Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.6.0 v0.6.0 7338823 GaussianProcesses v0.6.0 [7338823d03] 16 April 2018, 11:18:07 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.0 v0.5.0 51a6b18 GaussianProcesses v0.5.0 [51a6b18b8b] 18 October 2017, 16:00:27 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.0 v0.4.0 3c777a6 GaussianProcesses v0.4.0 [3c777a6218] 04 October 2016, 12:46:32 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.1 v0.3.1 cec1adb GaussianProcesses v0.3.1 [cec1adba45] 09 August 2016, 09:35:52 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.0 v0.3.0 65e18df GaussianProcesses v0.3.0 [65e18df1d1] 11 July 2016, 15:02:38 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.1 v0.2.1 0ee4432 GaussianProcesses v0.2.1 [0ee4432e24] 06 June 2016, 11:12:43 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.0 v0.2.0 c716f3d GaussianProcesses v0.2.0 [c716f3d971] 03 June 2016, 11:11:36 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.5 v0.12.5 9a53830 update to optimizer 20 September 2022, 09:40:22 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.4 v0.12.4 57b480b <compat update> 15 June 2021, 12:45:01 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.3 v0.12.3 e1505b1 ## GaussianProcesses v0.12.3 [Diff since v0.12.2]( **Closed issues:** - Remove or parameterize the positive definite retry mechanism (#131) **Merged pull requests:** - remove positive definite retry mechanism (#171) (@maximerischard) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.24" (#172) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distances" to "0.10" (#173) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "SpecialFunctions" to "1.0" (#175) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "StaticArrays" to "1.0" (#176) (@github-actions[bot]) 30 November 2020, 00:50:46 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.2 v0.12.2 74ddbfb ## GaussianProcesses v0.12.2 [Diff since v0.10.0]( **Closed issues:** - Regression with known error bars (#70) - Reduce size of notebooks (#121) - Failed to compile GaussianProcesses.jl (#123) - identifying parameters from output (#130) - Vector-valued GPs (#140) - Weighted Regression Options (#143) - GPE ScikitLearn fit! gives error (#149) - plotting error (#150) - Missing KernelData for ElasticCovStrat? (#155) - Fix arbitrary hyperparameters (#156) - Question: Are multiple inputs possible? (#161) - Documenter compat issue (#162) - Implementation of LOO Cross-Validation (#164) - Posterior does not go through zero noise points (#168) **Merged pull requests:** - Added a unit test for elliptical slice sampling (#122) (@Red-Portal) - Allow more recent version of StaticArrays and prepare for bugfix release (#124) (@andreasnoack) - Integrate elliptical slice sampler (ESS) (#125) (@thomaspinder) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "SpecialFunctions" to "0.9" (#127) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Documenter" at version "0.24" (#128) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.22" (#133) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "SpecialFunctions" to "0.10" (#135) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.20" (#136) (@github-actions[bot]) - fix tests that have been failing - WIP (#137) (@maximerischard) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "RecipesBase" to "0.8" (#138) (@github-actions[bot]) - fixed bug in the elliptical slice implementation (#139) (@Red-Portal) - Allow positional arguments to Optim.optimize (#142) (@baggepinnen) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.23" (#144) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "RecipesBase" to "1.0" (#146) (@github-actions[bot]) - support for heteroscedastic noise in GPE (#148) (@maximerischard) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.21" (#151) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distances" to "0.9" (#152) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "PDMats" to "0.10" (#153) (@github-actions[bot]) - Update ScikitLearn.jl (#154) (@OkonSamuel) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Zygote" to "0.5" (#157) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.22" (#158) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fixed description for MeanPeriodic (#159) (@mgcth) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Documenter" to "0.25" (#160) (@github-actions[bot]) - Drop Documenter as a dependency (#163) (@Nosferican) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "1.0" (#166) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "1.1" (#167) (@github-actions[bot]) - Add BibTeX syntax color highlighting (#169) (@blegat) - Typo fix: Sqaured -> Squared (#170) (@blegat) 05 October 2020, 00:56:54 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.1 v0.12.1 cbfb21d <description of version> 04 October 2020, 05:13:18 UTC
refs/tags/v0.12.0 v0.12.0 01af1a3 new Optim syntax and support for heteroscedastic noise 08 April 2020, 21:11:58 UTC
refs/tags/v0.11.2 v0.11.2 40f3017 <description of version> 12 February 2020, 15:49:35 UTC
refs/tags/v0.11.1 v0.11.1 3d1d1e0 Bug patch 22 January 2020, 17:04:36 UTC
refs/tags/v0.11.0 v0.11.0 8809499 25 November 2019, 19:54:08 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.4 v0.1.4 4ceb4dd GaussianProcesses v0.1.4 [4ceb4dd924] 28 October 2015, 14:37:51 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.3 v0.1.3 2f67c42 GaussianProcesses v0.1.3 [2f67c42efc] 26 October 2015, 16:09:12 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.2 v0.1.2 e7185bd GaussianProcesses v0.1.2 [e7185bd53d] 04 June 2015, 12:47:59 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.1 v0.1.1 6f916cf GaussianProcesses v0.1.1 [6f916cf4e9] 08 May 2015, 10:18:11 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.0 v0.1.0 2750ec4 GaP v0.1.0 [2750ec4bcc] 01 May 2015, 16:11:55 UTC
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