Release 0.9.13 created by bernatx on 15 November 2021, 21:40:26 UTC
* Added new **instance aware semantic segmentation** sensor ``
* Added new API classes: `MaterialParameter`, `TextureColor` and `TextureFloatColor` to encode texture data and field (normal map, diffuse, etc) * Added new API functions: `apply_color_texture_to_object`, `apply_float_color_texture_to_object` and `apply_textures_to_object` to paint objects in **runtime** * Added the option for users to set a **route** using RoadOption elements to a vehicle controlled by the Traffic Manager. * **Cache** now has an extra folder with current version of CARLA (so different cache per version) * Added **set_percentage_random_left_lanechange** and **set_percentage_random_right_lanechange**. * Improved handling of **collisions** in Traffic Manager when driving at **very high speeds**. * Added physical simulation to **vehicle doors**, capable of opening and closing * Added **open/close doors** feature for vehicles. * Added API functions to **3D vectors**: `squared_length`, `length`, `make_unit_vector`, `dot`, `dot_2d`, `distance`, `distance_2d`, `distance_squared`, `distance_squared_2d`, `get_vector_angle` * Added API functions to **2D vectors**: `squared_length`, `length`, `make_unit_vector` * Added a **seed** for better reproducibility of pedestrians - New API function `set_pedestrians_seed` - New parameter **--seedw** in script * Added missing dependency `libomp5` to **Release.Dockerfile** * Added API functions to interact with **pedestrian bones**: - `get_bones / set_bones`: to get/set the bones of a pedestrian - `blend_pose`: to blend a custom pose with current animation - `show_pose / hide_pose`: to show or hide the custom pose - `get_pose_from_animation`: to set the custom pose with the animation current frame * Added a new script in **PythonAPI/examples/** to draw the bones of a pedestrian from client side * Improved **collision** detection of the Python agents * Added the new **VehicleLightStage** to the Traffic Manager to dynamically update the vehicle lights. * Added two new examples to **PythonAPI/util**: Conversion of OpenStreetMaps to OpenDRIVE maps `` and Extraction of map spawn points `` * Fixed the **import of props** without any map * Fixed **global route planner** crash when being used at maps without lane markings * Fixed bug causing the server to **sigsegv** when a vehicle collides an environment object in recording mode. * Fixed **RSSSensor**: made client side calculations threaded * Fixed **keep_right_rule** parameter.
Target: a1b37f7f1cf34b0f6f77973c469926ea368d1507
Directory: 283eda1500232b7ebeed088038be71174b7496b4
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