Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.9.0 v0.9.0 56aa9b0 @simonbyrne added reference counting to automatically finalize MPI #255, updated window functions #260, and cleaned up the CMake build system #253 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJc5GmZAAoJENj8/TKbBj5+/ygIALbWSIUNf5KjINOu81RX013e OvjgnD179Q9RPXifQdCvSd4TB9xJnV8MkOzJBOEGO7x8TH8wu0WiU7i+MJ+m7UF+ dyX+a+Ih7HJSuBPMltiZXVcIqaKlQJBPIdlOOARkKNREoGCIpH/JiOXgZGJ+zHV9 JyeejcjeGDY4jaxtCrPjFCK0jVxtjNLQ1cAZkHPIATBZUrTXZM8ZFvaKKQzxtgdh EyN1RP9M2kPgJIrgQeuAIDNh5rhiJ/T0A91o+TTV1Ha11MHsmZMzHtDh0u2tpGYN QuR4dqrlyGna5PpBrHQoEQrUyd1RrDXkB2Ie++hkGgmIIR5qFSks22GVzQEaRL4= =b5W+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 21 May 2019, 21:11:53 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.0 v0.7.0 0aac148 Version 0.7.0 08 August 2018, 17:53:01 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.0 v0.5.0 171569e MPI v0.5.0 [171569eb3a] 22 June 2016, 17:54:02 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.0 v0.4.0 4e3386a MPI v0.4.0 [4e3386af76] 17 March 2016, 00:14:44 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.3 v0.3.3 d8cc18e MPI v0.3.3 [d8cc18edbb] 12 November 2015, 20:32:00 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.2 v0.3.2 cad3301 MPI v0.3.2 [cad330105e] 09 October 2015, 01:32:46 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.1 v0.3.1 2e2bf5e MPI v0.3.1 [2e2bf5e880] 19 September 2015, 12:01:41 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.0 v0.3.0 909b614 MPI v0.3.0 [909b61426d] 11 August 2015, 22:49:24 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.9 v0.20.9 c8ddb5b [Diff since v0.20.8]( **Closed issues:** - Document how to use in other packages (#702) - Reduction with Bools fails on ARM (#718) - MPICH segfault (#720) - `MPIPreferences` persist through pre-compilation of Preferences.jl? (#721) - Problem precompiling MPIPreferences and SnoopCompile (#729) **Merged pull requests:** - Add section on external libraries (#713) (@simonbyrne) - Transition GPU support to weak-deps and extensions (#714) (@vchuravy) - define operators for logical types (#719) (@simonbyrne) - Bump version (#722) (@simonbyrne) - enable dependabot for GitHub actions (#726) (@ranocha) - fix typo (#727) (@d-chambers) - improve loadtime hooks (#728) (@ranocha) - Create CITATION.bib (#730) (@ranocha) 09 May 2023, 20:58:16 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.8 v0.20.8 69ce0bf [Diff since v0.20.7]( **Closed issues:** - Prevent loading startup file for tests (#708) **Merged pull requests:** - Update docs/examples/09-graph_communication.jl (#703) (@fredrikekre) - [CI] Use newer versions of some GitHub actions (#704) (@giordano) - [MPIPreferences] Explicitly list valid options in error thrown by `use_jll_binary` (#705) (@giordano) - Consistently use `Base.julia_cmd()` in tests (#706) (@giordano) - Add MPI.Dist_graph_neighbors (#707) (@fredrikekre) - simplify topology code, use MPI.UNWEIGHTED instead of nothing (#709) (@simonbyrne) - Do not load start up file when running tests (#710) (@giordano) - Tag v0.20.8 (#712) (@simonbyrne) 23 January 2023, 19:17:12 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.7 v0.20.7 06b16fc [Diff since v0.20.6]( **Closed issues:** - Tests segfaulting on Ookami (#684) **Merged pull requests:** - document how to pass MPI.Comm objects to C (#626) (@stevengj) - doc: remove self-reference from Gatherv! docstring. (#698) (@fredrikekre) - add matched recv functions (#699) (@simonbyrne) - test on mvapich (#700) (@simonbyrne) - bump version (#701) (@simonbyrne) 06 January 2023, 01:55:37 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.6 v0.20.6 8c91e66 [Diff since v0.20.5]( **Closed issues:** - MPI_Init() seg fault on Summit (#687) - `Char` datatype isn't handled correctly (#688) - Take function prototypes seriously (#694) **Merged pull requests:** - Add different request types (#677) (@simonbyrne) - remove Char from MPIDatatypes (#689) (@simonbyrne) - [docs] Expand known issues (#691) (@giordano) - rework c function pointers (#693) (@t-bltg) - Change