Release v0.2.0 created by Daniel Himmelstein on 07 October 2018, 12:11:45 UTC
Manubot version 0.2.0 introduces subcommands to the command line interface.
The previous command `manubot` to process manuscript content for Pandoc is now `manubot process`. New functionality has been added via the `manubot cite` subcommand to retrieve bibliographic metadata for citations (see [GH37]( The cite subcommand can either return CSL JSON (default) or formatted references (--render, requires Pandoc, see [GH48]( This release adds support for removing invalid fields from CSL JSON Data, which is enabled by default (see [GH47]( Previously, certain citeproc APIs returned CSL JSON with extra fields or fields with invalid values according to the CSL JSON Schema. Now CSL JSON is validated against the schema, with invalid fields removed. Now PMID & PMCID fields are automatically populated when generating CSL data for DOIs (see [GH45]( CSL for DOIs now uses shortDOIs in the URL field. As this package now supports more varied use cases and workflows, the code has been refactored to use lazy imports (see [GH56]( Most functions directly under `manubot.cite` and `manubot.process` have been moved to `util` submodules. `manubot.cite.citation_to_citeproc` and `manubot.cite.standardize_citation` remain for backward compatibility.
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