Revision 013891c9e99600d023b02bf5cdb400789f521cee authored by Boud Roukema on 06 April 2021, 16:44:34 UTC, committed by Boud Roukema on 06 April 2021, 16:44:34 UTC
This commit further works on the caption of Figure 3,
the halo mulitiplicity function. It also adds a text reference
to Fig 2, since without that, we would be required to
remove the figure.

Some of the minor changes in figure captions in which we removed
the fits are de-highlighted in this commit, because the referee
appears to have shown no interest in reading the captions and
looking at the values and uncertainties stated there;
highlighting these minor changes might provoke the referee
1 parent d936cb0
Raw File
;; This files contains Emacs Directory Local Variables.
;; Emacs is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor.  It
;; allows specification of certain settings that will be applied to
;; all files in current directory and its subdirectories. This is
;; useful in order to automatically enforce certain coding conventions
;; for all contributors of Gnuastro, like the maximum length of lines
;; or the number of spaces to be used for indentation.
;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
;; Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Mosè Giordano <>
;; Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
;; Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
;; are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
;; notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
;; without any warranty.

 ;; C files.
  (c-basic-offset . 2)     ;; 2 spaces of indentation
  (c-file-style . "gnu"))  ;; GNU style for braces

 ;; Makefiles.
  (indent-tabs-mode . t))  ;; Real TABs are important in makefiles

 ;; All other files (this has to be in the end).
  (indent-tabs-mode . nil) ;; No tabs as indentation
  (fill-column . 75))      ;; 75-character wide lines
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