function pointers to function prototypes (#695) (@Gnimuc) - add finalize hooks to cleanup datatypes (#696) (@simonbyrne) - Bump version (#697) (@simonbyrne) 24 December 2022, 22:54:40 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.5 v0.20.5 a179cf8 [Diff since v0.20.4]( **Closed issues:** - How to correctly set up MPI.jl (v0.20.4) on slurm cluster (#683) - `MPI.Init()` segfaults on Summit (#686) **Merged pull requests:** - Broadcasting without a bang (#497) (@carstenbauer) - use new exitcode atexit hook in Julia 1.9 (#680) (@simonbyrne) - [MPIPreferences] Make package usable if libmpi can't be loaded (#682) (@giordano) - Minor improvement to tests. (#685) (@giordano) 08 December 2022, 01:02:23 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.4 v0.20.4 eaa2599 [Diff since v0.20.3]( **Merged pull requests:** - make Status args to Probe/Iprobe optional (#674) (@simonbyrne) - cache the created Datatypes (#675) (@s-fuerst) - check for length 0 in Win_shared_query (#678) (@s-fuerst) - Bump patch version (#679) (@simonbyrne) 09 November 2022, 22:47:29 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.3 v0.20.3 aecbf81 [Diff since v0.20.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - add support for persistent requests (#673) (@simonbyrne) 22 October 2022, 06:15:08 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.2 v0.20.2 0965740 [Diff since v0.20.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - Update buildkite to use latest Julia version (#647) (@simonbyrne) - [MPIPreferences] add functions to check (and error) if the MPI implementation has changed (#670) (@simonbyrne) - Add note on breaking changes in v0.20 (#671) (@sloede) - AMDGPU does not work on Julia 1.8, so test on nightly (#672) (@simonbyrne) 06 October 2022, 23:40:48 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.19 v0.20.19 c7f0fc3 ## MPI v0.20.19 [Diff since v0.20.18]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add Libdl compat for MPIPreferences (#795) (@giordano) - Update TagBot.yml (#797) (@vchuravy) - add c2f/f2c handle conversions (#798) (@simonbyrne) - AMDGPU compat (#803) (@luraess) - fix typos (#805) (@spaette) - More typos (#806) (@simonbyrne) **Closed issues:** - typos (#804) 30 November 2023, 19:14:09 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.18 v0.20.18 2517d52 [Diff since v0.20.17]( **Merged pull requests:** - Bump AMDGPU compat (#794) (@luraess) 03 November 2023, 23:44:50 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.17 v0.20.17 4313732 [Diff since v0.20.15]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix GPU tests (#764) (@luraess) - Cleanup and update doc (#765) (@luraess) - Add non-blocking wait (#766) (@luraess) - Bump AMDGPU compat (#767) (@luraess) - Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#768) (@dependabot[bot]) - improve docs on modulefiles (#769) (@simonbyrne) - Init cooperative wait test for multiple threads (#770) (@lcw) - Fix resize! for (Unsafe)MultiRequest (#772) (@jipolanco) - Docs: update to Documenter v1 (#773) (@jipolanco) - Bump CUDA compat (#774) (@simonbyrne) - Bump patch (#775) (@simonbyrne) - Add tests for AND, OR, and XOR reductions (#777) (@kshyatt) - Hopefully begin uploading coverage again (#778) (@kshyatt) - Test bcast pass-through (#780) (@kshyatt) - Test implicit in-place Allgatherv (#781) (@kshyatt) - Test for inplace Scan (#782) (@kshyatt) - deal with vendor=cray but no gtl (#785) (@JBlaschke) - docs: usage of mpiexec() (#787) (@mmesiti) - [CI] Use Spack OCI build cache for MPI packages (#788) (@giordano) - Add compat bounds for more packages (#789) (@giordano) - [CI] Oversubscribe in OpenMPI jobs (#790) (@giordano) - Skip threads tests which are known to fail (#791) (@giordano) - Bump patch (#793) (@simonbyrne) **Closed issues:** - [CI] Use Spack + OCI buildcache when widely available for system MPI (#744) - Implement cooperative test (#762) - Serialization issues when using MPI gather (#771) - MPI.Send cannot work with derived datatypes. (#776) - MPIPreferences.use_system_binary(vendor="cray") fails on Piz Daint (#779) - `mpiexec()` do syntax recommended in docs but deprecated after julia 1.6 (#786) 03 November 2023, 21:45:02 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.16 v0.20.16 6e58be2 [Diff since v0.20.15]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix GPU tests (#764) (@luraess) - Cleanup and update doc (#765) (@luraess) - Add non-blocking wait (#766) (@luraess) - Bump AMDGPU compat (#767) (@luraess) - Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#768) (@dependabot[bot]) - improve docs on modulefiles (#769) (@simonbyrne) - Init cooperative wait test for multiple threads (#770) (@lcw) - Fix resize! for (Unsafe)MultiRequest (#772) (@jipolanco) - Docs: update to Documenter v1 (#773) (@jipolanco) - Bump CUDA compat (#774) (@simonbyrne) - Bump patch (#775) (@simonbyrne) 28 September 2023, 20:33:33 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.15 v0.20.15 c1794e9 [Diff since v0.20.14]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix ROCm-aware MPI extension (#763) (@utkinis) 05 September 2023, 23:21:11 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.14 v0.20.14 786ef51 [Diff since v0.20.13]( **Merged pull requests:** - Implement automatically serializing `scatter` (#758) (@lukas-weber) - Add optional io argument to versioninfo() (#760) (@mfherbst) - Tag v0.20.14 (#761) (@lcw) 15 August 2023, 16:10:29 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.13 v0.20.13 48dd78c [Diff since v0.20.12]( **Closed issues:** - set_attr! fails when using initialized system-provided MPI (#746) **Merged pull requests:** - Add GTL (#716) (@JBlaschke) - Document external MPI initialization (#748) (@sloede) - Fix style (#750) (@luraess) - Implement automatically serializing `gather` (#756) (@lukas-weber) - Print libmpi dlpath in versioninfo (#757) (@simonbyrne) 29 July 2023, 21:10:11 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.12 v0.20.12 2a2bd68 [Diff since v0.20.11]( **Merged pull requests:** - [CI] Run Intel MPI jobs on `ubuntu-latest` (#741) (@giordano) - Bump AMDGPU compat (#743) (@luraess) 09 July 2023, 20:57:47 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.11 v0.20.11 2a3dfab [Diff since v0.20.10]( **Merged pull requests:** - add MPI.versioninfo function (#738) (@simonbyrne) - bump patch (#739) (@simonbyrne) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "PkgVersion" at version "0.3" (#740) (@github-actions[bot]) 14 June 2023, 17:04:57 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.10 v0.20.10 7d23799 [Diff since v0.20.9]( **Closed issues:** - Different MPIPreferences Configurations for Separate Julia Environments (#731) - MPIPreferences.use_system_binary() not finding homebrew installation of open-mpi (#733) **Merged pull requests:** - Test GC in multi-thread code (#724) (@alexandrebouchard) - Fix regex matching MPICH version number (#732) (@giordano) - Fix some CI failures (#734) (@giordano) - some explicit precompile statements and precompile-friendly loadtime hooks (#735) (@ranocha) - Fix typo in precompile statements (#736) (@lcw) - Bump version (#737) (@lcw) 04 June 2023, 20:33:57 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.1 v0.20.1 b6a278b [Diff since v0.20.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Skip flaky test on Windows (#665) (@giordano) - [gh-pages] Delete previews of closed pull requests (#666) (@giordano) - switch MPICH and MSMPI consts to signed ints (#668) (@simonbyrne) - Bump version to 0.20.1 (#669) (@simonbyrne) 05 October 2022, 17:32:55 UTC
