Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.9.5 v0.9.5 1021c8a ## Tulip v0.9.5 [Diff since v0.9.4]( **Closed issues:** - Expose presolve code (#68) **Merged pull requests:** - performance: fuse more vectorized operations (#127) (@nsajko) - CompatHelper: bump compat for LDLFactorizations to 0.10, (keep existing compat) (#128) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for Krylov to 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#129) (@github-actions[bot]) - Read version number from Project.toml during precompilation, fixes #131. (#132) (@fredrikekre) - Bump version --> v0.9.5 (#133) (@mtanneau) 22 February 2023, 21:42:53 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.4 v0.9.4 ae81ed8 ## Tulip v0.9.4 [Diff since v0.9.3]( **Closed issues:** - Are models with Rational arithmetic supposed to be supported? (#117) - New release? (#125) **Merged pull requests:** - Update Project.toml for Krylov v0.8 (#119) (@amontoison) - KKT/LDLFactorizations: fix runtime dispatch as reported by JET (#120) (@nsajko) - CompatHelper: bump compat for LDLFactorizations to 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#124) (@github-actions[bot]) - Bump version --> v0.9.4 (#126) (@mtanneau) 16 July 2022, 18:44:45 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.3 v0.9.3 686bbde ## Tulip v0.9.3 [Diff since v0.9.2]( **Closed issues:** - Wrong vector in residual norm (#106) **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for MathOptInterface to 1, (keep existing compat) (#114) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fix residual computation (#115) (@mtanneau) - Prep for v0.9.3 (#116) (@odow) 22 March 2022, 23:01:15 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.2 v0.9.2 42e17e0 ## Tulip v0.9.2 [Diff since v0.9.1]( **Closed issues:** - Duplicate constraint name errors with JuMP (#112) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix MOI names interface (#113) (@mtanneau) 07 February 2022, 02:22:28 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.1 v0.9.1 74180f3 ## Tulip v0.9.1 [Diff since v0.9.0]( **Closed issues:** - Error when calling `solution_summary()` (#110) **Merged pull requests:** - Support RawStatusString and SolveTimeSec (#111) (@mtanneau) 16 December 2021, 19:09:42 UTC
refs/tags/v0.9.0 v0.9.0 309d35d ## Tulip v0.9.0 [Diff since v0.8.0]( **Closed issues:** - Automatic differentiation compatibility with Zygote (#78) **Merged pull requests:** - Compile instructions for command-line executable (#102) (@mtanneau) - Hotfix for the next release of Krylov.jl (#104) (@amontoison) - MOI 0.10 upgrade (#105) (@matbesancon) - Fix MOI tests and tag new version (#109) (@mtanneau) 15 December 2021, 09:07:13 UTC
refs/tags/v0.8.0 v0.8.0 be7e0a8 ## Tulip v0.8.0 [Diff since v0.7.5]( **Merged pull requests:** - Re-write KKT module (#101) (@mtanneau) 10 July 2021, 15:30:30 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.5 v0.7.5 070a9f4 ## Tulip v0.7.5 [Diff since v0.7.4]( **Closed issues:** - Presolve causes infeasibility error? (#98) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix compat of Convex.jl in tests (#97) (@odow) - Update Tulip.jl for LinearOperators.jl 2.0 (#99) (@amontoison) - Add primal and dual tolerances in presolve (#100) (@mtanneau) 26 June 2021, 23:11:48 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.4 v0.7.4 43d9250 ## Tulip v0.7.4 [Diff since v0.7.3]( **Merged pull requests:** - Improve the linear solver LDLFactSQD (#91) (@amontoison) - Improve the linear solver CholmodSQD (#92) (@amontoison) - Fix BoundsError (#96) (@devmotion) 21 April 2021, 11:21:31 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.3 v0.7.3 e867407 ## Tulip v0.7.3 [Diff since v0.7.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix version number & update citation (#89) (@mtanneau) 08 March 2021, 00:09:45 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.2 v0.7.2 63153bf ## Tulip v0.7.2 [Diff since v0.7.1]( **Closed issues:** - JuMP interface problem with constraint modification after optimization (#83) **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for "LDLFactorizations" to "0.8" (#82) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fix in constraint modification (#84) (@mtanneau) 01 March 2021, 17:19:45 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.1 v0.7.1 9f26810 ## Tulip v0.7.1 [Diff since v0.7.0]( **Closed issues:** - Link to documentation broken (#69) - Error when building problem with zero coefficients (#77) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix link to docs (#70) (@mtanneau) - Minor fixes and dependency updates (#71) (@mtanneau) - Support .gz and .bz2 files in reader (#72) (@mtanneau) - CI updates (#73) (@mtanneau) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "LDLFactorizations" to "0.7" (#74) (@github-actions[bot]) - Multiple centrality corrections (#75) (@mtanneau) - Type-generic S matrix in LDL factorization (#76) (@matbesancon) - Filter out explicit zeros in new rows/columns (#79) (@mtanneau) - Test-specific dependencies (#80) (@mtanneau) - Add function to query version number (#81) (@mtanneau) 08 January 2021, 17:00:50 UTC
