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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
d79f8f6 Merge pull request #1970 from google/dev-v2-r2.0.4 r2.0.4 20 October 2016, 11:33:44 UTC
c7824c4 Bump version to r2.0.4 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136697697 20 October 2016, 11:22:46 UTC
8e0e0ca Fix NPE when trying to play H265 in Ts files ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136607848 20 October 2016, 11:22:25 UTC
75b0075 Add explicit TargetApi annotation to remove lint error ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136597149 20 October 2016, 10:43:45 UTC
0d679da Fix use of API level 19 method Issue: #1965 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136595233 20 October 2016, 10:43:16 UTC
08256ee Merge pull request #1955 from google/dev-v2 r2.0.3 17 October 2016, 14:55:12 UTC
cecb1f5 Bump version + update release notes ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136339035 17 October 2016, 14:43:57 UTC
e873b4b Change prepare() for maybePrepare() in HlsSampleStreamWrapper This will allow asynchronous preparation. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136176854 17 October 2016, 14:43:57 UTC
dca4d16 Release surfaces created to wrap SurfaceTextures ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136163292 14 October 2016, 17:57:30 UTC
6acf59c Fix Widevine L3 provisioning in V2 1. HttpMediaDrmCallback.executeProvisionRequest needs to specify an empty byte[], else we do a GET instead of a POST. 2. Content-Type should not be set when making the provision request, since there's no body. 3. DataSource implementations must correctly handle a non-null body with zero length. CronetDataSource was not handling this case. DefaultHttpDataSource was, but made a code modification to make it a little clearer. OkHttpDataSource seems to handle the case correctly, and it doens't look like the code can be made clearer. Issue #1925 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136042641 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
a22390c Parse CEA-708 codec for rawCC Note that actually handling CEA-708 is not yet implemented, and so this is a no-op change from a behavior point of view. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136038439 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
e685edc Make interface implementation consistent among ExtractorOutputs The method track(int id) currently has different behaviours across implementations. This CL maps ids to track outputs, which means that successive calls with the same id will return the same TrackOutput instance. Also fixes TsExtractor inconsistent behavior after a seek. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136026721 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
ff712ae Try not adapting before failing with BehindLiveWindowException in Hls Issue:#1782 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=136025847 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
6426208 Block when surface being replaced is non-null A blocking call is necessary where we want to guarantee that the player wont access the surface after the method call has returned. We currently only do this for the case: Surface->Null But we should also do it for the case: SurfaceA->SurfaceB Since the caller may reasonably do something like destroy SurfaceA immediately after it's been replaced. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135921296 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
f18373e Decouple TsExtractor's readers from TrackOutputs This allows the injectable reader factory to be a stateless factory, allows the seeking to be consistent and will allow multiple CC channel support later on. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135909712 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
94c7ee7 Cronet - Skip if server doesn't support range requests ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135819142 14 October 2016, 09:42:43 UTC
996fe47 Fix NPE releasing HlsMediaPeriod Issue: #1907 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135798950 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
29f3eb5 Fixes for retries - Fix issue in ExoPlayerImpl where the timeline was null'd but onTimelineChanged was not fired. - Add the ability to not reset the timeline. This is useful for retries where you know the timeline will be the same as it was previously. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135797577 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
83107cc Fix missing release calls on loadingPeriodHolder playingPeriodHolder can be null in the case that the first period is still being prepared. We need to make sure we release the period that's being prepared in such cases, which is loadingPeriodHolder. Issue: #1914 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135793472 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
