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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
fd061d4 Don't set WLC_DIM on startup 24 March 2016, 18:09:18 UTC
5c85c01 Update to new WLC API 24 March 2016, 18:08:53 UTC
686530d Merge pull request #535 from mikkeloscar/fix-swaylock-crash swaylock: Fix crash when unable to connect to sway 23 March 2016, 13:44:22 UTC
a8f989c swaylock: Fix crash when unable to connect to wl Prevent swaylock from crashing when it can't connect to wayland for whatever reason. i.e. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set. Fix #534 23 March 2016, 13:37:56 UTC
a99970d Merge pull request #530 from mikkeloscar/swaybar-kill-on-sway-crash swaybar: Abort when receiving 0 bytes in IPC call 22 March 2016, 10:53:29 UTC
1d010af Abort when receiving 0 bytes in IPC call When sway crashes a swaybar process is sometimes left behind running at 100% CPU. This was caused by the swaybar trying to retrieve an IPC response from the closed sway socket. This patch fixes the problem by aborting when the socket has been closed (recv return 0). Fix #528 22 March 2016, 10:27:39 UTC
4ce1ab8 Merge pull request #527 from gkbrk/swaylock_password_grow swaylock: Grow the password buffer 21 March 2016, 20:23:49 UTC
50c052e swaylock: Grow the password buffer 21 March 2016, 20:17:48 UTC
ca400e8 Merge pull request #525 from mikkeloscar/fix-clang-warning Use correct type for keycode 20 March 2016, 11:46:06 UTC
599d6ab Merge pull request #524 from mikkeloscar/smart-gaps Implement 'smart_gaps' feature from i3-gaps 20 March 2016, 11:45:51 UTC
c1f91c4 Use correct type for keycode 20 March 2016, 11:41:26 UTC
2935e24 Implement 'smart_gaps' feature from i3-gaps 20 March 2016, 11:29:47 UTC
00c1ce4 Merge pull request #523 from mikkeloscar/slack-key-handler Make key handling less strict 19 March 2016, 13:10:42 UTC
bb32cba Make key handling less strict Sway has been very strict when it comes to key handling. Only on an exact match would a bindsym be triggered. This patch makes it less strict by for instance allowing the key combo `$mod+1+2` to act as `$mod+2` if 2 was the last pressed key and `$mod+1` if 1 was the last pressed key. The new key handling uses the following algorithm: 1. List of bindings sorted by number of keys in binding (already the default) 2. Find all bindings covered by the current keyboard state and list them by same order as in 1. 3. Select the first binding from the list where the last pressed key is part of the binding. Addresses #452 19 March 2016, 13:06:46 UTC
8c7bdfc Allow legal non-x11 keycodes 19 March 2016, 12:36:37 UTC
91192e3 Merge pull request #522 from mikkeloscar/workspace-layout Add config option workspace_layout 19 March 2016, 00:00:17 UTC
9a04f9d Add config option workspace_layout This implements the config parsing of `workspace_layout <default|stacking|tabbed>` 18 March 2016, 23:54:33 UTC
a8e1ca7 New default wallpaper! 18 March 2016, 22:23:30 UTC
7fb2a16 Merge pull request #520 from aouelete/swaylock Add a manpage for swaylock 18 March 2016, 21:15:19 UTC
8af6a41 Merge branch 'master' of git:// into swaylock 18 March 2016, 21:09:11 UTC
378a45c Merge pull request #519 from mikkeloscar/maintain-exec-quotes Don't strip quotes from exec args 18 March 2016, 10:52:51 UTC
99f26c6 Don't strip quotes from exec args Before passing a command to a command handler the quotes are stripped from each argument in the command. This is usually the wanted behavior but causes a problem in the case of `exec` where quoted arguments can be required when passing the exec command to `/bin/sh -c`. This patch makes `exec` a special case and doesn't strip quotes from the arguments. It will just pass the exec command verbatim to the exec command handler. Fix #518 18 March 2016, 09:02:18 UTC
e7e1081 Merge pull request #516 from mikkeloscar/remove-panel_size Remove unused panel_size (and fix rearrange) 17 March 2016, 22:52:47 UTC
