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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
6308a12 Fix a crash when a generic value argument isn't constant (#1241) This arose when a user tried to specialize the DXR 1.1 `RayQuery` type to a local variable: ```hlsl RAY_FLAG rayFlags = RAY_FLAG_CULL_FRONT_FACING_TRIANGLES | RAY_FLAG_CULL_NON_OPAQUE; RayQuery<rayFlags> query; ``` In this case, we issued an error around `rayFlags` not being a constant as expected, but then we also crashes later on in checking because the `DeclRef` that was being used for the type had a null pointer for the generic argument corresponding to `rayFlags`. The main fix here was thus to add an `ErrorIntVal` case that can be used to represent something that should be an `IntVal` but where there was some kind of error in the input code so that the actual value isn't known to the compiler. A secondary fix here is that we were issuing error messages about expecting a constant for a parameter like `rayFlags` there *twice*, and one of those times was during the `JustChecking` part of overload resolution (when we are not supposed to emit any diagnostics). I fixed that up by allowing the `DiagnosticSink` to be used to be passed down explicitly (and allowing it to be null), while also leaving behind overloaded functions with the old signatures so that all the existing logic can continue to work unmodified. 25 February 2020, 16:12:16 UTC
c4a32e3 Add two missing RAY_FLAG cases (#1240) These new cases were added in DXR 1.1 (Shader Model 6.5), while the `enum` type came from DXR 1.0, so that I failed to revisit it when adding the new features. 24 February 2020, 21:22:17 UTC
777ac2b Fix support for SV_Coverage on GLSL path (#1239) There were two overlapping issues here: 1. We always mapped `SV_Coverage` to `gl_SampleMask`, even though `gl_SampleMaskIn` is the correct built-in variable to use for an input varying. 2. We treated `gl_SampleMask` like it was a scalar shader input, when it and `gl_SampleMaskIn` are actually arrays of indeterminate size (as a byproduct of trying to future-proof for implementations that might support hundreds or thousands of samples per pixel...) The fix here is simple: map to either `gl_SampleMask[0]` or `gl_SampleMaskIn[0]` as appropriate. I suppose that this approach doesn't handle the possibility of eventually supporting >32 samples per pixel by having something like `uint2 coverage : SV_Coverage`, but I think we can cross that bridge when we come to it. 24 February 2020, 19:46:59 UTC
f2c221e dxil-asm target output was dxil code not asm. (#1238) 21 February 2020, 21:59:48 UTC
25eeb10 Add some missing support for Shader Model 6.4/6.5 (#1237) Just adding the enumerants for the new stages/profiles didn't automatically update the code that computes a profile string for passing to fxc/dxc. 21 February 2020, 19:42:26 UTC
830671c Add surface syntax for "this type" (#1236) Within the context of an aggregate type (or an `extension` of one), the programmer can use `this` to refer to the "current" instance of the surrounding type, but there is no easy way to utter the name of the type itself. This is especially relevant inside of an `interface`, where the type of `this` isn't actually the `interface` type, but rather a placeholder for the as-yet-unknown concrete type that will implement the interface. This change adds a keyword `This` that works similarly to `this`, but names the current *type* instead of the current instance. It can be used to declare things like binary methods or factory functions in an interface: ``` interface IBasicMathType { This absoluteValue(); This sumWith(This left); } T doSomeMath<T:IBasicMathType>(T value) { return value.sumWith(value.absoluteValue()); } ``` The `This` type is consistent with the type named `Self` in Rust and Swift (where Rust/Swift use `self` instead of `this`). Other names could be considered (e.g., `ThisType`) if we find that users don't like the name in this change. 21 February 2020, 18:39:05 UTC
433ce86 Initial support for explicit default initializers (#1235) This change makes it so that for a suitable type `MyType`, a variable declaration like: MyType v; is treated as if it were written: MyType v = MyType(); The definition of "suitable" here is that `MyType` needs to have an available `__init` declaration that can be invoked with zero arguments. I've added a test to confirm that the new behavior works in this specific case. There are a bunch of caveats to the feature as it stands today: * Just because `MyType` has a zero-parameter `__init`, that doesn't mean an array type like `MyType[10]` does, so arrays currently remain uninitialized by default. Fixing this gap requires careful consideration because some, but not all, array types should be default-initializable. * The change here should mean that a `struct` type with a field like `MyType f;` should count as having a default initial-value expression for that field, but I haven't confirmed that. * Even if a `struct` provides initial values for all its fields (e.g., `struct S { float f = 0; }`), that doesn't mean it has a default `__init` right now, so those `struct` types will still be left uninitialized by default. Converging all this behavior is still TBD. Just to be clear: there is no provision or plan in Slang to support destructors, RAII, copy constructors, move constructors, overloaded assignment operations, or any other features that buy heavily into the C++ model of how construction and destruction of values gets done. In fact, I'm not even 100% sure I like having this change in place at all, and I think we should reserve the right to revert it and say that only specific stdlib types get to opt in to default initialization along these lines. 21 February 2020, 16:18:31 UTC
1f401d0 WIP on RWTexture types on CUDA/CPU (#1234) * CUDA support for array of resources. * * Add support for Texture2DArray on CPU * Expand texture-simple.slang to test Texture2DArray * Reorganise CUDAComputeUtil to split out createTextureResource. * Add TextureCubeArray support for CPU/CUDA targets. * Pulled out CUDAResource Renamed derived classes to reflect that change. * Creation of SurfObject type. * Functions to return read/write access for simplifying future additions. * WIP for RWTexture access on CPU/CUDA. * CUsurfObject cannot have mips. * Ability to set number of mips on test data. Preliminary support for CUsurfObj and RWTexture1D on CUDA. CUDA docs improvements. * Fix typo. 20 February 2020, 23:24:00 UTC
f9d99fd Initial support for user-defined initializer/constructor declarations (#1233) The basic idea is that the user can write: ```hlsl struct MyThing { int a; float b; __init(int x, float y) { a = x; b = y; } } ``` and after that point, they can create an intstance of their `MyThing` type as simply as `MyThing(123, 4.56f)`. There was already a large amount of infrastructure laying around that is shared between ininitializers and ordinary functions, so enabling this feature mostly amounted to tying up some loose ends: * In the parser, make sure to properly push/pop the scope for an `__init` (or `__subscript`) declaration, so parameters would be visible to the body * In semantic checking, make sure that declaration "header" checking properly bottlenecks all the function-like cases into a base routine * In semantic checking, make sure that the logic for checking function bodies applies to every `FunctionDeclBase` with a body, and not just `FuncDecl`s * Update semeantic checking for statements to allow for any `FunctionDeclBase` as the parent declaration, not just a `FuncDecl` * In lookup, treat the `this` parameter of an `__init` (well, not actually a *parameter* in this case) as being mutable, just like for a `[mutating]` method * In IR codegen, don't just assume that all `__init`s are intrinsics, and narrow the scope of that hack to just `__init`s without bodies * In IR codegen, detect when we are emitting an IR function for an `__init`, and in that case create a local variable to represent the `this` value, and implicitly return that value at the end of the body. From that point on the rest of the compiler Just Works and IR codegen doesn't have to think of an `__init` as being any different than if the user had declared a `static MyThing make(...)` function. Caveats: * C++ users might like to use that naming convention (so `MyThing` as the name instead of `__init`). We can consider that later. * Everybody else might prefer a keyword other than `__init` (e.g., just `init` as in Swift), but I'm keeping this as a "preview" feature for now, rather than something officially supported * Early `return`s from the body of an `__init` aren't going to work right now. * There is currently no provision for automatically synthesizing initializers for `struct` types based on their fields. This seems like a reasonable direction to take in the future. * There is no provision for routing `{}`-based initializer lists over to initializer calls. The two syntaxes probably need to be unified at some point so that doing `MyType x = { a, b, c }` and `let x = MyType(a, b, c)` are semantically equivalent. It is possible that as a byproduct of this change user-defined `__subscript`s might Just Work, but I am guessing there will still be loose ends on that front as well, so I will refrain from looking into that feature until we have a use case that calls for it. 20 February 2020, 21:44:03 UTC
dcc3af7 CUDA/CPU support for 1D, 2D, CubeArray (#1232) * CUDA support for array of resources. * * Add support for Texture2DArray on CPU * Expand texture-simple.slang to test Texture2DArray * Reorganise CUDAComputeUtil to split out createTextureResource. * Add TextureCubeArray support for CPU/CUDA targets. 20 February 2020, 15:34:58 UTC
788556a Don't allocate a default space for a VK push-constant buffer (#1231) When a shader only uses `ParameterBlock`s plus a single buffer for root constants: ```hlsl ParameterBlock<A> a; ParameterBlock<B> b; [[vk::push_constant]] cbuffer Stuff { ... } ``` we expect the push-constant buffer should not affect the `space` allocated to the parameter blocks (so `a` should get `space=0`). This behavior wasn't being implemented correctly in `slang-parameter-binding.cpp`. There was logic to ignore certain resource kinds in entry-point parameter lists when computing whether a default space is needed, but the equivalent logic for the global scope only considered parameters that consuem whole register spaces/sets. This change shuffles the code around and makes sure it considers a global push-constant buffer as *not* needing a default space/set. Note that this change will have no impact on D3D targets, where `Stuff` above would always get put in `space0` because for D3D targets a push-constant buffer is no different from any other constant buffer in terms of register/space allocation. One unrelated point that this change brings to mind is the `[[vk::push_constant]]` should ideally also be allowed to apply to an entry point (where it would modify the default/implicit constant buffer). In fact, it could be argued that push-constant allocation should be the *default* for (non-RT) entry point `uniform` parameters (while `[[vk::shader_record]]` should be the default for RT entry point `uniform` parameters). 19 February 2020, 22:36:44 UTC
9603fde Fix a reference-counting bug in one of the session creation routines. (#1230) This is pretty straightforward, because we were calling `Session::init` (which can retain/release the session) on a `Session*` (no reference held). The catch is that our current tests use the older form of the Slang API, while Falcor relies on the newer API, and so the recent change to our reference-counting logic introduced a regression that we didn't detect in testing. This change just fixes the direct issue but doesn't address the gap in testing. A better long-term fix would be to fully define our "1.0" API, shift our testing to it, and layer the old API on top of it (to try and avoid regressions for client code). 19 February 2020, 21:25:13 UTC
46a1b5f Initial partial support for WaveXXX intrinsics on CUDA (#1228) * Start work on wave intrinsics for CUDA. * Add prelimary CUDA support for some Wave intrinsics. Document the issue around WaveGetLaneIndex 19 February 2020, 19:16:38 UTC
1d9152b Fixes for DXR 1.1 RayQuery type (#1227) The previous change that added `RayQuery` to the standard library didn't mark it as any kind of intrinsic, so the first fix here was to add the appopriate attribtue to the stdlib declaration of `RayQuery`. Next I found that the legalization pass was obliterating the `RayQuery` type because it had no members, and thus looked like an empty `struct` (which we eliminate for a variety of reasons). I fixed that by adding a check for a target-intrinsic decoration in type legalization. Next I found that the type wasn't emitted correctly because our generic specialization was turning `RayQuery<0>` into a new type `RayQuery_0` (which is what our specialization is designed to do, after all). I then disabled generic specialization for types that are marked as target intrinsics (which probably renders the preceding fix moot). Finally, I found that the emit logic for types in HLSL wasn't handling the case of a generic intrinsic type that didn't also use its own dedicated opcode. I fixes that up by adding a specific case for `IRSpecialize` as a late catch-all. After all these changes, a declaration of a `RayQuery` variable seems to Just Work (even without any new/improved behavior for handling default constructors). One potential gotcha looking forward is that my checks for `IRTargetIntrinsicDecoration` aren't checking what target the decoration is for. This is fine for now because there are only two types using the decoration right now (`RayDesc` and `RayQuery`), and the special cases above are reasonable for both of them. If/when we have more target-intrinsic types with this decoration, and some of them are only intrinsic for specific targets, then we will need to revisit this choice and either: * make these checks perform filtering based on the "current" target (similar to what the emit logic has today), or * (more likely) make the linking and target-specialization step strip out any target-intrinsic decorations that aren't the right one(s) for the current target Note that this change doesn't include a test case yet because I don't have a DXR 1.1 ready version of dxc to test against. I have manually confirmed that appropriate Slang input seems to be producing reasonable HLSL output when using these functions, but I cannot yet try to check that in (using an HLSL file for the expected output would be quite fragile). 19 February 2020, 16:56:46 UTC
