Revision 02d622602e0552f8bf6df13762acf4446f02db47 authored by Konrad Werys on 14 November 2018, 11:57:33 UTC, committed by Konrad Werys on 14 November 2018, 12:01:08 UTC
1 parent 09dae69
% To use tomato you need two things:
% 1. tomato executable
% 2. configuration file in yaml.
% a. yamlmatlab allows you to read yaml to a structure and write a
% structure to yaml
% b. the best way to start with the config files is to read a template
% yaml file
% c. define/modify parameters in the structure
% d. save structure to a yaml file
% Then, using matlab 'system' command you can run tomato from matlab. Voila!
% Hint: look at the output of the tomato executable to see what options are
% available in the yaml config file
% Konrad Werys 2018
%% 1. what is the path to the tomato exacutable?
% exepath = 'TomatoExe_v0.1_Windows_x64.exe'; % downloaded from github on windows
exepath = '../cmake-build-release/TomatoExe'; % build from clion on macos
%% 2.a. add yaml reading and writing lib to path
%% 2.b. the best way to start with the config files is to read a template yaml file and modify it (2.c.)
template_yaml_file = '../tests/testData/Hcmr_Phantom_1916_Shmolli_192i_e11_inputDirs.yaml';
YamlStruct = yaml.ReadYaml(template_yaml_file);
%% 2.c. define/modify params in the structure. Input params are obligatory for calculation, the rest are optional.
% %%% input params %%%
YamlStruct.dir_magnitude = '../tests/testData/dicom/Hcmr_Phantom_1916_260C/Konrad_Shmolli/ShMOLLI_192i_e11_12';
YamlStruct.dir_phase = '../tests/testData/dicom/Hcmr_Phantom_1916_260C/Konrad_Shmolli/ShMOLLI_192i_e11_13';
% YamlStruct.files_magnitude = '';
% YamlStruct.files_phase = '';
% % %%% output params %%%
% YamlStruct.dir_output_map = 'map';
% YamlStruct.dir_output_fitparams = 'fitparams';
% YamlStruct.output_map_series_number = 9998;
% YamlStruct.output_fitparams_series_number = 9999;
% % %%% calculation params %%%
% YamlStruct.parameter_to_map = 'T1_MOLLI';
% YamlStruct.fitting_method = 'LevMarVnl';
% YamlStruct.functions_type = 'FunctionsBasic';
% YamlStruct.sign_calc_method= 'NoSign';
% YamlStruct.start_point_calc_method = 'Default';
% YamlStruct.max_function_evals = 4000.0;
% YamlStruct.fTolerance = 1.0E-12;
% YamlStruct.number_of_threads = 0.0;
% % %%% visualise params %%%
% YamlStruct.visualise = 0;
%% 2.d. save structure to a yaml file
my_yaml_file = './my_yaml_file.yaml';
yaml.WriteYaml(my_yaml_file, YamlStruct, 0);
%% Run tomato
system([exepath, ' ', my_yaml_file]);
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