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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f6d2005 script to count TA sites not general 06 December 2016, 18:09:12 UTC
62964b5 Test new folder 06 December 2016, 17:51:16 UTC
9e368f9 Updated Essential Script to use a list of TA sites 06 December 2016, 17:48:51 UTC
1a53163 Fixed counting in with new illumina headers 02 May 2016, 22:31:58 UTC
0c0ab99 Changed default site filtering behavior 16 February 2016, 17:28:08 UTC
c5da1de Changed instructions in Essential Script 16 February 2016, 17:26:58 UTC
7166acd Add ^@K to count all reads 26 January 2016, 19:33:39 UTC
1d22c91 Fixed skipping header lines 26 January 2016, 01:43:48 UTC
6d219e8 no KO or Pathway in analysis. Removed normalization by site prior to DE analysis 12 January 2016, 06:34:31 UTC
9fb4163 Removed normalization by site 11 January 2016, 06:48:33 UTC
ca711bb Removed requirement for KEGG or Pathway in gff file 11 January 2016, 06:43:06 UTC
a09663f Fixed results output. No more KEGG or Pathways 08 January 2016, 20:41:02 UTC
807938f Fixed permissions and added .gitignore 08 January 2016, 02:34:09 UTC
6f5c196 Fix permissions 08 January 2016, 02:16:40 UTC
d3e02bb Fixed to use 'flexbar_execuable' 08 January 2016, 01:30:47 UTC
119aa64 Fix PullKegg to work with website changes 06 January 2016, 23:16:57 UTC
ad138f2 Some cleanup for manuscript prep 06 January 2016, 22:30:54 UTC
febb2e5 removed DESeq call, just using manual normalization factor of 1 15 June 2015, 17:56:28 UTC
730c76f Removed expired scripts 12 June 2015, 18:33:24 UTC
34fab51 Added site filtering for TnSeqDESeq2.R 12 June 2015, 17:58:23 UTC
571281a Essential and differential scripts working with DESeq2 12 June 2015, 05:04:48 UTC
8f4e3d9 Call new DESeq2 R script 11 June 2015, 20:34:49 UTC
1cb676e Update assembly prefix for genomes 11 June 2015, 20:31:01 UTC
2ff9d59 Added site filtering, corrected genome length increase by 10% 10 June 2015, 01:01:01 UTC
483a2b7 include site filtering(2 sites by default) 09 June 2015, 18:13:38 UTC
9343af4 Essentials Script updated to use DESeq2. No change? 09 June 2015, 06:08:57 UTC
ea0847a Fix and remved tbl_df calls 22 May 2015, 03:27:17 UTC
5c2da35 Removed tbl_df calls 22 May 2015, 03:25:34 UTC
0797e7d Update to include TnSeqDESeq2.R 20 May 2015, 20:36:12 UTC
8f168a7 Update DESeq with DESeq2 07 April 2015, 20:16:24 UTC
50e5490 Update 12 November 2014, 21:56:06 UTC
b0df854 Error in the handling of duplicate reads Previously, reads were filtered on MAPQ. However, MAPQ heavily penalizes reads for not mapping uniquely, which occurs often in repeated regions of bacterial genomes. To correct this, post-adapter trimming length was increased to 35 to increase the ability to accurately uniquely map trimmed reads, and bowtie2 was put into "-a" mode, which reports all matches. As these are reported in descending order of alignment score, with ties randomly ordered, we can simply choose the first reported match for any single read to randomly assign ambiguous reads to one of its possible origins. Thus, transposon insertions that would yield identical reads from more than one location are impossible to place correctly in the genome and should be viewed with suspicion. 23 October 2014, 19:22:03 UTC
528b575 Error in the handling of duplicate reads Previously, reads were filtered on MAPQ. However, MAPQ heavily penalizes reads for not mapping uniquely, which occurs often in repeated regions of bacterial genomes. To correct this, post-adapter trimming length was increased to 35 to increase the ability to accurately uniquely map trimmed reads, and bowtie2 was put into "-a" mode, which reports all matches. As these are reported in descending order of alignment score, with ties randomly ordered, we can simply choose the first reported match for any single read to randomly assign ambiguous reads to one of its possible origins. Thus, transposon insertions that would yield identical reads from more than one location are impossible to place correctly in the genome and should be viewed with suspicion. 23 October 2014, 19:20:33 UTC
0c3a1e6 Update 13 October 2014, 20:10:30 UTC
3c63dba Right Perl script! Whoops. 07 October 2014, 14:23:39 UTC
a6e539a Delete Whoops! Wrong Perl script. 07 October 2014, 14:20:42 UTC
e158680 Update TnSeqDESeqEssential.R Fixed mode calls to be "Reduced" and "Unchanged" so as not to mislead. You still need to check the P-value of your negative binomial test to be sure a gene is Essential. 07 October 2014, 13:26:45 UTC
b3956dc Update 23 September 2014, 17:09:36 UTC
841342c Update 23 September 2014, 17:08:58 UTC
d921217 Update TnSeqDESeqEssential.R 23 September 2014, 17:08:46 UTC
f705400 Large set of updates associated with latest paper This is an update to nearly all facets of the Tn-seq analysis pipeline. It includes speed improvements in the binning of sites into genes, filtering for reads that include both the amplification primer and the Tn end sequence, and the definition of the differential abundance analysis as an R function, so it can be loaded into RStudio or other IDEs for interactive analyses, figure generation, etc. It also includes the new essential genes analysis, to be described in a new paper shortly. 23 September 2014, 16:56:04 UTC
3c46ce6 Update 14 August 2014, 11:48:04 UTC
76b9e1d Latest tinkering Added support for more standard annotations in TnSeqDESeq.R (see comments). Also added support for specifying number of mismatches in searching for key sequences. 14 August 2014, 11:45:13 UTC
23c3b1f Update Minor update 09 January 2014, 21:47:01 UTC
299a78f Update Added read trimming step to match 09 January 2014, 21:46:20 UTC
833ea46 Update More errors 09 January 2014, 21:41:21 UTC
c7bc447 Update Typos 09 January 2014, 21:23:12 UTC
c132540 Competing documentation Added license and readme, and updated documentation for everything 09 January 2014, 21:13:31 UTC
67bbcb7 Initial commit Uploading analysis resources 05 December 2013, 18:01:03 UTC
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