45d1a68 Added support for Targets to TypeTextUtil. (#1226) * Added support for Targets to TypeTextUtil. * Made Function names 'get' and 'find' instead of 'as' in TypeTextUtil. 19 February 2020, 00:13:02 UTC
8ee39e0 First pass Texture Array support on CUDA/CPU (#1225) * Add cubemap support. * Add CUDA fence instrinsics. * Added Gather for CUDA. * Use the CUDA driver API as much as possible. * * Support 1D texture on CPU * WIP on 1D texture on CUDA * Added simplified texture test * Fix test. * Improve texture-simple tests. * * Add CPU support for 3d textures * Add support for mip maps to CUDA * Disable warnings in nvrtc * Update CUDA docs * WIP on 3d texture support. * Add support for 3d textures for CPU and CUDA. * CPU and CUDA support for cube maps. * Add CPU support for Texture1DArray. * Support CUDA Layered/Array type in meta library. 18 February 2020, 19:14:16 UTC
e109985 CUDA/CPU resource coverage (#1224) * Add cubemap support. * Add CUDA fence instrinsics. * Added Gather for CUDA. * Use the CUDA driver API as much as possible. * * Support 1D texture on CPU * WIP on 1D texture on CUDA * Added simplified texture test * Fix test. * Improve texture-simple tests. * * Add CPU support for 3d textures * Add support for mip maps to CUDA * Disable warnings in nvrtc * Update CUDA docs * WIP on 3d texture support. * Add support for 3d textures for CPU and CUDA. 18 February 2020, 17:40:14 UTC
2c09754 Feature/cuda coverage (#1223) * Add cubemap support. * Add CUDA fence instrinsics. * Added Gather for CUDA. * Use the CUDA driver API as much as possible. * * Support 1D texture on CPU * WIP on 1D texture on CUDA * Added simplified texture test * Fix test. * Improve texture-simple tests. Co-authored-by: Tim Foley <> 14 February 2020, 20:06:35 UTC
dfd3d26 Add a bunch of stdlib declarations for SM 6.4 and 6.5 (#1221) The main thing this adds is the `RayQuery` type with its `TraceRayInline` method for DXR 1.1. None of these new functions/types/constants have been tested, and many of them are not expected to work at all (e.g., we don't actually have any mesh shader support, so adding them as stage types is just for completeness at the API level). I would like to write some test cases after this is checked in by looking for existing DXR 1.1 examples. We currently have an issue around default initialization that means we probably can't run any DXR 1.1 shaders right now with just the stdlib changes. 14 February 2020, 17:43:02 UTC
fd61c77 * Fix for unary - on glsl (#1222) * Test to check fix 13 February 2020, 17:35:40 UTC
f07834e Nvrtc disable warnings/Float literal improvements (#1220) * Added 'truncate' for fixing floats, for floats near the max value (as opposed to making infinite). Put AreNearlyEqual into Math * Test for ::make static method. 12 February 2020, 21:47:14 UTC
e1e7a6e Support for isinf/isfinite/isnan/ldexp (#1219) * Added support ldexp. * Added classify-float.slang test Fixed glsl output. * Added classify-double.slang * Added ldexp test to scalar-double.slang * isnan, isinf, isfinite are macros (on some targets) so remove :: prefix. 12 February 2020, 15:44:07 UTC
fe9d27a CUDA barrier/atomic support (#1218) * * Improved fastRemoveAt * Fixed off by one bug * Fixed const safeness with List<> * Made List begin and end const safe. * Revert to previous RefPtr usage. * Fix bug with casting. * Tabs -> spaces. Small fixes/improvements to List. * Improve comment on List. * Group shared/atomic test works on CUDA. * * Enabled CUDA tests for atomics tests * Enabled DX12 test for atomics-buffer.slang Not clear just yet how to implement that for CUDA - it will work with StructuredBuffer. * hasContent -> isNonEmpty * Remove unneeded comment. 12 February 2020, 14:15:47 UTC
9b3e768 Small improvements around List (#1216) * * Improved fastRemoveAt * Fixed off by one bug * Fixed const safeness with List<> * Made List begin and end const safe. * Revert to previous RefPtr usage. * Fix bug with casting. * Tabs -> spaces. Small fixes/improvements to List. * Improve comment on List. * hasContent -> isNonEmpty 11 February 2020, 21:16:43 UTC
30d0932 Fix ref counting for sesion - simple test had a path to not releasing compile request. (#1217) 11 February 2020, 19:14:10 UTC
a0174d8 Make fixes for the attribute-error test case. (#1215) There are two main fixes here: The first is to remove a memory leak in the reflection test tool, in the case where Slang compilation fails. There is no real reason to be using the reflection test tool for tests that produce diagnostics (we have the slangc tool for that), but it makes sense to go ahead and fix the leak rather than work around it. This was one of those leaks that could have been avoided with smart pointers and a COM-lite API. The second issue was that the logic for constructing an `AttributeDecl` based on a user-defined `struct` was not correctly setting the parent of the attribute decl. The code in question was a little hard to follow and had a few steps that didn't seem strictly necessary given its goals, so I went ahead and scrubbed+commented it to just do what made sense to me (and the tests still pass...). I'm not entirely happy with the design and implementation approach for user-defined attributes, so we might want to take another stab at it sooner or later. This change is not meant to address any design issues, and is just about fixing bugs in what is already there. 11 February 2020, 14:44:15 UTC
56771d6 Fix output GLSL for primitive ID in a geometry shader (#1214) We had been translating an `SV_PrimitiveID` input in a shader over to `gl_PrimitiveID` in GLSL. That translation seemed to work just fine for users, so we thought it was correct. It turns out that `gl_PrimitiveID` is the correct GLSL for a primitive ID input in every stage *except* a geometry shader. In a geometry shader, `gl_PrimitiveID` is a primitive ID *output*, and if you want the input case you have to write `gl_PrimitiveIDIn` (note the `In` suffix). This change sets aside my bewilderment at the above long enough to implement a workaround in the GLSL legalization step. I also modified our current geometry shader cross compilation test to make use of an input primitive ID. 10 February 2020, 21:09:37 UTC
60dfb62 Add attributes to enable dual-source blending on Vulkan (#1210) This change adds support for the `[[vk::location(...)]]` and `[[vk::index(...)]]` attributes, which can be used together to mark up shader outputs for dual-source blending on Vulkan. HLSL/Slang code like the following: ```hlsl struct Output { [[vk::location(0)]] float4 a : SV_Target0; [[vk::location(0), vk::index(1)]] float4 b : SV_Target1; } [shader("fragment")] Output main(...) { ...} ``` can be used to set up dual-source blending on both D3D and Vulkan APIs. The output GLSL for the above will look something like: ```glsl layout(location = 0) out vec4 a; layout(location = 0, index = 1) out vec4 b; void main() { ... } ``` The more or less straightforward parts of this change were: * Added new `attribute_syntax` declarations to the stdlib, for `[[vk::location(...)]]` and `[[vk::index(...)]]` * Added new AST node types for the new attribute cases, sharing a base class so that argument checking can be shared * Added checks for the arguments to the new attributes in `slang-check-modifier.cpp` (eventually this kind of logic shouldn't be needed for new attributes) * Updated GLSL emit logic so that it treats the `index`/`space` parts of a variable layout as the `location`/`index` for varying parameters. * Updated GLSL legalization so that when it translates entry-point parameters into globals (and scalarizes structures) it handles both a binding index and space for the parameters. * Added a cross-compilation test case to verify that the basics of the feature work The remaining work is all in `slang-parameter-binding.cpp`. There is some work that isn't technically related to this change (and which could be reverted if it causes problems), around the detection and handling of fragment shader outputs with `SV_Target` semantics. The basic changes (which could be backed out and then merged separately) are: * Made the special-case `SV_Target` logic only trigger for fragment shaders (that is the only place where `SV_Target` should appear, but we weren't guarding against it) * Made the logic to reserve a `u<N>` register for `SV_Target<N>` only trigger for D3D Shader Model 5.0 and below (since it is not required for SM 5.1 and up). This could be a breaking change for some users, but that seems unlikely. * Fixed one test case that relied on the behavior of reserving `u0` for `SV_Target0` even though it was a SM6.0 test. * Also added more comments to the system-value handling logic. The more interesting changes come up starting in `processEntryPointVaryingParameterDecl()`. The basic issue is that we have so far only supported implicit layout for varying parameters on GLSL/Vulkan, but the `[[vk::location(...)]]` attribute is a form of explicit layout annotation. Rather than try to kludge something that only works in narrow cases, I instead opted to try to fix things more generally. In `processEntryPointVaryingParameterDecl()` we now check for the `location` and `index` attributes when we are on "Khronos" targets (Vulkan/OpenGL/GLSL) and immediately add them to the variable layout being constructed if they are found. There is nothing in this logic specific to fragment-shader outputs, so this feature now applies to any varying input/output on Khronos targets. Allowing explicit layouts creates the potential for mixing implicit and explicit layout. For example, consider: ```hlsl struct Output { float4 color : COLOR; [[vk::location(0)]] float3 normal : NORMAL; } ``` What `location` should `color` get? Should this code be an error? There are two cases where this conundrum can come up: when working with `struct` types used for varying parameters, and the entry-point parameter list itself. For the varying `struct` case we currently make an expedient choice. We handle fields with both implicit or explicit layotu with appropriate logic, but logic that doesn't account for the case of mixing the two. Then at the end of layout for the `struct` we issue an error if there was a mix of implicit and explicit layout (such that our results aren't likely to be valid). For the entry point varying parameter case, things were already using a `ScopeLayoutBuilder` type (that encapsulates some logic shared between entry-point and global parameters). The entry-point-specific bits were moved out into a `SimpleScopeLayoutBuilder` and it was updated so that rather than assuming all parameters use implicit layout it does a two-phase layout approach similar to what we use for the global scope: * First all parameters are enumerated to collect explicit bindings and mark certain ranges as "used" * Next the parameters are enumerated again and those without explicit bindings get allocated space using a "first fit" algorithm In principle we could extend the two-phase approach to apply to `struct` types as well, but that would be best saved for a future refactoring of some of this parameter binding logic, since I would like to exploit more of the opportunities for sharing code across the uniform/varying and struct/entry-point/global cases. By moving the point where entry point parameters get their offsets assigned, it was necessary to move around some of the logic that removes varying parameter usage (and other things that shouldn't "leak" out of an entry point) to a different point in the entry point layout process. While adding these various pieces does not quite enable us to support explicit bindings on entry point parameters (e.g., putting `uniform Texture2D t : register(t0)` in an entry point parameter list) or in `struct` types (e.g., explicit `packoffset` annotations on fields), it starts to provide some of the infrastructure that we'd need in order to support those cases. 10 February 2020, 18:25:29 UTC
0eed012 Fixes to make all CPU compute shaders work on CUDA (#1211) * Launch CUDA test taking into account dispatch size. * Enable isCPUOnly hack to work on CUDA. * Rename 'isCPUOnly' hack to 'onlyCPULikeBinding'. * Add $T special type. Support SampleLevel on CUDA. * Fix typo. 08 February 2020, 16:19:31 UTC
7de90c1 Code standard changes for Lexer (#1209) * Upper camel -> lowerCamel m_ prefix members where appropriate _ prefix module local functions * m_ prefix members in Lexer. Fit's standard because type has methods/ctor. 07 February 2020, 20:03:30 UTC
199d1f5 HLSL Intrinsic coverage test improvements (#1206) * Fix CPP construct when matrix type. * Test intrinsics on float matrices. * Fix typo in _areNearlyEqual test. Increased default sensitivity. Added matrix-float test. * Matrix double test. Fixed some issues with CUDA. * Added reduced intrinsic version of matrix-double test. * Improve matrix double coverage. Test reflect/length etc on vector float. * * Added literal-float test. * Added vector double test * Improved coverage of vector/matrix tests * Disable Dx11 double-vector test because fails on CI. * Disable literal-float, because on CI fails. 07 February 2020, 18:10:04 UTC
