Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/release-v2.0.0-rc2 release-v2.0.0-rc2 dc27288 ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### Features * feat: add exit-code flag to app diff command (#5852) ### Bug Fixes * fix: Use helm login for Oci helm repos. #5856 (#5887) * fix: fix incorrect OCI Helm registiries assumptions (#5888) * fix: global project info is missing in UI (#5861) * fix: add prefix sync for CLI argocd app flag --retry-limit, --retry-b… (#5876) * fix: upgrade gitops engine to v0.3.1 * fix: non-cascading application delete is broken (#5875) * fix(ui): Pod logs filter did not refresh on button click. Also add tooltip for clarification (#5858) * fix: get correct username from jwt token subject (#5836) (#5848) * fix: application specific parameter override is not reflected in application parameters tab (#5845) * fix: error when reset application parameters from UI (#5828) ### Other * chore: Separate "online" mode from "production" mode in yarn build (#5830) * chore: Fix manifest generation in release and make the lead (#5831) 29 March 2021, 21:18:18 UTC
refs/tags/release-v1.7.2 release-v1.7.2 0635f2f ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ## Changes - fix: Sync hangs with cert-manager on latest RC (#4105) - fix: support for PKCE for cli login (#2932) 27 August 2020, 23:23:59 UTC
refs/tags/release-v1.7.11 release-v1.7.11 d8441b4 ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` #### Bug Fixes * fix: sync retry is broken for multi-phase syncs (#5017) 10 December 2020, 02:29:37 UTC
refs/tags/release-v1.7.10 release-v1.7.10 cf541c6 ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ## Changes - fix: increase max grpc message size (#4869) 20 November 2020, 19:40:38 UTC
refs/tags/release-v1.7.1 release-v1.7.1 86c6c0b ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ## Changes - fix: Unable to create project JWT token on K8S v1.15 (#4165) - fix: Argo CD does not exclude creationTimestamp from diffing (#4157) 26 August 2020, 21:00:52 UTC
refs/tags/release-v1.7.0-rc1 release-v1.7.0-rc1 f66dd97 ## Quick Start ### Non-HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### HA: ``` kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f ``` ### GnuPG Signature Verification The feature allows to only sync against commits that are signed in Git using GnuPG. The list of public GPG keys required for verification is configured at the system level and can be managed using Argo CD CLI or Web user interface. The keys management is integrated with Argo CD SSO and access control system (e.g. `argocd gpg add --from <path-to-key>`) The signature verification is enabled on the project level. The ApplicationProject CRD has a new signatureKeys field that includes a list of imported public GPG keys. Argo CD will verify the commit signature by these keys for every project application. ### Cluster Management Enhancements The feature allows using the cluster name instead of the URL to specify the application destination cluster. Additionally, the cluster CLI and Web user interface have been improved. Argo CD operators now can view and edit cluster details using the Cluster Details page. The page includes cluster settings details as well as runtime information such as the number of monitored Kubernetes resources. ### Diffing And Synchronization Usability * **Diffing logic improvement** Argo CD performs client-side resource diffing to detect deviations and present detected differences in the UI and CLI. The 1.7 release aligns a comparison algorithm with server-side Kubernetes implementation and removes inaccuracies in some edge cases. * **Helm Hooks Compatibility** The improvement removes the discrepancy between the way how Argo CD and Helm deletes hooks resources. This significantly improves the compatibility and enables additional use cases. * **Namespace Auto-Creation** With a new option for applications Argo CD will ensure that namespace specified as the application destination exists in the destination cluster. * **Failed Sync Retry** This feature enables retrying of failed synchronization attempts during both manually-triggered and automated synchronization. #### Enhancements feat: GPG commit signature verification (#2492) (#3242) feat: Support cluster name on Application destination. Closes #1548 (#2808) feat: Adding text box and dropdown allows user to switch cluster url & name (#4019) feat: Support applications with cluster name in the ui #1548 (#3944) feat: Display cluster info on cluster details page (#3793) feat: add cluster resource blacklist to projects (#3960) feat: Orphaned ignore list cli support (#3922) feat: User can define Orphaned exception avoiding unnecessary warnings (#3900) feat: autosync protection (#3996) feat: auto create namespace (#3976) feat: detect PVC StatefulSet ownership (#112) feat: support retrying failed sync attempts (#3997) fix: sync hooks should be