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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
b019c95 [SQLite] Add unicode charset to `IDENTIFIER` (#4053) SQLite supports unicode characters as identifiers and specifically any character larger than `u007f`. This changes adds the unicode range to the `IDENTIFIER` lexer rule. The supported character ranges where documented early in the tokenizer design doc in 18 April 2024, 18:17:28 UTC
b86a4e6 [MySQL] Support With CTE clause in routine body 18 April 2024, 18:16:41 UTC
aa8cc54 [MariaDB] Support With CTE clause in routine body 18 April 2024, 18:14:40 UTC
901b057 [SQLite] Add `RIGHT` and `FULL` join operators (#4052) They where added in SQLite [3.39.0]( See also the syntax diagram in 18 April 2024, 15:19:13 UTC
e825f6e [SQLite] Add `DISTINCT FROM` operators (#4051) Add `IS NOT? DISTINCT FROM` operators that where added in SQLite [3.39.0]( 18 April 2024, 15:18:10 UTC
efecb77 [PlSql] Remove `PIPELINED` in `CREATE/REPLACE FUNCTION` before `(IS|AS)` to avoid ambiguity 16 April 2024, 17:11:07 UTC
edca3db [PlSql] Support `PIPELINED` (without `USING`) in `CREATE/REPLACE FUNCTION`s header 16 April 2024, 17:11:07 UTC
7f63d08 [PlSql] Support undocumented `PARTITION BY` instead of `ORDER BY` in `FIRST/LAST` functions (`keep_clause`). 16 April 2024, 17:11:07 UTC
eec922f [PlSql] Support `OFFSET` clause in `WITH` clause's subquery 16 April 2024, 17:11:07 UTC
ddd8de1 [Snowflake] Adjust NULL / Not null position for function, add ACCOUNT as keyword (#4050) `null_not_null` must be just after `RETURNS` datatype 16 April 2024, 17:04:38 UTC
a8ba792 [javascript] problem with continue statement and newline followed by whitespace (#4046) * [javascript] problem with continue statement and newline followed by whitespace OR comment #3772 * remove the here method because is not used anymore; * fix for the go base parser, lineTerminatorAhead should return false if the token is not on the hidden channel 15 April 2024, 04:07:07 UTC
dcfbe51 remove OR REPLACE from T-SQL dialect 13 April 2024, 17:01:03 UTC
2e344e1 Changed "provence" to "provenance" (#4027) 05 April 2024, 22:22:25 UTC
3fb7353 Fix for #4035 -- add Antlr4ng port for cpp grammar. (#4036) * Fix for #4035 -- add Antlr4ng port for cpp grammar. * The TypeScript target does not work. This is exactly why I added but it looks like I missed removing the target from this grammar. 01 April 2024, 16:04:12 UTC
a296249 [php] Fix for #4037 and #4038 (#4039) * Port php grammar to Antlr4ng. * Fix for #4037 and #4038 01 April 2024, 16:03:49 UTC
c7883a5 [build] Add performance testing of PRs vs current (#4023) * Add workflow and script to performance testing a PR. * Fix typo in workflow. * Alter workflow and a grammar to test. * Fix prerequisites for this script. * Typo. * Typo. * Fix global/local Trash tool issues. * Fix up Octave install and call. * Typo. * Add Octave statistics. Print out results. * Add in Student t test and output signifance. * Remove Bash trasce and add printfs for no-change reuslts. * Add bash echo back in to find problem in redirect. Test on .g4 changes, and only once. * Cat out the octave program to verify. * Change to Welch's test, and add in 'practical' difference test of 5%. * Reformat longest grammar to force testing on it. * Updates to test tip vs last PR. * Update test list computation. * Fix typo. * Update concurrency. Cancel this action if (1) workflow name the same; (2) the branch is the same; (3) the PR number is the same. Otherwise, don't cancel prior jobs. * Scale number or times to run test so that is min of 40 times, or whatever in 10 minutes. * Fix typo. * Fix for-loop. * Convert float to int as Bash cannot handle floats well. * Turn off echo and remove extraneous echo. * Remove temporary file. 29 March 2024, 16:20:44 UTC
ecbfb4c Bump actions/setup-python from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 (#4030) Bumps [actions/setup-python]( from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0. - [Release notes]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: actions/setup-python dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 29 March 2024, 16:20:19 UTC
6a05cee [MariaDB] Support `NATIONAL CHAR` data types (#4033) 29 March 2024, 15:17:43 UTC
f2963b5 [Snowflake] Support standalone having clause (#4031) 29 March 2024, 13:42:26 UTC