af84d85 Change handling of strings for HLSL/GLSL targets (#1204) * Change handling of strings for HLSL/GLSL targets This change switches our handling of string literals and `getStringHash` to something that is more streamlined at the cost of potentially being less general/flexible. * `String` is now allowed as a parameter type in user-defined functions * `getStringHash` is now allowed to apply to `String`-type values that aren't literals * The list of strings in an IR module is now generated during IR lowering as part of lowering a string literal expression, rather than being defined by recursively walking the IR of the module looking for `getStringHash` calls. The public API still refers to these as "hashed" strings, but they are realistically now "static strings." * When emitting code for HLSL/GLSL, the `String` type emits as `int`, and `getStringHash(x)` emits as `x`. In terms of implementation, the choice was whether to translate `String` over to `int` in an explicit IR pass, or to lump it into the emit pass. While adding the logic to emit clutters up an already complicated step, it is ultimately much easier to make the change there than to write a clean IR pass to eliminate all `String` use. Note that other targets that can handle a more full-featured `String` type are *not* addressed by this change and thus do not support `String` at all. It may be woth emitting `String` as `const char*` on those targets, and emitting string literals directly, but the `getStringHash` function would need to be implemented in the "prelude" then, and we probably want to pick a well-known/-documented hash algorithm before we go that far. This change also brings along some some clean-ups to the `gpu-printing` example, since it can now take advantage of the new functionality of `String`. * Fix up tests for new string handling * Add global string literal list to string-literal test (since we now list *all* static string literals and not just those passed to `getStringHash`) * Disable `getStringHash` test on CPU, since we don't have a working `String` on that platform right now (only HLSL/GLSL) Co-authored-by: Tim Foley <> 07 February 2020, 16:45:32 UTC
7981da5 Float matrix intrinsic test/fixes (#1203) * Fix CPP construct when matrix type. * Test intrinsics on float matrices. * Fix typo in _areNearlyEqual test. Increased default sensitivity. Added matrix-float test. 06 February 2020, 23:16:36 UTC
d3331fb Literal handling improvements (#1202) * WIP: 64 literal diagnostic and truncation. * Improve how integer truncation is handled/supported. Added literal-int64.slang test. Set a suffix on all literals. Fixed problem on C++ based targets where l suffix was not the same as int() cast. So on C++ derived emitters, int() is used instead of l suffix to have same behavior across targets. * Add literal diagnostic testing. * Allow lexer to lex - in front of literals. * Fix lexing and converting int literal with -. * Too large small values of floats become inf. Handling writing inf types out on different targets. Add function to deterimine if a float literals kind. * Roll back the support of lexer lexing negative literals. * Fixed tests broken because of diagnostics numbers. Improved _isFinite * Fix compilation on linux. * Fix problem with abs on linux - use Math::Abs. * Fix typo. * * Improve warnings for float literals zeroed * Improved 64 bit type documentation * Handle half * Improved comments * Fixed tests broken * Use capital letters for suffixes. * Make default behavior on outputting a int literal that is an 'int32_t' is cast (not suffix) to avoid platform inconsistencies. Improve documentation for 64 bit types. Make tests cover material in docs. * Fixed tests. * Rename FloatKind::Normal -> Finite * Fix half zero check. 06 February 2020, 19:31:09 UTC
9c84cce Improve checks and diagnostics around redeclarations (#1201) * Improve checks and diagnostics around redeclarations This change turns checking for redeclarations into a dedicated phase of semantic checking, and ensures that it applies to the main categories of declarations: functions, types, and variables. Note that "variables" here includes function parameters and `struct` fields in addition to the more obvious global and local variables. Some of the logic for checking redeclarations already existed for functions, and was refactored to deal with other cases of declarations. The checking for functions still needs to be special-cased because functions are much more flexible about the kinds of redeclarations that are allowed. In addition to improving the diagnosis of redeclaration itself, this change also changes the error message that is produced when referencing a symbol that is ambiguous due to begin redeclared. This is a small quality-of-life fix, and has the benefit of being much easier to implement than robust tracking of what variables have had redeclaration errors issued so that we can skip emitting an ambiguity error at the use site. A new test case was added to cover the redeclaration cases for variables (but not types or functions), and the test for function parameters was updated to account for the new more universal diagnostic message (since function parameters used to have special-case redeclaration checking). * fixup: missing file 06 February 2020, 16:38:46 UTC
b42b865 Improve behavior when undefined identifier is a contextual keyword (#1200) The HLSL language has keywords with very common names like `triangle`, and Slang doesn't want to preclude users from using such names for their variables/functions/etc. In addition, Slang adds new keywords on top of HLSL (like `extension`) and we don't want those to prevent us from compiling existing code. As a result, almost all keywords in Slang are contextual keywords, and they can be shadowed by user varaibles. The down-side to making all keywords contextual is that in a case like this: ``` int test() { return triangle; } ``` The identifier `triangle` is *not* undefined as far as lookup (it is defined as a modifier keyword), so the existing "undefined identifier" logic gets bypassed, and instead we ran into an internal compiler error trying to construct an expression that refers to a modifier keyword. Fortunately, the internal compiler error in that case was overkill, and the compiler already had defensive logic to produce an expression with an error type if it couldn't figure out what the type of a declaration reference should be. The main fix here is thus to emit an "undefined identifier" error instead of an internal compiler error at the point where we see an attempt to reference a declaration that shouldn't be available in an expression context. In order to improve the quality of the diagnostic, the code for constructing declaration references was updated to pass along a source location to be used in error messages. 05 February 2020, 21:26:39 UTC
122126c Add support for RWBuffer writes on GLSL/SPIR-V target (#1199) This appears to have been an oversight in the work that added support for `imageStore` as well as atomics when writing to `RWTexture*` and friends. The HLSL/Slang `RWBuffer` type maps to GLSL as an `imageBuffer`, which is effectively just another case of writable texture image (bonus points to anybody who can explain to me the meaningful distinction between an `imageBuffer` and an `image1D`). This change copies the handling of subscript access (`operator[]`) from textures over to buffers, and adds a test case to confirm that the new handling works for the simple case of setting a buffer element. 05 February 2020, 18:16:14 UTC
17c6c60 CUDA/C++ backend improvements (#1198) * WIP with vector float test. * vector-float test working. * Fixed remaing tests broken with init changes. * Improve * Disable tests broken on CI system for Dx. * WIP: Make type available for comparison. * Moved type conversion into TypeTextUtil. * Add text/type conversions from DownstreamCompiler to TypeTextUtil. * Allow compaison taking into account type. * Removed quantize in vector-float.slang test. 04 February 2020, 20:19:48 UTC
b415760 Initial steps on GPU printing example (#1197) * Initial steps on GPU printing example This change is checkpointing work on a new Slang example that shows how a "GPU `printf()`" can be implemented almost entirely in user space thanks to a combination of Slang language and API features. The example is not perfect as it stands today due to limitations in our current handling of hashed string literals: * At call sites where a string literal is passed, we currently have to explicitly invoke `getStringHash()` to get the hash code, because we don't currently support `String` as a function argument/parameter type. * On the implementation side, because strings are passed as their `int` hash codes, we can't tell them apart from ordinary `int` arguments. The current code handles this by assuming an `int` is *always* a hashed string, which obviously isn't appropriate. There are plenty of other limitations in the implementation presented, but the above are the two main things I'd like to address in follow-up work. I would like to checkpoint this work on the application first, in order to keep work on the Slang implementation and the example as separate as possible. * typo 04 February 2020, 01:36:32 UTC
2c1fbf8 Some Slang API additions (#1195) * Some Slang API additions These are additions to the public Slang API that came up while I was trying to write an example to demonstrate GPU printing. The additions aren't strictly necessary for the example, but I found these to be missing services when writing the code the way I wanted to. The main public changes are: * There is a new distinct `IEntryPoint` interface which inherit from `IComponentType` (much like `IModule` before). For now this doesn't expose any new functions on top of `IComponentType`, but I expect it to do so eventually. * It is now possible to get the `IModule` for a specific translation unit in a compile request with `spCompileRequest_getModule`. Even for a compile request that had only one translation unit this is *not* the same object as gets returned by `spCompileRequest_getProgram`. The latter should probably be called `*_getLinkedProgram` because it returns a composite component type that links the module with everything it `import`s. * An `IModule` can look up entry points declared in the module. Eventually a module should support looking up most of the declarations in the module (e.g., types) by name, but entry points are an obvious case. * A new `link()` operation is added to `IComponentType`. It is possible to have component types that have unsatisfied dependencies, such that trying to generate kernel code from them will fail. The `link()` operation tries to produce a new composite component type that combines a component with its dependencies, to enable code generation. The implementation of end-to-end compilation was using a function like this internally, but it hadn't been exposed to the API. Notes on the implementation: * The list of entry points declared in a given translation unit has moved from `TranslationUnitRequest` to the `Module` inside of it. * `EntryPoint` now has to do a song and dance much like `Module` to both inherit from `ComponentType` and support the `IEntryPoint` interface. * The `Session* m_session` member in `Linkage` (in terms of public API, this is the `slang::ISession` holding a pointer to the `slang::IGlobalSession`) has been changed to a `RefPtr`. Without this change an application can't just hold onto a `ComPtr<slang::ISession>`; they also need to retain the `IGlobalSession` or things will crash. The new behavior seems more correct, but I worry that it might introduce a leak. * The `asInternal` operation for `IComponentType` had to be updated to not just perform a cast. A type like `Module` has two `IComponentType` sub-objects, and only one of these is at the same address as the `ComponentType` base. * Similarly, the `Module::getInterface` logic was changed to fall back to `Super::getInterface` for all the cases other than `IID_IModule`, so that it would be guaranteed to return the `IComponentType` at the same address as `ComponentType` in response to a `queryInterface`. * Fixes for memory retain cycles As part of the earlier change, I made the `Linkage` type hold a `RefPtr` to the `Session`. The motivation there is it lets a user hang onto just a `slang::ISession` without having to also retain the `slang::IGlobalSession` for no immediately apparent reason. There are two problems that this surfaced, one pre-existing and one new. The new problem was that `Session` already held a `RefPtr<Linkage> m_builtinLinkage` for the linkage that holds the stdlib code. I solved that problem by splitting the parent pointer in `Linkage` into two pointers: a raw pointer that is used to actually locate the parent session, and a ref-counted one that can be used to *optionally* retain the parent session. The builtin linkage is then set up to explicitly not retain its parent, thus breaking the cycle. The second problem was a pre-existing one, where every `ComponentType` was holding a retained pointer to its parent `Linkage`, but in turn the `Linkage` was holding retained pointers to many `ComponentTypes` (and subclasses thereof). For this case I used the more expedient fix of making the parent pointer into a raw pointer, and figuring that it is a reasonable rule to expect user to retain the `Linkage` (aka `slang::ISession`) that owns a component type if they want to be able to use the component type. I might need/want to investigate a better fix for the latter issue, but for now this seems to clean up the issues I was seeing in the tests. Fingers crossed. 01 February 2020, 00:01:03 UTC
