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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
e67512d Fix recently introduced more comments bug and version bump. 05 March 2012, 20:43:38 UTC
519c08b add_comment now returns comment object, message.replies returns list of message objects if available and version bump. 03 March 2012, 03:11:12 UTC
a38a7d9 Add search functionality. 03 March 2012, 01:35:20 UTC
930f45a Update recently added tests. 02 March 2012, 23:59:30 UTC
c577dbe Handle the updated comment replies return value and fix lint issues. 02 March 2012, 21:17:48 UTC
7f0cca1 Use warn_explicit instead of warn for more concise warnings. 29 February 2012, 16:52:50 UTC
a16126a Return None when author is deleted. 28 February 2012, 19:39:20 UTC
5dbc20c Major restructure to comment fetching code. Version bump. * Added three config parameters: * comment_limit - the number of comments to fetch (max 1500/500 [gold/not]) * comment_sort - the sort to fetch comments by * more_comments_max - maximum number of more comment objects to replace for a submission * Going beyond the more comment limit is now a warning and not an exception * Added _orhphaned attribute to contain comments whose parents were not received in the process. When replacing all MoreComment objects this list should be empty 28 February 2012, 07:25:26 UTC
c5bcbc0 Lint corrections. 27 February 2012, 18:09:40 UTC
2b8c1a8 Add timeout flag to Reddit._request: * defaults to 45, changeable in reddit_api.cfg * added a test for timeout situations 27 February 2012, 17:54:12 UTC
4572d55 Added sleep_time attribute to RateLimitExceeded exception. 18 February 2012, 19:53:18 UTC
327a56a Ensure User-Agent string isn't empty. 18 February 2012, 18:52:38 UTC
6522541 Handle invalid MoreComment objects. Version bump. 17 February 2012, 22:25:43 UTC
51c287c Added exception handling for httplib.IncompleteRead Works with existing exception handling in 13 February 2012, 18:37:50 UTC
0b54ff9 Retry on additional error 5XX error codes. 06 February 2012, 23:33:47 UTC
b26edab Added get_comments method to subreddit objects. 31 January 2012, 22:12:24 UTC
b58d2da Fix issues with Comments when not being created from submission objects. Needed to special case reply, submission and permalink attributes when: * Comment is retrieved from calls to get_inbox * Comment is retrieved from calls to get_comments 31 January 2012, 21:33:28 UTC
41f36ab Fix 404 error user reported. 26 January 2012, 03:03:51 UTC
008b30a Remove client side error checking for consistency and correct header-title argument, version bump. 25 January 2012, 10:55:26 UTC
7cd8acc Add method to change subreddit settings. Due to lack of API support, you need to supply all settings and not just the ones you want changed. 25 January 2012, 10:24:18 UTC
5d101db Fixed up new tests, and refactored some code. 25 January 2012, 10:12:45 UTC
ccd478b Added moderation spam and modqueue functions and ability to distinguish *Added ability to fetch, approve, and remove, spam and modqueue pages *Added ability to moderator-distinguish comments and submissions 25 January 2012, 07:20:55 UTC
4249bd1 Minor fixes 25 January 2012, 07:18:14 UTC
4497eaf Merge branch 'buddydvd_fixes' 24 January 2012, 21:57:45 UTC
3508db0 Fix bug I introduced yesterday. Thanks to octatone for catching it. Version bump required. 13 January 2012, 21:11:13 UTC
7fab73a Added automatic 504 retry support, minor fix and version bump. Automatically retry three times (with the proper wait conditions) in the event of a 504 response. The _sorted and _selection helpers now properly take a variable number of arguments, rather than statically (and incorrectly) shadowing get_content. Also fixed a test failure. 12 January 2012, 16:22:55 UTC
aa6174c Simplified captcha and subscription handling. This is possible thanks to buddydvd's reddit patch: 07 January 2012, 00:30:33 UTC
b95fcdb Clean up code since it depends on at least python 2.6. The source uses properties which is a feature added in python 2.6. Given that the json libary is included in python 2.6 there is no need to failback to the simplejson import. Updated the pypi classifiers accordingly. 05 January 2012, 04:16:11 UTC
b29fd99 Updated the README due to the addition of the WIKI pages. 05 January 2012, 00:33:32 UTC
10973b4 Better handling for OS specific config file locations. 04 January 2012, 21:15:24 UTC
217839c Add ability to mark a message as unread. Also worth noting: This API wrapper previously assumed Reddit supported marking multiple messages as read; this infact wasn't the case. I added a [pull request]( to Reddit to support this feature, and in doing so have decided to leave the support in the Reddit API wrapper as I am hopeful they will integrate my pull request. I have also added a test for the multiple mark_as_read feature. This test will fail until my pull request is integrated. 03 January 2012, 23:47:25 UTC
