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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
d7b408b Merge pull request #586 from reneeotten/nan_policy_message Nan policy message 29 August 2019, 17:07:38 UTC
d76a546 REL: update release notes for 0.9.14 29 August 2019, 11:51:35 UTC
46cee03 TST: add test for new warning messages for NaN values 29 August 2019, 11:40:23 UTC
cc12c8e ENH: add check for NaN values in Model._residual() - only raise the ValueError with message if nan_policy is set to 'raise' 29 August 2019, 10:48:35 UTC
a7e20eb MAINT: update pyupgrade pre-commit hook 28 August 2019, 12:43:26 UTC
12d8f91 ENH: improve message if ValueError is raised by _nan_policy The original message ("ValueError: The input contains nan values") seems often -incorrectly- imply to users that their input data contains NaN values. The "input" here is referring to the input data of the _nan_policy function. Clarify that it can either be caused by the input data or, more likely, by the output of the objective/model function. Additionally, include a link to the FAQ on the documentation website. 28 August 2019, 12:34:02 UTC
6478b7d Merge pull request #585 from lmfit/doctests914 docstring fixes and the addition of tests for v0.9.14. Fixes #584 26 August 2019, 14:47:12 UTC
edad977 style tweaks to tests 26 August 2019, 02:12:40 UTC
b33de90 tests: add test for parameter printing 26 August 2019, 02:12:40 UTC
fb9a3f7 tests: add some tests for model.plot* 26 August 2019, 02:12:40 UTC
21be941 tests: add tests for guess() methods 26 August 2019, 02:12:40 UTC
fb5daed fix split_lorentzian docstring, and doc, simplify code, fixing github #584 26 August 2019, 02:12:04 UTC
7b664fc Merge pull request #583 from lmfit/gallery_tweaks Tweaks to generating the examples gallery 25 August 2019, 00:51:29 UTC
76f9575 doc: Examples replacing Gallery 23 August 2019, 20:04:32 UTC
a6408d3 ignore temp data files needed to generate gallery 23 August 2019, 17:36:26 UTC
1ff5a45 update MANIFEST to include examples, but not generated gallery files 23 August 2019, 17:35:48 UTC
f838dfd doc: add as Makefile directive so that gallery is not generated every time docs are generated, only after rm -rf _build/* rm -f rm -f *.dat *.sav *.csv rm -rf examples/* rm -rf ../examples/documentation 23 August 2019, 01:15:29 UTC
0aefd3b doc: several tweaks to gallery gen script, including warning suppression 23 August 2019, 01:14:39 UTC
47616b1 doc: add Gallery and Support link to upper left of HTML doc 23 August 2019, 01:12:35 UTC
0c1e693 doc: add examples/ gallery to TOC 23 August 2019, 01:10:42 UTC
10afd00 Merge pull request #582 from lmfit/asteval_maxtime remove deprecated max_time from asteval.Interpreter() creation 23 August 2019, 01:02:44 UTC
7ba1cc8 remove deprecated max_time from asteval.Interpreter() creation 22 August 2019, 16:09:36 UTC
60cf4ec Merge pull request #581 from reneeotten/release-0.9.14 almost ready to release 0.9.14? 22 August 2019, 16:07:06 UTC
b5f5518 REL: update release notes for 0.9.14 - link to the release notes in the installation instructions 22 August 2019, 13:54:27 UTC
37761fc DOC: add contributors to THANKS.txt 22 August 2019, 13:38:40 UTC
075e479 Merge pull request #574 from reneeotten/examples Gallery with examples 21 August 2019, 20:27:11 UTC
c3f3b64 Examples: review and update examples for gallery - all files that start with 'example_' will be executed, others will only be parsed - files should be "normal" Python code with embedded rST text in their source code (see TODO: - should use the Model interface - good example, but it does not seem to run correctly anymore - the section about "A Helpful Exception" does not seem accurate 21 August 2019, 18:46:11 UTC
28a43bc DOC: add comment about the failure of For some reason the conversion by sphinx-gallery for fails, even though execute the code in a Python shell or Jupyter notebook works fine. Error raised = NameError: name 'np' is not defined Add a note to the resulting example in the gallery and add this file to 'expected_failing_examples' to make sure the build finishes. 21 August 2019, 12:18:48 UTC
01d444d DOC: small updates to doc_*.py examples - remove plotting from - remove leftover shebang line in - generate new figure in 21 August 2019, 12:18:48 UTC
666a396 DOC: add examples from documentation to gallery For the gallery one needs a correct header/docstring for the conversion to work. We don't want this for our examples that are part of the documentation where we often just show the file content. So we copy the doc_*.py examples to a separate "documentation" folder and add a header. In this way they will also show up in a "sub-gallery". 21 August 2019, 12:18:48 UTC
c8ad365 ENH: use sphinx-gallery to generate a gallery with examples - all files in the "examples" directory, with the exception of "doc_*.py", will be added to the main example gallery. 21 August 2019, 12:18:48 UTC