2ee06a4 64 bit doc and testing improvements (#1196) * Improve 64 bit documentation. Add a simple scalar test that doesn't use a double resource. * Added int64-literal-problem.slang test. Fixed some typos in test. * More accurate description of the issues around use of double and dxc/fxc and intrinsics. * Add clarity on what intrinsics are supported on d3d with double. * Detail on intrinsics available on vk for double. * Small improvements to documentation. 31 January 2020, 22:40:46 UTC
922cd54 Fix for a macro expansion bug (#1192) * Fix for a macro expansion bug The work in #1177 added a notion of a macro being "busy" to prevent errors around recursively-defined macros: #define BAR(X) BAR(0) BAR(A) /* should yield BAR(0) and not infinite-loop */ The fix was to place an `isBusy` flag on each macro, setting it to `true` when an expansion of that macro gets pushed onto the stack of input streams, and back to `false` when the expansion gets popped from the stack of input streams. That approach meant that we had to pre-expand macro arguments to avoid incorrectly treating a macro as busy for nested-but-not-recursive invocations: #define NEG(X) (-X) NEG(NEG(3)) // should expand to (-(-3)) and not (-NEG(3)) The subtle bug that arose with the `isBusy` flag is that the current preprocessor design doesn't always pop input streams when we might expect. For input like the following: BAR(A) BAR(B) The preprocessor can be in a state where the stack of input streams look like: // top input stream: BAR(X) => BAR(0) ----------------^ // bottom input stream BAR(A) BAR(B) ------^ That is, the first macro expansion is still "open," even though it is at the end of its input. When the preprocesor looks ahead and sees `BAR` as the next token and asks whether it should be expanded, the `isBusy` state on the BAR macro hasn't yet been unset, so expansion gets skipped. Aside: it is completely reasonable to ask at this point whether we should just "fix" the behavior of not popping input streams that are at their end. We should consider doing that, but the current code goes to some lengths to preserve the current behavior and I do *not* recall why we had found it necessary. Any attempt to change that behavior should come along with lots of testing. This change instead adds a different approach for tracking the busy-ness of macros that doesn't rely on mutable state in the macro, and thus works even without pre-expansion of macro arguments. In the Slang preprocessor, macro names are always looked up in *environments*, where each environment maps names to macros, and has an option parent environment. There is a global environment used for most cases, but when expanding a function-like macro we would create an "argument environment" for it that maps the parameter names to their argument tokens. By expanding the environment type to include an (optional) field for a macro that is made "busy" by that environment, we can check if a macro is busy in a given environment by checking if the given macro has been associated with any of the environments on the chain of parent environments. A function-like macro expansion could then attach the macro to the "argument environment" and automatically make itself busy for the purposes of expansion of its body. To extend the same functionality to *all* macros, the "argument environment" was changes to an "expansion environment" that always gets used for a macro expansion and always has the identity of the macro attached. Because the arguments to a function-like macro have their own environment for expansion that bypasses the argument/expansion environment of the function-like macro, the macro will show as busy in its own body, but not in the expansion of its arguments. Thus the pre-expansion of macro arguments is not needed with this change. Aside: it might not be clear how this design avoids the problem of the unpopped input streams that aren't at their end. The answer is that the "current" environment for the preprocessor is already taken as the environment of the top-most input stream that is *not at its end*. This means that the new test for busy-ness benefits from the existing logic that was in place to deal with non popping input streams as soon as then end. (This is not to say that the current input-stream behavior isn't questionable) This change includes a new test case for the behavior that was broken, and expands the test case from #1177 to also test object-like macros. * Fix to handle the mutually-recursive case The revised "busy" logic was unable to handle a mutually-recursive macro like: #define ABC XYZ #define XYZ ABC This change restores the ability to handle mutually recursive cases, and makes sure that we test that case. The crux of the fix relies on splitting the environment and busy-macro tracking into more separate data structures. Rather than the list of environments directly trakcing busy-ness via the chain of parent environments, an environment now stores a separate linked list of macros that should be considered busy in that environment. Decoupling the two lists allows for an important change: when expanding an ordinary macro (either object-like or function-like, but *not* a function argument) the parent *environment* comes from the point where the macro was defined (this is required for lookup to make sense), but the parent list of *busy macros* comes from the current input stream at the point where expansion takes place. That change ensures that non-argument macros always properly "stack up" the list of busy macros. 31 January 2020, 17:37:00 UTC
52b78ad 64 bit types doc (#1194) * * For integer literals add postfix, and use unsigned/signed output appropriately * Extend GLSL extension handling by type, and for adding 64 bit int extensions * Added tests for int/uint64 types * Add explicit Int/UInt64 emit functions to avoid ambiguity. * Fix uint64_t intrinsics on CUDA/C++. * WIP 64 bit types documentation. * Testing int64 intrinsic support. * Dx12 Dxil sm6.0 does actually support int64_t. 31 January 2020, 13:55:40 UTC
ec056fd Fix x86 compilation with CUDA enabled. (#1193) 30 January 2020, 21:29:43 UTC
5942ff8 Support for 64 bit integer types (#1191) * * For integer literals add postfix, and use unsigned/signed output appropriately * Extend GLSL extension handling by type, and for adding 64 bit int extensions * Added tests for int/uint64 types * Add explicit Int/UInt64 emit functions to avoid ambiguity. 30 January 2020, 21:28:50 UTC
415409f Feature/target intrinsic fold (#1190) * When checking if an instruction can be folded, take into account if it's called by a target intrinsic, because if it is we need to check if the parameter is accessed multiple times to see if it's worth allowing to fold. * Tidy up code around folding/target intrinsics. * Fix texture-load.slang . * Fix typo in assert. 29 January 2020, 20:17:33 UTC
2c8b983 Feature/fix cuda function preamble (#1187) * Fix tests/compute/global-init.slang by handling some other cases where functions are emitted. * Fix comment. 29 January 2020, 15:06:45 UTC
58cea79 Feature/test for double behavior (#1186) * Split out binding writing. * Pass in the entry type. * Take into account output type with -output-using-type Added GPULikeBindRoot Added dxbc-double-problem test. * Add the dxbc-double-problem test. 29 January 2020, 14:02:55 UTC
8b3e3be Fix layout for structured buffers of matrices (#1184) When using row-major layout (via command-line or API option), the following sort of declaration: ```hlsl StructuredBuffer<float4x4> gBuffer; ... gBuffer[i] ... ``` Generates unexpected results when compiled to DXBC via fxc or DXIL via dxc, because the fxc/dxc compilers do not respect the matrix layout mode in this specific case (a structured buffer of matrices). Instead, they always use column-major layout, even if row-major was requested by the user. A user can work around this behavior by wrapping the matrix in a `struct`: ```hlsl struct Wrapper { float4x4 wrapped; } SturcturedBuffer<Wrapper> gBuffer; ... gBuffer[i].wrapped ... ``` This change simply automates that workaround when compiling for an HLSL-based downstream compiler, so that we get the same behavior across all our backends. The change adds a test case to confirm the behavior across multiple targets, but it turns out we also had a test checked in that confirmed the buggy (or at least surprising) fxc/dxc behavior, so that one had its baselines changed and can work as a regression test for this fix as well. 28 January 2020, 20:35:13 UTC
b3e0b0d Synthesizing CUDA tests (#1183) * When using setUniform clamp the amount of data written to the buffer size. * CUDA implement StructuredBuffer/ByteAddressBuffer as pointer/count as is on CPU. Allow bounds check to zero index. Update docs. * Synthesize tests. * Fix bug in CUDA output. * Fixing more tests to run on CUDA. * Added BaseType for layout of Vector and Matrix - as they are held as int32_t vector array types. * Enable unbound array support on CUDA. * Added unsized array support for CUDA documentation. 28 January 2020, 17:41:09 UTC
5c6ab6d When using setUniform clamp the amount of data written to the buffer size. (#1181) 27 January 2020, 21:50:57 UTC
a9e1bee CUDA implement StructuredBuffer/ByteAddressBuffer as pointer/count as is on CPU. (#1182) Allow bounds check to zero index. Update docs. 27 January 2020, 20:04:29 UTC
d98a2b7 Fix for infinite recursion with macro invocation (#1177) * First pass fix of macro expansion logic to stop recursive application (causting a recursive loop), whilst also allowing application on parameters to a macro. * Added recursive-macro test. Fixed macro application example. 24 January 2020, 22:14:04 UTC
b8f2944 Texture Sample available in CUDA (#1176) * WIP: Trying to figure out how texturing will work with CUDA. * WIP: Fixes for CUDA layout. Initial CUDA texture test. * WIP: Outputs something compilable by CUDA for TextureND.Sample * 2d texture working with CUDA. * Fix how binding for SamplerState occurs in CUDA. * Small tidy up of comments. 24 January 2020, 20:06:08 UTC
394983d Fix a bug in handling explicit register space bindings (#1175) The logic for handling explicit `space`/`set` bindings on shader parameters for parameter blocks was not correctly marking the `space`/`set` that gets grabbed as used, and as a result it was possible for another parameter block that relies on implicit assignment to end up with a conflicting space. This change fixes the original oversight, and adds a test case to prevent against regression. 23 January 2020, 20:24:13 UTC
b9c0662 Initial CUDA target doc. (#1174) 23 January 2020, 16:44:59 UTC
ce7b831 Matrix indexing (#1172) * Added hlsl-intrinsic test folder. Enabled ceil as works across targets. * log10 support. * Fix float % on CPU/CUDA to match HLSL which is fmod (not fremainder). * Added log10 tests back to scalar-float.slang * Don't add the ( for $Sx - it's clearer what's going on without it. * Works on CUDA/CPU. Problem with asint/asuint do not seem to be found. * Only asuint exists for double. * Support countbits on CUDA and C++. * Fix typo in C++ population count. * First pass at int vector intrinsic tests. * Swizzle for int. * Bit cast tests on CUDA. * Fix warning on gcc. * Fix bit-cast-double execution on CUDA. * scalar-int test working on gcc release. * GetAt working on CUDA/C++ * Split out runtime index into it's own test. * Removed SetAt, as can use assignment with GetAt. * Allowing getAt to be used on matrices. * Don't need [] on matrix type any longer because use getAt. * Enable clamp on matrix-int. * Fix matrix-int.slang test - because clamp behavior varied if min and max were say inverted. Added runtime indexing version of matrix-int. 22 January 2020, 21:05:45 UTC
c74a700 WIP HLSL intrinsic coverage (#1171) * Added hlsl-intrinsic test folder. Enabled ceil as works across targets. * log10 support. * Fix float % on CPU/CUDA to match HLSL which is fmod (not fremainder). * Added log10 tests back to scalar-float.slang * Don't add the ( for $Sx - it's clearer what's going on without it. * Works on CUDA/CPU. Problem with asint/asuint do not seem to be found. * Only asuint exists for double. * Support countbits on CUDA and C++. * Fix typo in C++ population count. * First pass at int vector intrinsic tests. * Swizzle for int. * Bit cast tests on CUDA. * Fix warning on gcc. * Fix bit-cast-double execution on CUDA. * scalar-int test working on gcc release. 22 January 2020, 16:06:20 UTC
346a567 Testing double based intrinsics (#1170) * Added hlsl-intrinsic test folder. Enabled ceil as works across targets. * log10 support. * Fix float % on CPU/CUDA to match HLSL which is fmod (not fremainder). * Added log10 tests back to scalar-float.slang * Don't add the ( for $Sx - it's clearer what's going on without it. * Works on CUDA/CPU. Problem with asint/asuint do not seem to be found. * Only asuint exists for double. Co-authored-by: Tim Foley <> 22 January 2020, 14:26:03 UTC
5988ce8 HLSL intrinsic coverage (#1169) * Added hlsl-intrinsic test folder. Enabled ceil as works across targets. * log10 support. * Fix float % on CPU/CUDA to match HLSL which is fmod (not fremainder). * Added log10 tests back to scalar-float.slang * Don't add the ( for $Sx - it's clearer what's going on without it. 21 January 2020, 23:49:44 UTC
47392bc CUDA support improvements (#1168) * Add test result for compile-to-cuda * Add RAII for some CUDA types to simplify usage. * First pass handling of some instrinsics on CUDA (for example transcendentals) * CUDA working with built in intrinsics. * Add missing CUDA prelude intrinsics. * CUDA matches CPU output on simple-cross-compile.slang * First pass at hlsl-scalar-float-intrinsic.slang test. * Fix smoothstep impl on CUDA and CPU. * Fixed step intrinsic on CUDA/CPU. * Added operator[] to Matrix for C++, to allow row access. Needs a fix for CUDA. * Fixed warning on clang build. 21 January 2020, 14:38:10 UTC