d96d6b3 Support SSL login. 03 January 2012, 00:48:42 UTC
056797b Fix login example in 27 December 2011, 16:35:16 UTC
70dcb73 Properly include subreddit 'r' parameter in ban/contributor/moderator subreddit actions and added MoreComments support. Minor version bump. With MoreComments comes convenience functions, comments_flat, all_comments, and all_comments_flat which converts the MoreComments objects into their appropriate comments. Note that when using all_comments(_flat) that it will throw a ClientException if there are more than 10 MoreComments objects to convert as each mMoreComment object unfortunately requires a single request to fetch. You can manually query the comments from a MoreComments object via the `comment` method of the MoreComments object. 23 December 2011, 22:36:27 UTC
74bb962 Add more complete meta-data to and performed a mini-version bump. 17 December 2011, 00:50:28 UTC
737306e Update test case for issue 45 and fix a few lint issues. 16 December 2011, 00:56:29 UTC
e0ae32e Added ability to report a submission, and get the reported submissions of a subreddit (must be a mod) Alignment issue 16 December 2011, 00:18:52 UTC
759be65 Corrected README example. 13 December 2011, 21:55:14 UTC
cfd7d76 Fix infinite getattr recursion bug by properly setting _populated in getattr. 13 December 2011, 20:41:17 UTC
b57d148 Each site in the config file can now optionally provide user and pswd fields. 13 December 2011, 19:42:37 UTC
40ae34d Version bump 10 December 2011, 22:34:07 UTC
37f4f63 Include `reddit/*.cfg` files into the package. 10 December 2011, 22:28:07 UTC
103ee12 It seems not to require setuptools. Added a common fallback for setuptools. This patch make the package able to be installed under system that doesn't have setuptools. 10 December 2011, 22:11:48 UTC
debd4f2 Updated the README. 10 December 2011, 20:30:07 UTC
da6d64e Actually added captcha support to send_feedback. 10 December 2011, 06:22:09 UTC
49c32ae Added get_banned, get_contributors, get_moderators and tested their associated functions. 10 December 2011, 01:39:19 UTC
d0b61a1 Added tests for mark_as_read and search_reddit_name as well as added get_unread function. 09 December 2011, 22:03:43 UTC
ff6c3a9 Quote consistency. 09 December 2011, 21:18:29 UTC
d2d7236 Remove remaining global config settings in favor of site-specific settings. A positive side effect of this change is that the api_request_delay now operates on a per-domain basis. Thus there are different rate limits for different sites that you are connecting to. Note that the key for the last_call is the domain name, thus even though the Reddit or config object may be different, if the domain is the same, then the rate limit will apply. 09 December 2011, 20:57:37 UTC
81845f6 Fixed create_subreddit and added tests for a few untested functions. Added test functionality for: * create_subreddit * get_all_comments * get_front_page * my_moderation * my_reddits 07 December 2011, 22:45:06 UTC
a587c35 Build test urls from the domain specified in the configuration file. 07 December 2011, 19:50:09 UTC
01554c3 Added tests for logout, send_feedback, and create_user, and fixed the functions to work properly. 07 December 2011, 06:31:38 UTC
7b2d1ec Added support for inbox messages via the Message class. 07 December 2011, 02:21:42 UTC
b555382 Fixed semi-failing flair test by setting flairlist url to stale when flair is updated. Did the same for a submission's permalink when comments are added. 06 December 2011, 23:35:33 UTC
5671d26 Added pylint and modified code to pass the tests. Refactored the reddit class to group functions into extension classes. 06 December 2011, 21:38:39 UTC
316cf85 Added clear_flair_templates and add_flair_template features along with dummy tests (no verification they worked) as there doesn't appear to be a nice way to get the current list of flair templates. 06 December 2011, 09:26:37 UTC
0caed95 Refactored the multisite implementation, and made stride to pass pylint. More specific details: * Consolodated all api objects and their ancestors in * Cleaned up imports in * Added Config class which holds the per-instance configuration thus allowing concurrent instances at multiple sites * Removed and moved url mapping to the new Config class * Replaced " with ' in some files for consistency. 06 December 2011, 01:50:02 UTC
038cd7e Merged multisite functionality with lint / pyflakes / pychecker fixes. 04 December 2011, 22:11:05 UTC
84a5d4b Added the ability to connect to another running instance of reddit that's somewhere other than See 04 December 2011, 21:29:52 UTC
bb5e30c Added and made changes to reduce warnings / errors by pychecker and pyflakes. 04 December 2011, 10:57:05 UTC
4e4adb3 Made everything conform to PEP 8. 03 December 2011, 22:30:14 UTC
