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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
d3d2f5a Merge pull request #13 from mattpitkin/fix_enscons_build Remove use of pep452tags 09 June 2022, 11:16:26 UTC
db639bb Remove use of pep452tags 09 June 2022, 11:13:52 UTC
9f05510 Merge pull request #9 from samb8s/bagchi_fixes Bagchi fixes 30 December 2020, 12:04:13 UTC
b75856d Added a thankyou note in the README! 30 December 2020, 11:57:29 UTC
de7a80b Fixed error in `spiralize(r)` - width of normal distribution 30 December 2020, 11:43:01 UTC
a801d00 Fixed deg/radians error when taking sin/cos 30 December 2020, 11:39:32 UTC
c5af901 Fixed trig error sin -> cos theta 30 December 2020, 11:36:26 UTC
9913a50 Merge pull request #6 from reuterk/master fix hardcoded paths to python interpreter 16 January 2019, 13:28:39 UTC
88474ee Merge branch 'master' of 16 January 2019, 13:14:05 UTC
88410a6 fix hardcoded path to python 16 January 2019, 13:13:52 UTC
4ba41a6 fix hardcoded shebang line to call python 21 December 2018, 08:02:54 UTC
4512966 Merge pull request #4 from mattpitkin/enscons Compile and generate python package for PsrPopPy 25 February 2018, 11:58:54 UTC
09a1f30 SContruct: edits to allow installation location to be set - you should now be able to use: python install --prefix=$MY_INSTALL_LOCATION to install to a specific location - you can also add a --user flag, like with pip to install to ~/.local 22 February 2018, 10:46:01 UTC
c094ce7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into enscons 22 February 2018, 09:53:22 UTC
d281cd0 Clarified years argument for evolve Clarified age should be in years,not Gyr 30 November 2017, 07:35:41 UTC
a1c7085 Minor changes to what is included in a source distribution 19 July 2017, 13:40:16 UTC
32fe964 fix location of survey files 19 July 2017, 13:39:38 UTC
102c7f8 Further rearrangements to repo to better package the python module 19 July 2017, 13:25:55 UTC
f133e11 SConstruct: make sure Fortran sources are included in the source distribution 19 July 2017, 10:32:37 UTC
5317804 Change name of lib directory to pyton package name "psrpoppy" 19 July 2017, 10:31:00 UTC
fbad4ac enscons installation updates 19 July 2017, 10:30:19 UTC
f8c31ae fix unrecognised "duty" keyword argument to be "duty_percent" 19 July 2017, 10:29:10 UTC
06bfc36 Started adding files to be able to build and install everything system-wide using enscons 18 July 2017, 15:55:35 UTC
715479a Updated Tsys for LOFAR Changed to 160 K 14 July 2016, 06:27:22 UTC
0c272b9 Updated LOFAR_NEW value of Tsys Trec had previously been included 14 July 2016, 06:26:39 UTC
fc39d5f Update Ffixed typo found by Mark Myers @ Swinburne 27 April 2016, 09:31:08 UTC
98e54b5 Removed typo! 17 November 2015, 10:52:48 UTC
623f483 More PEP8 changes 24 April 2015, 22:06:08 UTC
75ac44a Update pointingslist code Now handles the case where there is a list of pointings but not individual gains/tobs 17 April 2015, 17:26:34 UTC
546ab52 PEP8 compliance :) 17 April 2015, 14:16:49 UTC
df46625 Merge pull request #3 from marco-buttu/master Added to make_mac.csh 09 March 2015, 22:37:53 UTC
31b2d15 Changed unary operator * + to * 05 March 2015, 09:58:36 UTC
d4626fe Added to make_mac.csh 05 March 2015, 09:51:27 UTC
cc1fcd4 Pulsar.__init__ fixed When calling pulsar.__init__, the obit wasn’t initialised. Now fixed. 04 March 2015, 12:36:30 UTC
d68c6a7 Work on gamma.f / orbits 25 February 2015, 03:03:00 UTC
a1061ae KJ2007 model updated The model now uses pre-made distributions. The model is too slow to use in real-time (though the code to do so is retained). It now uses the p/pdot values and chooses a pulse width from the model with closest matching p/pdot. The .npy files are numpy arrays containing the values for each of these models. 14 November 2014, 18:10:59 UTC
05fd914 Updated KJ07 beaming code Added more numpy routines for speed 11 November 2014, 04:02:51 UTC