refs/tags/v0.20.0 v0.20.0 0682571 [Diff since v0.19.2]( **Closed issues:** - CI failing for OpenMPI+MacOS on Travis (#262) - Travis CI: MPI installation failure on Linux (#290) - Would be nice to fix the warnings in the tests (#387) - Switch GPU CI to buildkite (#437) - Remove `dlopen` in `__init__` (#447) - STATUS_EMPTY doesn't work (#501) - New MPI implementation: MPItrampoline (#502) - Bool handling (#506) - Silent crashes with system OpenMPI (#519) - Warning message on screen from all MPI tasks when using a Julia system image (#523) - Using MPI with native threads causes large slowdown (#525) - `MPI.Cart_create` does not accept `Bool` arguments for `periodic`. (#533) - Switch to Preferences.jl, remove step (#535) - Unknown MPI ABI when using Fujitsu MPI on Fugaku, and segmentation faults when running the tests with this implementation (#539) - Reorganise interface of `MPI.mpiexec` (#543) - MPIPreferences segfaults (#560) - MPI test do not select the correct (system) MPI implementation (#561) - `InitError: could not load library` with current master on macOS/M1 (#567) - MPI_Comm_split_type type argument (#579) - Switching system binaries fails due to undefined symbols (#581) - Trouble using MPI on Julia v1.7 and on a MacBook Pro M1 (#583) - Add link to docs to GitHub's "About" section (#585) - `libmpi` already loaded before call to MPI.jl's `__init__` function (#587) - Should `MPIPreferences.libmpi` be the absolute path of the library? (#593) - Add transition guide for sysadmins to docs before v0.20 is tagged (#599) - Handle `PROC_NULL` in a consistent way (#611) - Null pointer returned when deriving custom datatypes on OpenMPI (#612) - cray-mpich toolchain not recognized by MPIPreferences (#613) - `UCX` error (#617) - `MPI.Init` on ACHER2 either segfaults or hangs most of the time on multi-node jobs (#623) - Wrap `MPI_Get_processor_name` (#624) - Add warning if JULIA_MPI_BINARY is set, and differs from MPIPreferences.binary (#640) - versioning MPIPreferences metadata (#642) - `MPIPreferences` persists through pre-compilation cache. (#646) - Add automatic docstrings to functions in `API` module (#651) - Switching to default JLL-provided binary (#661) **Merged pull requests:** - Support MPItrampoline as MPI provider (#513) (@eschnett) - Add bool datatype handling (#522) (@simonbyrne) - fix MPICH version string capture (#526) (@simonbyrne) - fix typo in initialization error message (#527) (@musoke) - Run CI only when relevant directories are modified (#530) (@giordano) - clean up Cartesian topology functions (#536) (@simonbyrne) - Add CUDA-aware MPI hints to known issues documentation. (#537) (@luraess) - Set EditURL for generated examples. (#538) (@fredrikekre) - Silence warning about deprecated function when running tests (#540) (@giordano) - Add MPIPreferences subpackage to select binary (#541) (@simonbyrne) - Do not hard fail in `test_errorhandler.jl` with unknown implementations (#542) (@giordano) - Make mpiexecjl more visible (#544) (@vchuravy) - Fix two minor typos in configuration docs (#546) (@glwagner) - Rename ABI from MPIwrapper to MPItrampoline (#549) (@vchuravy) - add tag_ub function (#551) (@simonbyrne) - Add buildkite CI (#552) (@vchuravy) - Add RMA examples to docs (#553) (@carstenbauer) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "MPIPreferences" at version "0.1" (#554) (@github-actions[bot]) - Add adjust_PATH and adjust_LIBPATH to System mpiexec (#556) (@simonbyrne) - Enable GPU CI (#557) (@vchuravy) - Add docs for MPIPreferences (#558) (@vchuravy) - Don't launch arbitrary number of processes (#559) (@vchuravy) - openmpi needs to be opened with RTLD_GLOBAL (#565) (@vchuravy) - Rewrite configuration docs for MPIPreferences (#566) (@vchuravy) - [docs] Mention more supported implementations and remove references to `` (#568) (@giordano) - [docs] Fix broken links and remove references to non-existing docstrings (#569) (@giordano) - [MPIPreferences] Always set `ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN=1` when dlopening libmpi (#571) (@giordano) - Add ROCm support (AMDGPU) (#572) (@luraess) - Remove unused files (#573) (@vchuravy) - build UCX as well on CI (#577) (@vchuravy) - Improve CI by caching depot and using ccache (#578) (@vchuravy) - Add ABI support for HPE's MPT and HMPT implementations (#580) (@sloede) - add SplitType (#584) (@simonbyrne) - Cleanup `.gitignore` (#586) (@giordano) - Update link to mpi4py project (#589) (@giordano) - Call constant init via invokelatest (#592) (@simonbyrne) - revamp MPIPreferences docs (#594) (@simonbyrne) - Base `MPI.identify_implementation` on helper function in `MPIPreferences` (#595) (@giordano) - Use