so does non-CitcomS-specific utility classes. * Removed 'mode' argument in VTInlet and VTOutlet c'tors. Every Inlet and Outlet class is reponsible for only one job. * Merged all Interpolator into CitcomInterpolator * Merged all Source into CitcomSource 11 May 2004, 14:55:30 UTC
4e46edd impose temperature b.c. when flow is toward into my domain. Otherwise, impose no-heatflux b.c. 08 May 2004, 01:44:08 UTC
b3b0a09 changed default initial temperature field -- a hot spherical blob below the fine mesh 08 May 2004, 01:41:46 UTC
42ca010 added another self test. This test will make sure that every mesh node is interpolated. 01 May 2004, 01:41:32 UTC
5a4678c remove debug print out 30 April 2004, 05:19:37 UTC
4cc71a7 implemented imposeSV(), passed benchmark. 30 April 2004, 04:41:25 UTC
f486e64 fixed a bug in accessing E->gstress array 30 April 2004, 04:36:41 UTC
4aaeb40 After stress is calculated, replace stress of boundary nodes with boundary conditions (if stress BC is specified). This is partially done in Regional version (if E->control.side_sbcs is on, should use different bc arrays). Not implemented in Full version. 30 April 2004, 04:35:30 UTC
306cd26 Commiting Doxygen config file to build the documents for the exchanger 30 April 2004, 03:40:53 UTC
02d950d side_sbcs default to False 29 April 2004, 07:23:45 UTC
197fa82 E->control.side_sbcs default to 0 29 April 2004, 07:23:02 UTC
ebd843b added new function output_stress() 29 April 2004, 07:21:35 UTC
79c80e3 added some comment for initial temperature in spherical harmonic for future reference 29 April 2004, 07:13:38 UTC
2fe66a4 [vcp] delete of edited revision with dead state 23 August 2005, 03:29:17 UTC
7b795db update the scripts that executes pyreized versions 24 April 2004, 05:15:42 UTC
4103701 export binary executable 24 April 2004, 04:15:20 UTC
a834061 export binary 23 April 2004, 03:52:02 UTC
60e1524 bug fix 17 April 2004, 02:12:52 UTC
926c4ab add 'side_sbcs' to property list 16 April 2004, 08:17:14 UTC
b02f642 use SVTInlet and SVTOutlet as BC 16 April 2004, 07:08:14 UTC
4646c9e add SVTOutlet and SVTInlet classes and their bindings. These classes are for CitcomS-CitcomS coupling, b.c. with temperature, normal velocity and shear traction 16 April 2004, 07:05:50 UTC
387b7d9 add SVTOutlet and SVTInlet classes and their bindings. These classes are for CitcomS-CitcomS coupling, b.c. with temperature, normal velocity and shear traction 16 April 2004, 07:03:50 UTC
c0b0542 add some journal debug output 16 April 2004, 07:01:40 UTC
38a46cf rearranged the order of stress vector so that it conforms with Hugh's convention | 1 4 5 | stress =| 4 2 6 | | 5 6 3 | 16 April 2004, 01:39:53 UTC
581ce4c remove the empty file, Process_velocity.c, from the repository 16 April 2004, 01:35:04 UTC
4970458 1. move get_surf_stress() from Process_velocity.c to Topo_gravity.c 2. move get_ele_visc() from Process_velocity.c to Obsolete.c 16 April 2004, 01:33:19 UTC
f4f9b8e implement interpolateStress() 15 April 2004, 03:12:13 UTC
32e56c3 implement interpolateStress() 15 April 2004, 03:06:24 UTC
ccfa182 1. add a new constant, 'STRESS_DIM', for the dimension of stress (=6 in 3D) 2. in Interpolator and Source, stress has correct dimension now 3. add virtual function 'interpolateDisplacement' in Source 15 April 2004, 02:41:38 UTC
28f7c57 convert b.c. data structure to support traction b.c. on all sides of a element 15 April 2004, 01:29:00 UTC
15eaf18 bug fix 13 April 2004, 06:30:13 UTC
1dce9b6 modify get_elt_tr() so that it computes traction per side, not per element. Also, some minor speed improvement. 13 April 2004, 06:23:57 UTC
538ffe8 changes in interfaces of construct_side_c3x3matrix_el() and get_global_side_1d_shape_fn() 10 April 2004, 08:05:46 UTC