907b9bf Sanitize threading in CronetDataSource - Move nearly all logic onto the calling thread (i.e. the thread calling open/read/close), to make threading correctness more obvious. - Document which variables are read/written from which thread, and why the call sequences are safe. - Fix thread safety issue that I think could probably cause data corruption in the case of a read timeout followed by another request into the DataSource. Also: - Relaxed content length checking to be consistent with the other http DataSource implementations, and avoided parsing the headers where they're not used. - Fixed missing generics in CronetDataSourceFactory. - Added TODO to work with servers that don't support partial range requests. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135702217 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
4fab402 Fix missing generics ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135700280 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
d922a21 Select the cenc sinf atom explicitly ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135692709 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
1b81cfd Rename build flavors and remove pre hashing of DataSpec key values. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135682130 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
91f8328 UI component improvements - Make sure no events are posted on PlaybackControlView if it's not attached to a window. This can cause leaks. The target hide time is recorded if necessary and processed when the view is re-attached. - Deduplicated PlaybackControlView.VisibilityListener invocations. - Fixed timeouts to be more intuitive (I think). - Fixed initial visibility of PlaybackControlView when used as part of SimpleExoPlayerView. - Made some more attributes configurable from layout xml. Issue: #1908 Issue: #1919 Issue: #1923 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135679988 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
97020e0 CronetDataSource: Fix getContentLength logging This is a minor cleanup. The main thing it fixes is that the "Inconsistent headers" and "Unexpected Content-Range" log messages were printing List<String> objects, rather than the actual headers they are supposed to print. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135378074 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
d95baa3 CronetDataSource: Fix thread safety issue with requestProperties The access in fillCurrentRequestPostBody wasn't protected with synchronization. Furthermore, just synchronizing it wouldn't be sufficient, since what we really need to check is whether the Content-Type header has been added to the UrlRequest.Builder. The contents of requestProperties may have changed between the headers being added to UrlRequest.Builder and the call to fillCurrentRequestPostBody. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135376904 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
661b140 Partial cleanup of CronetDataSource II - Allow null Content-Type in response headers. - Inline validateResponse, just because it makes it clearer what thread it's being executed on when inlined. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135375063 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
ba56f91 Partial cleanup of CronetDataSource - Fix bug in getCurrentRequestStatus where we weren't blocking on the condition variable. - Make methods static where possible. - Clean up getUri implementation. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135373586 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
5803b25 No-op reorder of CronetDataSource methods This change is a no-op reodering, as a precursor to further cleanup. The public methods are grouped by the class/interface they implement. The private methods are ordered with things that will become static in a subsequent change at the bottom. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135372629 11 October 2016, 17:16:28 UTC
93c2133 Merge pull request #1909 from kaorimatz/okhttp-call-factory Use Call.Factory instead of OkHttpClient 09 October 2016, 13:41:46 UTC
880bdc1 Use Call.Factory instead of OkHttpClient This allows using alternate implementation of an HTTP client. We can use OkHttpClient as before as it implements Call.Factory. 07 October 2016, 12:00:27 UTC
f94218a Merge pull request #1905 from google/dev-v2 r2.0.2 06 October 2016, 16:40:16 UTC
6c12ec6 Some minor UI refinements ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135353593 06 October 2016, 14:05:34 UTC
08965c0 Avoid memory leaks by removing callbacks from surface when SimpleExoPlayer is released. Without this developers which reuse a SurfaceHolder with multiple instances of SimpleExoPlayer need to call simpleExoPlayer.setVideoSurfaceHolder(null) to get the SimpleExoPlayer.ComponentListener removed from the surface holder. If they don't, the component listener is still registered and as a member class leaks an instance of simpleExoPlayer. Issue #1855 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135292439 06 October 2016, 14:04:57 UTC
d334dfd Fix merging of selected streams. Playback would fail if a renderer is toggled from consuming from one child to another in a single step. Issue: #1900 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135270356 05 October 2016, 20:21:47 UTC
053dc27 Introduce resize mode for AspectRatioFrameLayout. Three different modes available: fit (default), fixed_width, fixed_height Developers need to use wrap_content for the dimension which is not fixed: app:resize_mode="fixed_width" android:layout_width="320dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135264861 05 October 2016, 20:21:13 UTC