f635124 Remove unused panel_size (and fix rearrange) desktop_shell.panel_size was only used to determine if sway should rearrange the output when rendering the panel in the output_pre_render hook. This is not needed since the output will have been arranged at that point. It also caused sway to rearrange all the time when running with two or more different monitors/resolutions because panel_size kept changing with every output_pre_render callback. Should fix #514 17 March 2016, 22:47:42 UTC
50b9a4e Merge pull request #515 from mikkeloscar/focus-correct-swaylock-view Focus correct swaylock view in multimonitor setup 17 March 2016, 17:47:58 UTC
c1d5791 Focus correct swaylock view in multimonitor setup Swaylock spawns and focuses a view for each output in sway. This can sometimes move the focus to a new output after locking and unlocking the screens. This patch makes sure that the output which had focus when swaylock was invoked, will regain focus once swaylock is closed/unlocked. Fix #499 17 March 2016, 16:02:17 UTC
bb67a3d Merge pull request #513 from mikkeloscar/sway-bar-manpage Document swaybar commands 17 March 2016, 14:45:57 UTC
db7697b Document swaybar commands Documents most of the bar commands in sway-bar(5) manpage. The following command has not been document because they haven't been fully implemented yet: * mode * hidden_state * modifier * tray_output * tray_padding Close #375 17 March 2016, 14:41:24 UTC
9310967 Merge pull request #512 from mikkeloscar/bg-panel-render Schedule render when adding bg and panel 17 March 2016, 12:33:11 UTC
9faa4ba Schedule render when adding bg and panel. This should be a real fix for #509 This schedules a render when a background or panel is added to sway through the desktop shell interface, that makes sure the render isn't scheduled before the bg or panel is ready and you don't end up with a black screen until the cursor is moved. 17 March 2016, 11:05:54 UTC
1349a44 Revert "Render outputs as soon as wlc is ready" This reverts commit 96458bf63c10a702797a8687e2f73d7814a6b079. 17 March 2016, 11:05:32 UTC
89ef36a Merge pull request #510 from mikkeloscar/render-output-at-launch Render outputs as soon as wlc is ready 13 March 2016, 16:35:55 UTC
96458bf Render outputs as soon as wlc is ready This makes sure that the outputs are rendered when sway is launched, so the user doesn't have to move the cursor before the background and bar gets rendered on screen. Fixes #509 13 March 2016, 16:13:30 UTC
c1517e5 Fix default config's split binding Fixes #508 12 March 2016, 23:35:42 UTC
60b95cc Update LICENSE to 2016 This is just an excuse for me to nab the 1337th commit! 05 March 2016, 14:45:24 UTC
eb82a50 Remove focus when switching to empty workspace Fix #504 05 March 2016, 14:39:28 UTC
181b6b3 Merge pull request #502 from mikkeloscar/lock-reset-input Reset input state when locking compositor 04 March 2016, 18:47:08 UTC
ceb0ef6 Reset input state when locking compositor Fix #498 04 March 2016, 16:10:43 UTC
ef5d896 Merge pull request #501 from mikkeloscar/ws-on-output Fix assigning workspaces to outputs 04 March 2016, 16:08:03 UTC
8ddafee Fix assigning workspaces to outputs It's possible to assign workspaces to certain outputs using the command: workspace <name> output <output> However, this did not work in some cases where the workspace was assigned before the given output was made available to sway. This patch fixes those cases. 04 March 2016, 15:44:49 UTC
133009b add a manpage for swaylock 01 March 2016, 15:23:45 UTC
79bfd62 Merge pull request #495 from gpyh/docswaybar Segregate between config and runtime cmds in doc 29 February 2016, 21:46:12 UTC
9437eca Segregate between config and runtime cmds in doc In anticipation for #375, reorganized and augmented slightly sway(5) so it makes a difference between commands intended for configuration, commands intended for control, and those that can serve as both. 29 February 2016, 21:12:39 UTC
cc170e1 Merge pull request #497 from progandy/swaylock-arrange swaylock: call arrange_windows for floating change 28 February 2016, 20:42:23 UTC
33887e3 sway: rearrange the whole ws on lock view setup 28 February 2016, 20:24:12 UTC