b5966b9 change the interface of get_global_side_1d_shape_fn(): NS and far is replaced by side 10 April 2004, 08:03:22 UTC
66beb3f 1. change interface of construct_side_c3x3matrix_el(): NS, far is replaced by side 2. in get_elt_tr(), traction is only imposed on top/bottom sides (will relax this constraint later) 10 April 2004, 07:49:34 UTC
01fc334 bug fix 10 April 2004, 07:00:06 UTC
e66a3bc move get_elt_h() from Element_calculations.c to Obsolete.c 10 April 2004, 06:56:06 UTC
9f4b554 1. finished get_elt_tr(), which computes RHS vector contributed to traction b.c. 2. remove declaration of unused variables 10 April 2004, 06:31:48 UTC
d1b0fa3 1. finished construct_bdry_det() 2. modify other functions related to sides 3. remove declaration unused variables 10 April 2004, 06:20:35 UTC
b20b689 add/change side definition 10 April 2004, 06:19:01 UTC
dd41c22 fixed a bug in calculating RHS force vector due to boundary velocity 10 April 2004, 02:05:21 UTC
bc3e7ca undo previous (uninit'd memory) bug fix -- it is not a bug 10 April 2004, 01:39:30 UTC
03c60e9 fixed a bug in initializing array 09 April 2004, 07:13:13 UTC
e5bac2d minor modification to previous check-in 06 April 2004, 02:36:44 UTC
eb23f37 sometimes after coordinate conversion, surface nodes of different solvers won't line up, need this special treatment -- if x is a little bit above my top surface, move it back to the surface 05 April 2004, 06:03:39 UTC
b3c03c9 in sphere_launch(), call construct_bdry_det() to compute (6-side) surface determinants of boundary elements 29 March 2004, 07:31:53 UTC
b817c82 usage of VTOutlet and VTInlet is replaced by TractionInlet and TractionOutlet. Goal: impose normal velocity and shear traction as bounary conditions 29 March 2004, 07:22:42 UTC
6a82ef1 bug fix 29 March 2004, 07:20:55 UTC
10e9329 1. TractionOutlet c'tor has a new argument to specify 'mode'. Avaiable modes are: 'F': send traction only 'V": send velocity only (this is somewhat duplicated with VTOutlet) 'FV": send both traction and velocity 2. TractionSource and TractionInterpolateor have to know how to interpolate velocity (because of 1) 3. remove domian_cutout() 4. restructure TractionInterpolateor class to reuse CitcomS library 29 March 2004, 07:19:00 UTC
c687d82 add bindings to TractionOutlet and TractionInlet 29 March 2004, 07:05:44 UTC
9722dea add new class TractionInlet and its bindings 29 March 2004, 07:05:19 UTC
e601f16 send/recv/broadcast normal array as well 29 March 2004, 07:01:57 UTC
b00c8c6 changed from $TOOLS_DIR/lib to $TOOL_LIBDIR 27 March 2004, 08:10:56 UTC
b82897d 1. extract repeated codes to a new function add_force() 2. remove unused variables 3. add new function to compute RHS of momemtum eqn due to traction b.c. (not finished yet) 27 March 2004, 08:04:44 UTC
056a933 1. move get_global_1d_shape_fn_1() form Size_does_matter.c to Obsolete.c 2. add new function construct_bdry_det() to compute (6-side) surface determinant of boundary element 3. isolate some repeated codes to new function get_x_cart() 27 March 2004, 07:42:53 UTC
2613ca8 move get_global_1d_shape_fn_1() form Size_does_matter.c to Obsolete.c 27 March 2004, 07:41:20 UTC
36bfba0 add a section defines the ordering of the 6 surfaces of a element and the ordering of 4 nodes within each surface 27 March 2004, 07:39:55 UTC
9d5eb0b add definition of new structure Bdry and declaration of E->boundary. This structure is used to mark boundary element and store its (6-side) surface determinants 27 March 2004, 07:39:14 UTC
f09a3d8 1. add new function construct_boundary() to find boundary elements 2. fix bug in using fscanf() 3. remove unused variables 27 March 2004, 07:36:56 UTC
