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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
63d21c1 CMake 2.8.3 03 November 2010, 17:38:38 UTC
065bce4 Merge branch 'release' 03 November 2010, 17:33:58 UTC
5cf9938 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 03 November 2010, 04:11:01 UTC
aa35031 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 02 November 2010, 04:11:02 UTC
c1a064b KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 01 November 2010, 04:11:13 UTC
e3c46e6 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 31 October 2010, 04:11:07 UTC
2d3952d KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 30 October 2010, 04:11:07 UTC
e5b50a9 CMake 2.8.3-rc4 29 October 2010, 19:21:36 UTC
f547151 Merge branch 'release' 29 October 2010, 19:17:46 UTC
57eea54 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 29 October 2010, 04:11:07 UTC
9bf662a Merge topic 'fix_ctest_working_dir' 3f94c7c When processing DartMeasurements use the tests working directory. 28 October 2010, 19:36:17 UTC
e561a46 Merge topic 'getprerequisites-endless-path-appending' 48e80eb Fixes to GetPrerequisites for cygwin bee4802 Append the gp_tool path to the system PATH using native slashes. 8e550ba Remove unecessary TO_CMAKE_PATH for gp_cmd_dir. 1684198 Switch to CMAKE_PATH when doing PATH comparisons on Windows. be94c49 Fixed appending PATH to dumpbin tool from growing without bounds. 28 October 2010, 18:11:07 UTC
a3edde3 Merge topic 'avoid-busted-java-test-on-macs' c8f3919 Avoid problem reading jni.h on Macs. 28 October 2010, 18:10:48 UTC
3f3f3e5 Merge topic 'CPackDeb-MoreControl' a749724 CPackDeb Added several optional debian binary package fields 28 October 2010, 18:10:23 UTC
ec93cd2 Merge topic 'fix-11173' 6e1282f ExternalProject: No svn --username if empty (#11173) 28 October 2010, 18:10:01 UTC
5b43d8f Merge topic 'external-project-extra-gen' beeca11 Fixed parallel build for generators with EXTRA. 28 October 2010, 18:09:43 UTC
424ba55 Merge topic 'PythonLibs-2.7' 1f369a7 ENH: Added case for Python 2.7. 28 October 2010, 18:09:17 UTC
70101ee KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 28 October 2010, 04:11:05 UTC
48e80eb Fixes to GetPrerequisites for cygwin Fix IF(WIN32) guards check for cygwin. Fix checking if the depenency is in a system location to use cygwin style paths on cygwin. Also change GetPrerequisites to switch gp_tool to tools that are very unlikely to be found, ie. dumpbin on Apple and otool on Windows/Unix. 27 October 2010, 21:23:00 UTC
01a90e9 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 27 October 2010, 04:11:06 UTC
bee4802 Append the gp_tool path to the system PATH using native slashes. 26 October 2010, 15:12:12 UTC
8e550ba Remove unecessary TO_CMAKE_PATH for gp_cmd_dir. It is already using CMAKE style paths. 26 October 2010, 14:28:42 UTC
1684198 Switch to CMAKE_PATH when doing PATH comparisons on Windows. Users PATH may contain elements that end with backslash. This will escape the semicolon when iterating resulting in mismatches. Fix indentation. Fix whitespace 26 October 2010, 14:28:38 UTC
7db02e9 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 26 October 2010, 04:11:04 UTC
c8f3919 Avoid problem reading jni.h on Macs. Apple released an update recently in which there was a broken symlink for jni.h that pointed to a non-existent file. CMake had trouble configuring because it encountered an error trying to read jni.h. We avoid the problem here by introducing a variable CTEST_RUN_Java, which defaults to OFF on Macs, that indicates whether to even attempt finding java, reading jni.h and adding the "Java" CMake test. If you would like to test Java on a Mac where the jni.h symlink is not busted, feel free to pass in -DCTEST_RUN_Java:BOOL=ON when configuring CMake. 25 October 2010, 19:03:36 UTC
a749724 CPackDeb Added several optional debian binary package fields This fixes bugs #0011355 and 0008342. The merged patch is a contribution from Michael Lasmanis and Petri Hodju with some extra documentation added by the merger. 25 October 2010, 18:40:45 UTC
