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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
55d5e98 prepared files for version 0.7.0 of phcpy 31 July 2017, 21:47:53 UTC
77c6b4b prepared files for release 2.4.41 31 July 2017, 21:26:52 UTC
0710f66 added Python function to make a witness set of a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial 31 July 2017, 20:04:56 UTC
5f527e8 bug fix in drivers to compute witness sets of hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials, swap cases in application of the convert operations 31 July 2017, 19:25:22 UTC
a6edae1 added the type conversions to the root finders in the driver packages for witness sets for hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials 31 July 2017, 15:08:42 UTC
1cf5c16 added C functions to the compute witness sets of hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 21:53:43 UTC
c86fac1 added jobs to the Ada gateway procedure to C, to make witness sets for Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 19:36:49 UTC
7631001 added stub procedures to compute a witness set for Laurent polynomials 30 July 2017, 19:17:39 UTC
f3e765f added basic version of witness set computation for a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial to phc -l, phc -l2, and phc -l4; adjusted driver packages 30 July 2017, 17:24:55 UTC
480ae5b defined input for individual Laurent polynomials with coefficients in quad double precision 30 July 2017, 17:19:11 UTC
883feb7 prepared procedure to compute witness sets for hypersurfaces defined by Laurent polynomials in quad double precision 27 July 2017, 16:34:59 UTC
6b681b2 added procedure to make a witness set for a hypersurface defined by a Laurent polynomial in double double precision 27 July 2017, 16:29:01 UTC
9c2ba9f extended the writing of witness sets represented in intrinsic coordinates to Laurent polynomial systems 26 July 2017, 16:50:11 UTC
724e940 started making of a witness set for Laurent polynomials 26 July 2017, 16:14:15 UTC
2ac7f35 the phc -l, phc -l2, and phc -l4 recognize Laurent polynomials on input 25 July 2017, 13:39:01 UTC
00eedcd provided basic input procedures for Laurent polynomials in double double and quad double precision 25 July 2017, 13:30:23 UTC
7cd4628 added functions to the C interface to define diagonal homotopies for Laurent systems 24 July 2017, 20:25:42 UTC
f1bd7cf added definitions of diagonal homotopies for Laurent systems to the Ada gateway to C interface 24 July 2017, 20:17:33 UTC
016e0ab improved the specification of the path tracking of solution paths defined by extrinsic diagonal homotopies to intersect witness sets 23 July 2017, 21:44:40 UTC
7791890 changed procedure because of splitting of package diagonal_homotopy_continuation 22 July 2017, 21:13:56 UTC
fed474b splitted a package to track paths defined by diagonal homotopy into two versions, one for intrinsic and another for extrinsic homotopies 22 July 2017, 21:08:15 UTC
18b1d26 fixed wrong call to driver procedure in test procedure, because of added parameter to the newest version of the drivers 22 July 2017, 20:54:52 UTC
b917098 added a procedure to write the witness set defined by a Laurent system 21 July 2017, 17:54:24 UTC
e3351a9 completed extension in the definition of diagonal homotopies, for witness sets defined by Laurent systems 21 July 2017, 09:38:25 UTC
67cefe4 added the definition of the first type of diagonal homotopy for Laurent systems 20 July 2017, 21:30:57 UTC
3430c42 added a complete function for Laurent systems 20 July 2017, 21:19:47 UTC
e6f4363 added operations to extend diagonal homotopies to Laurent systems in double double and quad double precision 20 July 2017, 00:33:18 UTC
62e8503 added basic operations to extend diagonal homotopies to work with Laurent systems 19 July 2017, 21:37:21 UTC
a0c8408 removed the global use clause on the polynomials, to make room for Laurent polynomials 19 July 2017, 15:47:23 UTC
d0ef301 listed the four types of homotopies which involve witness sets in the phcpy documentation 19 July 2017, 02:29:47 UTC
