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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
1896c2d Drug Target Search Graph development preview (expect to revert) 05 April 2021, 18:21:47 UTC
664bfdd Update requirements.txt 05 April 2021, 17:33:59 UTC
3016062 Commented out warning to match production server 23 November 2020, 17:07:27 UTC
2ca20d0 Version bump: Django (2.2.17) and cryptography (3.2.1), among others 23 November 2020, 16:34:10 UTC
a29c05d Hide Extended Annotations column by default 09 November 2020, 17:59:06 UTC
f1f5a48 Download compound data via AJAX available for ChEMBL and PubChem. Currently the ChEMBL compound detail page and Structural Similarity Search page use this feature. 09 November 2020, 16:58:43 UTC
8cb8235 Merge branch 'dl_ajax' into ts_anno 02 November 2020, 17:55:35 UTC
adbf50f Extended annotation savepoint 02 November 2020, 17:52:48 UTC
d64a9fd snapshot 25 September 2020, 03:03:06 UTC
1cdbf81 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 21 September 2020, 16:45:49 UTC
5d29e7f improved error messages for addCompounds. added addH option to ChemmineR properties tool 21 September 2020, 16:45:33 UTC
86bfdc2 Upgraded Django and Pillow in requirements.txt 09 September 2020, 13:14:58 UTC
e03ca51 Merge branch 'develop' into master 09 September 2020, 13:01:17 UTC
95616a4 PubChem downloads now use the XML asynchronous API. 09 September 2020, 12:55:59 UTC
9ae33d8 enable URLs like targetsearch/ID1,ID2,... 31 August 2020, 16:24:40 UTC
e4ee2d7 Added favicon 29 August 2020, 01:21:06 UTC
642b5cd added detail entity id disambiguation page 26 August 2020, 19:54:35 UTC
a265771 remove usless print messages from drugbank module 26 August 2020, 17:03:55 UTC
4a396d1 db change, migration required. altered max-length of name field from 256 to 1024 26 August 2020, 16:44:40 UTC
9bd09d1 added compound summary info for detail page. removed chembl embedded block 17 August 2020, 17:30:12 UTC
9c2a826 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop 17 August 2020, 16:12:56 UTC
7915080 Added a "Download CID List" button to Structural Similarity Search This is mainly a stop-gap solution to an issue raised by Fxotics on GitHub, but hopefully can be useful as a general feature. 05 August 2020, 19:03:24 UTC
ed91b7f Merge branch 'develop' 05 August 2020, 15:13:23 UTC
eb8e5b1 Refactored Drug-Target Search code to be more modular and shareable Fixes several issues related to incomplete DOM initialization and separation of JS code 05 August 2020, 15:08:51 UTC
150728f Merge branch 'develop' 28 July 2020, 16:48:21 UTC
72a0a76 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 27 July 2020, 22:43:19 UTC
1bb5688 updated eiR and chembl update script 27 July 2020, 22:42:54 UTC
0956c43 Changed URL for documentation site in top toolbar. 27 July 2020, 19:06:03 UTC
8460107 Updated requirements.txt 27 July 2020, 18:43:04 UTC
ac66468 Added setting switch to toggle paralog-cache in targetsearch 27 July 2020, 18:15:11 UTC
999a38a Update help URLs to point to new documentation. 27 July 2020, 17:35:59 UTC
9e6c9a4 Merge branch 'master' into develop 27 July 2020, 14:08:22 UTC
68d1d23 display number of compounds in corner of each page 21 July 2020, 23:34:31 UTC
e71cf38 finished landing page 21 July 2020, 21:20:40 UTC
99516b9 Merge branch 'dt_help' into develop 20 July 2020, 19:45:48 UTC
8371801 Additional info and help buttons in Drug-Target Search 20 July 2020, 19:11:41 UTC
f32fc44 Added '@guest_allowed' to newTS to resolve Job retrieval error. 20 July 2020, 18:40:02 UTC
2d5c298 Merge branch 'master' into develop 20 July 2020, 18:03:57 UTC
7844fb1 refactor ts_table a bit. create an initial detail page. 06 July 2020, 21:07:46 UTC
7c9dd9a Additional paralog info in tooltip. 06 July 2020, 13:13:11 UTC
bc81ddc duplicate clean up feature done 30 June 2020, 16:12:08 UTC
11106bb Added sample compounds to Drug-Target search interfaces 15 June 2020, 17:06:22 UTC
b6415c1 addded option to skip duplicate compounds during upload 10 June 2020, 22:30:54 UTC
e952377 compound query tracking feature 03 June 2020, 16:24:19 UTC
6ad017d Added switch to remove Google Analytics during development. 01 June 2020, 14:11:33 UTC
0fb03cd Disabled caching of paralog results. 14 May 2020, 23:04:23 UTC
a6ec863 Initial paralog search feature for Drug-Target Search (for testing) 14 May 2020, 22:35:40 UTC
db09424 removed some debug output from tool script 14 May 2020, 19:34:58 UTC
4ac3126 fixed broken png url 14 May 2020, 17:34:30 UTC
696e104 Merge branch 'paralogs' into develop 06 May 2020, 16:00:05 UTC
c3c2fd5 added getParalogs function 06 May 2020, 15:58:54 UTC