4a54822 Enable testing of grammars with Antlr4ng (#4019) * Add in Antlr4ng for grammars that work. * Fix typo. * Add in templates for Antlr4ng. * Fix pshl build script for Antlr4ng. * Fixes for building and testing the Antlr4ng target. * Add node always. Required for Antlr4ng. 25 March 2024, 14:54:58 UTC
a2833f2 [build] Add java package in Maven build (#4020) 25 March 2024, 14:54:40 UTC
ac02990 [MySql] Support `RETURNING` as identifier (#4022) 21 March 2024, 11:52:39 UTC
0bd229a [PlSql] Use `Alphabetic` instead of `Alpha` (#4018) 17 March 2024, 17:31:58 UTC
3b26af5 [build] Fix for #4008 -- add testing of TypeScript target back (#4010) * Fix for #4008 Add TypeScript testing. Add "Antlr4ng" TypeScript for future testing , as it is superior to Antlr 4.13.1. Remove grammars that have TypeScript base class code as 4.13.1 does not work with these grammars. * Fix sql/plsql TypeScript target -- does not work for 4.13.1. 15 March 2024, 02:44:56 UTC
3433639 Support numeric values without mantissas (#4017) 15 March 2024, 02:44:34 UTC
a378893 fix parsing issue for cube and rollup clauses 14 March 2024, 11:29:21 UTC
3663cc5 [PlSql] Simplify JSON condition handling - Replace #4003 - Avoids performance impact (fixes #4014) - Avoids semantic rules that should be done in static analysis 14 March 2024, 11:28:06 UTC
f08eec2 [PlSql] Use condition in CASE WHEN clause instead of expression 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
d3ee2a7 [PlSql] Identifier as LISTAGG delimiter 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
667ef4a [PlSql] DEPRECATE Pragma 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
49cd03f [PlSql] Add COLLATE as operator 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
e3bb630 [PlSql] Fix NOT NULL position in associative array declaration squash! [PlSql] Fix NOT NULL position in associative array declaration 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
d3ab334 [PlSql] Allow unicode letters in identifiers 14 March 2024, 11:26:30 UTC
86dc360 [PlSql] Allow numeric functions as aggregate function in PIVOT (#4011) 12 March 2024, 19:12:41 UTC
74f934f [PlSql] Fix combination of JSON conditions with logical expressions (#4003) 11 March 2024, 15:14:40 UTC
d74fadd [PlSql] Fix separator of top-level routines preventing subsequent statements (#4005) 11 March 2024, 10:47:14 UTC
18b5147 [PlSql] Add domain and qualifier to database links (#4006) 11 March 2024, 10:46:17 UTC
2267205 Improved support for computed arguments in both JavaScript and TypeScript. (#4001) * Arrow functions can now have computed arguments. Function parameters can now use keywords as identifiers. * Functions can now have computed arguments. Function parameters can now use keywords as identifiers. Can now declare iterator functions. * Fixed test code. --------- Co-authored-by: Andrew Leppard <> 10 March 2024, 19:14:37 UTC
947f4bb [PlSql] Accept string concatenation and functions as LISTAGG delimiter (#4004) 10 March 2024, 11:26:26 UTC
c0b8810 [PlSql] Correctly parse package init blocks with simple statements (#3939) Before this commit, the following package init block was parsed as a variable declaration: ``` create or replace package body MyPackage is begin OtherPackage.DoSomething; end; ``` because `variable_declaration` is: ``` : identifier CONSTANT? type_spec (NOT NULL_)? default_value_part? ';' ``` so the `identifier` would match `begin` and `type_spec` would match `OtherPackage.DoSomething`. Making the `package_obj_body` match non-greedy fixes this. 09 March 2024, 13:42:37 UTC
c993c98 [PlSql] Fix JSON_OBJECT to allow FORMAT JSON for all entry types 07 March 2024, 12:07:52 UTC
897eedb Bump trtext from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3999) Bumps [trtext]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trtext dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 05 March 2024, 14:45:39 UTC
a7363ce LocalStack's Amazon States Language (ASL) Grammar (#3981) * Add LocalStack AmazonStatesLanguage grammars and examples. * build configuration * devide modules into asl and intrinsic functions * start productions with eof 03 March 2024, 23:30:19 UTC
dcbcab9 [Snowflake]Refacto Group by + sample (#3988) * Refacto Group by + sample * Fix conflict between STAGE_PATH and DIVIDE lexer token. Add FLOOR and ANY_VALUE builtin fonction * format and remove some of useless-parens * Add new rule unary_or_binary_builtin_function in authorized id_ + sample * Add GETDATE builtin function and remove/fix some useless-parens 03 March 2024, 23:29:03 UTC