MPIWrapper 2.8.1 in CI (#596) (@giordano) - MPI Distributed Graph API (#597) (@termi-official) - Support MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY for MPItrampoline (#598) (@eschnett) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "DocStringExtensions" to "0.9" (#601) (@github-actions[bot]) - add version errors (#602) (@simonbyrne) - MPIPreferences: warn showing wrong value (#604) (@simonbyrne) - add link to docs (#605) (@simonbyrne) - Use corresponding aliases for C types in OpenMPI ABI file (#606) (@sloede) - buildkite: get CUDA working again (#607) (@simonbyrne) - bump MPIPreferences (#608) (@simonbyrne) - Update README badge link (#609) (@simonbyrne) - [MPIPreferences] Add `libmpi_cray` to default names and improve error message (#614) (@giordano) - fix typos in docs (#618) (@ranocha) - docs: add note on how to write `MPI` tests (#620) (@t-bltg) - Add Invalidations.yml [ci skip] [skip tests] (#622) (@ranocha) - Fix indentation of `Comm_remote_group` docstring (#625) (@giordano) - Fix AMDGPU `synchronize` in tests & update doc (#628) (@luraess) - Add `TOML` to test dependencies (#629) (@giordano) - Wrap `MPI_Get_processor_name` function (#630) (@giordano) - Release v0.1.4 of `MPIPreferences` (#631) (@giordano) - Remove outdated references to {send,recv}{type,count} in `Sendrecv!` docstring (#633) (@giordano) - Move `Get_processor_name` to new Misc section, and fix test (#634) (@giordano) - add `create_hvector` (support `MPI_Type_create_hvector`) (#635) (@t-bltg) - no need for mutable struct with container fields (#636) (@t-bltg) - add warning if JULIA_MPI_BINARY is inconsistent with MPIPreferences (#641) (@simonbyrne) - Generate `MPI` `API` bindings using `Clang.jl` (#644) (@t-bltg) - add _format key to MPIPreferences (#648) (@simonbyrne) - combine Consts and API modules (#650) (@simonbyrne) - add auto-generated doc links (#652) (@t-bltg) - [CI] Cancel old jobs if there are new commits on same branch (#653) (@giordano) - [docs] Elaborate on the difference between high- and low-level API (#654) (@giordano) - add PROC_NULL, ANY_SOURCE, ANY_TAG as globals (#655) (@simonbyrne) - Improve low-level `API` documentation (#656) (@t-bltg) - [docs] Minor fixes to configuration instructions (#657) (@giordano) - bump versions (#658) (@simonbyrne) - [CI] Limit running invalidations to PRs which touch source code (#659) (@giordano) - Better detection of Intel oneAPI MPI version number (#660) (@giordano) - Transition guide from v0.19 and earlier to v0.20+ (#662) (@sloede) - add some docs and tests for RequestSet (#663) (@simonbyrne) - check if MPI tests select correct implementation (#664) (@simonbyrne) 03 October 2022, 21:23:38 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.6 v0.2.6 6dec185 MPI v0.2.6 [6dec1855d9] 03 February 2015, 03:56:24 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.5 v0.2.5 37f5254 Version 0.2.5 16 December 2014, 17:09:52 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.4 v0.2.4 5626189 Version 0.2.4 04 November 2014, 15:25:56 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.3 v0.2.3 f07e962 Version 0.2.3 14 October 2014, 22:22:01 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.2 v0.2.2 aaa2b58 MPI v0.2.2 [aaa2b58f87] 19 September 2014, 18:02:38 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.1 v0.2.1 d55873d Version 0.2.1 11 September 2014, 14:45:27 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.0 v0.2.0 16990ee Version 0.2.0 11 September 2014, 14:33:10 UTC
refs/tags/v0.19.2 v0.19.2 ad208b9 [Diff since v0.19.1]( **Closed issues:** - Support the MPI Group interface (#277) - Default and/or keyword args (#423) - Don't redefine `MPI_UNDEFINED` to 0 (#499) - Deadlock with MPI.jl + OpenMPI on a cluster (#517) - MPI.jl + PackageCompiler (#518) **Merged pull requests:** - Add methods for keyword integer arguments (#510) (@simonbyrne) - add citation (#516) (@simonbyrne) - Various fixes to documentation (#520) (@giordano) - Add group functions (v2.0) (#521) (@carlocastoldi) 29 November 2021, 06:11:16 UTC