feea05c Fix issue with deleting compounds and add/remove tags. 27 April 2020, 22:12:16 UTC
16eab91 Last fix for selection mode, I promise... 13 April 2020, 01:12:32 UTC
bc0db02 Changed Drug-Target Search select style, for real this time... 03 April 2020, 17:07:20 UTC
6ccd239 Default select mode in Drug-Target Search now 'Desktop'. Tooltip init. This matches the behavior of the workbench. 03 April 2020, 17:03:21 UTC
0bf7104 Added back 'filename' parameters to compounddb/ 03 April 2020, 16:54:09 UTC
bfc88e9 Updates to for new middleware, IFrame settings. 21 March 2020, 01:04:59 UTC
bede605 Applied compound image changes to workbench and detail page. Also... - Unified SVG rendering code under compounddb/ - Rendered SVGs should now be properly cached on the client - Upgraded FontAwesome to 5.12.1 to resolve a missing icon - Started work on changing legacy url() routes to path() - Created a simple middleware to allow overriding HTTP headers - Opportunistic code cleanup as usual... 19 March 2020, 07:13:28 UTC
ce97be9 Implemented SVG compound image output. Drug-Target Search PNG to SVG. 05 March 2020, 02:10:35 UTC
c3cfab3 Added a precheck routine for Target Search compound import. The precheck routine checks for compounds that do not have structure information in the ChEMBL database, as well as for compounds that are already in the user's workbench. If we discover other conditions that could cause an import to fail, we can easily add further restrictions. Also, has been renamed to simply to better reflect its current purpose, and for consistency with the new in myCompounds. In targetsearch/, get_chembl_sdfs() and get_chembl_smiles() will now cast chemblIds into a tuple, so we can now pass in lists, sets, etc. as is. Hopefully this doesn't create problems down the road... 28 February 2020, 01:22:21 UTC
4f0b34b Rearranged table buttons. Added tooltip explanations. 25 February 2020, 02:48:23 UTC
8314945 Compound structures can now be viewed from Target Search 22 February 2020, 01:17:28 UTC
0dcb95f Added initial chemblPNG stuff to targetsearch 20 February 2020, 23:29:32 UTC
eced04c Rewrote drug-indication table code The previous code stored drug-indication tables as bare HTML code in a JS variable, which can get quite inefficient. Further, every table for each compound was rendered on page load. Now, the table data is stored in JSON format, which saves significant space, and might yield some flexibility benefits down the road. Also, the DataTable is now rendered on-demand and destroyed when the modal window is dismissed. 14 February 2020, 05:35:02 UTC
f62d70b Pointless targetsearch code cleanup Mostly stray whitespace, but also some commented code. It's an itch that just needs to be scratched... 14 February 2020, 01:42:36 UTC
ae98414 Tweaked compound and target autocomplete behavior Previously, targetNameAutocomplete would manually put results beginning with the user query ahead of those where the query appears in the middle. This work is completely redundant since Selectize seems to do just that. Search terms in targetNameAutocomplete can now span the description and organism fields. compoundNameAutocomplete and targetNameAutocomplete now sort results. Even though Selectize will disturb the sorting, pre-sorting the results seems to "chunk" together results with lexical proximity, despite whatever Selectize does. It also doesn't seem to affect query time much. On the HTML side, the user now needs to enter at least 3 characters before an autocomplete query is sent. 13 February 2020, 02:51:07 UTC
5cc2c0e Remove unimplemented row-selection buttons before bumping master 12 February 2020, 21:48:23 UTC
9739e91 Autocomplete for target names 12 February 2020, 20:53:24 UTC
9e4ce9b Add IDs to search boxes via row selection feature. Users can now select rows and send the compound/target IDs to the corresponding search box with a button similar to the workbench compound submission process. Also I disabled duplicate CID handling. IDs need to be exact to be useful in most contexts. Later on I'll put in a feature to merge duplicate records. 06 February 2020, 22:31:38 UTC
f27f09a Compound names are now handled when imported from TargetSearch. Apparently Tyler intended name imports to be handled by an SDF tag named 'PUBCHEM_IUPAC_NAME'. This will still work, but the handler will now accept the tag 'NAME' as well. This way, an imported SDF file can hold both a proper IUPAC name and a common name. get_chembl_sdfs now embeds the NAME tag into the SDF so it is picked up by handlers further down. 05 February 2020, 05:05:17 UTC