d68dbe9 Merge pull request #579 from reneeotten/fix_nfev_brute Fix nfev for brute with multiprocessing 15 August 2019, 16:42:25 UTC
eafeaee MAINT: update pre-commit hooks 15 August 2019, 03:13:21 UTC
34334d1 FIX: only check if a parameter is at its initial value if an initial value is present Probably this is a rare occurence as most users will actually set an initial value when initializing the parameters. However, for algorithms like "brute" that is actually not required and this might happen. Added a regression test and updated the code to include the check whether an init_value is present. See: #578 15 August 2019, 03:09:10 UTC
7e38291 FIX: correct value for nfev when using brute algorithm When using multiprocessing (i.e., workers != 1) the number of function evaluations in the MinimizerResult is incorrect. For the brute method we actually know beforehand how many evaluation will be performed as we have a pre-determined search-grid. So setting result.nfev = len(result.brute_Jout.ravel()) will always work correctly. Updated the test-suite accordingly. Fixes: #578 14 August 2019, 18:43:59 UTC
41667df Merge pull request #576 from lmfit/inspect_signature use `inspect.signature` for better support of Py3 and wrapped functions 02 August 2019, 18:55:21 UTC
b06bb1c fix import order, simplify version test 01 August 2019, 16:29:02 UTC
bb8674a skip wrapped_model_func test with Py2 31 July 2019, 03:30:04 UTC
a3c0939 add test of using a wrapped function as a model function 31 July 2019, 03:11:09 UTC
ad71135 use inspect.signature to inspect model function (towards Py3 only) 31 July 2019, 01:07:53 UTC
0c8607f Merge pull request #575 from reneeotten/fix_pdf_documentation Fix documentation in PDF format 26 July 2019, 12:23:05 UTC
997ed10 DOC: list extra dependencies for building the documentation 25 July 2019, 03:08:24 UTC
9d9cb9f FIX: building of documentation in PDF format Problem: SVG figures cannot be incorporated in LaTeX files Solution: add 'sphinx.ext.imgconverter' to the extensions - additionally, minor Makefile fixes 25 July 2019, 03:08:24 UTC
4d483ca Merge pull request #573 from reneeotten/documentation Documentation updates 24 July 2019, 15:07:26 UTC
c46944e MAINT: add corner and jupyter_sphinx to requirements-dev.txt 23 July 2019, 21:48:09 UTC
354de80 DOC: add uncertainty calculation using numdifftools in index.rst 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
d4cf6bd DOC: small corrections in *.rst files - correct indentation - remove stray backticks - correct syntax for chapter title - correct typos 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
e20d8c7 DOC: remove static images 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
e815694 DOC: update layout indexsidebar.html 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
662756e DOC: update Makefile - copy data files to doc while generating the documentation - copy the correct file 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
db9a109 DOC: list corner package in installation.rst 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
7820a78 DOC: do not redefine built-in functions in intro.rst 23 July 2019, 15:58:32 UTC
3577ce2 MAINT: remove stray newline in Model.fit_report() 23 July 2019, 15:58:31 UTC
b60f096 DOC: update doc_*.py examples 23 July 2019, 15:58:31 UTC
4ebfa56 DOC: use jupyter-execute in doc/*.rst - only for the code blocks where we use the output in the documentation 23 July 2019, 15:58:31 UTC
baff0e7 ENH: use jupyter-sphinx for code in documentation - add dependency on jupyter_sphinx for building the documentation - configure Sphinx to use it - have rstcheck ignore the 'jupyter-execute' directive 23 July 2019, 15:58:31 UTC
db9a8c2 Merge pull request #572 from reneeotten/test-suite-jsonutils Add tests for lmfit/ 17 July 2019, 11:54:31 UTC
bb24d7b Merge pull request #571 from reneeotten/test-suite-printfuncs Add tests for lmfit/ 15 July 2019, 02:07:23 UTC
45a0bcd FIX: handling of pandas.Series in encode4js() - treat pandas.DataFrames and pandas.Series the same - no need to do "value=json.loads(obj.to_json())", just use "value=obj.to_json()" - for pandas.Series one needs to supply "typ='series' to the read_json call 14 July 2019, 20:16:59 UTC
4420338 DOC: update docstrings in 14 July 2019, 20:16:59 UTC
c883f7c TST: expand tests for 14 July 2019, 20:16:59 UTC
25639ee MAINT: update pre-commit hooks (pyupgrade, flake8) 13 July 2019, 02:24:17 UTC
d86299f TST: expand test for - add additional tests for functions in lmfit/ - merge tests from into this file 13 July 2019, 02:24:17 UTC
0e92070 MAINT: align 'Non Numeric Value?' in fit_report 12 July 2019, 01:43:04 UTC
d059561 FIX: compare par.value to par.min and par.max 12 July 2019, 01:42:11 UTC
