Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/v0.22.0 v0.22.0 08de757 pysam release v0.22.0 wrapping htslib/samtools/bcftools 1.18 This release removes Cython from the runtime dependencies (an issue introduced in v0.21.0 that affected interactions with other packages), removes the long-standing spurious "Could not retrieve index file" message when opening an AlignmentFile, and has various other bug fixes and improvements as listed in NEWS in the associated commit. -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgA2UYHFlDbg74jfAgKZ512EhO43 7+7kq2ILGlCbSyFOsAAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQNOmV3UfiqtsUuGu5xy7X6mjhzf1XttJBZ9zw52nsozNbyak6Hooy9+c0dUluSx6Yz 5lNEnBJq9/C53ikbK98AI= -----END SSH SIGNATURE----- 05 October 2023, 07:06:37 UTC
refs/tags/v0.21.0.1 v0.21.0.1 9218de6 pysam v0.21.0 as published to PyPI The eventual PyPI release of v0.21.0 was produced from this commit, via a tag named 'publish-v0.21.0.1'. Differences from the v0.21.0 tag were mainly cibuildwheel script trivia, but also included a libcbcf.pyx change removing an incorrect annotation (17bb13dcfdb56ac238458dcef23). 09 April 2023, 21:56:55 UTC
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