5a1e558 Templatized/functionized duplicate Annotation/Activity table stuff. 05 February 2020, 01:15:37 UTC
3ffda58 Apply deferred redrawing to toggleTableColumns Minor change that was "lost" when I moved development from AWS to my local machine. 01 February 2020, 04:07:01 UTC
4f4c7fb Upload compounds to Workbench from Target Search This commit contains a limited implementation of (see title). Currently it's only applied to the Annotation table. I'll likely templatize the Annotation and Activity tables in the near future, since new_ts.html is getting insanely long at this point, and there's quite a lot of stuff that can be deduplicated. 01 February 2020, 03:49:44 UTC
6fdf6ac Remaining files related to installation script overhaul. has only been tested in parts, rather than from beginning-to-end in one run. It's a pretty long process, so I plan to test it when setting up another development instance. That being said it should provide enough guidance to reach a complete installation. The sample settings files now assume that Python packages are installed in a virtual environment (venv). Existing installations shouldn't be affected, provided they don't overwrite their old settings. Finally, this commit will modify runQuery() in targetsearch/ to expect database credentials from chemminetools/ . If this information is absent, queries to the local ChEMBL database will fail. 01 February 2020, 03:43:13 UTC
2a1caac A bunch of small changes I made while doing a local deployment. Proper documentation/scripts to follow... 22 January 2020, 04:15:27 UTC
873a348 Changed Python shebang lines. Removed Python2 compat. Changed the shebang lines for Python scripts under tools/tool_scripts to '/usr/bin/env python' so the scripts pick up the virtualenv. For those files modified, I also went ahead and removed unnecessary __future__ imports. 22 January 2020, 02:31:22 UTC
7856795 Some (hopefully all) missing migration scripts. 22 January 2020, 02:16:16 UTC
1bfeb12 Columns can now be suppressed during CSV output with the "export" setting. Also rewrote column manipulation functions with more descriptive names and to take advantage of the new targetSearch namespace variable. 09 January 2020, 07:34:35 UTC
c80b0ba Removed old child-row code. 08 January 2020, 23:45:17 UTC
90314d9 Minor tweaks to "Query ID" feature, column select. 07 January 2020, 00:05:49 UTC
c50e63c Updated UCR URLs, SysV init to Systemd in installation scripts. 16 December 2019, 21:48:05 UTC
52d11c4 Merge branch 'master' into develop 12 December 2019, 15:38:44 UTC
b9a1601 Fixed TargetSearch main page error. 12 December 2019, 15:31:44 UTC
f0a84fa Merge branch 'master' into develop 12 December 2019, 14:38:50 UTC
4acd714 Quick fix to show ChEMBL ID in DrugInd table headers and filename. 12 December 2019, 14:06:02 UTC
e7c0cb5 fixes after merging query id mapping feature in 11 December 2019, 22:57:55 UTC
ee38488 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop 11 December 2019, 22:35:29 UTC
e3b76e0 add optional result column to target results that shows un-mapped ids 11 December 2019, 22:21:57 UTC
2ec300c Omnibus commit: DrugInd tables; Search classes now OOP... Drug Indication tables moved from child rows to modal windows. DrugInd tables now have DataTable functionality. Restructured all the *Search classes to inherit from a common SearchBase class. Brought back the MeSH summary string, along with a similar one for EFO. Renamed *_list.json to *_info.json to better reflect current purpose. 10 December 2019, 06:05:42 UTC
cb50b58 Removed targetsearch lockdown Also changed menu name to "Drug-Target Search" 02 December 2019, 20:51:07 UTC
cbab8a6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/develop' into develop 02 December 2019, 20:44:01 UTC
840d77f added autocomplete for compound names in targetsearch 27 November 2019, 21:46:25 UTC
66c00d0 batch queries to support more than 1000 given identfiers 27 November 2019, 18:30:17 UTC
386a784 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/develop' into develop 25 November 2019, 23:04:27 UTC
8435c6f Separate drug indication table, first attempt 25 November 2019, 23:01:38 UTC
a0bf33f added target protein db translation feature to targetsearch page 20 November 2019, 22:25:04 UTC
f9a3001 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop 20 November 2019, 18:06:37 UTC
ceac4fe make column selection box look nicer 20 November 2019, 18:06:13 UTC
7c6e6db Minor tweaks and correction to upgrade notes. 18 November 2019, 22:55:30 UTC
944cb99 updated for new django version 11 November 2019, 19:00:14 UTC
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