0b532c7 Fix for #2222 (#3996) 03 March 2024, 23:27:51 UTC
fda9e7e Bump trcover from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3993) Bumps [trcover]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trcover dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 03 March 2024, 01:34:06 UTC
5c4d8a7 Bump trwdog from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3992) Bumps [trwdog]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trwdog dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 03 March 2024, 01:33:56 UTC
b0d956c Bump trglob from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3991) Bumps [trglob]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trglob dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 03 March 2024, 01:33:45 UTC
3ba0d9b Bump trxgrep from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3990) Bumps [trxgrep]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trxgrep dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 03 March 2024, 01:33:37 UTC
ab9ab66 Bump triconv from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3989) Bumps [triconv]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: triconv dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 03 March 2024, 01:33:29 UTC
60b76c9 Eiffel grammar (#3976) * Eiffel grammar * desc.xml file added 27 February 2024, 22:59:25 UTC
222e1a6 Bump trcaret from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3987) Bumps [trcaret]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trcaret dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 27 February 2024, 22:58:42 UTC
0306533 Bump trparse from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3986) Bumps [trparse]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trparse dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 27 February 2024, 22:58:34 UTC
cca7d7e Bump trgen from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3985) Bumps [trgen]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trgen dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 27 February 2024, 22:58:24 UTC
13789cb Bump trxml from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3984) Bumps [trxml]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trxml dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 27 February 2024, 22:58:16 UTC
1fc1f20 Bump trxml2 from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0 (#3983) Bumps [trxml2]( from 0.21.16 to 0.22.0. - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: trxml2 dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-minor ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> 27 February 2024, 22:58:07 UTC
5a19eba Remove form1.vb (and the error file) from vb6 since vb6 does not support classes. (#3968) 25 February 2024, 20:10:16 UTC
e852831 semver does not allow digit '0' in version numbers (#3963) * semver does not allow digit '0' in version numbers Current versions does not allow '10.1.1' or '1.102.1' since it allows only a sequence of positive digits (not '0'). * Add some examples for semver The tests include '0' digits. 25 February 2024, 20:09:58 UTC
bcc9ec1 add support for Cpp target to golang (#3969) * Add Cpp support files for golang * Add Cpp parser include to GoParser.g4 * Enable Cpp in desc.xml 25 February 2024, 20:09:12 UTC
32973ca add support for Cpp target to rust (#3970) * Add Cpp support files for rust * Add Cpp include to RustLexer.g4 * Add Cpp include to RustParser.g4 * Enable Cpp in desc.xml for rust 25 February 2024, 20:07:50 UTC
c9ee511 Upgraded supported TypeScript version to v2.7. (#3978) * Added object function properties. * Added yield*. * Upgraded to TypeScript v2.7. * Added another example. --------- Co-authored-by: Andrew Leppard <> 25 February 2024, 19:59:55 UTC
b9ef196 Update to dotnet version 8 (released in November '23). (#3980) 25 February 2024, 19:59:33 UTC
c888914 Added support for, for await loops. 20 February 2024, 11:13:03 UTC
2dfc3c4 Fixed support for nested generic types of any depth. 20 February 2024, 11:13:03 UTC
aa682d9 Added support for identifier/functions to be named 'get' and 'set' like JavaScript and pulled in more improvements from the JavaScript parser. 20 February 2024, 11:13:03 UTC
f5fdc2a Pulled in improvements from JavaScript parser. Added optional typing to 'catch' block. Added support for 'null' type. 20 February 2024, 11:13:03 UTC