deleted after sync phase/wave completion (#92) feat: delete in reverse order of sync waves (#3959) feat: ignore status globally (#3754) feat: add health check lua script and tests (#3902) feat: add resource's age & creation time (#3931) feat: Added healthchecks for more custom resources (#3726) (#3728) fix: don't remove defaulted fields and rely only on three way diff merge during diffing (#68) feat: Add Strimzi KafkaConnect CRD custom health checks (#3684) feat(dex): allow dex custom static clients (#3834) (#3835) feat: Include sub and and iat in PermissionDenied message (#3850) feat: Allow $secretKey syntax for clientID in dex.config of argocd-cm (#3853) feat: add client side keepalive pings (#4026) feat: adding validate for app create and app set (#4016) feat: support overriding default cluster re-sync duration (#4014) feat: Allow custom cluster names (#3985) feat: display sync operation status message on app details page (#3918) feat: (Jsonnet) Add support to include library paths (#3825) feat: Create argocd app resources CLI with various filters. (#3946) feat: implement 'argocd-util apps get-reconcile-results command' (#3888) feat: add grpc histogram metric in server (#3776) feat: add alias for sync policy automated (#3788) feat: Add support for TLS client authentication in the CLI (#3779) feat(applications-tiles.tsx): adding helm icon to app tiles (#3765) feat: add time taken to complete deployment (#3715) feat: Allow --local with automatic sync for --dry-run (#3675) feat: get cluster connection status from cluster synced time (#3604) feat: Sort URLS (#3746) #### Bug Fixes fix: add line break between committer and date (#4078) fix: removes unnecessary scroll on apps filter panel (#4073) fix: remove unnecessary liveness probe from argocd components (#4082) fix: support ** wildcard in repo sources permitted sources (#3759) (#4085) fix: trim right backslash in cluster server URL (#4037) fix: kustomize-version flag is not working on 'argocd app set' command (#4040) fix: skipped resources should not impact sync status (#3986) fix: Microsoft SSO docs RBAC ConfigMap ref (#4012) fix: handle encoded URL parameter in cluster details page (#4011) fix: minor UI fixes in applications create/edit panels (#4009) fix: normalize libs jsonnet and broken command in docs (#4003) fix: #3933 - Use a non root Redis Image (#3934) fix: Normalize Helm chart path when chart name contains a slash (#3987) fix: support project finalizer to ensure proper deletion (#3967) fix: application resources info should be stored in persistent order (#3974) fix: reduce number of v1/applications/<appName>/syncwindows requests from app details page (#3973) fix: argocd-util diff-reconcile-results should print app reconcile results sorted by app name (#3972) fix: allow duplicates when using generateName (#3878) fix: use glob matcher in casbin built-in model (#3966) fix: wait/sync command should send app resource version to avoid app stale data (#3951) fix: Update dependencies built from source for ARM (#3909) fix: don't refresh if dry run (#3891) fix: permission denied due to NormalizeProjs failed to get list of pr… (#3883) fix: Correct filters disclosure widget direction (#3885) fix: more space for application title (#3880) fix: UI for App Creation Requires Namespace Even When Repo Contains Only Global Custom Resource (#3875) fix: App Creation Requires Namespace Even When Repo Contains Only Global Custom Resource (#3874) fix: application list page consumes too much CPU (#3849) fix: jwtTokens are reset when applying AppProjects (#3791) fix: sort application summary images and urls to avoid unnecessary updates (#3848) fix: avoid lock contention in GetClustersInfo method (#3844) fix: correcting regex for matching SHAs (#3820) fix: application controller should not modify cached applications (#3821) fix: return default scopes if custom scopes are not configured (#3805) fix: upgrade awscli version (#3774) fix: html encode login error/description before rendering it (#3773) fix: cluster update method panic (#3772) fix: cluster state cache should be initialized before using (#3752) (#3763) fix: ensure cache settings read/writes are protected by mutex (#3753) fix: avoid panic in badge handler (#3741) fix: SyncOperationResult namespace field should be optional (#3742) fix: Support argocd app diff --local and argocd app sync --local with custom plugins (#3733) fix: Reap orphaned ("zombie") processes in argocd-repo-server pod (#3611) (#3721) fix: delete api should return 404 error if app does not exist (#3739) fix: support partial sync with namespace. (#3705) fix: Fix possible nil pointer deref on resource deduplication (#3725) fix: use uid instead of named user in Dockerfile (#3108) #### Other refactor: feat: use Kubernetes v1.18.6 libraries (#102) chore: Update Redis to 5.0.8 (#3734) 15 August 2020, 19:19:33 UTC
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