be94c49 Fixed appending PATH to dumpbin tool from growing without bounds. IF(... MATCHES ...) used for comparing directories chokes especially in the case of C:\Program Files (x86)\<blah> because of regex pattern matching. Switched this to use STREQUAL in a loop instead. 25 October 2010, 17:40:35 UTC
06b5eaa KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 25 October 2010, 04:11:05 UTC
de81f2a KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 24 October 2010, 04:11:05 UTC
185582d KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 23 October 2010, 04:12:04 UTC
6e1282f ExternalProject: No svn --username if empty (#11173) Nor --password. But please do if non-empty. Thank you. 22 October 2010, 20:23:27 UTC
beeca11 Fixed parallel build for generators with EXTRA. Fixed parallel build for projects using generators that have the CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR as well as CMAKE_GENERATOR. Thanks to Bill Hoffman for helping me to track this one down, I missed parallel builds. 22 October 2010, 15:16:21 UTC
91b5bc3 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 22 October 2010, 04:10:12 UTC
e42160f KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 21 October 2010, 04:11:02 UTC
144ee51 CMake 2.8.3-rc3 20 October 2010, 17:47:59 UTC
aa55e3e Merge branch 'release' 20 October 2010, 17:43:46 UTC
5bae7f3 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 20 October 2010, 04:11:01 UTC
3f94c7c When processing DartMeasurements use the tests working directory. Restore CMake 2.6 behavoir where the dart processing apparently was run from within the tests directory instead of the root of the build tree. This addresses issue reported on the VTK Dashboard where the Testing/Temporary directory is defined as ../../../Testing/Temporary but the DartProcessing is run with respect to the root of the build tree. This causes the regression/difference images to not be located by ctest and thus not uploaded to the dashboard. 19 October 2010, 20:15:32 UTC
9e6eb7c Merge topic 'xcode-hh-files' 8f0a70e Xcode: Recognize .hh as C++ (#11307) 19 October 2010, 19:53:54 UTC
b0fb2ad Merge topic 'AddCMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR' b011840 Use absolute path to FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake everywhere 41e4f1a Add automatic variable CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR(dir of CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE) f9fc79c Remove trailing whitespace 19 October 2010, 19:53:16 UTC
1f369a7 ENH: Added case for Python 2.7. 19 October 2010, 18:53:33 UTC
915e580 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 19 October 2010, 04:10:04 UTC
00b327f KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 18 October 2010, 04:11:02 UTC
76c8c60 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 17 October 2010, 04:10:08 UTC
0dc88cf KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 16 October 2010, 04:10:08 UTC
57c04db KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 15 October 2010, 04:10:07 UTC
3dc0752 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 14 October 2010, 04:10:43 UTC
68e0b63 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 13 October 2010, 04:10:36 UTC
e247623 Merge topic 'FindBoost_bugfix_cleanup' b867a3f Remove superfluous variable Boost_COMPAT_STATIC_RUNTIME. 12 October 2010, 15:12:16 UTC
e4508ac Merge topic 'FindHDF5-is-parallel' 3445532 FindHDF5: Fix typo in parallel-IO support check (#11291) 12 October 2010, 15:12:00 UTC
0ecc8a4 Merge topic 'findmpi-msmpi-update' 35d2770 Update module to locate newely released MS MPI HPC Pack R2. 12 October 2010, 15:11:47 UTC
fbecc53 Merge topic 'document-bundle-loader' abb6e75 Document ENABLE_EXPORTS behavior on Mac (#11295) 12 October 2010, 15:11:33 UTC
b14764c Merge topic 'qt4-imports-dir' 2dae2f1 Find imports dir in Qt 4.7 12 October 2010, 15:08:51 UTC