2cf339e Bump version to 2.0.2 + document inclusion of OkHttp extension ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135260806 05 October 2016, 20:20:34 UTC
89c4380 Fix retry crash in edge case Configuration of retry currently fails if all of the following are true, which is highly unlikely but does occur in the ref'd issue. 1. Loading/extraction fails 2. Neither length of stream of a seek map is known 3. At least one track has been output by the extractor Issue: #1899 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135228687 05 October 2016, 17:07:48 UTC
1b90b7c Factor out common variables for publishing ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135215320 05 October 2016, 17:07:13 UTC
7c3fe15 Add convenience getPlayer methods to UI components Issue: #1895 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135211179 05 October 2016, 17:06:34 UTC
85d749d Change mavenCentral -> jcenter Ref: ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135211072 05 October 2016, 17:05:54 UTC
b3c6f1c Finish cleaning DataSource implementations. - Enfroce read returns 0 if readLength==0 everywhere. - Fixes and simplifications for CronetDataSource. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135138232 04 October 2016, 22:42:55 UTC
f8ed4cf Clean up some DataSource implementations - Make read return 0 if readLength==0 - Return RESULT_END_OF_INPUT properly in the case that bytesRemaining is unset (this was broken previously, but only applies for assets > 2^31 bytes, so it's unlikely anyone ever hit this issue) ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135136541 04 October 2016, 22:42:20 UTC
7838a16 Publish OkHttp extension to Bintray. It'll be a TODO to clean up some of the commonality between publishing this and the core library (e.g. the version number should really be spec'd in one place only). Just getting this submitted for now so that we don't lose track of how I created ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135102459 04 October 2016, 22:41:36 UTC
e288880 Fix Ac3 extractor sniff Issue:#1875 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135100986 04 October 2016, 22:40:53 UTC
f2beec4 Fix playback tests ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135100455 04 October 2016, 22:40:10 UTC
b29b4f7 MergingMediaPeriod + subtitle fixes - Correctly null out streams[j] in the case that a renderer is being disabled. - Read discontinuities from all children, not just enabled ones. This fixes a failure when reading a discontinuity with all renderers disabled. - Add in some assertions to make incorrect stream selection failures obvious and immediate. - Relocate subtitles so they're above the shutter (needed so they continue to be visible when video is disabled but text is still enabled). Issue: #1854 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=135089944 04 October 2016, 22:39:24 UTC
6306c26 Add support for fragmented MP4 in HLS This CL adds support for initialization segments in HLS. This is required mainly for(but not limited to) usage of fMP4. The fMP4 support only consists in creating the required extractor if the extension is .mp4, provided the initialization segment is correctly loaded and passed to the extractor. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134997636 04 October 2016, 22:38:47 UTC
69af389 Trim allocator on stop/reset by default This prevents a large amount of memory from being held in the case that a player instance is released, but the application is holding dangling references to the player that are preventing it from being garbage collected. Issue: #1855 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134992945 03 October 2016, 16:44:01 UTC
f75f3d7 Fix sideloaded subtitles - Fix NPE issue in SingleSampleMediaPeriod. - Delay handling of EOS in TextRenderer until the last subtitle is fully played out. Issue: #1882 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134979286 03 October 2016, 16:43:28 UTC
37806ee Added Basic CEA-708 caption support to ExoPlayer V2, roughly equivalent to the current state of CEA-608. It's still missing window (and the associated positioning and formatting) support, emulating a 3-line rollup. Currently this has only been tested with the RawCC container, though it should work with anything that makes use of SeiReader (i.e. MPEG2-TS) with minimal changes to SeiReader. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134781660 03 October 2016, 16:42:49 UTC
f8a8302 Merge pull request #1879 from google/dev-v2 r2.0.1 30 September 2016, 14:08:06 UTC
c381093 Update variable name in comment. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134776852 30 September 2016, 13:40:38 UTC
ee4d297 Fix seeking in the last period. When reading the last period, the readingPeriodHolder was set to null in updatePeriods if it was the last period. (This would occur almost immediately when playing a single-period source.) seekToPeriodPosition suppresses reusing a loaded/prepared period if the reading period and playing period did not match, which meant that the whole timeline was recreated when seeking in the last period. Leave readingPeriodHolder non-null. This means that at all times either playingPeriodHolder == readingPeriodHolder (and they could be null or non-null), or playingPeriodHolder and readingPeriodHolder differ and are both non-null. Also fix an issue where streams were never forced to be recreated during track reselection when reading ahead. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134774238 30 September 2016, 13:40:06 UTC