a8669ad Slang -> CUDA kernel runs correctly in test infrastructure (#1167) * First pass at BindLocation. * Added BindSet::init - for initializing with two input constant buffers. Needs better name, and perhaps should be another class. * Fix handling of constant buffer stripping. Improved initialization. * Trying to generalize BindLocation a little more. Split out CPULikeBindRoot. * More work to make BindLocation et al work with non uniform bindings. * Added parsing to a location. * WIP: Trying to get CPU working with BindLocation. * Describe problem of knowing the type of the reference point in the binding table. * More ideas on getBindings fix. * Remove BindSet as member of BindLocation. * Added BindLocation::Invalid * Made BindLocation able to be key in hash * Use BindLocation for bindings on BindingSet. * Added cuda and nvrtc categories to test infrastructure. Disabled CUDA synthetic tests by default. Fixed such that all tests now produce something in BindLocation style. * Use m_userIndex instead of m_userData on Resource. Move the binding setup out of cpu-compute-util (as no longer CPU specific) * Removed CPUBinding - used BindLocation/BindSet instead. Fixed some bugs around indexOf around uniform indirection. * Renamed BindSet::Resource -> BindSet::Value. * Document BindLocation. * Fixes for Clang/GCC Improve invariant requirement handling when constructing from BindPoints. * WIP: First attempt to run CUDA kernel. * Fix some issues around doing CUDA kernel launch. * Fix issues around use of cudaMemCpy . * Better cuda runtime error checking mechanism. * Fixed bug in passing parameters to cuda kernel launch. Simplified initialisation of context. * WIP: Fix CUDA runtime issues. * Add explicit CUDA synchronize so failures don't appear on implicit ones. * Fix problem emitting non shared variable on CUDA. * Fix some typos in CUDA layout. Use just a pointer for now for CUDA StucturedBuffer. * Arg order for CUDA launch was wrong. * First compute kernel runs on CUDA. 17 January 2020, 14:15:06 UTC
662721b Bind Location (#1166) * First pass at BindLocation. * Added BindSet::init - for initializing with two input constant buffers. Needs better name, and perhaps should be another class. * Fix handling of constant buffer stripping. Improved initialization. * Trying to generalize BindLocation a little more. Split out CPULikeBindRoot. * More work to make BindLocation et al work with non uniform bindings. * Added parsing to a location. * WIP: Trying to get CPU working with BindLocation. * Describe problem of knowing the type of the reference point in the binding table. * More ideas on getBindings fix. * Remove BindSet as member of BindLocation. * Added BindLocation::Invalid * Made BindLocation able to be key in hash * Use BindLocation for bindings on BindingSet. * Added cuda and nvrtc categories to test infrastructure. Disabled CUDA synthetic tests by default. Fixed such that all tests now produce something in BindLocation style. * Use m_userIndex instead of m_userData on Resource. Move the binding setup out of cpu-compute-util (as no longer CPU specific) * Removed CPUBinding - used BindLocation/BindSet instead. Fixed some bugs around indexOf around uniform indirection. * Renamed BindSet::Resource -> BindSet::Value. * Document BindLocation. * Fixes for Clang/GCC Improve invariant requirement handling when constructing from BindPoints. 15 January 2020, 19:58:45 UTC
ef41dfc WIP: CPU like CUDA binding (#1164) * CUDA generated first test compiles. * WIP on enabling CUDA in render-test. * Detect CUDA_PATH environmental variable to build build cuda support into render-test. Added WIP cuda-compute-util.cpp/h Added CUDA as a renderer type. * Fix libraries needed for cuda in premake. * Added -enable-cuda premake option. Defaults to false. * Creates CUDA device, loads PTX and finds entry point. * Fix some erroneous cruft from slang-cuda-prelude.h * Made CUDA use C++ like ABI for generated code. Fix small bug in C++ output semantics. 10 January 2020, 20:00:13 UTC
f2a123d Merge pull request #1165 from tfoleyNV/fix-find-type-crash Catch exceptions inside FindTypeByName() 09 January 2020, 22:19:14 UTC
63bed4c Catch exceptions inside FindTypeByName() If `spReflection_FindTypeByName` is called with a string that refers to the name of a variable instead of a type, then it ends up causing a fatal error to be diagnosed, leading to an `AbortCompilationException` being thrown. This exception then propagates up to the application that called `spReflection_FindTypeByName()`, which actually violates the contract for our `extern "C"` API. This change adds a wrapper `try`/`catch` around the meat of the operation and turns any exception into a null result (this function has no other way to report errors to the caller). It would be nice for a separate change to make the error message that caused the problem non-fatal, but that is orthogonal to this fix. 09 January 2020, 19:26:06 UTC
0a856f4 Cover a few corner cases in reflection API (#1163) This change adds some new entry points to the reflection API to cover corner cases that a majority of applications won't care about. These are most likely to come up for users who want to make a complete copy of the Slang reflection information into a data format of their own design. All of the information is stuff that we already computed as part of layout, and just hadn't exposed: * Alignment information for type layouts. This is only useful for ordinary/uniform data; in all other cases alignment is always one. Even for uniform/ordinary data, it is unlikely that any application would actually make use of it. * Layout information for the result of an entry point function. This would be useful for applications that need to enumerate the varying outputs (user- or system-defined) of a shader. Having information available for `out` parameters but not the function result was inconsistent. * The "element type" of a parameter block type (e.g., going from `ParameterBlock<X>` to `X`). This seems to have been an oversight since `ConstantBuffer<X>` appears to have been implemented, and the case for a type *layout* was handled. * The "container" variable layout for a parameter block or constant buffer. It took a while for us to arrive at the current representation of layout for parameter groups, and most client code continues to use the original API that requires us to generated kludged "do what I mean" data. However, if we don't expose the more useful new representation fully, there is no way for users to take advantage of it! The reflection test tool has been updated to print the new information where it makes sense, which provides us some level of coverage for the new code. Unfortunately, this led to some cascading changes: * First, a bunch of the tests had their output changed since they include new information. That's the easy bit. * Next, the "container" and "element" var layouts don't actually have names (because there is no actual variable underlying them), which means that the code to emit variable names in the JSON dump needed to be condition. * Making the `"name"` output conditional messed up a lot of the delicate logic that had been dealing with when to emit commas for the output JSON (JSON uses commas as separators, and doesn't allow trailing commas). I added a bit of new infrastructure to make it simple(-ish) to track when a comma actually needs to be output. 08 January 2020, 22:45:06 UTC
cae5ddd Setup of runtime cuda device (#1162) * CUDA generated first test compiles. * WIP on enabling CUDA in render-test. * Detect CUDA_PATH environmental variable to build build cuda support into render-test. Added WIP cuda-compute-util.cpp/h Added CUDA as a renderer type. * Fix libraries needed for cuda in premake. * Added -enable-cuda premake option. Defaults to false. * Creates CUDA device, loads PTX and finds entry point. * Fix some erroneous cruft from slang-cuda-prelude.h 08 January 2020, 16:09:20 UTC
17285fa CUDA generated first test compiles. (#1161) 08 January 2020, 14:36:25 UTC
0c87001 Fix scoping issue around use of IRTypeSet (#1160) * WIP use IRTypeSet in CPPSourceEmitter - doesn't work because of a cloning issue, causing a crash on exit. * Fix destruction of module issue for IRTypeSet usage in CPPEmitter. * Fix out definition emitting ordering that was removed. * Disable cuda output test. 06 January 2020, 20:36:11 UTC
79b52bb HLSLIntrinsicSet (#1159) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Genearlize DownstreamCompiler usage. * Fix warning on clang. * Remove CompilerType from DownstreamCompiler. * Use DownstreamCompiler interface for all compilers. NOTE for FXC, DXC and GLSLANG this doesn't mean using 'compile' - it's still extracting functions from shared library. * Replace DownstreamCompiler::SourceType -> SlangSourceLanguage * Replace _canCompile with something data driven. * Fix compiling on gcc/clang for DownstreamCompiler. * Moved some text conversions into DownstreamCompiler. * Fix problem on non-vc builds with not having return on locateCompilers for VS. * Change so no warning for code not reachable on locateCompilers for vs. * WIP: CUDA code generation - currently just using CPU layout and HLSL. * emitXXXForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSource emitSourceForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSourceFromIR Fix up generating cuda to get PTX. * WIP emitting cuda for IR. * Small improvements to CUDA ouput. * Disable the CUDA emit test, as output not currently compilable. * Split out IRTypeSet to simplify CPPSourceEmitter and other Emitters that rely on determining unique use of type and/or need to generate types in order to output code. * First pass at HLSLIntrinsicSet. * Small improvements to HLSLIntrinsicSet. * Use HLSLIntrinsicSet in CPPSourceEmitter. * Small improvements to checking of HLSLIntrinsic construction. * Deallocate intrinsic copy if a match was found. 20 December 2019, 19:01:33 UTC
9f0e9d6 Split out IRTypeSet (#1158) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Genearlize DownstreamCompiler usage. * Fix warning on clang. * Remove CompilerType from DownstreamCompiler. * Use DownstreamCompiler interface for all compilers. NOTE for FXC, DXC and GLSLANG this doesn't mean using 'compile' - it's still extracting functions from shared library. * Replace DownstreamCompiler::SourceType -> SlangSourceLanguage * Replace _canCompile with something data driven. * Fix compiling on gcc/clang for DownstreamCompiler. * Moved some text conversions into DownstreamCompiler. * Fix problem on non-vc builds with not having return on locateCompilers for VS. * Change so no warning for code not reachable on locateCompilers for vs. * WIP: CUDA code generation - currently just using CPU layout and HLSL. * emitXXXForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSource emitSourceForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSourceFromIR Fix up generating cuda to get PTX. * WIP emitting cuda for IR. * Small improvements to CUDA ouput. * Disable the CUDA emit test, as output not currently compilable. * Split out IRTypeSet to simplify CPPSourceEmitter and other Emitters that rely on determining unique use of type and/or need to generate types in order to output code. 19 December 2019, 21:40:33 UTC
e3fe031 WIP CUDA source emit (#1157) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Genearlize DownstreamCompiler usage. * Fix warning on clang. * Remove CompilerType from DownstreamCompiler. * Use DownstreamCompiler interface for all compilers. NOTE for FXC, DXC and GLSLANG this doesn't mean using 'compile' - it's still extracting functions from shared library. * Replace DownstreamCompiler::SourceType -> SlangSourceLanguage * Replace _canCompile with something data driven. * Fix compiling on gcc/clang for DownstreamCompiler. * Moved some text conversions into DownstreamCompiler. * Fix problem on non-vc builds with not having return on locateCompilers for VS. * Change so no warning for code not reachable on locateCompilers for vs. * WIP: CUDA code generation - currently just using CPU layout and HLSL. * emitXXXForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSource emitSourceForEntryPoint -> emitEntryPointSourceFromIR Fix up generating cuda to get PTX. * WIP emitting cuda for IR. * Small improvements to CUDA ouput. * Disable the CUDA emit test, as output not currently compilable. 19 December 2019, 16:23:14 UTC
60934d9 Fix invocation of `[mutating]` methods (#1156) The logic for invoking methods (member functions) in `slang-lower-to-ir.cpp` was failing to take into account whether the callee was `[mutating]` or not. Instead, it would always lower the `base` expression in something like `base.f(...)` as an r-value expression, consistent with a non-`[mutating]` method. The incorrect code generation strategy somehow turned out to work in many cases, but it broke in cases where a `[mutating]` method was called on an `inout` parameter. E.g., in this code: ```hlsl struct Stuff { [mutating] void doThing() { ... } } void broken(inout Stuff s) { s.doThing(); } ``` The `broken` function would fail to write back the value mutated by `doThing` to its `s` parameter before returning. The crux of the fix here is inside `visitInvokeExpr()`. Instead of directly calling `lowerRValueExpr` on the base expression of a method/member-function call, we instead compute the "direction" of the `this` parameter in the callee, and use that to emit the argument expression appropriately. In order to enable that change, there are several refactorings included: * The existing `ParameterDirection` and `getParameterDirection()` calls were lifted out from the declaration visitor to the global scope, so that they could be shared between lowering of functions and their call sites. * The logic for determining the "direction" of a `this` parameter was factored out of `collectParameterLists()` into its own `getThisParamDirection()` subroutine (again so that functions and call sites can share matching logic). * The logic for turning an AST expression used as a call argument into IR argument(s)* was pulled out into its own `addCallArgsForParam` *and* was refactored to rely on a `ParameterDirection` instead of directly inspecting the modifiers on a `ParamDecl`. This allows the function to be used for ordinary/direct arguments and the `this` argument, and also ensures that the caller and callee will agree on the direction of parameters. Fixing the way that `[mutating]` methods are called actually broke some test cases, specifically in the cases where a `[mutating]` method was being called on a value with an interface-constrained generic type: ```hlsl interface IThing { [mutating] void doStuff(); } void myFunc<T : IThing>(inout T thing) { thing.doStuff(); } ``` Our argument passing for `inout` parameters currently requires that we make a temp copy of `thing` into a local, and then pass that local as argument for the `inout` parameter, before copying back. The issue that arose was that a simple version of the logic uses the type of the `base` expression in `base.someMethod(...)` as the type of the local variable, but for an interface method call the base expression will have been cast to the interface type (we effectively have `((IThing) thing).doStuff()`. The fix here was to query the this type through the member function we are calling, and to share that logic between the function-call and function-declaration cases, to try and make sure they match, which meant even more logic got hoisted out of the declaration-emission logic and to the top level. Note: This change does *not* clean up any other clarity or performance concerns around `out` and `inout` parameters; it is only focused on correctness. 19 December 2019, 15:11:55 UTC