refs/tags/v0.19.1 v0.19.1 7264fff [Diff since v0.19.0]( **Closed issues:** - Is that possible to send/receive a number instead of array? (#308) - MPI_Gather (#348) - gethostbyname error on macos 10.15 (github actions vm) (#407) - Homebrew MPICH giving incorrect result on MPI.File.get_position_shared (#413) - mpirun instead of mpiexecjl works fine as well (#448) - Use with Extrae (#454) - Using Arrow.Table with MPI.jl (#461) - Accessing underlying MPI_Comm from CxxWrap (#487) - building MPI.jl fails (#488) - Error installing against system MPI (#489) - `show` on an MPI Datatype can fail if MPI is not initialized. (#490) - Install MPI.jl on HPC (#505) **Merged pull requests:** - simplify test/wait (#479) (@simonbyrne) - Make `show` on Datatype functional before MPI has been initialized (#491) (@simonbyrne) - Add comment to top of auto-generated deps.jl file (#493) (@eschnett) - fix Scatterv! function signature in docstring (#494) (@carstenbauer) - Fix typo in create_resized (#495) (@carstenbauer) - update one sided API (#496) (@simonbyrne) - fix runtests (#507) (@simonbyrne) - fix SentinelPtr conversion error (#509) (@simonbyrne) - Fix job schedule example in documentation (#511) (@giordano) - Added interface to MPI Ibarrier collective (#512) (@mikegros) 13 October 2021, 20:43:43 UTC
refs/tags/v0.19.0 v0.19.0 54cb06e ## MPI v0.19.0 [Diff since v0.18.2]( **Closed issues:** - More user-friendly MPI.Init (#484) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove MacOS workarounds (#477) (@simonbyrne) - add nice init function (#485) (@simonbyrne) 29 July 2021, 23:24:40 UTC
refs/tags/v0.18.2 v0.18.2 34ef6e8 ## MPI v0.18.2 [Diff since v0.18.1]( **Closed issues:** - mpiexecjl test fails when it can't find julia on the path (#476) - Error in Irecv! due to missing `strides` method (#478) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove `Pkg` from test environment (#480) (@giordano) - [mpiexecjl] Accept `JULIA_BINDIR` as environment variable (#481) (@giordano) - use unsafe_convert instead of cconvert to ensure handles aren't GCed during ccall (#482) (@simonbyrne) 16 July 2021, 17:04:50 UTC
refs/tags/v0.18.1 v0.18.1 139ba2d ## MPI v0.18.1 [Diff since v0.18.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Run CI on aarch64 with Drone (#472) (@giordano) - Throw an error when using custom reductions on non-Intel platforms (#473) (@giordano) - Add a bunch of barriers to io_shared tests (#474) (@simonbyrne) - Update TagBot setup and reduce frequency of CompatHelper to once per day (#475) (@giordano) 02 July 2021, 21:43:05 UTC
refs/tags/v0.18.0 v0.18.0 1ce6399 [Diff since v0.17.2]( **Closed issues:** - Count arguments of `Scatterv` etc. should be `Int`, not `Cint` (#153) - MPI.Gatherv! should only require counts for root (#362) - `MPI.Datatype()` creates new instance on every `MPI.Put()` (#462) - An example that uses `Scatterv` (#468) - An example on how to `Scatterv!` and `Gatherv!` a two-dimensional array? (#469) **Merged pull requests:** - add basic error handler functionality (#457) (@simonbyrne) - use Buffers with one-sided ops (#464) (@simonbyrne) - Fix one-argument in-place `Alltoall!` (#465) (@mtsch) - docstrings for one-sided operations (#466) (@joachimbrand) - loosen type restrictions on one-sided buffers (#467) (@simonbyrne) - Add Scatterv example based on #469 (#470) (@simonbyrne) - Improve Datatype handling (#471) (@simonbyrne) 23 May 2021, 21:17:27 UTC
refs/tags/v0.17.2 v0.17.2 bd55b74 [Diff since v0.17.1]( **Closed issues:** - Sending and receiving custom types causes memory leaks (#459) **Merged pull requests:** - Add finalizer to `create_struct` (#460) (@mtsch) 07 April 2021, 16:39:16 UTC
refs/tags/v0.17.1 v0.17.1 399e0e1 [Diff since v0.17.0]( **Closed issues:** - MPI tracing and profiling (#444) - Support for error handlers (#453) - InitError on Julia 1.3 with system MPI (#455) **Merged pull requests:** - Avoid InitError on Julia 1.3 with system MPI libraries (#456) (@jipolanco) - Allow `Waitall!` for an empty input `reqs = []` (#458) (@ali-ramadhan) 24 March 2021, 15:08:17 UTC