7971a18 Revert back to default cue parameters until we support positioning ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134673236 30 September 2016, 13:39:25 UTC
21626c4 Bump version to 2.0.1 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134662367 29 September 2016, 15:30:10 UTC
8bf0243 Fix mp3 extraction failure for short frames ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134660133 29 September 2016, 15:29:35 UTC
040fe3b Refactored the text.eia608 package to text.cea. All of the classes in the text.eia608 package have been moved to text.cea, and renamed with the "cea" prefix instead of "eia". All of the buffering logic has been extracted from Cea608Decoder (formerly Eia608Decoder) into the abstract CeaDecoder, which Cea608Decoder extends. Cea608Decoder also now expects a 3-byte sample (i.e. the entire cc_data_pkt instead of just the cc_data_1 and cc_data_2 bytes). Classes like RawCcExtractor and SeiReader, responsible for creating these samples, have also been updated accordingly. This change is a necessary precursor to adding support for multi -channel CEA-608 and CEA-708 captions. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134537482 29 September 2016, 15:28:58 UTC
825ec70 Move preparation from MediaPeriod constructors to prepare(). ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134504088 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
c7b5c96 Remove duplicate methods in DefaultTrackSelector This encourages a single invalidation when setting different parameters. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134436136 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
ed5decf Add ElementaryStreamReader's factory to inject custom readers in TSExtractor Issue:#726 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134433012 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
c82fd85 Move build*DataSourceFactory methods to the DemoApplication class for easy customization. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134414869 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
4a62b26 Post onPrepared so it runs after createPeriod has finished. Issue: #1853 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134409897 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
85b61ad Call onPrepared/onSourceInfoRefreshed on the playback thread. HlsSampleStreamWrapper and ExtractorMediaPeriod would call onPrepared/onSourceInfoRefreshed from their loading threads. That was problematic for ConcatenatingMediaSource and MergingMediaSource, which assume that their callbacks are called on the same thread (iterating through timelines from all sources and updating pendingTimelineSources respectively). This change makes them post calls to the callbacks on the playback thread. Generally, implementing a composite MediaSource is easier if MediaPeriod.Callback's methods are all called on the same (playback) thread, so this change makes that part of its contract. Also post onContinueLoadingRequested from ExtractingLoadable because MergingMediaPeriod.onContinueLoadingRequested reads trackGroups written on the playback thread. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134407280 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
eaf8218 Fix shutter open/close behavior ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134389619 28 September 2016, 10:26:12 UTC
d74166c Parse Projection, ProjectionPrivate As described in Also parse StereoMode as per standard matroska spec. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134302208 28 September 2016, 10:26:00 UTC
f5ebcb8 Modified the default position parameters of the Cue objects created by Eia608Decoder. Full preamble positioning will be provided in a subsequent CL. This CL also contains some minor cleanup in Eia608Decoder and adds some TODOs to handle the second channel. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134299337 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
7273237 Add an immutable holder for track selection parameters This solves the thread unsafety issue of the default track selector and allows atomic configuration changes. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134288525 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
65eda1d Add missing generic types ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134099118 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
88b9e8c Clear the selection override even if renderer is disabled ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134078455 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
94cc606 Export variant codecs in HLS Issue:#1772 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134073672 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
8cf1074 Replace stbl consistency assertions with a warning. Issue: #1850 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134073096 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