53faebb incremented the project history of phcpy 19 July 2017, 02:18:33 UTC
07bf3a1 corrected the phcpy documentation for the new modules cascades, factor, and diagonal 19 July 2017, 01:52:50 UTC
4cda1d3 prepared files for version 0.6.9 of phcpy 18 July 2017, 22:07:47 UTC
91727fb prepared files for release 2.3.40 18 July 2017, 21:00:04 UTC
54f48a3 added a patch to make the monodromy factorization on the sevenbar problem work 18 July 2017, 03:14:13 UTC
8a5afc9 added storing of embedded system in the initialization of the sampler in the monodromy breakup functions in the factor module 18 July 2017, 03:10:14 UTC
541bc70 added initialization of the polynomial type in the initialization of the sampling operations code 17 July 2017, 22:55:26 UTC
2b6e64d python3 version of the script in the examples folder 17 July 2017, 01:44:24 UTC
d4b06d0 updated the script for the sevenbar example 17 July 2017, 01:18:28 UTC
1c0295f extended the functions in the factor module to work with Laurent systems 16 July 2017, 23:19:30 UTC
e4b9f40 added functions to drop variables and coordinates from polynomials and solutions in double double and quad double precision 16 July 2017, 19:11:08 UTC
7c2cf47 patched bug in getting the names of variables by not clearing the symbol table 16 July 2017, 17:59:35 UTC
9d56149 made a new module diagonal, extracting code from the module sets of phcpy 16 July 2017, 03:29:11 UTC
f64f92c new module factor with code copied from the sets module of phcpy 15 July 2017, 23:15:38 UTC
bfd6fd6 added autodoc statement to document the new cascades module 15 July 2017, 20:46:06 UTC
4907534 new python3 module with the code to run cascade homotopies, extracted from the sets module 15 July 2017, 20:32:43 UTC
603ee1c new python2 module with code factored from the sets module 15 July 2017, 20:17:40 UTC
536232e added an extra parameter in the calls to the interface functions to track paths in the monodromy loops in the python modules 15 July 2017, 02:49:11 UTC
577bedc added extra parameter for the tracking of paths in monodromy loops, to take the Laurent systems into account 15 July 2017, 02:45:13 UTC
90075c3 bug fix in the application of Newton's method to Laurent systems 14 July 2017, 23:31:11 UTC
736fef1 added and adjusted functions for Laurent systems to factor witness sets 14 July 2017, 22:36:09 UTC
370e83b bug fix in misaligned job codes 14 July 2017, 22:32:31 UTC
36f57b1 renaming of package and adding of jobs to the Ada gateway to C 14 July 2017, 22:08:21 UTC
9a046f0 normalization of names also changed the implementation of the C extension modules for Python 14 July 2017, 20:52:48 UTC
76c5fea normalization of function names caused changes in MPI code for factorization 14 July 2017, 20:04:15 UTC
57fa6ec normalization of function names in the C interface for witness sets 14 July 2017, 19:56:25 UTC
465c56d started modification of the C code to factor witness sets 14 July 2017, 16:44:50 UTC
aed4429 added initializer samplers for witness sets for Laurent systems to the C interface 14 July 2017, 03:02:33 UTC
2132c1a added jobs to initialize the samplers for witness sets defined by Laurent systems 14 July 2017, 02:35:36 UTC
2ea57d0 phc -f factors witness sets defined by Laurent systems 13 July 2017, 23:05:54 UTC
4abc6c7 replaced an auxiliary procedure with a call to the proper read output file 13 July 2017, 22:16:58 UTC
167c559 fixed initialization of the flag in the monodromy component breakup for witness sets defined by Laurent systems 13 July 2017, 19:39:23 UTC
f0a1e82 refactoring code and taking names of input and output files into account 13 July 2017, 17:04:39 UTC
b3e2a26 with refactored code extended reading of a witness set with on input a file name 13 July 2017, 16:38:22 UTC
57a408d implemented the stubs to run monodromy loops on witness sets defined by Laurent systems 13 July 2017, 02:49:17 UTC
97bbcbb more extensions to the drivers to breakup witness sets defined by Laurent systems 13 July 2017, 00:52:05 UTC
11beb01 refactored code to decompose solution sets into irreducible factors 12 July 2017, 17:03:10 UTC