refs/tags/v0.17.0 v0.17.0 078723f [Diff since v0.16.1]( **Closed issues:** - Code question - why do you use @view? (#445) **Merged pull requests:** - Allow to be in lib64 (#441) (@calebwin) - remove references to deprecated collectives (#442) (@simonbyrne) - Remove unnecessary views (#446) (@simonbyrne) - Add new example to docs (#449) (@rafabench) - use global symbols on Unix to support LD_PRELOAD interception (#451) (@simonbyrne) 15 March 2021, 16:32:46 UTC
refs/tags/v0.16.1 v0.16.1 bb354a3 [Diff since v0.16.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - fix Gather/Gatherv deprecations (#440) (@simonbyrne) 12 November 2020, 23:11:22 UTC
refs/tags/v0.16.0 v0.16.0 be00b8a [Diff since v0.15.1]( **Closed issues:** - MPI advanced communicators (#178) - Don't invalidate the cache with `build MPI` if nothing changes (#388) - Provide full path to MPI library and MPI include directory (#425) - Yell if run under a different MPI (#430) - Support for manually triggering `mpi_init_hooks` (#432) **Merged pull requests:** - Add buffer objects for collective operations (#335) (@simonbyrne) - I/O: add wrappers for reading and writing to views (#422) (@jipolanco) - Update Slack URL (#426) (@logankilpatrick) - Fixed small typo in runtests.jl (#427) (@amartinhuertas) - Add more combinations to GitHub actions (#428) (@simonbyrne) - Warn if wrong MPI (#431) (@antoine-levitt) - add function to call init hooks (#433) (@simonbyrne) - remove reference counting in lieu of Finalized() checks (#434) (@simonbyrne) - add Intel MPI to test matrix (#435) (@simonbyrne) - More Intel MPI tweaks (#436) (@simonbyrne) 10 November 2020, 19:09:54 UTC
refs/tags/v0.15.1 v0.15.1 e803f2b [Diff since v0.15.0]( **Closed issues:** - Slow communication speed within machines, but fast speed between machines (#400) - MPI Julia Issue (#402) - JULIA_MPIEXEC_ARGS should work consistently if installed with system or JLL MPI version (#410) - Error with cat in Reduce (#414) - MPI_ERR_OTHER in MPI.Gather (#416) **Merged pull requests:** - try github actions (#408) (@simonbyrne) - Switch JULIA_MPIEXEC_ARGS back to runtime and apply if JLL is used (#411) (@simonbyrne) - Update (#415) (@jakebolewski) - Update Reduce example to use custom datatypes and operators (#419) (@simonbyrne) - only update deps.jl if MPI has changed (#420) (@simonbyrne) 30 July 2020, 19:09:41 UTC
refs/tags/v0.15.0 v0.15.0 00a3f56 [Diff since v0.14.3]( **Closed issues:** - Precompilation of MPI.jl main module fails on first usage (#398) **Merged pull requests:** - I/O: add shared file pointer support (#397) (@simonbyrne) - Document compilecache race condition issue and fix (#399) (@simonbyrne) - update to CUDA v1.0+ (#401) (@jakebolewski) 23 June 2020, 21:07:13 UTC
refs/tags/v0.14.3 v0.14.3 203e653 [Diff since v0.14.2]( **Closed issues:** - test_io.jl fails (tested on Cray system with Cray mpt 7.7.10) (#383) - 2 minor typos in `collective.jl` (#394) **Merged pull requests:** - Clean up I/O tests to only use MPI I/O (#393) (@simonbyrne) - Several fixes to `Exscan!` (#396) (@amartinhuertas) 05 June 2020, 20:08:23 UTC
refs/tags/v0.14.2 v0.14.2 cb9b7e3 [Diff since v0.14.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - only finalize in the case that jl_current_exception is unset (#390) (@vchuravy) - Simplifiy tests infrastructure (#391) (@giordano) - print info on CUDA tests (#392) (@simonbyrne) 25 May 2020, 07:08:52 UTC
refs/tags/v0.14.1 v0.14.1 7eaf42d ## MPI v0.14.1 [Diff since v0.14.0]( **Closed issues:** - external mpiexec interface (#380) **Merged pull requests:** - Add shell wrapper around `mpiexec` (#386) (@giordano) 14 May 2020, 18:07:33 UTC
refs/tags/v0.14.0 v0.14.0 b16fc92 ## MPI v0.14.0 [Diff since v0.13.1]( **Closed issues:** - Providing MPI through BinaryBuilder (#328) - Unable to switch MPI library on (#373) - Julia 1.4 v Julia 1.3 MPI resolving difference on OS X (#376) - Add MPICH ABI support for Cray MPICH (#378) **Merged pull requests:** - Use JLL binaries by default. (#367) (@simonbyrne) - Wrap MPI_Comm_compare (#374) (@jipolanco) - Add logo to docs (#375) (@simonbyrne) - Add MPICHABI support for Cray MPICH (#379) (@samo-lin) - Move docs to GitHub Actions (#381) (@simonbyrne) 08 May 2020, 18:05:35 UTC