77f045c Merge topic 'find-subversion-foreign-lang' d2f8c5f FindSubversion: Use C locale to detect version (#11273) 42126aa FindSubversion: Fix for German localized client (#11273) 12 October 2010, 15:06:41 UTC
1b98d04 Merge topic 'vs10-order-dependencies' 973df7c VS10: Order .vcxproj dependencies deterministically (#10502) 12 October 2010, 15:05:57 UTC
f78f82c Merge topic 'CodeBlocksGeneratorFixForExternalSubdirs' 9072535 CodeBlocks Generator: Do not omit files in the project file listing. 12 October 2010, 15:04:53 UTC
8f0a70e Xcode: Recognize .hh as C++ (#11307) 12 October 2010, 13:06:33 UTC
3810da1 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 12 October 2010, 04:10:33 UTC
b867a3f Remove superfluous variable Boost_COMPAT_STATIC_RUNTIME. There is no need to introduce this extra variable as FindBoost can simply rely on if Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME is defined or not to disable the old searching behavior for static runtime libraries on WIN32. 12 October 2010, 02:48:33 UTC
3445532 FindHDF5: Fix typo in parallel-IO support check (#11291) 11 October 2010, 13:35:46 UTC
35d2770 Update module to locate newely released MS MPI HPC Pack R2. 11 October 2010, 13:20:07 UTC
abb6e75 Document ENABLE_EXPORTS behavior on Mac (#11295) Mention that it is implemented with -bundle-loader on platforms that need link-time symbol resolution but that do not use DLL import libs. 11 October 2010, 12:35:19 UTC
3138cc5 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 11 October 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
c89527a KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 10 October 2010, 04:10:08 UTC
8af6a13 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 09 October 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
2dae2f1 Find imports dir in Qt 4.7 09 October 2010, 02:55:55 UTC
7119b5f KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 08 October 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
d2f8c5f FindSubversion: Use C locale to detect version (#11273) Force LC_ALL to C before the call of the svn executable as it is done in the Subversion_WC_INFO macro a few lines below. 07 October 2010, 15:10:40 UTC
42126aa FindSubversion: Fix for German localized client (#11273) On a Win32 system with a German version of SilkSVN I couldn't run CMake again on the working copy as the cache is displayed as corrupted. The cause is that the regular expression to find the version number will not match and put everything from the "svn --version" output into the cache, which contains umlauts and other funny characters. Fix the regexp to not only match " version " but also " Version " as it's in the German output. I have no idea what will happen on a French or Japanese system. This should be easy to test as it happens also on a German Linux system. 07 October 2010, 14:04:19 UTC
973df7c VS10: Order .vcxproj dependencies deterministically (#10502) This avoids needless modification of the project files during regeneration. 07 October 2010, 13:54:24 UTC
e124032 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 07 October 2010, 04:10:31 UTC
5e6ba7d CMake 2.8.3-rc2 06 October 2010, 14:39:10 UTC
07fcb60 Merge branch 'release' 06 October 2010, 14:31:57 UTC
3d0ace6 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 06 October 2010, 04:10:25 UTC
ba3064b Merge topic 'FindCUDA-allow-g3' 6916f8d Allow -g3 for CUDA v3.0+. 05 October 2010, 19:33:12 UTC
100f2ad Merge topic 'Fix-0011263-CUDA_SDK_PATH' 1df8516 Fix for bug 0011263. 05 October 2010, 19:32:58 UTC
f7c58fe Merge topic 'CPackHandleParenthesisInSystemName' 4a4a53f CPackRPM Handle parenthesis in CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME (fix bug 10737) 05 October 2010, 19:32:13 UTC
dacc478 Merge topic 'vs-project-groups' fd3249e New USE_FOLDERS property OFF by default. (#3796) 05 October 2010, 19:31:49 UTC
5104756 Merge topic 'vs10-custom-comments' 2596e16 VS10: Encode custom command comments for echo (#11283) 05 October 2010, 19:31:03 UTC
cb314e2 Merge topic '11279' aca758b Fixes issue 11279: CMakeDetermineVSServicePack support for VS10 05 October 2010, 19:30:32 UTC
