Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.7.1 v0.7.1 49f1690 [Diff since v0.7.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Update JuMP example in README (#152) (@blegat) - Fix citation link in README (#153) (@odow) - Fix math in README (#154) (@odow) - Add CITATION.cff (#155) (@tmigot) - Bump to NLPModelsModifiers 0.7 (#156) (@tmigot) 28 February 2024, 13:00:34 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.0 v0.7.0 bc4e664 [Diff since v0.6.5]( **Closed issues:** - Fix docstring and create docs (#25) - Use SolverCore 0.3 `solve!` (#101) - norm_y not displayed correctly (#131) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix reset! model in subproblem solver (#130) (@tmigot) - Correct display of norm_y (#132) (@ivanightingale) - Remove TRON subsolver logger (#133) (@tmigot) - Refactor initialization of Lagrange multiplier (#134) (@tmigot) - Save allocations (#135) (@tmigot) - Pre-allocate stats (#136) (@tmigot) - Pre-allocate jac operator (#138) (@tmigot) - Save allocations with type (#139) (@tmigot) - `subsolver_kwargs` allocates a `Dict` (#140) (@tmigot) - Specialize type of `stats` (#141) (@tmigot) - Add specialized reset for subproblem (#142) (@tmigot) - Add names to test problems (#143) (@tmigot) - Bump to JSOSolvers 0.11 (#144) (@tmigot) - Add allocation tests (#145) (@tmigot) - Remove allocations for nlp problems (#147) (@tmigot) - Remove allocations for NLS problems (#148) (@tmigot) - Add link to percival tutos in doc (#150) (@tmigot) - Version 0.7.0 (#151) (@tmigot) 17 July 2023, 13:04:14 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.5 v0.6.5 f76adab [Diff since v0.6.4]( **Closed issues:** - simultaneously evaluated objective and constraint (#51) **Merged pull requests:** - Improve readme (#126) (@tmigot) - CompatHelper: bump compat for NLPModels to 0.20, (keep existing compat) (#127) (@github-actions[bot]) - Version 0.6.5 (#128) (@tmigot) 30 March 2023, 22:29:15 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.4 v0.6.4 f90de38 [Diff since v0.6.3]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add `lencheck` and up inital guess for inequality (#124) (@tmigot) - Version 0.6.4 (#125) (@tmigot) 19 January 2023, 17:34:48 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.3 v0.6.3 2f833a0 [Diff since v0.6.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add more keyword arguments to PercivalSolver (#121) (@tmigot) - Version 0.6.3 (#122) (@tmigot) 18 January 2023, 19:20:37 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.2 v0.6.2 7eb438e [Diff since v0.6.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - fix kwargs for tron (#118) (@aldma) - Add link to NLPModel API documentation in index (#119) (@tmigot) - Version 0.6.2 (#120) (@tmigot) 13 January 2023, 14:14:05 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.1 v0.6.1 84c5353 [Diff since v0.6.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add `verbose` integer (#107) (@tmigot) - Add docstring for `percival` (#109) (@tmigot) - Add callback (#110) (@tmigot) - Pre-allocate `TronSolver` (#112) (@tmigot) - CompatHelper: bump compat for Krylov to 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#113) (@github-actions[bot]) - 0-allocation `AugLagModel` (#115) (@tmigot) 21 December 2022, 11:26:47 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.0 v0.6.0 8730309 [Diff since v0.5.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add solver structure (#80) (@tmigot) - Add community guidelines section in readme (#100) (@tmigot) - Bump to SolverCore 0.3 (#102) (@tmigot) - Use `solve!` (#103) (@tmigot) - Add restart tests (#104) (@tmigot) - Remove deprecated deps (#105) (@tmigot) - Version 0.6.0 (#106) (@tmigot) 28 October 2022, 20:53:53 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.2 v0.5.2 f79b6b5 [Diff since v0.5.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - use strict=true in docs (#93) (@dpo) - Bump to NLPModels 0.19 (#94) (@tmigot) - Bump doc env to NLPModels 0.19 & Co (#95) (@tmigot) - Version 0.5.2 (#96) (@tmigot) 15 August 2022, 17:30:09 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.1 v0.5.1 96478b3 [Diff since v0.5.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix BigFloat support (#89) (@mohamed82008) - version 0.5.1 (#90) (@dpo) 11 May 2022, 03:22:48 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.0 v0.5.0 31fd0c6 [Diff since v0.4.3]( **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Krylov" to "0.8" (#84) (@github-actions[bot]) - Update compat entry of Julia (#85) (@amontoison) - Version 0.5.0 (#86) (@amontoison) 09 April 2022, 20:52:20 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.3 v0.4.3 5047fc8 [Diff since v0.4.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - Save `obj` evals (#76) (@tmigot) - Add docs (#77) (@tmigot) - improve type stability (#79) (@tmigot) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "NLPModels" to "0.18" (#82) (@github-actions[bot]) 08 January 2022, 20:16:29 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.2 v0.4.2 aa2c31d [Diff since v0.4.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - [AUTO] Change master to main (#68) (@abelsiqueira) - [AUTO] Fix docs to use main (#69) (@abelsiqueira) - fix link to stable doc (#71) (@tmigot) - Increase upper bound to SolverTools (#72) (@abelsiqueira) - use `objcons` in API (#73) (@tmigot) - Add benchmark folder (#74) (@tmigot) - Reuse space for jtprod from the model (#75) (@tmigot) 13 November 2021, 23:23:45 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.1 v0.4.1 239b5fd [Diff since v0.4.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Return an error for maximization problems (#61) (@tmigot) - add CirrusCI (#66) (@dpo) - Bump NLPModels 0.17 (#67) (@abelsiqueira) 08 July 2021, 17:42:51 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.0 v0.4.0 a82c650 [Diff since v0.3.1]( **Closed issues:** - New release (#46) - outside of the trust region: ‖x‖²= NaN, with finite objective and constraint (#50) **Merged pull requests:** - Update CI, TagBot and documentation workflows (#47) (@JSOBot) - Update CI, TagBot and documentation workflows (#48) (@JSOBot) - Bump NLPModels to 0.15 (#56) (@abelsiqueira) 19 June 2021, 23:45:30 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.1 v0.3.1 0e5a8ba [Diff since v0.3.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Allow lbfgs on auglag, expose more kwargs and fix max_eval (#44) (@mohamed82008) - Change some long functions code style (#45) (@abelsiqueira) 12 April 2021, 17:24:35 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3.0 v0.3.0 2132510 [Diff since v0.2.1]( **Closed issues:** - On solving bound constrained sub-problems for an overall method (#35) - External solvers support (#36) **Merged pull requests:** - Use SolverCore and SolverTest (#43) (@abelsiqueira) 29 March 2021, 17:53:15 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.1 v0.2.1 dd3e7cc [Diff since v0.2.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Krylov" to "0.7" (#41) (@github-actions[bot]) - Allow initialization of y without cgls (#42) (@mohamed82008) 22 March 2021, 00:42:01 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.0 v0.2.0 5e06e72 [Diff since v0.1.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - use GitHub Actions (#38) (@amontoison) - Update to NLPModels 0.14 and the workflows (#39) (@abelsiqueira) 16 March 2021, 02:46:56 UTC
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