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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
02cd953 Update 12 December 2020, 21:17:49 UTC
113c73b Ref 12 December 2020, 21:12:24 UTC
b20e117 Update 23 November 2020, 18:40:40 UTC
d7961dd Merge pull request #31 from DeepLabCut/v0.3 v0.3 23 November 2020, 18:03:45 UTC
8cce257 v0.3 23 November 2020, 17:58:37 UTC
3f27779 Updates to benchmarking (#29) * remove old * Add dynamic cropping to benchmark (#28) * add dynamic cropping to benchmark * add cropping to benchmark * dlclive: make sure dynamic cropping indices are integers * Update * dowloading data, streamlined process * typo fixed Co-authored-by: Mackenzie Mathis <> Co-authored-by: alex <> 23 November 2020, 14:40:37 UTC
bae2cac closes #26 Thanks @ehsainit 16 November 2020, 19:19:30 UTC
51ad7f4 black 29 August 2020, 09:21:59 UTC
1530e27 Merge pull request #17 from DeepLabCut/check_install fix check_install 29 August 2020, 09:00:49 UTC
053b5f6 updated docs with new test command 29 August 2020, 08:59:36 UTC
d088ae4 download video from github; tested updated version 29 August 2020, 08:56:04 UTC
bcecf09 install jetson docs: add curl as dependency 16 August 2020, 13:37:10 UTC
1c375e9 fix check_install 07 August 2020, 13:29:28 UTC
c7ede4c install_jetson docs: fix quotes around tensorflow 07 August 2020, 12:48:54 UTC
a741a54 paper link 05 August 2020, 21:24:48 UTC
841402d black 05 August 2020, 12:06:02 UTC
c1fdbad minor docs, and version bump 04 August 2020, 20:52:47 UTC
49a0c1c setup: update opencv and tensorflow 04 August 2020, 15:31:59 UTC
0c592e1 support, dev. etc. notes; ref update 03 August 2020, 19:40:21 UTC
80b235b pipy sync 03 August 2020, 19:29:12 UTC
92c8826 Add check install script (#13) * add check install script * requirements: remove pandas and tables * Update 03 August 2020, 18:46:08 UTC
2ee3581 example_processors/DogJump: update init 02 August 2020, 22:48:51 UTC
a730bdf Update 02 August 2020, 21:39:37 UTC
cd381e3 Gk dev (#11) * dlclive: add tf_config as parameter * graph: add tfconfig, new full load graph function * bench + display: add display to benchmarking, fix bugs in display * fix bugs in display * add kwargs to processors * clean up load graph, color conversions * dlclive: add kwargs to get_pose and init_inference * add kalman filter processor * kalmanfilter processor: update delta time * dlclive: destroy display on close * new analyze tools: speed bench, display, analyze pose and labeled video * dlclive and graph: clean up/benign bug fix * fix colormaps for display * update readme: add benchmark info * setup: add pandas and tables, needed for analyze_videos * Update * change display_lik to pcutoff * resolve setup and readme conflicts * Update * fixed resize in python, check cmd * Update * analyze: allow pixels/resize to be scalar or list * fix TF warnings * changed name to benchmark_videos * Update * dlclive: tfgpu flip x and y * name update * additional metadata about benchmarking tests - video path - video codec - video pixel format - video fps - video total frames - resize - original frame size - resized frame size - pixels - dlclive_params * added DLCLive.parameterization property to give a dict of the object's parameterization * decode_fourcc to convert float versions of fourcc/codec codes to text (also works for other float opencv properties like pixel format) also fixed placement of setting default resize in run_benchmark when pixels is not set * bugfix: out_dir instead of output in if __name__ == "__main__" part of * graceful failures when CAP_PROPS cant be gotten * missing colon :( * complete convert analyze to benchmarking * don't require frame to init_inference unless tflite * don't require frame to init_inference unless tflite * don't require frame to init_inference unless tflite * incorrect signature * getting from sys_info * kalmanfilter: add likelihood threshold * teensylaser: fix bug * dlclive: formatting, pass frame to init inference optional * utils: add decode_fourcc * benchmark: more info, remove need for pandas * Update * Update let's bump to first release on pypi as 0.0.1 * Update * Update * added example processors, fixed headers * Update * Update Co-authored-by: gkane <> Co-authored-by: sneakers-the-rat <> 02 August 2020, 18:10:38 UTC
5407e63 Update Changed stim_on to stimulate_on to avoid confusion with bool stim_on variable 02 August 2020, 10:16:25 UTC
