Revision 00e9ffa4b909c19e58bd23e35ffa4c07541e4b94 authored by Torsten Hothorn on 19 June 2007, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 19 June 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 6fe1cef
Raw File

    Exact Distribution of Two-Sample Permutation Tests   
    Streitberg & Roehmel Algorithm

    *\file StreitbergRoehmel.c
    *\author $Author: hothorn $
    *\date $Date: 2006-10-17 13:17:12 +0200 (Tue, 17 Oct 2006) $

#include <R.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <Rdefines.h>

	length(scores) <= 1.000.000 observations only.

#define PERM_MAX_N 1000000

    The density of the permutation distribution for 
    the independent two sample problem.

    Bernd Streitberg & Joachim R\"ohmel (1986),
    Exact distributions for permutations and rank tests:
    An introduction to some recently published algorithms. 
    Statistical Software Newsletter 12(1), 10-17.
    Bernd Streitberg & Joachim R\"ohmel (1987),
    Exakte Verteilungen f\"ur Rang- und Randomisierungstests
    im allgemeinen $c$-Stichprobenfall.
    EDV in Medizin und Biologie 18(1), 12-19 (in german).

    *\param score_a score vector (typically c(1,1,...,1))
    *\param score_b score vector (typically ranks)
    *\param m_a integer indicating the sum of m_a elements of score_a 
    *\param m_b integer indicating the sum of m_b elements of score_b
    *\param retProb logical indicating whether the density (TRUE) or
            the matrix of all permutations should be returned

SEXP R_cpermdist2(SEXP score_a, SEXP score_b, SEXP m_a,  SEXP m_b, 
                  SEXP retProb) {
      compute the joint permutation distribution of the 
      sum of the first m_a elements of score_a and score_b
      (usualy score_a = rep(1, length(score_a)) and 
              score_b = Data scores, Wilcoxon, Ansari ...).
      In this case the exact conditional distribution 
      in the simple independent two-sample problem is computed.

    int n, im_a, im_b;		/* number of observations */

    SEXP H, x;		        /* matrix of permutations and vector 
                                   of probabilities */ 
    int i, j, k, sum_a = 0, sum_b = 0, s_a = 0, s_b = 0, isb;
    double msum = 0.0; 	        /* little helpers */
    int *iscore_a, *iscore_b;   /* pointers to R structures */
    double *dH, *dx;

    /* some basic checks, should be improved */  

    if (!isVector(score_a))
        error("score_a is not a vector");

    n = LENGTH(score_a);

    if (!isVector(score_b))
        error("score_b is not a vector");
    if (LENGTH(score_b) != n)
        error("length of score_a and score_b differ");
    iscore_a = INTEGER(score_a);
    iscore_b = INTEGER(score_b);
    if (TYPEOF(retProb) != LGLSXP)
        error("retProb is not a logical");                                  

    im_a = INTEGER(m_a)[0];  /* cosmetics only */
    im_b = INTEGER(m_b)[0];

    if (n > PERM_MAX_N)
        error("n > %d in R_cpermdistr2", PERM_MAX_N); 

    /* compute the total sum of the scores and check if they are >= 0 */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (iscore_a[i] < 0) 
            error("score_a for observation number %d is negative", i);
        if (iscore_b[i] < 0) 
            error("score_b for observation number %d is negative", i);
        sum_a += iscore_a[i];
        sum_b += iscore_b[i];

      optimization according to Streitberg & Roehmel
    sum_a = imin2(sum_a, im_a);
    sum_b = imin2(sum_b, im_b);

        initialize H

    PROTECT(H = allocVector(REALSXP, (sum_a + 1) * (sum_b + 1)));
    dH = REAL(H);

    for (i = 0; i <= sum_a; i++) {
        isb = i * (sum_b + 1);
        for (j = 0; j <= sum_b; j++) dH[isb + j] = 0.0;
        start the Shift-Algorithm with H[0,0] = 1
    dH[0] = 1.0;
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        s_a += iscore_a[k];
        s_b += iscore_b[k];

            compute H up to row im_aand column im_b
            sum_a = min(sum_a, m)
            sum_b = min(sum_b, c)
        for (i = imin2(im_a, s_a); i >= iscore_a[k]; i--) {
            isb = i * (sum_b + 1);
            for (j = imin2(im_b,s_b); j >= iscore_b[k]; j--)
                dH[isb + j] += 
                    dH[(i - iscore_a[k]) * (sum_b + 1) + (j - iscore_b[k])];

        return the whole matrix H 
        Note: use matrix(H, nrow=m_a+1, byrow=TRUE) in R

    if (!LOGICAL(retProb)[0]) {
    } else {	
        PROTECT(x = allocVector(REALSXP, sum_b));
        dx = REAL(x);

            get the values for sample size im_a (in row m) and sum it up

        isb = im_a * (sum_b + 1);
        for (j = 0; j < sum_b; j++) {
            dx[j] = dH[isb + j + 1];
            msum += dx[j];
            compute probabilities and return the density x to R
            the support is min(score_b):sum(score_b)
            [dpq] stuff is done in R
        for (j = 0; j < sum_b; j++)
            dx[j] = dx[j]/msum;

    The density of the permutation distribution for 
    the one sample problem.

    Bernd Streitberg & Joachim R\"ohmel (1986),
    Exact distributions for permutations and rank tests:
    An introduction to some recently published algorithms. 
    Statistical Software Newsletter 12(1), 10-17.
    Bernd Streitberg & Joachim R\"ohmel (1987),
    Exakte Verteilungen f\"ur Rang- und Randomisierungstests
    im allgemeinen $c$-Stichprobenfall.
    EDV in Medizin und Biologie 18(1), 12-19 (in german).

    *\param scores score vector (such as rank(abs(y)) for wilcoxsign_test)

SEXP R_cpermdist1(SEXP scores) {

      compute the permutation distribution of the sum of the 
      absolute values of the positive elements of `scores'

    int n; 	/* number of observations */ 
    SEXP H;	/* vector giving the density of statistics 0:sum(scores) */
    int i, k, sum_a = 0, s_a = 0; /* little helpers */
    int *iscores;
    double msum = 0.0;
    double *dH;
    n = LENGTH(scores);
    iscores = INTEGER(scores);
    if (n > PERM_MAX_N)
      error("n > %d in R_cpermdist1", PERM_MAX_N); 
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sum_a += iscores[i];

      Initialize H

    PROTECT(H = allocVector(REALSXP, sum_a + 1));
    dH = REAL(H);
    for (i = 0; i <= sum_a; i++) dH[i] = 0.0;

      start the shift-algorithm with H[0] = 1.0
    dH[0] = 1.0;
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        s_a = s_a + iscores[k];
            for (i = s_a; i >= iscores[k]; i--)
                dH[i] = dH[i] + dH[i - iscores[k]];

        get the number of permutations

    for (i = 0; i <= sum_a; i++)
        msum += dH[i];
        compute probabilities and return the density H to R
        [dpq] stuff is done in R
    for (i = 0; i <= sum_a; i++)
        dH[i] = dH[i]/msum;	/* 0 is a possible realization */

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