refs/tags/v0.7.0 v0.7.0 fda78cf ## Tulip v0.7.0 [Diff since v0.6.2]( **Merged pull requests:** - Rewrite IPM data structures (#62) (@mtanneau) - Standardize naming conventions and relax dispatch rules (#63) (@mtanneau) - Predictor-Corrector algorithm (#66) (@mtanneau) 24 November 2020, 23:14:19 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.2 v0.6.2 76e22bf ## Tulip v0.6.2 [Diff since v0.6.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - Fix compatibility requirement for Julia >= 1.3 and bump version (#61) (@mtanneau) 23 September 2020, 15:18:21 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.1 v0.6.1 05cb811 ## Tulip v0.6.1 [Diff since v0.6.0]( **Closed issues:** - Help needed in a large-scale LP problem: always ITERATION_LIMIT (#58) **Merged pull requests:** - Analyze-Factorize in LDLFactorization (#60) (@mtanneau) 20 September 2020, 18:16:07 UTC
refs/tags/v0.6.0 v0.6.0 26615ce ## Tulip v0.6.0 [Diff since v0.5.1]( **Merged pull requests:** - Code cleanup (#55) (@mtanneau) - Initial infrastructure for Krylov-based linear solvers (#56) (@mtanneau) - Fix handling of numerical zeros in presolve (#57) (@mtanneau) 14 September 2020, 18:16:29 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.1 v0.5.1 5915a11 ## Tulip v0.5.1 [Diff since v0.5.0]( **Closed issues:** - solve_func_vectoraffine_nonneg (#49) - Issue with getting ConstraintFunction (#52) **Merged pull requests:** - Exclude solve_func_vectoraffine_nonneg (#50) (@blegat) - Update URLs for migration to jump-dev (#51) (@mtanneau) - Fix index update after row/column deletion (#53) (@mtanneau) - Bump version to 0.5.1 (#54) (@mtanneau) 15 August 2020, 23:12:14 UTC
refs/tags/v0.5.0 v0.5.0 fb98034 ## Tulip v0.5.0 [Diff since v0.4.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Support setting MOI.Name (#47) (@mtanneau) - Simplify interface for choosing KKT solvers & matrices (#48) (@mtanneau) 05 May 2020, 20:07:57 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4.0 v0.4.0 47169c8 ## Tulip v0.4.0 [Diff since v0.3.0]( **Merged pull requests:** - Re-write core data structures and interface (#44) (@mtanneau) - Presolve (#45) (@mtanneau) - Remove UnitBlockAngular code (#46) (@mtanneau) 25 April 2020, 22:04:48 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2.0 v0.2.0 d4de72c See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJeBPcoAAoJENj8/TKbBj5+MbUH/3+2VqigO6dxr+Hh1n7aPFj6 wH1j80E9r0w3uMioNLBl187dBaedTuI1OlfdvxWM3API6SYHFt1F3F6BhkT6CySS 1IqROgqH0x6tY5jlU4FJv43V7T5R2rhg97ddxB9V9ZebOtYeO76B6rpkEM7EjQrg i8Sjaao+d+zywJ+nGSt9gaWNq/PRaOQQV4XnlJMfCuCFWZDhPnNbc/DPBb+aIB2P vnKbTwpRp+SMDl5axYv0H09fUoBttGGSHAz9fHMOsSq9c8ECMqgBJp6IBI6tmMF3 GPYwBKDicGZ3PALR5spFXQy8MZL+JklRmClu1/WakiE1wujG958ksoXwHbVj7ZU= =42ub -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 26 December 2019, 18:08:40 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.1 v0.1.1 d75d4cf See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJds3ECAAoJENj8/TKbBj5+FzEH/0HVtU+UAPk/uUGJCHTk84pf NnyD4U8TgXl756NztS8Q03+gtXfv9GXC3GZ9Ad1yOPyAoWfSAfXDCXn+Iqumq5nt 9j4lw9vOgLt9ldA1Ko+bA4KaNxdaljAO7PRZOxuZ3LjtW94wfhwpQlfH/rXemwmH 73pEE1KFW/BMdIIrJFLezn1o4rq2CjCPESsB5Vl/DuF+agD9Rf2I3uBd8f++8GeC wrQBdJq0HAxxixUXoC6zLB0LnhJBRzg2Gp/7vUMKCCmORmOFCcOHZ2k9xVCFM45Q epfcWAshtJuS5WsN/yZb56Zr28gaiNntYbDVN7iUttkzmGo8+5rliyR18NVXLzg= =aMgf -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 25 October 2019, 22:02:42 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.0 v0.1.0 18ea746 See for release notes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAABCAAGBQJdhO5AAAoJENj8/TKbBj5++bAH/jl8rKEJYrUSs8ynLRsrjgxf 81dPcemR7DVlbLb5I6I2ULhD/5k9eOpugB18PjTMjy0IFYJVTi8FkJyUZIPvdjVF 1ogInfkgbE1QVZytY4m5CsGYo1FM/lgUSVvP7URyVYgoR+tVHEfGG+9Yfc6z4oFb fz5S7f/fAf4XbX2eJCR+6vTeHup5r9Zr58FgOaBYqQI9PLerf7pSLATJjc90akg8 S1VtfyVyfW/xrfzMkIdZROknQiNMsYk9lRY/pP9Uh6tKBYjVxPRa1J1pXO6LEO2q o5LKm+hIvy4kNVSJed0KXKYfkBXhf4mioWffrFBkb6GHX9KlViZYKrJPVqDpxT8= =zOzo -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 20 September 2019, 15:20:32 UTC
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