15b46af If a locator is not set for a DownstreamCompiler type, that doesn't *necessarily* mean that there isn't one, for example with the GENERIC_C_CPP option. This could also be fixed by say giving this type an empty locator, or special casing. The option chosen here, is to allow lookup even if there isn't a locator. Note that there is some special case handling, where a generic lookup, will prime all of the specific types. (#1154) 16 December 2019, 16:19:37 UTC
a2d4d44 Feature/source downstream compiler (#1153) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Genearlize DownstreamCompiler usage. * Fix warning on clang. * Remove CompilerType from DownstreamCompiler. * Use DownstreamCompiler interface for all compilers. NOTE for FXC, DXC and GLSLANG this doesn't mean using 'compile' - it's still extracting functions from shared library. * Replace DownstreamCompiler::SourceType -> SlangSourceLanguage * Replace _canCompile with something data driven. * Fix compiling on gcc/clang for DownstreamCompiler. * Moved some text conversions into DownstreamCompiler. * Fix problem on non-vc builds with not having return on locateCompilers for VS. * Change so no warning for code not reachable on locateCompilers for vs. 12 December 2019, 21:14:27 UTC
1533554 Use DownstreamCompiler for all downstream compilers (#1152) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Genearlize DownstreamCompiler usage. * Fix warning on clang. * Remove CompilerType from DownstreamCompiler. * Use DownstreamCompiler interface for all compilers. NOTE for FXC, DXC and GLSLANG this doesn't mean using 'compile' - it's still extracting functions from shared library. * Fix compiling on gcc/clang for DownstreamCompiler. * Fix problem on non-vc builds with not having return on locateCompilers for VS. * Change so no warning for code not reachable on locateCompilers for vs. 12 December 2019, 19:53:44 UTC
6e6a876 Slang compiles CUDA source via NVRTC (#1151) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. * WIP support for nvrtc. * WIP: Adding support for nvrtc compiler. Adding enum types, wiring up the nvrtc into slang. * Fix remaining CPPCompiler references. * Fix order issue on target string matching. * Use ISlangSharedLibrary for nvrtc. * Use DownstreamCompiler for nvrtc. * WIP first pass at compilation win nvrtc. * Added testing if file is on file system into CommandLineDownstreamCompiler. Added sourceContentsPath. * Make test work by just compiling not comparing output. * Fix warning on clang. 12 December 2019, 16:39:19 UTC
79ec0cf DownstreamCompiler abstraction (#1149) * CPPCompiler -> DownstreamCompiler * Added DownstreamCompileResult to start abstraction such that we don't need files. * * Split out slang-blob.cpp * Made CompileResult hold a DownstreamCompileResult - for access to binary or ISlangSharedLibrary * Keep temporary files in scope. * Add a hash to the hex dump stream. * Move all file tracking into DownstreamCompiler. 10 December 2019, 15:02:19 UTC
2e52217 Support conversion from int/uint to enum types (#1147) * Support conversion from int/uint to enum types The basic feature here is tiny, and is summarized in the code added to the stdlib: ``` extension __EnumType { __init(int val); __init(uint val); } ``` The front-end already makes all `enum` types implicitly conform to `__EnumType` behind the scenes, and this `extension` makes it so that all such types inherit some initializers (`__init` declarations, aka. "constructors") that take `int` and `uint`. (Note: right now all `__init` declarations in Slang are assumed to be implemented as intrinsics using `kIROp_Construct`. This obviously needs to change some day, especially so that we can support user-defined initializers.) Actually making this *work* required a bit of fleshing out pieces of the compiler that had previously been a bit ad hoc to be a bit more "correct." Most of the rest of this description is focused on those details, since the main feature is not itself very exciting. When overload resolution sees an attempt to "call" a type (e.g., `MyType(3.0)`) it needs to add appropriate overload candidates for the initializers in that type, which may take different numbers and types of parameters. The existing code for handling this case was using an ad hoc approach to try to enumerate the initializer declarations to consider, which might be found via inheritance, `extension` declarations, etc. In practice, the ad hoc logic for looking up initializers was just doing a subset of the work that already goes into doing member lookup. Changing the code so that it effectively does lookup for `MyType.__init` allows us to look up initializers in a way that is consistent with any other case of member lookup. Generalizing this lookup step brings us one step closer to being able to go from an `enum` type `E` to an initializer defined on an `extension` of an `interface` that `E` conforms to. One casualty of using the ordinary lookup logic for initializers is that we used to pass the type being constructed down into the logic that enumerated the initializers, which made it easier to short-circuit the part of overload resolution that usually asks "what type does this candidate return." It might seem "obvious" that an initializer/constructor on type `Foo` should return a value of type `Foo`, but that isn't necessarily true. Consider the `__BuiltinFloatingPointType` interface, which requires all the built-in floating-point types (`float`, `double`, `half`) to have an initializer that can take a `float`. If we call that interface in a generic context for `T : __BuiltinFloatingPointType`, then we want to treat that initializer as returning `T` and not `__BuiltinFloatingPointType`. Without the ad hoc logic in initializer overload resolution, this is the exact problem that surfaced for the stdlib definition of `clamp`. The solution to the "what type does an initializer return" problem was to introduce a notion of a `ThisType`, which refers to the type of `this` in the body of an interface. More generally, we will eventually want to have the keyword `This` be the type-level equivalent of `this`, and be usable inside any type. The `calcThisType` function introduced here computes a reasonable `Type` to represent the value of `This` within a given declaration. Inside of concrete type it refers to the type itself, while in an `interface` it will always be a `ThisType`. The existing `ThisTypeSubstitution`s, previously only applied to associated types, now apply to `ThisType`s as well, in the same situations. The next roadblock for making the simple declarations for `__EnumType` work was that the lookup logic was only doing lookup through inheritance relationships when the type being looked up in was an `interface`. The logic in play was reasonable: if you are doing lookup in a type `T` that inherits from `IFoo`, then why bother looking for `IFoo::bar` when there must be a `T::bar` if `T` actually implements the interface? The catch in this case is that `IFoo::bar` might not be a requirement of `IFoo`, but rather a concrete method added via an `extension`, in which case `T` need not have its own concrete `bar`. The simple/obvious fix here was to make the lookup logic always include inherited members, even when looking up through a concrete type. Of course, if we allow lookup to see `IFoo::bar` when looking up on `T`, then we have the problem that both `T::bar` and `IFoo::bar` show up in the lookup results, and potentially lead to an "ambiguous overload" error. This problem arises for any interface rquirement (so both methods and associated types right now). In order to get around it, I added a somewhat grungy check for comparing overload candidates (during overload resolution) or `LookupResultItem`s (during resolution of simple overloaded identifiers) that considers a member of a concrete type as automatically "better" than a member of an interface. The Right Way to solve this problem in the long run requires some more subtlety, but for now this check should Just Work. One final wrinkle is that due to our IR lowering pass being a bit overzealous, we currently end up trying to emit IR for those new `__init` declarations, which ends up causing us to try and emit IR for a `ThisType`. That is a case that will require some subtlty to handle correctly down the line, for for now we do the expedient thing and emit the `ThisType` for `IFoo` as `IFoo` itself, which is not especially correct, but doesn't matter since the concrete initializer won't ever be called. * testing: add more debug output to Unix process launch function * testing: increase timeout when running command-line tests 06 December 2019, 23:50:32 UTC
895fcff Add a custom RTTI implementation for the AST (#1148) * Add a custom RTTI implementation for the AST Profiling was showing that the internal routines behind `dynamic_cast` were the worst offenders in the whole codebase, and a lot of this was being driven by casting inside the semantic checking logic. This change takes advantage of the fact that we *already* had a custom RTTI structure built up for the classes of syntax nodes that was previously being used to implement string->class lookup and factory services to support "magic" types and modifier in the stdlib (e.g., the way that a modifier declaration in the stdlib just lists the *name* of a C++ class that should be instantiated for it). That RTTI information already included a pointer from each syntax class to its base class (if any), based on the restriction that the AST node types form a single-inheritance hierarchy. The existing code already had a virtual `getClass()` routine on AST nodes, and an `isSubClassOf` query on the class information. Putting those pieces together to implement the `dynamicCast` and `as` routines was a cinch. The work in previous PRs to layer an abstraction over all the existing `dynamic_cast` call sites and to support type-specific `dynamicCast` implementations inside `RefPtr<>` pays off greatly here. * fixup: refactor implementation to appease more pedantic/correct compilers 06 December 2019, 21:16:03 UTC
54d3c5f Remove legacy feature for merging global shader parameters (#1139) * Remove legacy feature for merging global shader parameters There is a fair amount of special-case code in the Slang compiler today to deal with the scenario where a programmer declares the "same" shader parameter across two different translation units: ```hlsl // a.hlsl Texture2D a; cbuffer C { float4 c; } ``` ```hlsl // b.hlsl cbuffer C { float4 c; } Texture2D b; ``` An important note here is that the declaration of `C` may be in a header file that both `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl` `#include`, because from the standpoint of the parser and later stages of the compiler, there is no difference between `C` being in an included file vs. it being copy-pasted across both `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl`. When a user invokes `slangc a.hlsl b.hlsl` (or the equivalent via the API), then they may decide that it is "obvious" that the shader parameter `C` is the "same" in both `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl`. Knowing that the parameter is the "same" may lead them to make certain assumptions: * They may assume that generated code for entry points in `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl` will both agree on the exact `register`/`binding` occupied by `C`. * They may assume that reflection information for their program will only reflect `C` once, and it will reflect it in a way that is applicable to entry points in both `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl` * They may assume that the compiler can and should handle this use case even when `C` contains fields with `struct` types that are declared in both `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl` that have the "same" definition. * They may assume that in cases where `C` is declared inconsistently between `a.hlsl` and `b.hlsl` the compiler can and will diagnose an error. Making these assumptions work in practice required a lot of special-case code: * When composing/linking programs was `ComponentType`s we had to include a special case `LegacyProgram` type that could provide these "do what I mean" semantics, since they are *not* what one would want in the general case for a `CompositeComponentType`. * During enumeration of global shader