Revision 024c9750ac3f39428818576cba043d57e6a7f2c1 authored by Mohamed Barakat on 09 July 2015, 13:37:30 UTC, committed by Mohamed Barakat on 09 July 2015, 16:29:51 UTC
1 parent cea8169
Raw File
##                                          homalg package
##  Copyright 2011 Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern
##  Implementations for homalg elements.

##  <#GAPDoc Label="ObjectElements:intro">
##  An element of an object <M>M</M> is internally represented by a morphism from the <Q>structure object</Q>
##  to the object <M>M</M>. In particular, the data structure for object elements
##  automatically profits from the intrinsic realization of morphisms in the &homalg; project.
##  <#/GAPDoc>

# representations:

##  <#GAPDoc Label="IsElementOfAnObjectGivenByAMorphismRep">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="M" Name="IsElementOfAnObjectGivenByAMorphismRep"/>
##    <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns>
##    <Description>
##      The &GAP; representation of elements of finitley presented objects. <P/>
##      (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <Ref Filt="IsHomalgElement"/>.)
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
DeclareRepresentation( "IsElementOfAnObjectGivenByAMorphismRep",
        [ ] );

# immediate methods for properties:

        [ "IsZero", [ "IsCyclicGenerator", "IsEpimorphism" ] ],
        [ "IsZero", "IsCyclicGenerator" ],
        UnderlyingMorphism );

InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertiesOrAttributes( Twitter,
        [ "IsZero", [ "IsCyclicGenerator", "IsEpimorphism" ] ],
        UnderlyingMorphism );

# immediate methods for attributes:

# methods for operations:

InstallMethod( DecideZero,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m )
    ## this will trigger DecideZero( UnderlyingMorphism( m ) )
    IsZero( m );
    return m;
end );

InstallMethod( ApplyMorphismToElement,
        "for a morphism and an element",
        [ IsHomalgStaticMorphism, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    if not IsIdenticalObj( Source( m ), SuperObject( n ) ) then
        Error( "cannot apply morphism to element, element is not contained in source of morphism\n" );
    return HomalgElement( PreCompose( UnderlyingMorphism( n ), m ) );
end );

InstallMethod( LT,
        "for two homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    ## String must call DecideZero
    return String( m ) < String( n );
end );

InstallMethod( \=,
        "for two homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    return UnderlyingMorphism( m ) = UnderlyingMorphism( n );
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for two homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    return HomalgElement( UnderlyingMorphism( m ) + UnderlyingMorphism( n ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IS_RAT, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( a, b )
    if IsZero( a ) then
        return b;
    elif HasIsZero( b ) and IsZero( b ) then
        return a * One( b );
    return a * One( b ) + b;
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IS_RAT ],
  function( a, b )
    if IsZero( b ) then
        return a;
    elif HasIsZero( a ) and IsZero( a ) then
        return b * One( a );
    return a + b * One( a );
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement and IsZero, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    return n;
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgElement and IsZero ],
  function( m, n )
    return m;
end );

InstallMethod( \-,
        "for two homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m, n )
    return HomalgElement( UnderlyingMorphism( m ) - UnderlyingMorphism( n ) );
end );

InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseMutable,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m )
    return HomalgElement( -UnderlyingMorphism( m ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsInt, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( a, m )
    return HomalgElement( a * UnderlyingMorphism( m ) );
end );

InstallMethod( ZERO_MUT,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement ],
  function( m )
    return TheZeroElement( SuperObject( m ) );
end );

## if everything else fails
InstallMethod( \in,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsStaticFinitelyPresentedObjectRep ],
  function( m, M )
    local phi;
    phi := UnderlyingMorphism( m );
    return IsIdenticalObj( Range( phi ), M );
end );

InstallMethod( \in,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsStaticFinitelyPresentedObjectRep and HasUnderlyingSubobject ],
  function( m, M )
    return m in UnderlyingSubobject( M );
end );

##  <#GAPDoc Label="in:elements">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Attr Arg="m, N" Name="in" Label="for elements"/>
##    <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns>
##    <Description>
##      Is the element <A>m</A> of the object <M>M</M> included in the subobject <A>N</A><M>\leq M</M>,
##      i.e., does the morphism (with the unit object as source and <M>M</M> as target)
##      underling the element <A>m</A> of <M>M</M> factor over the subobject morphism <A>N</A><M>\to M</M>?
##    <P/>
##    <#Include Label="HomalgElement_in:example">
##    <P/>
##    <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[
InstallMethod( \in,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsStaticFinitelyPresentedSubobjectRep ],
  function( m, N )
    local phi, psi;
    phi := UnderlyingMorphism( m );
    psi := MorphismHavingSubobjectAsItsImage( N );
    if not IsIdenticalObj( Range( phi ), Range( psi ) ) then
        Error( "the super object of the subobject and the range ",
               "of the morphism underlying the element do not coincide\n" );
    return IsZero( PreCompose( phi, CokernelEpi( psi ) ) );
end );
##  ]]></Listing>
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for a homalg element and a homalg morphism",
        [ IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgMorphism and IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects ],
  function( m, phi )
    return HomalgElement( UnderlyingMorphism( m ) * phi );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for a homalg element and a homalg morphism",
        [ IsHomalgMorphism and IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects, IsHomalgElement ],
  function( phi, m )
    return HomalgElement( phi, UnderlyingMorphism( m ) );
end );

# constructor functions and methods:

InstallMethod( HomalgElement,
        "for homalg static morphisms",
        [ IsHomalgStaticMorphism ],
  function( m )
    local S, type, e;
    S := Source( m );
    type := HomalgCategory( S )!.TypeOfElements;
    e := rec( );
    if HasIsZero( m ) then
        ## Objectify
                e, type,
                UnderlyingMorphism, m,
                SuperObject, Range( m ),
                IsZero, IsZero( m ) );
        ## Objectify
                e, type,
                UnderlyingMorphism, m,
                SuperObject, Range( m ) );
    return e;
end );

InstallMethod( TheZeroElement,
        "for homalg static objects",
        [ IsHomalgStaticObject ],
  function( M )
    return HomalgElement( TheZeroMorphism( StructureObject( M ), M ) );
end );

# View, Print, and Display methods:

InstallMethod( ViewObj,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement ],
  function( o )
    if IsZero( o ) then
        ViewObj( o );
    Print( "<An element in " );
    ViewObj( SuperObject( o ) );
    Print( ">" );
end );

InstallMethod( ViewObj,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement and IsZero ],
  function( o )
    Print( 0 );
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement ],
  function( o )
    if IsZero( o ) then
        Display( o );
    Display( UnderlyingMorphism( o ) );
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
        "for homalg elements",
        [ IsHomalgElement and IsZero ],
  function( o )
    Print( 0, "\n" );
end );
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