Revision 0014c65d3e5c46422f6d031123e58ac070d686e7 authored by François Dupressoir on 27 April 2016, 13:20:53 UTC, committed by François Dupressoir on 27 April 2016, 15:06:22 UTC
Some discussion need to be had:
- Should we bring everything back to bitstrings? octetstrings?
- Should we get rid of those blasted Arrays? (Yes)
1 parent 8db4a56
Raw File
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - Inria
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcFol
open EcEnv

open EcCoreGoal
open EcLowGoal
open EcLowPhlGoal

module TTC = EcProofTyping

let get_to_gens fs =
  let do_id f =
    let id =
      match f.f_node with
      | Fpvar (pv, m) -> id_of_pv pv m
      | Fglob (mp, m) -> id_of_mp mp m
      | _             -> EcIdent.create "f" in
    id, f in do_id fs

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let t_hr_exists_elim_r tc =
  let pre = tc1_get_pre tc in
  let bd, pre = destr_exists_prenex pre in
  (* FIXME: check that bd is not bound in the post *)
  let concl = f_forall bd (set_pre ~pre (FApi.tc1_goal tc)) in
  FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlExists [concl]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let t_hr_exists_intro_r fs tc =
  let hyps  = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
  let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in
  let pre   = tc1_get_pre  tc in
  let post  = tc1_get_post tc in
  let side  = is_equivS concl || is_equivF concl in
  let gen   = get_to_gens fs in
  let eqs   = (fun (id, f) -> f_eq (f_local id f.f_ty) f) gen in
  let bd    = (fun (id, f) -> (id, GTty f.f_ty)) gen in
  let pre   = f_exists bd (f_and (f_ands eqs) pre) in

  let h = LDecl.fresh_id hyps "h" in
  let ms, subst =
    match side with
    | true ->
        let ml, mr = as_seq2 (LDecl.fresh_ids hyps ["&ml"; "&mr"]) in
        let s = Fsubst.f_subst_id in
        let s = Fsubst.f_bind_mem s mleft ml in
        let s = Fsubst.f_bind_mem s mright mr in
        ([ml; mr], s)

    | false ->
        let m = LDecl.fresh_id hyps "&m" in
        let s = Fsubst.f_subst_id in
        let s = Fsubst.f_bind_mem s mhr m in
        ([m], s)

  let args =
    let do1 (_, f) = PAFormula (Fsubst.f_subst subst f) in do1 gen

  let tactic =
    FApi.t_seqsub (EcPhlConseq.t_conseq pre post)
      [ FApi.t_seqs [
          t_intros_i (ms@[h]);
          t_exists_intro_s args;
          t_apply_hyp h;
  FApi.t_internal tactic tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let t_hr_exists_elim  = FApi.t_low0 "hr-exists-elim"  t_hr_exists_elim_r
let t_hr_exists_intro = FApi.t_low1 "hr-exists-intro" t_hr_exists_intro_r

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_exists_intro fs tc =
  let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in
  let penv =
    match concl.f_node with
    | FhoareF hf -> fst (LDecl.hoareF hf.hf_f hyps)
    | FhoareS hs -> LDecl.push_active hs.hs_m hyps
    | FbdHoareF bhf -> fst (LDecl.hoareF bhf.bhf_f hyps)
    | FbdHoareS bhs -> LDecl.push_active bhs.bhs_m hyps
    | FequivF ef -> fst (LDecl.equivF ef.ef_fl ef.ef_fr hyps)
    | FequivS es -> LDecl.push_all [es.es_ml; es.es_mr] hyps
    | _ -> tc_error_noXhl ~kinds:hlkinds_Xhl !!tc

  let fs =
      (fun f -> TTC.pf_process_form_opt !!tc penv None f)
    t_hr_exists_intro fs tc
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