parameter in a `LegacyProgram`, we had to detect parameters from distinct modules (translation units) with the same name, and then enforce that they must have the "same" type (via an ad hoc recursive structural type match). No other semantic checking logic needs or uses that kind of structural check. * During parameter binding generation, we need to handle the case where a single global shader parameter might have multiple declarations, and make sure to collect explicit bindings from all of them (checking for inconsistency) and also to apply generated bindings to all of them. * The `mapVarToLayout` member in `StructTypeLayout` is a concession to the fact that we might have multiple `VarDecl`s for each field of the struct that represents the global scope, we might need to look up a field and its layout using any of those declarations (much of the need for this field had gone away now that IR passes are largely using IR-based layout). All of these different special cases added more complex code in many places in the compiler, all to support a scenario that isn't especially common. Most users won't be affected by the original issue, because they will do one of several things that rule it out: * Anybody using `slangc` like a stand-in for `fxc` or `dxc` and compiling one translation unit at a time will not suffer from any problems. If/when such users want consistent bindings across translation units, they already use either explicit binding or rely on consistent ordering and implicit binding. * Anybody who puts all the entry points that get combined into a pass/pipeline in a single file will not have problems. They will automatically get consistent bindings because of Slang's guarantees, and there can't be duplicated declarations when there is only one translation unit. * Anybody using `import` to factor out common declarations while compiling multiple translation units at once will not be affected. Parameters declared in an `import`ed module are the "same" in a much deeper way that it is trivial for Slang to support. Only users of the Falcor framework are likely to be affected by this, and they have two easy migration paths: either put related entry points into the same file, or factor common parameters into an `import`ed module. (It is also worth noting that for command-line `slangc`, it is possible to have a single module with multiple `.slang` files in it, which can all see global declarations like parameters across all the files. Anybody who buys into doing things the Slang Way should have no problem avoiding duplicated declarations) With the rationale out of the way, the actual change mostly just amounts to deleting lots of code that is no longer needed. An astute reviewer might notice several `assert`-fail conditions where complex Slang features were never actually made to work correctly with this legacy behavior. A small number of test cases broke with the code changes, but these were tests that specifically exercised the behavior being removed. In the case of the tests around binding/reflection generating, I rewrote the tests to use one of the idomatic workarounds (putting the shared parameters into an `import`ed module), but doing so required me to add support for `#include` when doing pass-through compilation with `fxc`. That logic added a bit more cruft than I had originally hoped to this commit, but having `#include` support when doing pass-through compilation is probably a net win. * fixup: 64-bit warning 06 December 2019, 17:29:09 UTC
4e2cfc9 Added -dump-intermediate-prefix option (#1146) * * Added ability to name the prefix for intermediates * Allowed paramters after -load-repro - as pretty useful if somewhat risky thing to do (depending on parameters) * Fix issue around setting arbitrary state outside of load-repro. 05 December 2019, 19:54:21 UTC
138a0c9 Remove use of calcSafeRadians on sin/cos in C++ prelude. (#1145) 05 December 2019, 14:32:31 UTC
1e5ec5c Setting downstream compiler (#1144) * WIP setting downstream compiler. * Setting default downstream compiler for a source type. 04 December 2019, 18:49:26 UTC
0b4c1f6 Testing having a library with an entry point works. (#1141) 04 December 2019, 17:46:19 UTC
c2b4926 Array Improvements (#1143) * * Added ConstArrayView * Made StringSlicePool have styles * Remove point about strings not having terminating 0 (they do), and restriction around "" * spCalcStringHash -> spComputeStringHash * Small code improvements. Closer to coding conventions. * Fix small bug with Empty adding c string. * Fix typo in assert. * Fix ArrayView compiling issue on gcc/clang. * Remove tabs. * Make Array template more standards compliant. Use implementation in ArrayView where appropriate. 04 December 2019, 17:45:33 UTC
5df582d Feature/string hash review (#1142) * * Added ConstArrayView * Made StringSlicePool have styles * Remove point about strings not having terminating 0 (they do), and restriction around "" * spCalcStringHash -> spComputeStringHash * Small code improvements. Closer to coding conventions. * Fix small bug with Empty adding c string. * Fix typo in assert. * Fix ArrayView compiling issue on gcc/clang. * Remove tabs. * Improve comments around StringSlicePool. Simplify getting the added slices. 04 December 2019, 17:38:38 UTC
9653dcc getStringHash on string literals (#1140) * WIP getStringHash * Have a use. * Add slang-string-hash.h/.cpp * Use StringSlicePool for holding strings for StringHash. Add outputBuffer to string-literal-hash.slang so value can be tested. Ignore the GlobalHashedStringLiterals instruction on emit. * Add all the hashed string literals to ProgramLayout. * Add reflection support for hashed string literals to reflection test. * Fix string literal hash test. * Small fixes to pass test suite. * Fix issue in serialization where IRUse is not correctly initialized. * Fix problem initializing IRUse for string hash pass. Remove hack from slang-ir-specialize - specially handling if user is not null. * * Use shared builder when replacing getStringHash * Comments for functions in slang-ir-string-hash * Do not allow zero length string literals. Could be allowed, but doing so would require StringSlicePool to have a special case (or some other mechanism) 03 December 2019, 14:58:59 UTC
a3651d9 Fix bug in calcSafeRadians. (#1138) 02 December 2019, 16:14:28 UTC
c639346 Clean up the concept of "pseudo ops" (#1136) * Clean up the concept of "pseudo ops" Built-in functions in the Slang standard library can be marked with `__intrinsic_op(...)` to indicate that they should not lower to functions in the IR, and that instead call sites to those functions should be translated directly to the IR. There are two cases where `__intrinsic_op(...)` gets used: 1. In the case where the argument to `__intrinsic_op(...)` is an actual IR instruction opcode, the IR lowering logic directly translates a call into an instruction with the given opcode. The arguments to the call become the operands of the instruction. 2. In the case where the argument to `__intrinsic_op(...)` is one of a set of "pseudo" instruction opcodes, the IR lowering logic directly handles the lowering to IR with dedicated code. The operands to the call might be handled differently depending on the kind of operation. The compound operators like `+=` are the most important example of these "pseudo" instructions. It doesn't make sense to handle them as true function calls (although that would work semantically), nor does it make sense to have a single IR instruction with such complicated semantics. An earlier version of the compiler used the same enumeration for both the true IR instruction opcodes and these "pseudo" opcodes, with the simple constraint that the pseudo opcodes were all negative while the real opcodes were positive. That design got changed up over a few refactorings, and because there was never a good explanation in the code itself of what "pseudo" opcodes were, we eventually ended up in a place where the in-memory and serialized IR encodings included logic to try to deal with the possibility of these "pseudo" opcodes, even though the entire design of the lowering pass meant that they'd never appear in generated IR. This change tries to clean up the mess in a few ways: * The terminology is now that these are "compound" intrinsic ops, to differentiate them from the more common case of intrinsic ops that map one-to-one to IR instructions. * The declaration of the compound intrinsic ops is no longer in a file related to the IR, and doesn't use the `IR` naming prefix, so somebody looking at the IR opcodes cannot become confused and think the compound ops are allowed there. * The IR encoding in memory and when serialized is updated to not account for or worry about the possibility of "pseudo" ops. * The compound ops are declared in such a way that ensures their enumerant values are all negative, so that they are yet again trivially disjoint from the true IR opcodes. A more drastic change might have split `__intrinsic_op` into two different modifier types: one for the trivial single-instruction case and one for the compound case. Doing this would make the change more invasive, though, because there are places in the meta-code that generates the standard library that intentionally handle both single-instruction and compound ops (because built-in operators can translate to either case). * fixup: missing file * cleanups based on review feedback 23 November 2019, 02:54:38 UTC
63dcbe5 Add command line option to override language file extension (#1135) 22 November 2019, 23:20:18 UTC
1d51b01 Changes to based on review. (#1133) 22 November 2019, 16:35:26 UTC
7fa2b16 Update slang-binaries to use docker built glslsang (#1134) 22 November 2019, 01:43:03 UTC
2ea64ff Remove support for explicit register/binding syntax on TEST_INPUT (#1132) The `TEST_INPUT` facility allows textual Slang test cases to provide two kinds of information to the `render-test` tool: 1. Information on what shader inputs exist 2. Information on what values/objects to bind into those shader inputs Under the first category of information, there exists supporting for attaching a `dxbinding(...)` annotation to a `TEST_INPUT` which seemingly indicates what HLSL `register` the input uses. There is a similar `glbinding(...)` annotation, used for OpenGL and Vulkan. It turns out that these annotations were, in practice, completely ignored and had no bearing on how `render-test` allocates or bindings graphics API objects. There was some amount of code attempting to validate that explicit registers/bindings were being set appropriately, but the actual values were being ignored. The visible consequence of the `dxbinding` and `glbinding` annotations being ignored is issue #1036: the order of `TEST_INPUT` lines was *de facto* determining the registers/bindings that were being used by `render-test`. This change simply removes the placebo features and strips things down to what is implemented in practice: the `TEST_INPUT` lines do not need target-API-specific binding/register numbers, because their order in the file implicitly defines them. I added logic to the parsing of `TEST_INPUT` lines to make sure I got an error message on any leftover annotations, and went ahead and systematicaly deleted all of the placebo annotations from our test cases. If we decide to make `TEST_INPUT` lines *not* depend on order of declaration in the future, we can build it up as a new and better considered feature. The main alternative I considered was to keep the annotations in place, and change `render-test` and the `gfx` abstraction layer to properly respect them, but that path actually creates much more opportunity for breakage (since every single test case would suddenly be specifying its root signature / pipeline layout via a different path using data that has never been tested). The approach in this change has the benefit of giving me high confidence that all the test cases continue to work just as they had before. 21 November 2019, 22:06:19 UTC
cc37fb0 Preliminary Documention on Linkage (#1131) * First pass at linkage documentation. * Improvements to linkage documentation. * Small improvements to linkage documentation. 21 November 2019, 01:02:08 UTC
8a7e729 Added -ir-compression & fixes for ir compression issues (#1129) * Added ir-compression option. * Fix issues around ir-compression. * Fix typo in test name. 20 November 2019, 18:25:44 UTC