refs/tags/v0.13.1 v0.13.1 f5d395a ## MPI v0.13.1 [Diff since v0.13.0]( **Closed issues:** - Enabling 2FA on the JuliaParallel org (#368) - `corrupted double-linked list (not small)` error with MVAPICH (#369) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove UCX environment variables from __init__, document in (#370) (@simonbyrne) - compilecache_path (#371) (@AStupidBear) 24 April 2020, 19:04:11 UTC
refs/tags/v0.13.0 v0.13.0 667a177 ## MPI v0.13.0 [Diff since v0.12.0]( **Closed issues:** - segmentation faults when combined with @threads with memory allocation (#337) - `MPI.has_cuda()` fails on Spectrum MPI (#357) **Merged pull requests:** - Skip unsupported tests on PPC/ARM (#353) (@vchuravy) - Add `MPI_LIBRARY_VERSION` constant (#354) (@kpamnany) - expose interface to check CUDA support (#355) (@simonbyrne) - Spectrum MPI is called mpi_ibm (#356) (@vchuravy) - Spectrum MPI, does not have MPIX_Query_cuda_support (#358) (@vchuravy) - rename MPI_LIBRARY_VERSION => MPI_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING (#359) (@simonbyrne) - Use consts for known ABIs (#361) (@simonbyrne) - Add threading support (#363) (@simonbyrne) - Additional threading functions and docs (#364) (@simonbyrne) - test Julia 1.4, remove 1.1 & 1.2 from CI matrix (#365) (@simonbyrne) - simplify msmpi stdcall logic (#366) (@simonbyrne) 06 April 2020, 04:04:20 UTC
refs/tags/v0.11.0 v0.11.0 23165ac See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJd6B98AAoJENj8/TKbBj5+adcH/2xjnzmXbXpXXoW7LxItE5bs higlYZGO2vBRGYJaoXYdVKBJAhq2Fu2EM8vf+I5/bpdc3GbW8GKmOZxm2wqqg5yy mNBiI9PLKlgP377tTn3wJtySUq+8PjyNS2MsONuFanh12+24MzbuIjrIB9nU9K8/ Xix8Vta/GGSyEOaSTidgm29nvK1irCwsGKTU9xmNDsQOutE6JOP2VJlGKN8x4O7D PKQrBYzHpIhSaz0Hm/vP2m9lntR9qJlwKc/dZPfM5IPPMAtEW17YOuQtcI1SiVxh 5EDRDcB7G+PV0SFDdA9WZWXNiGpOGTQVjTvkQwqcTmLDmFcOAZLK5g2/+Qp0b5A= =g3uZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 04 December 2019, 21:05:00 UTC
refs/tags/v0.10.1 v0.10.1 f471b62 See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJdtrqMAAoJENj8/TKbBj5+E1wIAImE/uZAKtuJ0ylRiemG9Oar d/SM7zptSIvWArK2dYllwZMa1/Vilt6cGHEuZtviLVa3lj+ZZ9D4dyWV0z2YUlCj jr/oLvF1vcnApSapW0gPfNF3kdRj3EVxg0NARVaxg9cCGAIHyH1ewfTtAEYuHUkg jbQfFr+ofmJjB41W1/Nsf1Rq7aPzyoO1eDmrhqnesyoX6wWHb46D6FxnHR/qEF9N Vgk7YzDLzUoj0aGQbqhaQQKdA++hyjXFpa3nHxvkEjuAFTBGomykqSh5FeWzoriN JeREqHtdDauNFh4O5Tz7X1aR3gfkVmd7tI6JmEstqZPKzdO8AymS19z6euvrxI8= =ynWi -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 28 October 2019, 09:53:16 UTC
refs/tags/v0.10.0 v0.10.0 174bcb0 See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJdViTxAAoJENj8/TKbBj5+St4IAJVSXKQGEU/1OHLieD+o764I RqeEGo12u0wZwDtFWmCLk1H+UtjkolIGxyzEHlvlWVtbDwrAYtF6WWEZgOKaEK1J l/cGkqrAaonGBPQO9mS/bz425Sn8SjS/vL9M1YSDLXGYHAD8/g7XBf0Od7iTsnyD a3I8l2VKiICwwAeh+q+l7dytElJ5Clw2nqnBpp4m8FJFZRUI3gebJD9nfDZskBkA yr/310tevFXOL8IHGo33I00sS7z9fxyafaBUjMn+2mwekM09knF6W4gmvi2CHxFI 2PokNO+8nLVCZIGLN6cZ5S9q2qmvTV8uAQ/Atsho1ZkgT0DKwGeWn6AKxHZCtNo= =2QKE -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 16 August 2019, 03:37:21 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.2 v0.1.2 a3281da Version 0.1.2 09 September 2014, 17:42:45 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.1 v0.1.1 b537278 MPI v0.1.1 [b537278646] 13 June 2014, 16:11:46 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.0 v0.1.0 13b9ba9 Version 0.1.0 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin) Comment: GPGTools - iD8DBQBQHE/gjzd5H4fRhdoRAurZAJ4ugZ1OTWGRfSu2a0cGHVrlaYDWJQCdFs/l cTE1NBHKfe6EcDwB7CK1WDE= =xnaW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 03 August 2012, 22:25:24 UTC
refs/tags/v0.0.0 v0.0.0 416bb8f Version 0.0.0 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin) Comment: GPGTools - iD8DBQBQFwhujzd5H4fRhdoRAkt2AJ9WXXvCD3+2xeIrHxgFLXKtQaf4+wCaArL8 wPUudNQ0f22/IQzZbYrbuxA= =OCxy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 30 July 2012, 22:19:17 UTC
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