Release v0.2.3 created by Daniel Himmelstein on 12 February 2019, 03:09:58 UTC
manubot version 0.2.3 release notes
=================================== Manubot version 0.2.3 contains various enhancements. In addition, the source code location has moved from <> to <> (see [GH94]( New features ------------ Citations of shortDOIs are now supported (see [GH92]( and [GH93]( [shortDOIs](, which start with `10/` rather than `10.`, can now be cited just like a DOI. For example, `@doi:10/gddkhn` is a supported citation. Manubot expands shortDOI citations to their regular DOIs, e.g. `@doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0387`, such that `manubot process` will treat both the short and regular form as the same citation. Bug fixes --------- Queries to Manubot's translation-server now specify `single=1` to enforce returning a single record per persistent identifier (see [GH90]( Previously, multiple results were [sometimes]( returned, causing Manubot's JSON CSL retrieval to fail. Furthermore, Zotero child notes are now ignored, fixing another [failure mode]( for CSL export of Zotero metadata. Null authors are now allowed in `metadata.yaml` and do not crash Manubot with a TypeError (see [GH91]( The codebase has been updated to avoid deprecation warnings in Pandas v0.24 (see [GH95](
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