fae3d9a Initial work for "global generic value parameters" (#1127) * Initial work for "global generic value parameters" The main new feature here is support for the `__generic_value_param` keyword, which introduces a *global generic value parameter*. For example: __generic_value_param kOffset : uint = 0; This declaration introduces a global generic value parameter `kOffset` of type `uint` that has a nominal default value of zero. The broad strokes of how this feature was added are as follows: * A new `GlobalGenericValueParamDecl` AST node type is introduces in `slang-decl-defs.h` * A new `parseGlobalGenericValueParamDecl` subroutine is added to `slang-parser.cpp`, and is added to the list of declaration cases as the callback for the `__generic_value_param` name. * Cases for `GlobalGenericValueParamDecl` are added to the declaration checking passes in `slang-check-decl.cpp`, mirroring what is done for other variable declaration cases. * A case for `GlobalGenericValueParamDecl` is aded to the `Module::_collectShaderParams` function, so that it is recognized as a kind of specialization parameter. This introduces a specialization parameter of flavor `SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericValue` (which was already defined before this change, although it was unused). * A case for `SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericValue` is added in `Module::_validateSpecializationArgsImpl` to check that a specialization argument represents a compile-time-constant value (not a type). * A case for `GlobalGenericValueParmDecl` is introduced in `slang-lower-to-ir.cpp` that introduces a global generic parameter in the IR * The `IRBuilder` is extended to support creating `IRGlobalGenericParam`s for the distinct cases of type, witness-table, and value parameters. The same IR instruction type/opcode is used for all cases, and only the type of the IR instruction differs. * The existing mechanisms for lowering specialization arguments to the IR, and doing specialization on the IR itself Just Work with global generic value parameters since they already support value parameters on explicit generic declarations. That's the santized version of things, but there were also a bunch of cleanups and tweaks required along the way: * The `SpecializationParam` type was extended to also track a `SourceLoc` to help in diagnostic messages, which meant some churn in the code that collects specialization parameters. * The `_extractSpecializationArgs` function is tweaked to support any kind of "term" as a specialization argument (either a type or a value). * To allow *parsing* specialization arguments that can't possibly be types (e.g., integer literals) we replace the existing `parseTypeString` routine with `parseTermString` and then in `parseTermFromSourceFile` call through to a general case of expression parsing (which can also parse types) rather than only parsing types directly. * Right before doing back-end code generation, we check if the program we are going to emit has remaining (unspecialized) parameters, in which case we emit a diagnostic message for the parameters that haven't been specialized rather than go on to emit code that will fail to compile downstream. * Within the `render-test` tool we collapse down the arrays that held both "generic" and "existential" specialization arguments, so that we just have *global* and *entry-point* specialization argument lists. This mirrors how Slang has worked internally for a while, but the difference hasn't been important to the test tool because no tests currently mix generic and existential specialization. The logic for parsing `TEST_INPUT` lines has been streamlined down to just the global and entry-point cases, but the pre-existing keywords are still allowed so that I don't have to tweak any test cases. There are several significant caveats for this feature, which mean that it isn't really ready for users to hammer on just yet: * There is no support for `Val`s of anything but integers, so there is no way to meaningfully have a generic value param with a type other than `int` or `uint`. * We allow for a default-value expression on global generic parameters, but do not actually make use of that value for anything (e.g., to allow a programmer to omit specialization arguments), nor check that it meets the constraints of being compile-time constant. * Global generic value parameters are *not* currently being treated the same as explicit generic parameters in terms of how they can be used for things like array sizes or other things that require constants. This will probably be relaxed at some point, but allowing a global generic to be used to size an array creates questions around layout. * The IR optimization passes in Slang currently won't eliminate entire blocks of code based on constant values, so using a global generic value parameter to enable/disable features will *not* currently lead to us outputting drastically different HLSL or GLSL. That said, we expect most downstream compilers to be able to handle an `if(0)` well. * Fix regression for tagged union types The change that made specialization arguments be parsed as "terms" first, and then coerced to types meant that any special-case logic that is specific to the parsing of types would be bypassed and thus not apply. Most of that special-case logic isn't wanted for specialization arguments, since it pertains to cases were we want to, e.g, declare a `struct` type while also declaring a variable of that type. The one special case that *is* useful is the `__TaggedUnion(...)` syntax, which is the only way to introduce a tagged union type right now. In order to get that case working again, all I had to do was register the existing logic for parsing `__TaggedUnion` as an expression keyword with the right callback, and the existing logic in expression parsing kicks in (that logic was already handling expression keywords like `this` and `true`). I left in the existing logic for handling `__TaggedUnion` directly where types get parsed, rather than try to unify things. A better long-term fix is to make the base case for type parsing route into `parseAtomicExpr` so that the two paths share the core logic. That change should probably come as its own refactoring/cleanup, because it creates the potential for some subtle breakage. * fixup: typo 19 November 2019, 21:53:52 UTC
dd43551 Further refactoring of semantic checking (#1102) * Split apart `SemanticsVisitor` The existing `SemanticsVisitor` type was the visitor for expressions, statements, and declarations, and its monolithic nature made it hard to introduce distinct visitors for different phases of checking (despite the fact that we had, de facto, multiple phases of declaration checking). This change splits up `SemanticsVisitor` as follows: * There is nosw a `SharedSemanticsContext` type which holds the shared state that all semantics visiting logic needs. This includes state that gets mutated during the course of semantic checking. * The `SemanticsVisitor` type is now a base class that holds a pointer to a `SharedSemanticsContext`. Most of the non-visitor functions are still defined here, just to keep the code as simple as possible. The `SemanticsVisitor` type is no longer a "visitor" in any meaningful way, but retaining the old name minimizes the diffs to client code. * There are distinct `Semantics{Expr|Stmt|Decl}Visitor` types that have the actual `visit*` methods for an appropriate subset of the AST hierarchy. These all inherit from `SemanticsVisitor` primarily so that they can have easy access to all the helper methods it defines (which used to be accessible because these were all the same object). Any client code that was constructing a `SemanticsVisitor` now needs to construct a `SharedSemanticsContext` and then use that to initialize a `SemanticsVisitor`. Similarly, any code that was using `dispatch()` to invoke the visitor on an AST node needs to construct the appropriate sub-class and then invoke `dispatch()` on it instead. This is a pure refactoring change, so no effort has been made to move state or logic onto the visitor sub-types even when it is logical. Similarly, no attempt has been made to hoist any code out of the common headers to avoid duplication between `.h` and `.cpp` files. Those cleanups will follow. The one cleanup I allowed myself while doing this was getting rid of the `typeResult` member in `SemanticsVisitor` that appears to be a do-nothing field that got written to in a few places (for unclear reasons) but never read. * Remove some statefulness around statement checking Some of the state from the old `SemanticsVisitor` was used in a mutable way during semantic checking: * The `function` field would be set and the restored when checking the body of a function so that things like `return` statements could find the outer function. * The `outerStmts` list was used like a stack to track lexically surrounding statements to resolve things like `break` and `continue` targets. Both of these meant that semantic checking code was doing fine-grained mutations on the shared semantic checking state even though the statefullness wasn't needed. This change moves the relevant state down to `SemanticsStmtVisitor`, which is a type we create on-the-fly to check each statement, so that we now only need to establish the state once at creation time. The list of outer statements is handled as a linked list threaded up through the stack (a recurring idiom through the codebase). There was one place where the `function` field was being used that wasn't strictly inside statement checking: it appears that we were using it to detect whether a variable declaration represents a local, so I added an `_isLocalVar` function to serve the same basic purpose. With this change, the only stateful part of `SharedSemanticsContext` is the information to track imported modules, which seems like a necessary thing (since deduplication requires statefullness). * Refactor declaration checking to avoid recursion The flexiblity of the Slang language makes enforcing ordering on semantic checking difficult. In particular, generics (including some of the built-in standard library types) can take value arguments, so that type expressions can include value expressions. This means that being able to determine the type of a function parameter may require checking expressions, which may in turn require resolving calls to an overloaded function, which in turn requires knowing the types of the parameters of candidate callees. Up to this point there have been two dueling approaches to handling the ordering problem in the semantic checking logic: 1. There was the `EnsureDecl` operation, supported by the `DeclCheckState` type. Every declaration would track "how checked" it is, and `EnsureDecl(d, s)` would try to perform whatever checks are needed to bring declaration `d` up to state `s`. 2. There was top-down orchestration logic in `visitModuleDecl()` that tried to perform checking of declarations in a set of fixed phases that ensure things like all function declarations being checked before any function bodies. Each of these options had problems: 1. The `EnsureDecl()` approach wasn't implemented completely or consistently. It only understood two basic levels of checking: the "header" of a declaration was checked, and then the "body," and it relied on a single `visit*()` routine to try and handle both cases. Things ended up being checked twice, or in a circular fashion. 2. Rather than fix the problems with `EnsureDecl()` we layered on the top-down orchestration logic, but doing so ignores the fact that no fixed set of phases can work for our language. The orchestration logic was also done in a relatively ad hoc fashion that relied on using a single visitor to implement all phases of checking, but it added a second metric of "checked-ness" that worked alongside `DeclCheckState`. This change strives to unify the two worlds and make them consistent. One of the key changes is that instead of doing everything through a single visitor type, we now have distinct visitors for distinct phases of semantic checking, and those phases are one-to-one aligned with the values of the `DeclCheckState` type. More detailed notes: * Existing sites that used to call `checkDecl` to directly invoke semantic checking recursively now use `ensureDecl` instead. This makes sure that `ensureDecl` is the one bottleneck that everything passes through, so that it can guarantee that each phase of checking gets applied to each declaration at most once. * The existing `visitModuleDecl` was revamped into a `checkModule` routine that does the global orchestration, but now it is just a driver routine that makes sure `ensureDecl` gets called on everything in an order that represents an idealized "default schedule" for checking, while not ruling out cases where `ensureDecl()` will change the ordering to handle cases where the global order is insufficient. * Because `checkModule` handles much of the recursion over the declaration hierarchy, many cases where a declaration `visit*()` would recurse on its members have been eliminated. The only case where a declaration should recursively `ensureDecl()` its members is when its validity for a certain phase depends on those members being checked (e.g., determining the type of a function declaration depends on its parameters having been checked). * All cases where a `visit*()` routine was manually checking the state/phase of checking have been eliminated. It is now the responsibility of `ensureDecl` to make sure that checking logic doesn't get invoked twice or in an inappropriate order. * Most cases where a `visit*()` routine was manually *setting* the `DeclCheckState` of a declaration have been eliminated. The common case is now handled by `ensureDecl()` directly, and `visit*()` methods only need to override that logic when special cases arise. E.g., when a variable is declared without a type `(e.g., `let foo = ...;`) then we need to check its initial-value expression to determine its type, so that we must check it further than was initially expected/required. * This change goes to some lengths to try and keep semantic checking logic at the same location in the `slang-check-decl.cpp` file, so each of the per-phase visitor types is forward declared at the top of the file, and then the actual `visit*()` routines are interleaved throughout the rest of the file. A future change could do pure code movement (no semantic changes) to arrive at a more logical organization, but for now I tried to stick with what would minimize the diffs (although the resulting diffs can still be messy at times). * One important change to the semantic checking logic was that the test for use of a local variable ahead of its declaration (or as part of its own initial-value expression) was moved around, since its old location in the middle of the `ensureDecl` logic made the overall flow and intention of that function less clear. There is still a need to fix this check to be more robust in the future. * Add some design documentation on semantic checking The main thing this tries to lay out is the strategy for declaration checking and the rules/constraints on programmers that follow from it. * fixup: typos found during review 18 November 2019, 18:36:38 UTC
1123ff2 Fix path to Linux x86 glslang binary (#1126) 14 November 2019, 23:33:33 UTC
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