cb6b6b3 'read uninitialized value' bug fixed 27 March 2004, 01:53:07 UTC
76c5adc minor bug fixed 26 March 2004, 06:45:32 UTC
fb4bd8e minor bug fixed 26 March 2004, 06:42:18 UTC
cf06382 *** empty log message *** 25 March 2004, 04:14:25 UTC
c8d543d input of Rayleigh number is moved 25 March 2004, 04:13:57 UTC
92e1e74 1. add function pointers void (* exchange_node_d) and void (* exchange_node_f) in struct All_variables 2. replace calls to exchange_node_d() by void (* exchange_node_d) in Topo_gravity.c. Because exchange_node_d() is version dependent and can't be called from Exchanger. 17 March 2004, 07:17:56 UTC
67def05 construct surface arrays and compute surface determinant 17 March 2004, 05:07:34 UTC
dacc15b 1. construct surface node and element array for bookkeeping 2. compute surface determinant 17 March 2004, 05:03:32 UTC
129dced remove debugging print out 14 March 2004, 07:11:14 UTC
8cd111d another bug fix 13 March 2004, 07:13:31 UTC
09fd0ea restructure function get_STD_topo() 13 March 2004, 07:05:25 UTC
89f3f72 bug fix 13 March 2004, 07:05:02 UTC
e276262 isolate calculation and output of horizontal average into one function 13 March 2004, 07:01:10 UTC
a7989ce 1. add TractionInlet class 2. simplified bindings for inlets and outlets 12 March 2004, 07:25:47 UTC
be97c17 simplified bindings to inlets and outlets 12 March 2004, 07:23:49 UTC
adf8a74 add attribute 'normal_' to indicate the direction of outward normal on each node. 12 March 2004, 06:50:09 UTC
bf10a29 remove obsolete bindings 12 March 2004, 06:46:25 UTC
ccf1c8b bug fixed 12 March 2004, 06:42:17 UTC
c729eed change method name: 'recvArray2D' --> 'recv' 12 March 2004, 06:36:47 UTC
d250d70 [vcp] delete of edited revision with dead state 23 August 2005, 03:27:40 UTC
dfcc208 remove obsolete files 12 March 2004, 06:22:59 UTC
605981f method 'storeTimestep' is moved up to the parent class 11 March 2004, 09:07:19 UTC
03c5512 1. move attributes 'fge_t' and 'cge_t', methods 'storeTimestep' and 'getFactor' from VTInlet to Inlet. 2. change the binding accordingly 11 March 2004, 09:06:14 UTC
0533cfc delete initTemperatureSource(), initTemperatureSink() and their bindings. 27 February 2004, 07:04:21 UTC
c213717 use Inlet and Outlet 27 February 2004, 06:29:49 UTC
02e47fd add various classes for exchanger 27 February 2004, 06:29:30 UTC
de7f445 1. remove "before_send_bbox" and "converted_bbox" journal log 2. add 'send' and 'recv' methods 27 February 2004, 03:27:23 UTC
9b279c5 [vcp] delete of edited revision with dead state 23 August 2005, 03:27:15 UTC
c8e5b39 obsolete (actually never used), replaced by Inlet and Outlet classes. 26 February 2004, 07:29:49 UTC
8423de9 activate"incompressibility") 26 February 2004, 07:25:20 UTC
2502183 outputing outflow information is moved to category 26 February 2004, 07:24:50 UTC
928f104 add 26 February 2004, 07:07:51 UTC
caba0f1 1. add 2. move initialization of TractionSource and VTSource to AbstractSource 26 February 2004, 07:07:35 UTC
0c496bf new Exchanger, using inlets and outlets. 25 February 2004, 08:54:42 UTC
55b304b add new source files 25 February 2004, 04:40:06 UTC
541c81e add bindings to various inlet and outlet classes in method table 25 February 2004, 04:39:33 UTC
7917581 move 'createVTSource' function to 25 February 2004, 04:37:19 UTC
c7be8c3 bindings for various inlets and outlets classes 25 February 2004, 04:35:25 UTC
cc80ff9 class which consumes nodal velocities and temperature and enforce imcompressibility constraint, replacing BoundaryConditionSink class. 25 February 2004, 04:34:43 UTC
2973822 class which consuming nodal velocities and temperature, replacing (part of) BoundaryConditionSink class. 25 February 2004, 04:26:33 UTC
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