6a78e0e fixed a bug in the test program for the combinatorial factorization on witness sets defined by Laurent systems 12 July 2017, 03:01:48 UTC
fbea01d extended test program for combinatorial factorization for witness sets on Laurent systems 12 July 2017, 02:47:36 UTC
98dc51b extended the grid packages to work with witness sets defined by Laurent polynomial systems 12 July 2017, 02:26:35 UTC
567f883 added an internal state to the packages which represent lists of sample points, to work with Laurent homotopies to sample point lists 11 July 2017, 22:44:15 UTC
d80d431 extended the sample_points packages to use the Laurent homotopies 11 July 2017, 16:45:44 UTC
fff2381 added a membership test for witness sets defined by Laurent systems in the Python code 11 July 2017, 02:39:32 UTC
2578957 added homotopy membership test on Laurent systems to the C extension module for Python 11 July 2017, 02:24:44 UTC
55e4f00 extended test program for homotopy membership test in C to Laurent systems 10 July 2017, 22:18:04 UTC
73f130a added function to read witness sets defined by Laurent polynomial systems 10 July 2017, 21:53:12 UTC
dc4acf2 added jobs to read a witness set defined by a Laurent polynomial system 10 July 2017, 21:25:30 UTC
2e384ff extended C interface library for witness sets with homotopy membership tests 10 July 2017, 16:41:55 UTC
ccf45d0 defined jobs to run the homotopy membership test on witness sets defined by Laurent polynomial systems 10 July 2017, 16:39:32 UTC
f93a5ea another bug fix in the code for the homotopy membership test for witness sets defined by Laurent polynomial systems 10 July 2017, 02:03:34 UTC
e8f7a52 bug fix in test procedure for the homotopy membership test 10 July 2017, 00:09:04 UTC
e4f67b9 completed code for the homotopy membership tests for Laurent systems 09 July 2017, 23:36:25 UTC
02a7dfe more refactoring and extending in the code for the homotopy membership tests 09 July 2017, 19:56:49 UTC
9c17b1e added support for Laurent systems in the representations of the hyperplanes in an embedded system for a witness set 09 July 2017, 19:55:21 UTC
4cb0803 refactored code in the homotopy membership tests and extended to Laurent systems 09 July 2017, 18:21:35 UTC
a7f75af interface to homotopy continuation methods to compute points on witness sets for Laurent systems in double double and quad double precision 09 July 2017, 18:00:57 UTC
8c535ba added sampling interface for Laurent polynomial systems 09 July 2017, 01:05:23 UTC
f4a6d05 added a shallow clear procedure for Laurent polynomial systems 09 July 2017, 00:55:18 UTC
f75f9ae added root refining procedures in multiprecision arithmetic for Laurent systems 09 July 2017, 00:43:13 UTC
b50d182 added operations for Laurent polynomials and systems in the convertors from standard to multiprecision coefficients 09 July 2017, 00:26:21 UTC
91b4abb represent linear polynomial with multiprecision coefficients as a Laurent polynomial 09 July 2017, 00:14:58 UTC
25df883 swapping of embed symbols must happen in solutions and in system, fixed bug in the interface code to run cascade homotopies 08 July 2017, 21:54:01 UTC
9882846 added functions in the C interface to define Laurent homotopies 08 July 2017, 02:23:14 UTC
4a74591 added jobs to define a Laurent homotopy to the gateway to C interface 08 July 2017, 02:21:04 UTC
de805e7 added to the header file the prototypes for the definition of Laurent homotopies 07 July 2017, 18:47:24 UTC
6aa44c7 passed the number of tasks correctly to the Laurent homotopy continuation solver 07 July 2017, 16:23:27 UTC
d51ed73 added test code to the use case in preparation 07 July 2017, 02:29:09 UTC
64dd38f added general function to run a cascade on Laurent homotopies, at three levels of precision 07 July 2017, 02:28:07 UTC
19e4187 added functions to run one step in a cascade homotopy for Laurent systems 06 July 2017, 23:20:14 UTC
42df05a added functions to the C extension module for Python, to define cascade homotopies for Laurent polynomial systems 06 July 2017, 15:44:04 UTC
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