ace5e5f [PlSql] Support Oracle 23 SELECT with optional FROM clause (#3972) 20 February 2024, 10:13:11 UTC
247de8e [PlSql] Support Oracle 23 `IF [NOT] EXISTS` (#3971) 18 February 2024, 18:23:33 UTC
c979303 [PlSql] Fix regression 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
7c0e70b [PlSql] allow `expression` as target for IS JSON check 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
bda98fc [PlSql] remove `streaming_clause` from `create_function_body` - confused create function rule with function body rule 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
d3c0a95 [PlSql] Fix regression (add missing properties in function definition and declaration) 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
063f8e7 [PlSql] Add examples 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
f4346e9 [PlSql] Add missing rule for `SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT` 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
8e8c923 [PlSql] Rename `subav_hierarchies_clause` to `hierarchies_clause`; add optional `hierarchies_clause` after analytic view name in `dml_table_expression_clause` 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
99ed433 [PlSql] "Only the ACCESSIBLE BY property can appear in package procedures." (and also PARALLEL_ENABLE) 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
72afd59 [PlSql] extract `index_partitioning_values_list` rule 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
a6656b9 [PlSql] fixes after code review (2) 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
cd235cb [PlSql] fixes after code review 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
317f225 [PlSql] Support Object Access expressions on `TREAT` function return value 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
45ab00d [PlSql] Support optional procedure properties in procedure body definition. 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
2bded26 [PlSql] Support `~`, `/` and `\` as Q-string quote character 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
d61af24 [PlSql] Add `%BULK_ROWCOUNT` lexer 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
d70f5b1 [PlSql] Support more keywords as regular identifiers 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
16ed38b [PlSql] Refactor `general_element` to support Object Access Expressions 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
dfa3efc [PlSql] Change `expression` to a more generic `condition` in `where_clause` 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
3c9058d [PlSql] Support more than one expression in `COLLECT` function `ORDER BY` clause 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
82515b3 [PlSql] Support `NTH_VALUE`, `VAR_POP` and undocumented `WM_CONCAT` (see analytic functions 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
6815bfb [PlSql] Refactor `LAG/LEAD` analytic functions (support optional `respect_or_ignore_nulls`) 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
6aef44e [PlSql] Make precision optional for `NUMBER` type when it is used as `JSON_VALUE` return type 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
49c6201 [PlSql] Change leading `label_name` to `label_declaration` in `CASE` statements 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
a98d3ea [PlSql] Support Multiset Operators 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
19cc6ed [PlSql] Support `flashback_query_clause` syntax from 19+ 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
6f562e5 [PlSql] Support `CROSS/OUTER APPLY` join 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
a501408 [PlSql] Support `LATERAL` 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
c6819a7 [PlSql] Support `GROUP BY` and hierarchical query clauses to be in any order 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
bb61282 [PlSql] Refactor `subquery_factoring_clause` into `with_clause` (19+ syntax) 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
2812067 [PlSql] Support Collection Method Invocation 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
86afed4 [PlSql] Use `general_element` instead of `collection_name` as an "argument" for `INDICES OF` clause 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
84b7a26 [PlSql] Support optional `pragma_declaration` before `statement` 12 February 2024, 13:27:29 UTC
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