42bde3b Pointing code now numpy-esque Could probably be sped up more with some clever KNN code, but using matrix operations instead of loops makes this code run pretty damn fast now 04 November 2014, 23:19:17 UTC
0fb8aa0 Pointing list patch Small bug when the pointing list is in a local directory, not in the surveys dir. Fixed. 04 November 2014, 21:26:42 UTC
fa734d7 Modified some parameter names 17 October 2014, 18:11:32 UTC
e00a093 Made scaling power variable for scale_bhat 13 October 2014, 18:52:45 UTC
5b1ea84 Scattering Timescale Change Changed scattering timescale to become fixed to a pulsar, instead of changing every time “survey” runs. Added “scale_bhat” function to use the 1.4 GHz scatter time as a basis for scaling to other survey frequencies. 13 October 2014, 18:47:58 UTC
68dbe99 Cleanup 08 May 2014, 18:48:03 UTC
d20ab89 Implemented radiometer equation into survey 08 May 2014, 18:47:03 UTC
e2d798a Added Not implemented. 08 May 2014, 18:24:47 UTC
6493991 Moved double_exp distn into "" 08 May 2014, 18:01:24 UTC
0a080a6 Added Put stats distribution functions in there 08 May 2014, 17:47:17 UTC
ac47334 Added a model reader Just reads model in and prints it 07 May 2014, 14:45:00 UTC
f53a3c2 Added HTRUDeep Also minor change to the _powerlaw function 26 March 2014, 15:02:30 UTC
472bf64 Removed width_ms() function 20 March 2014, 09:38:53 UTC
f6417a0 evolve edits Added edit and efficiency parameters Added the option to keep dead pulsars in the population model (results in LARGE models, not recommended unless you need them). 07 March 2014, 13:27:49 UTC
b2c3387 edited ppdot example 23 January 2014, 11:29:25 UTC
39d15ee wxView edits Made the -f flag work for wxView Added a p-pdot diagram example 23 January 2014, 11:26:12 UTC
64d6452 Added SKA models 15 January 2014, 14:48:14 UTC
634d7bb Added devnotes section to 18 December 2013, 11:43:45 UTC
3b148f6 Fixing scintillation 18 December 2013, 11:11:15 UTC
23e8148 Fixed up buggy bits of code 17 December 2013, 17:33:17 UTC
0929cec Fixing typos 17 December 2013, 17:15:39 UTC
33ebd05 More scintillation work 17 December 2013, 11:49:31 UTC
45a1ae6 Adding scintillations 17 December 2013, 11:40:01 UTC
3fcc17d Small fixes Fixed small bug/typo in Added molonglo surveys (Keane et al 2013) 12 December 2013, 22:14:12 UTC
2af0a12 survey edit Survey can now checks CWD first for survey files 08 December 2013, 03:33:35 UTC
71bef00 Various fixes! Added DUHILAT survey, made 6% width default instead of model, added cPickle exceptions... 07 December 2013, 04:22:25 UTC
644dcdc wxView Pickle Error Fixed an annoying problem where if any .results / .model files couldn't be unpickled, the code would barf. Now it just skips that file and prints an error 24 October 2013, 13:54:58 UTC
557eb4a zheight model; ska models Added gaussian zheight distribution Updated SKA models 11 October 2013, 11:31:09 UTC
4435f44 Documentation 26 September 2013, 07:55:34 UTC
c114d11 Updated some documentation, removed histView 26 September 2013, 07:52:25 UTC
1f82c56 PALFA models Added all the PALFA models and pos files from Joe Swiggum 24 September 2013, 14:17:50 UTC
5feb717 Cleaned up printing operation in populate Replaced the fussy and uncustomisable print output with the argspec stuff. Now will just print all parameters, exactly as input to the code 23 September 2013, 10:30:43 UTC
6f0915c Small edit Removed unnecessary line from 19 September 2013, 08:40:03 UTC
b6fe056 Discoveries bug fixed - I think! 18 September 2013, 19:26:48 UTC
594ad79 Sep 18 small changes Added future feature to list Handle an AttributeError when trying to print old-style population models 18 September 2013, 09:01:41 UTC
cb9b4a5 Added discoveries to summary 17 September 2013, 15:18:35 UTC
94f45dd population.__str__ modified This method now prints the arguments dictionary, instead of having to individually print each property. Also added Aperture Array feature to 09 September 2013, 10:26:50 UTC
ba2b37c population.arguments converted to dict Changed the code to save a dict rather than a list of arguments 06 September 2013, 10:53:00 UTC