4910439 Gk dev (#1) * dlclive: add tf_config as parameter * graph: add tfconfig, new full load graph function * bench + display: add display to benchmarking, fix bugs in display * fix bugs in display * add kwargs to processors * clean up load graph, color conversions * dlclive: add kwargs to get_pose and init_inference * add kalman filter processor * kalmanfilter processor: update delta time * dlclive: destroy display on close * new analyze tools: speed bench, display, analyze pose and labeled video * dlclive and graph: clean up/benign bug fix * fix colormaps for display * update readme: add benchmark info * setup: add pandas and tables, needed for analyze_videos * Update * change display_lik to pcutoff * resolve setup and readme conflicts * Update * fixed resize in python, check cmd * Update * analyze: allow pixels/resize to be scalar or list * fix TF warnings * changed name to benchmark_videos * Update * dlclive: tfgpu flip x and y * name update * complete convert analyze to benchmarking Co-authored-by: gkane <> 13 July 2020, 18:56:50 UTC
35e4f23 Update 10 July 2020, 15:35:30 UTC
d6fcdf6 Update 10 July 2020, 14:48:59 UTC
bc42dbd Delete howIbenchmarked.txt 10 July 2020, 03:30:52 UTC
2ae54ff v0.0b2; fixed reading of modeltype 10 July 2020, 03:29:46 UTC
13bef6c Merge pull request #5 from DeepLabCut/starts-picking-up-wherestopped benchmarking with restart 10 July 2020, 03:19:02 UTC
e774b38 Merge branch 'master' into starts-picking-up-wherestopped 10 July 2020, 03:18:08 UTC
8d209b4 Merge pull request #4 from DeepLabCut/jls_benchmarking a bit more info in sys_info 10 July 2020, 03:09:23 UTC
0496889 typo fix 10 July 2020, 02:57:12 UTC
510fa87 Merge pull request #6 from DeepLabCut/MMathisLab-patch-1 Create python-package.yml 10 July 2020, 02:55:39 UTC
ea4def2 Update 10 July 2020, 02:52:23 UTC
a4553f4 Update 10 July 2020, 02:51:35 UTC
99ad1b3 Update 10 July 2020, 02:51:09 UTC
54cfc2b Create LICENSE 10 July 2020, 02:43:51 UTC
3b6f888 Create requirements.txt 10 July 2020, 02:38:05 UTC
7d90658 Create python-package.yml 10 July 2020, 02:36:08 UTC
8a0ae92 benchmarking with restart 10 July 2020, 02:35:14 UTC
70f2c10 * additional info in sys_info: python version, git hash, pip freeze, dlclive version, * returning a dict from sys_info so it's a bit more inspectable/could add more values * a few stray type hints that were driving my linter crazy 09 July 2020, 00:44:45 UTC
c4595b2 add docstring 08 July 2020, 15:46:24 UTC
e5d10f7 Update 08 July 2020, 15:40:39 UTC
9c9fd23 Update 07 July 2020, 23:27:35 UTC
bfaff01 Update howIbenchmarked.txt 07 July 2020, 23:26:37 UTC
6802499 Update howIbenchmarked.txt 05 July 2020, 17:43:07 UTC
fe4481f Delete requirements.txt 05 July 2020, 17:42:26 UTC
4c96193 added benchmark folder, save intermediatly and save more metadata 05 July 2020, 17:32:22 UTC
8dd97a5 setup: force version of py-cpuinfo 05 July 2020, 17:05:57 UTC
08e2079 revert to GK defaults 05 July 2020, 16:48:28 UTC
836aa51 adding testing script 05 July 2020, 16:42:26 UTC
58636b2 utils: update try-catch around package imports 15 May 2020, 19:14:28 UTC
70a702f dlclive: update tensorrt try-catch 15 May 2020, 14:31:38 UTC
d25fa86 Update 14 May 2020, 20:27:37 UTC
8b62876 bench: find host_python for windows 28 April 2020, 14:33:40 UTC
5426d82 setup: add benchmark deps 27 April 2020, 17:43:28 UTC
ae90dfc add benchmarking function/cli, setup checks for opencv/tensorflow 27 April 2020, 17:31:17 UTC
d5ba52c merge readme updates and dlclive try-catch around tensorrt import 22 April 2020, 14:32:58 UTC
52cb3af dlclive: add try-catch around tensorrt import 22 April 2020, 14:31:06 UTC
6863d88 Update 18 April 2020, 17:17:59 UTC
c6e9134 Update 18 April 2020, 17:17:39 UTC
72a50cf Update 18 April 2020, 17:10:59 UTC
e1d9e60 Update 18 April 2020, 17:10:25 UTC
4116ba2 remove demo entry point -- demo does not exist 16 April 2020, 15:08:17 UTC
0e31e7b Update 09 April 2020, 15:29:12 UTC
533ee87 Update 09 April 2020, 15:17:42 UTC
6bac568 limit dependencies: remove opencv scikit-image, add pillow and colorcet 09 April 2020, 15:16:13 UTC
cd078ba Update 07 April 2020, 17:01:25 UTC
e2e68a8 Update 31 March 2020, 18:46:35 UTC
8ed7326 Update 31 March 2020, 18:45:44 UTC
374a9cd initial version 20 March 2020, 15:16:07 UTC
078fd2e Initial commit 09 March 2020, 20:46:36 UTC
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