Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.9.0rc2 v0.9.0rc2 85f900b DeepDive 0.9.0 Release Candidate 2 fixing some Python 3 compatibility issues and discrepancies in the test vs. actual environment 16 November 2016, 15:58:10 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.0rc1 v0.9.0rc1 5301b41 DeepDive 0.9.0 Release Candidate 1 13 November 2016, 09:57:33 UTC
refs/tags/v0.8.0 v0.8.0 ec64859 DeepDive 0.8.0 ============== A completely re-architected version of DeepDive is here. Now the system [compiles an execution plan](doc/ ahead of time, checkpoints at a much finer granularity, and gives users [full visibility and control of the execution](doc/, so any parts of the computation can be flexibly repeated, resumed, or optimized later. The new architecture naturally enforces modularity and extensibility, which enables us to innovate most parts independently without having to understand every possible combination of the entire code. The abstraction layers that encapsulate [database operations](database/db-driver/) as well as [compute resources](runner/compute-driver/) are now clearly established, giving a stable ground for extensions in the future that support more types of database engines and compute clusters such as Hadoop/YARN and ones with traditional job schedulers. As an artifact of this redesign, exciting performance improvements are now observed: * The database drivers show more than 20x higher throughput (2MB/s -> 50MB/s, per connection) with zero storage footprint by streaming data in and out of UDFs. * The grounded factor graphs save up to 100x storage space (12GB -> 180MB) by [employing compression]( during the factor graph's grounding and loading, incurring less than 10% overhead in time (400s -> 460s, measuring only the dumping and loading, hence a much smaller fraction in practice). See the [issues and pull requests for this milestone on GitHub]( (most notably [#445]( for further details. ## New commands and features An array of new commands have been added to `deepdive`, and existing ones have been rewritten, such as `deepdive initdb` and `deepdive run`. * [Compilation](doc/[Execution](doc/ * `deepdive compile` * `deepdive plan` * `deepdive do` * `deepdive redo` * `deepdive mark` * `deepdive done` * [Learning/Inference](doc/ * `deepdive model` * [Data management](doc/ * `deepdive create` * `deepdive load` * `deepdive unload` * `deepdive query` * `deepdive db` * [UDFs](doc/ * `deepdive check` * `deepdive compute` * [`@tsv_extractor`, `@returns` Python decorators](doc/ for parsing and formatting in UDFs. * Interactive tools The bundled Mindbender can now automatically construct a [search and browsing interface from DDlog annotations](doc/ [Documentation for Dashboard](doc/ has been added. * `mindbender search` * `mindbender dashboard` * `mindbender snapshot` * `mindbender tagger` * Miscellaneous * `deepdive whereis` To learn more about individual `deepdive COMMAND`, use the following `deepdive help` command. ```bash deepdive help COMMAND ``` ## Dropped and deprecated features Scala code base has been completely dropped and rewritten in Bash and [jq]( Many superfluous features have been dropped and are deprecated to be dropped as summarized below: * All other extractor style than `tsv_extractor`, `sql_extractor`, and `cmd_extractor` have been dropped, namely: * `plpy_extractor` * `piggy_extractor` * `json_extractor` * Manually writing `deepdive.conf` is strongly discouraged as filling in more fields such as `dependencies:` and `input_relations:` became mandatory. [Rewriting them in DDlog](doc/ is strongly recommended. * Database configuration in `deepdive.db.default` is completely ignored. [`db.url`](doc/ must be used instead. * `deepdive.extraction.extractors.*.input` in `deepdive.conf` should always be SQL queries. `TSV(filename.tsv)` or `CSV(filename.csv)` no longer supported. 19 February 2016, 03:30:01 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.1 v0.7.1 86cf6b7 DeepDive 0.7.1 * Adds better support for applications written in DDlog. `deepdive run` now runs DDlog-based applications (`app.ddlog`). * Makes PL/Python extension no longer necessary for PostgreSQL. It is still needed for Greenplum and PostgreSQL-XL. * Adds `deepdive sql eval` command now supports `format=json`. * Adds `deepdive load` command for loading TSV and CSV data. * Adds `deepdive help` command for quick usage instructions for `deepdive` command. * Includes the latest Mindbender with the Search GUI for [browsing data produced by DeepDive](../basics/browsing.html). * Adds various [bug fixes and improvements]( 28 September 2015, 18:53:54 UTC
refs/tags/0.05-RELEASE 0.05-RELEASE 4fdfe91 Tag for 0.05 release 09 February 2015, 05:36:48 UTC
refs/tags/0.04.1-RELEASE 0.04.1-RELEASE ac18f54 0.04.1-RELEASE 25 November 2014, 07:05:27 UTC
refs/tags/0.04-RELEASE 0.04-RELEASE a98b5c7 0.04-RELEASE 20 November 2014, 10:01:28 UTC
refs/tags/0.03.2-RELEASE 0.03.2-RELEASE 84aea28 Tag for the 0.03.2 release. September 16, 2014 17 September 2014, 04:43:17 UTC
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