52ff89c sway: set lock view to floating after ws switch This avoids calling swayc_active_workspace. 28 February 2016, 20:22:57 UTC
86b894d Merge pull request #496 from mikkeloscar/focus-new-output Correctly move focus from one output to a new one. 28 February 2016, 17:32:56 UTC
6088c6c Correctly move focus from one output to a new one. This patch aims to correctly handle moving focus <left|right|up|down> between outputs. For instance, if moving from one output to a new output at the left of the current one, it should focus the right-most view/container on the new output, and the opposite if moving from right to left. This should happen regardless of the previously stored focus of the new output. This also handles moving to a new output above or below the current one. 28 February 2016, 17:20:18 UTC
3453910 Merge pull request #492 from mikkeloscar/swaybar-multi-output Display single swaybar on multiple outputs 27 February 2016, 21:18:50 UTC
67bbcce Free config before exiting sway. Apart from freeing the sway_config struct, this also terminates the swaybars spawned by sway, since they are linked by PID to the bar config structs. 27 February 2016, 21:13:15 UTC
e15a8a0 Improve how swaybars are spawned 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
af7a251 Poll before wl_display_dispatch 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
e4c1176 Differentiate between all or no outputs 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
212c6a1 Add outputs to bar_config ipc response 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
bad4e22 Make sway spawn only one bar per bar config 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
6d57f03 Make single bar handle multiple outputs 27 February 2016, 21:12:35 UTC
5ff3fb1 Set pointer pos before focusing view under it 27 February 2016, 12:18:55 UTC
e19e32c Make protocol specifications follow the DTD Gets rid of these warnings: WARNING: XML failed validation against built-in DTD 27 February 2016, 00:26:17 UTC
5e253fd Correctly exit sway on errors. Calling `exit` in sway_terminate prevents sway from correctly shutting down (freeing data, cleanly terminating the ipc server, etc.). A better way is to exit straight away if the failure occurs before `wlc_run` and use sway_abort as usual if it occur when wlc is running. 26 February 2016, 08:42:21 UTC
40b3215 Merge pull request #494 from gpyh/argsegfault Fix segfault when trying to use sway as IPC without a sway instance 25 February 2016, 23:09:20 UTC
c400ca8 Fix for when sway_abort doesn't exit sway_terminate does an exit in case wlc_terminate doesn't 25 February 2016, 22:46:27 UTC
8db417f Fixed swaymsg command name in sway(5) doc 25 February 2016, 22:05:38 UTC
e239fbb No options when using sway as IPC client Sway used to attempt sending an IPC command composed of every argument after the first non-option argument encountered. Now, raises an error if an option is encountered before the intended command. Some options such as -h or -v take effect when parsing, so they still apply. 25 February 2016, 22:04:59 UTC
179192e Removed p as a valid CLI option The get-socketpath long option had an undocumented short alternative as `p`. It has been removed. However, the code in the options array is still the 'p' char. 25 February 2016, 20:50:24 UTC
28c8e4f Merge pull request #493 from mikkeloscar/view-behind-swaylock Don't rearrange views behind swaylock. 25 February 2016, 14:02:47 UTC
89bb6a4 Don't rearrange views behind swaylock. Fix #481 25 February 2016, 13:42:48 UTC
c9d9dd7 Check for empty ws on view destroyed. In some cases destroying a view can result in an empty and inactive workspace, which should be destroyed. This handles those cases. 25 February 2016, 12:36:25 UTC
ee32bc3 Send workspace ICP event on ws destroy/empty. There is no 'destroy' change type in the i3 IPC so this uses `empty` to notify about empty workspaces (which will be destroyed from sway right after). 25 February 2016, 11:59:22 UTC
739ba90 Prevent crash when showing scratchpad on new ws. Fix #469 25 February 2016, 10:43:07 UTC