654d914 Fix DefaultHttpDataSource read when requested length is 0 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134063990 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
669cf68 Mention jcenter and gradle dependency in dev guide and Github readme. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134056007 28 September 2016, 10:25:40 UTC
f2cf086 Fix content length calculation for gzipped files ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=134011959 28 September 2016, 10:25:34 UTC
57a2749 Fix playback of short duration content Issue #1837 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133944552 28 September 2016, 10:25:34 UTC
e1ab1e3 Update test vectors ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133944105 28 September 2016, 10:25:24 UTC
a7d5f4b Automated rollback of "Upgrade gradle to 2.14.1" *** Reason for rollback *** 2.14.1 not compatible with 2.1.2. Oops. *** Original change description *** Upgrade gradle to 2.14.1 *** ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133939282 28 September 2016, 10:25:11 UTC
06b96bf Upgrade gradle to 2.14.1 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133938559 28 September 2016, 10:25:11 UTC
57e486a Reorganize test vectors ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133935070 28 September 2016, 10:25:02 UTC
1546da8 Use @IntDef where possible. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133932812 28 September 2016, 10:25:02 UTC
e20d703 Switch to Cronet 55_0_2860_0 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133850026 28 September 2016, 10:24:55 UTC
59ee434 Fix buffering issue for live streams Issue: #1825 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133401980 16 September 2016, 17:56:40 UTC
22728d9 Use new ParsableByteArray.reset where possible. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133384105 16 September 2016, 17:56:02 UTC
c171903 Rename assets to avoid naming conflicts Issue #1823 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133267642 16 September 2016, 17:54:09 UTC
70351bf Create one HlsSampleStreamWrapper per track group ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133243031 16 September 2016, 17:53:27 UTC
6a099f1 Clean up MP3 synchronization and fix handling < 4 frames. Also add a test MP3 stream with one frame. Make FakeExtractorInput's end of input detection to apply also for peekFully, and make its skip and read methods read at least one byte. Issue: #1732 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133241641 16 September 2016, 17:52:42 UTC
b1f9798 Fix peeking the end of the stream then reading it. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133240502 16 September 2016, 17:51:52 UTC
7d991ce Merge pull request #1822 from google/dev-v2 Fix crash on pre-api-21 devices. 14 September 2016, 19:19:39 UTC
ab49425 Fix crash on pre-api-21 devices. The four-arg constructor didn't exist in ViewGroup for earlier API levels. I think it can probably be safely omitted, unless you know otherwise? Issue: #1820 ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133156975 14 September 2016, 19:18:13 UTC
5512aae Revert CacheSpan EOS changes. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133123235 14 September 2016, 15:34:27 UTC
80d08a6 Fix the build ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133120924 14 September 2016, 15:33:46 UTC
bf0d398 Fix RawResourceDataSource remaining length ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133120449 14 September 2016, 15:33:06 UTC
e4cc2d6 Set allowedVideoJoiningTimeMs to 0 to fix playback test failures It defaults to 5000, which allows frames to be dropped in an attempt to seamlessly rejoin when re-enabling video during an ongoing playback. This causes performance failures when running the test*AdaptiveWithRendererDisabling playback tests. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133105110 14 September 2016, 15:32:18 UTC
5600716 Guide V2 + a few related code tweaks ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133022058 13 September 2016, 18:15:31 UTC
2ebabc5 Support raw resources inside the APK as a DataSource. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=133013132 13 September 2016, 18:14:46 UTC
76a05ce Fix race condition in timestamp adjustment for HLS If a Webvtt HlsChunkSource got to schedule its chunk load before the master HlsChunkSource (the one that downloads the TS or the fMP4 chunks), the player would never get past the buffering state. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=132985792 13 September 2016, 16:47:07 UTC
20757a1 Update some documentation for V2 + Rm extra blank line ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=132985566 13 September 2016, 16:46:27 UTC
f424841 PlaybackControlView improvements ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=132981908 13 September 2016, 16:45:40 UTC
f2229d9 Move FlacJni to FlacDecoderJni If/when we add the ability to query version information, such methods will go into FlacLibrary for consistency with the other extensions. The difference for Flac is that since the decoder JNI is used by the extractor too, it needs splitting into a separate from from FlacDecoder. ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=132904665 13 September 2016, 16:44:55 UTC
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