083ea8d DOC: docstring updates in 11 July 2019, 21:06:04 UTC
b26c793 DEP: deprecate 'report_errors' in This function is identical to 'report_fit' and, therefore, redundant. 11 July 2019, 20:55:24 UTC
a17c5b4 Merge pull request #565 from reneeotten/deprecate_missing_drop Remove deprecated "missing" and "drop" 08 July 2019, 12:48:59 UTC
2ae2fc9 Splitloren hints with prefix (#569) * param_hints need to use prefix * add test for SplitLorentzianModel with/without prefix * fix typos (thanks @dimapu) Fixes: #566 02 July 2019, 19:31:16 UTC
6ada323 Merge pull request #567 from lmfit/models_need_prefixes make sure all parameters in Model.guess() use prefixes 28 June 2019, 03:05:11 UTC
4f22686 Merge pull request #568 from reneeotten/PyPI_packaging Explicitly add install_requires in 28 June 2019, 03:04:43 UTC
ae213b7 REL: explicitly add install_requires in Currently, the requirements do not end up in the json meta-data on PyPI which limits the usability of tools that rely on it. For example, the tool upt ( that we are currently exploring to help with packaging for MacPorts does not report any dependencies. Apparently, the information is computed locally when generating the PyPI package and, therefore, might depend on how this is exactly done. Nevertheless, explicitly listing the dependencies should resolve this. 27 June 2019, 12:57:39 UTC
c5efd5c make sure all parameters in Model.guess() use prefixes 27 June 2019, 00:46:44 UTC
7d99a32 TST: update tests to remove deprecated "missing" and "drop" arguments - test for possible values of nan_policy (should raise ValueError if not allowed) 22 June 2019, 03:59:17 UTC
829d14b DEP: remove "missing" and "drop", deprecated since 0.9.8 - "missing" argument of Model class was deprecated in favor of "nan_policy" - the option "drop" was deprecated in favor of "omit" In lmfit version 0.9.13 an explicit FutureWarning was added when these deprecated options were used. Now, we remove them completely as well as the redundant compatibility code. 22 June 2019, 03:49:50 UTC
4b5c701 Merge pull request #564 from reneeotten/brute-parallelization Parallellization of brute force method 22 June 2019, 03:02:20 UTC
17b670c ENH: add parallelization to brute method - feature was added in SciPy v1.3 21 June 2019, 19:26:12 UTC
7ee03cc MAINT: update pyupgrade pre-commit hook 21 June 2019, 00:40:57 UTC
aa0510e more careful adding of parameters to handle out-of-order constraint expressions (#561) * add test for adding parameters with out-of-order expressions * look for NameErrors when adding parameters and try again, at least a few times, to handle out-of-order constraints * use param._delay_asteval in add_many() to better safeguard against not-yet-viable constraint expressions 19 June 2019, 03:10:47 UTC
e96adc6 clean up parameter html table (#559) * clean up parameter html table 29 May 2019, 02:58:13 UTC
b0d9ac6 Merge pull request #558 from reneeotten/emcee-set-method FIX: always set result.method for emcee 24 May 2019, 02:37:02 UTC
350e05e Merge pull request #552 from aaristov/master Fix Division by Zero problem 24 May 2019, 01:02:09 UTC
52ef525 FIX: always set result.method for emcee If is_weighted=False, "result = self.prepare_fit(params)" gets called again, which reinitializes the ModelResult causing the method attribute not to be present anymore. 23 May 2019, 17:24:49 UTC
6d92d38 Merge pull request #557 from reneeotten/fix-brute-test Fix brute method/test 23 May 2019, 02:48:37 UTC
707993b MAINT: update pre-commit hooks 22 May 2019, 16:59:05 UTC
f6353dc FIX: no correction for nfev in brute method for scipy >= 1.3 22 May 2019, 16:29:06 UTC
ca4f853 Merge pull request #556 from reneeotten/dual_annealing Add dual_annealing algorithm 22 May 2019, 15:35:45 UTC
b1a6413 update string format 20 May 2019, 13:13:19 UTC
208d62f change if to try-except ZeroDivisionError 20 May 2019, 13:06:19 UTC
63369d3 TST: add tests for dual_annealing algorithm 19 May 2019, 15:40:16 UTC
7960821 DOC: add dual_annealing method to documentation 19 May 2019, 15:40:16 UTC
a9892f4 ENH: add dual_annealing algorithm 19 May 2019, 15:40:16 UTC
76537d1 Merge pull request #554 from lmfit/savemodel_fixes Savemodel fixes 13 May 2019, 16:31:31 UTC
8ae2c22 fix typo in test 10 May 2019, 20:02:51 UTC
cf44a34 explicitly look for, import, and load unique symobls in parameter __setstate__ 10 May 2019, 18:12:01 UTC
c6659fa add test for save/lood modelresult with VoigtModel 10 May 2019, 18:10:02 UTC
404866f add params html teable test 07 May 2019, 12:10:13 UTC
f2ce73d check for zero 07 May 2019, 12:07:18 UTC
579f2a5 Fix Division by Zero problem 03 May 2019, 10:00:52 UTC
aa642a8 Merge pull request #550 from zobristnicholas/params-eval Params eval 02 May 2019, 14:07:43 UTC
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