28d7011 population.arguments generate() functions now use the inspect module to store the arguments passed to generate() in the list population.arguments. Potentially useful for keeping track of how a certain model was made. 06 September 2013, 09:58:32 UTC
a0be24a Updated makefile 19 August 2013, 08:54:38 UTC
936a6c1 Removed comments which aren't necessary! 19 August 2013, 08:04:43 UTC
663c7fc Functionality all added Need to test vs the results from the raw fortran code. 09 August 2013, 18:38:54 UTC
5d80cd8 Adding orbit functionality 09 August 2013, 18:20:54 UTC
b552b56 Adding survey S/N degradation Following Bagchi & lorimer, added fortran functions to calculate degradation of S/N for linear, acc, and jerk searches for pulsars in binaries. Need to add orbits to pulsar class (will use base class). 09 August 2013, 18:15:06 UTC
4f34919 Evolve bug fix pulsar.width_degree wasn't getting correctly updated. I was ignoring the whole width fudging thing. 12 July 2013, 18:53:18 UTC
17d5cdd wxHist Added wxxHist to, and removed it from "features to add" list 26 June 2013, 14:56:47 UTC
753e52b Created wxHist Created a more interactive GUI for creating histograms, including ability to create log scale plots, and plot multiple population models. Also removed references to the deprecated "PySimpleApp" 25 June 2013, 18:53:54 UTC
988d9fc New dosurvey feature dosurvey now keeps track of which pulsars are already discovered by a sequence of surveys-> get number of new pulsars in future surveys 22 June 2013, 01:45:04 UTC
62e4ff2 Cleaned up population & wxView wxView before was written in a weird way that meant if any properties were added to the pulsar class, you'd have to write a lot more boring code and be careful with list indices. I've removed most of that now. At some point I'd like to clean up the "make_plotting_dicts" method even more. 21 June 2013, 17:42:18 UTC
5b87206 Modified evolve Modified the z scale default to 0.05 kpc. In evolve, zscale is the initial zscale befoer the pulsars are evolved through galactic potential, so needs default to be smaller. 20 June 2013, 15:55:34 UTC
e8a8e19 Small tweaks Made gaussian pattern default in survey Added dithering of pulse width in evolve Modified the PMSURV file slightly (+/- 6 deg -> 5 deg) 19 June 2013, 20:45:02 UTC
194f320 Small evolve edit Since zscale refers to initial position, I modified the default to be 0.05. 17 June 2013, 16:16:11 UTC
aab56fc Populate bug Added "type=float" for the period and luminosity argument parser. User-supplied values were failing. 17 June 2013, 15:57:42 UTC
cd24ec4 Future features possible idea to add scintillation effects in future code 11 June 2013, 19:50:32 UTC
eb2f7e4 Joe's pointinglist additions, now merged dosurvey/survey have been edited to take a beam pattern 11 June 2013, 18:23:51 UTC
d81a289 Small change in os.path.dirname(__dir__) to __libdir__ 11 June 2013, 14:06:48 UTC
83ae145 Added capability to include independent tobs/gain for individual beams via pointinglist file. 10 June 2013, 19:14:42 UTC
ab8dffb EDited write functions Now using Population.write and changed cPickle to use pickle mode 2 - binary files (slightly smaller). Fixed bug in dosurvey when writing ascii files. 10 June 2013, 15:31:00 UTC
a565968 Fixed viewing scripts Made wxView executable, edited view to remove self.pop and use pop! 09 June 2013, 13:24:44 UTC
ff72c18 Edited populate Fixe two small points of confusion in the Smits 2009 beam model : fixed genAlpha function, and cleaned up the function that generates the value of rho 07 June 2013, 18:27:49 UTC
51d448e edited Added gamma to the fk06 luminosity function 25 April 2013, 15:44:55 UTC
f6e7cef Implemented numpy arrays for airy disk gain calculation and fixed unit conversion issue. 23 April 2013, 22:27:52 UTC
ff7b15b Made Airy gain function a keyword option; added functionality for pointing files. 22 April 2013, 23:37:00 UTC
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