b653e8b Merge topic 'dev/test-for-bug-11230' 96a335f XCode generation should fail if lang isn't known d3a8943 Fix which string is checked for in the test 220c5dc Add test that CMake errors with empty libs 05 October 2010, 19:30:10 UTC
54a3bf0 Merge topic 'vs10-empty-target' 448661f VS10: Skip targets with no linker language (#11230) 05 October 2010, 19:29:20 UTC
46bc165 Merge topic 'fix_custom_commands_with_intdir_vs10' 3d68dd2 Fix for bug #11274, VS10 custom commands that create files in INTDIR fix. 05 October 2010, 19:28:45 UTC
111f81c Merge topic 'fix_hpux_test_failure' 5253206 Add a new line to the end of the generated main.cxx for the hpux compiler. 05 October 2010, 19:26:38 UTC
b38297d Merge topic 'vs-load-Windows-ifort' 20f4973 Reset platform/compiler info status for each language 05 October 2010, 19:21:25 UTC
9072535 CodeBlocks Generator: Do not omit files in the project file listing. The CodeBlocks generator used to omit files that were in siblings directories. Though that filters out a few files that could be argued aren't of interest to the user, it also potentialy hides files that are relevant to the user. Patch by Daniel Teske. Alex See: for an example. 05 October 2010, 19:16:17 UTC
d0d8f02 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 05 October 2010, 04:10:31 UTC
6916f8d Allow -g3 for CUDA v3.0+. In versions of the CUDA toolkit previous to version 3.0 the use of -g3 would cause compilation errors. This was fixed in version 3.0. 04 October 2010, 22:42:21 UTC
1df8516 Fix for bug 0011263. Added CUSDKCOMPUTE_ROOT to the list of paths when looking for CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR. 04 October 2010, 22:11:08 UTC
5eca3dd KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 04 October 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
4a4a53f CPackRPM Handle parenthesis in CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME (fix bug 10737) merge patch from Frank Stappers 03 October 2010, 21:29:34 UTC
ef4263a KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 03 October 2010, 04:10:04 UTC
fd3249e New USE_FOLDERS property OFF by default. (#3796) Visual Studio Express editions do not support solution folders, so default behavior should be as if USE_FOLDERS global property is OFF. Also, allow folder names to be the same as target names: internally, use a prefix to distinguish folder GUIDs from target GUIDs. Add a target and folder with the same name in the ExternalProject test to exercise this code. For CMake itself, provide a new option CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS that defaults to ON so that Visual Studio users get a nicely organized CMake project. Express edition users will have to turn off the CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS option in order to build CMake in the VS Express IDE. 02 October 2010, 18:31:02 UTC
2488c34 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 02 October 2010, 04:10:36 UTC
2596e16 VS10: Encode custom command comments for echo (#11283) VS10 uses MSBuild underneath. The <Message></Message> CDATA are just appended to "echo" and executed as a single command. Encode the message such that it can be passed to echo. Convert newlines to tabs since they cannot be printed this way. 01 October 2010, 20:12:00 UTC
d69b129 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp 01 October 2010, 04:10:39 UTC
aca758b Fixes issue 11279: CMakeDetermineVSServicePack support for VS10 Thanks to Aaron C. Meadows for the patch. 01 October 2010, 01:24:28 UTC
96a335f XCode generation should fail if lang isn't known 30 September 2010, 18:54:20 UTC
d3a8943 Fix which string is checked for in the test GNU Makefiles have an extra line that Visual Studio doesn't output. 30 September 2010, 15:39:26 UTC
220c5dc Add test that CMake errors with empty libs When the library language cannot be determined, make sure CMake errors, not segfaults (bug #11230) 30 September 2010, 15:01:35 UTC
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