a377f53 Added set_flair_csv function along with README example and tests. 02 December 2011, 22:55:32 UTC
2cac0b9 Updated vote tests to verify their results. 02 December 2011, 09:40:39 UTC
f4cc23c Fix README markdown issue. 02 December 2011, 08:02:57 UTC
b8ae817 Added flairlist support and refactored test code. * updated get_content to support flair list * combined get_submission and get_submission_by_id into a single function * added flair_list function to get a list of current flair on a subreddit * refactored to make all tests independent and verifiable where possible * Updated README to add flair examples. 02 December 2011, 07:53:27 UTC
3e11812 Refactored exceptions, updated set_flair and added corresponding tests. Notable differences: * Renamed to * Refactored error_mapping code * Added set_flair function to subreddit class * Added ModTest class for testing flair setting 01 December 2011, 23:13:26 UTC
338d0d1 Added LoggedInRedditor class and started adding messaging functionality to it. Along these lines, I've removed as it's fairly misleading. 01 December 2011, 01:51:11 UTC
3cfd818 Add tests for (un)friend and submit link now that these work. 01 December 2011, 00:29:45 UTC
1c7f31f Refactored a bunch of code (tests still pass) * Moved to to remove reddit.reddit module confusion * Renamed URL to _url on RedditContentObjects * Removed cases of get_json_dict by adding _info_url to RedditContentObjects * Removed trailing slashes in URL paths 30 November 2011, 22:17:26 UTC
b2ca96b Added tests for comments and community subscribing. 30 November 2011, 10:22:51 UTC
e0727f7 Updated README and cleaned up imports. 30 November 2011, 08:00:46 UTC
30d97bf Merged from master and resolved conflicts. 30 November 2011, 03:25:53 UTC
731c2bc Merged from fireworker76 and resolved conflict. 30 November 2011, 01:51:26 UTC
c1d6937 Merge branch 'master' of git:// 30 November 2011, 01:44:02 UTC
7cd90c6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nemec/master' Conflicts: reddit/ reddit/ reddit/ 30 November 2011, 01:07:41 UTC
e9b6757 Merge pull request #38 from bboe/fix_tests Cache submission's comments, and make tests pass. 30 November 2011, 00:58:36 UTC
997fbd7 Merge pull request #39 from bluepnume/master Added set_flair method 30 November 2011, 00:56:56 UTC
91aabc3 Added "set_flair" method for flair api 30 November 2011, 00:48:37 UTC
a1a7c36 Merged changes from simple_login and removed util.urljoin as it's really not needed. 29 November 2011, 20:37:13 UTC
3ea91a1 Updated submit, vote, save, and delete to use api_type:json and added test cases for each with respect to submissions. 29 November 2011, 09:50:58 UTC
6fa4ec8 Login uses api_type parameter thus allowing for better error handling as a jquery response is no longer returned. This also immediately returns the modhash, thus another request is no longer needed. 29 November 2011, 03:40:56 UTC
a3f2fdd Merge pull request #2 from SimonGreenhill/master Missing an import 22 November 2011, 19:00:11 UTC
e9e445b Missing an import 22 November 2011, 13:58:15 UTC
87e3b0f Cache comments for a submissions, and make tests pass. 15 November 2011, 08:58:48 UTC
6e8d801 Merge pull request #32 from Julian/master NameError in parse_api_json_response 10 November 2011, 14:43:01 UTC
e0dfb89 Merge pull request #30 from liquidpele/master subreddit moderation list 10 November 2011, 14:41:40 UTC
176486f Fixed login to use latest /api/login/USER/ url and raise Exceptions when login fails due to rate limit or wrong password. 23 October 2011, 06:27:54 UTC
2edc11e Fixed a NameError. 18 October 2011, 15:49:36 UTC
25d7f38 Adding ability to getch list of subreddits current user moderates 21 September 2011, 14:01:46 UTC
8b53436 Merge pull request #1 from gardaud/master Fixed bug that causes a TypeError on certain python installs 07 September 2011, 15:47:38 UTC
2453f6e Fixed bug that triggered a TypeError on certain python installs 07 September 2011, 03:41:29 UTC
ff5f553 Edited via GitHub 06 September 2011, 05:49:26 UTC
ecb3e5c Another fix to the read me. 03 September 2011, 08:16:17 UTC
fc7227c Merge pull request #28 from shalecraig/master The url isn't working, and it doesn't look like I can call it anyways. 03 September 2011, 04:49:50 UTC
848bf81 Readme shows a deprecated function (try going to the link supplied). 03 September 2011, 03:41:12 UTC
27cfccd Made mark_as_read feature require login 26 August 2011, 21:28:26 UTC
3fb7997 Added 'mark as read' feature for comments (and mark_all for the inbox) 26 August 2011, 21:17:09 UTC
82c8af0 Merge pull request #25 from frewsxcv/patch-1 removed redundant import line 24 August 2011, 22:34:16 UTC
ed339b5 removed redundant import line 24 August 2011, 22:09:10 UTC
96b83b5 readme error 21 August 2011, 17:02:00 UTC
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