b107fc6 Fix ipc event bit masks 21 February 2016, 21:49:20 UTC
016a774 Prefer named output config over wildcard config. This makes sure that a named output config is applied before the general wildcard config when a new output is created. This ensures that the config: output * ... output NAME ... behaves the same way as: output NAME ... output * ... 12 February 2016, 12:45:47 UTC
91d6113 Merge pull request #488 from mikkeloscar/get-pixels Replace deprecated function wlc_output_get_pixels. 08 February 2016, 12:40:41 UTC
6f7cbf2 Replace deprecated function wlc_output_get_pixels. This makes IPC GET_PIXELS use the new `wlc_pixels_read` call instead of the deprecated `wlc_output_get_pixels`. The old version worked by passing a callback function to wlc which would grab the pixels and send them to the IPC client. The new version works by maintaining a list of clients who have requested the pixels of some output and then grap and send the pixels in the output_post_render hook of the `wlc_interface`. 08 February 2016, 11:39:07 UTC
be6455b Squash trailing whitespace 08 February 2016, 11:31:13 UTC
bacd40d Fix clang warnings 08 February 2016, 11:30:42 UTC
4546ce1 Add wlc-render.h to handlers.c 08 February 2016, 11:20:24 UTC
6038bf5 Merge pull request #486 from SethBarberee/sway-zsh refactored sway command to include single dash 08 February 2016, 10:36:21 UTC
4cb3088 fixed config help 01 February 2016, 20:53:45 UTC
aa06ee4 refactored to include single dash 01 February 2016, 04:39:08 UTC
6793648 use tabs 29 January 2016, 02:24:21 UTC
10e50b6 Improve _swaymsg and _swaygrab completions 29 January 2016, 02:06:13 UTC
34948c7 Autocomplete scale options 29 January 2016, 01:48:48 UTC
25361fa complete image, not color 29 January 2016, 01:45:01 UTC
65a03ab Add files completion to _swaylock 29 January 2016, 01:42:50 UTC
a64e281 Merge pull request #483 from aouelete/zsh-swaylock-completion zsh completions for swaylock 29 January 2016, 01:30:25 UTC
7ac0fbe zsh completions for swaylock 29 January 2016, 01:20:15 UTC
533e59f Merge pull request #482 from crondog/movemouse commands: move position mouse 28 January 2016, 12:57:46 UTC
e5bb08c Print /proc/<pid>/maps on segfault 28 January 2016, 12:57:07 UTC
7916eb7 commands: move position mouse Bounds checking works ok except it overlaps the bar. Just like with normal floating. Should be fixed once swaybar is fixed. 28 January 2016, 11:10:56 UTC
a6e57dd Merge pull request #480 from crondog/swaylocktrans2 swaylock: Allow for transparent color values 28 January 2016, 03:12:05 UTC
73ec01d swaylock: Allow for transparent color values There is only a slight issue. When using a transparent color the views are arranged to make room for swaylock which we can now see. I tried removing the arrange call but that just made it worse by putting in an opaque view on the workspace and not making the lockoverlay color. Ill raise an issue if this is not easily solved 28 January 2016, 02:44:18 UTC
3a4564a Merge pull request #479 from crondog/font font: Allow adding font to the config. In prep for border titles 27 January 2016, 09:55:44 UTC
0ee5547 font: Allow adding font to the config. In prep for border titles v2: Give default font and make bar use it if no bar font 27 January 2016, 09:53:31 UTC
baa958e Remove pointer from swaylock surface 26 January 2016, 23:38:05 UTC
f1f4791 Fix returning to sway after swaylock completes 26 January 2016, 23:33:50 UTC
a97b325 Merge pull request #478 from SethBarberee/swaymsg-zsh refactored to include single dash options 26 January 2016, 21:25:17 UTC
1ce1fa3 refactored to include single dash options 26 January 2016, 21:22:17 UTC
f1e1ba0 Merge pull request #476 from christophgysin/cairo_set_source_u32 extract cairo_set_source_u32() 25 January 2016, 21:06:46 UTC
a5345e8 extract cairo_set_source_u32() 25 January 2016, 20:44:33 UTC
d2af1f3 Merge pull request #475 from christophgysin/swaylock_color swaylock: implement --color 25 January 2016, 20:28:38 UTC
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