Revision 02e9f1d6d452c7210a34a86d80ad92c500a4ea19 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 27 January 2004, 18:02:22 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 27 January 2004, 18:02:22 UTC
1 parent d001d54
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Tip revision: 02e9f1d6d452c7210a34a86d80ad92c500a4ea19 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 27 January 2004, 18:02:22 UTC
version 1.4-3
Tip revision: 02e9f1d
affine.owin             Apply Affine Transformation To Window
affine.ppp              Apply Affine Transformation To Point Pattern
affine                  Apply Affine Transformation
allstats                Calculate four standard summary functions of a
                        point pattern.
alltypes                Calculate Statistic for All Types in a
                        Multitype Point Pattern
amacrine                Hughes' Amacrine Cell Data
applynbd                Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a
                        Point Pattern
area.owin               Area of a Window                   Convert to Pixel Image
as.mask                 Pixel Image Approximation of a Window
as.owin                 Convert Data To Class owin
as.ppp                  Convert Data To Class ppp
as.rectangle            Window Frame
bdist.pixels            Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.points            Distance to Boundary of Window            Bounding Box of a Window
bramblecanes            Hutchings' Bramble Canes data
cells                   Biological Cells Point Pattern
centroid.owin           Centroid of a window
coef.ppm                Coefficients of Fitted Point Process Model
complement.owin         Take Complement of a Window
concatxy                Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectors
corners                 Corners of a rectangle
cut.ppp                 Convert Point Pattern Marks from Numeric to
data.ppm                Extract Original Data from a Fitted Point
                        Process Model
default.dummy           Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Points
demopat                 Artificial Data Point Pattern
diameter                Diameter of a Window Frame
DiggleGratton           Diggle-Gratton model
dirichlet.weights       Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet
dummy.ppm               Extract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point
                        Process Model
eroded.areas            Areas of Morphological Erosions
erode.owin              Erode a Window
fasp.object             Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns
Fest                    Estimate the empty space function F
fitted.ppm              Fitted Conditional Intensity for Point Process
fv.object               Data Frames of Function Values
ganglia                 Cat Retinal Ganglia Data
Gcross                  Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Gdot                    Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Gest                    Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G
Geyer                   Geyer's Saturation Point Process Model
Gmulti                  Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
gridcentres             Rectangular grid of points
gridweights             Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid
hamster                 Aherne's hamster tumour data
harmonic                Basis for Harmonic Functions
identify.ppp            Identify Points in a Point Pattern
im.object               Class of Images
im                      Create a Pixel Image Object
inside.owin             Test Whether Points Are Inside A Window
intersect.owin          Intersection or Union of Two Windows                   Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel Image
is.marked.ppm           Test Whether A Point Process Model is Marked
is.marked.ppp           Test Whether A Point Pattern is Marked
is.marked               Test Whether Marks Are Present
is.owin                 Test Whether An Object Is A Window
is.ppm                  Test Whether An Object Is A Fitted Point
                        Process Model
is.ppp                  Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern
is.subset.owin          Determine Whether One Window is Contained In
Jcross                  Multitype J Function (i-to-j)
Jdot                    Multitype J Function (i-to-any)
Jest                    Estimate the J-function
Jmulti                  Marked J Function
kaplan.meier            Kaplan-Meier Estimator using Histogram Data
Kcross                  Multitype K Function (Cross-type)
Kdot                    Multitype K Function (i-to-any)
Kest.fft                K-function using FFT
Kest                    K-function
Kinhom                  Inhomogeneous K-function
Kmeasure                Reduced Second Moment Measure                   Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample Estimator
                        using Histograms
Kmulti                  Marked K-Function
ksmooth.ppp             Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern
lansing                 Lansing Woods Point Pattern
LennardJones            The Lennard-Jones Potential
letterR                 Window in Shape of Letter R
longleaf                Longleaf Pines Point Pattern
markcorr                Mark Correlation Function
mpl                     Fit Point Process Model by Maximum
MultiStraussHard        The Multitype/Hard Core Strauss Point Process
MultiStrauss            The Multitype Strauss Point Process Model
nearest.raster.point    Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Point
nndist                  Nearest neighbour distances
nztrees                 New Zealand Trees Point Pattern              Ord Interaction Process Family
Ord                     Generic Ord Interaction model
OrdThresh               Ord's Interaction model
owin.object             Class owin
owin                    Create a Window
pairdist                Pairwise distances
PairPiece               The Piecewise Constant Pairwise Interaction
                        Point Process Model          Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process
                        Family         Pairwise Interaction Process Family
Pairwise                Generic Pairwise Interaction model
pcf                     Pair Correlation Function
plot.fasp               Plot a Function Array
plot.fv                 Plot Function Valuesn
plot.owin               Plot a Spatial Window
plot.ppm                plot a Fitted Point Process Model
plot.ppp                plot a Spatial Point Pattern
plot.quad               plot a Spatial Quadrature Scheme
Poisson                 Poisson Point Process Model
ppm.object              Class of Fitted Point Process Models
ppp.object              Class of Point Patterns
ppp                     Create a Point Pattern
predict.ppm             Prediction from a Fitted Point Process Model                Print Brief Details of an Image
print.owin              Print Brief Details of a Spatial Window
print.ppm               Print a Fitted Point Process Model
print.ppp               Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Dataset
print.quad              Print a Quadrature Scheme
quad.object             Class of Quadrature Schemes
quad.ppm                Extract Quadrature Scheme Used to Fit a Point
                        Process Model
quadscheme              Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point
raster.x                Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
reduced.sample          Reduced Sample Estimator using Histogram Data
redwoodfull             California Redwoods Point Pattern (Entire
redwood                 California Redwoods Point Pattern (Ripley's
ripras                  Estimate window from points alone
rMatClust               Simulate Matern Cluster Process
rMaternII               Simulate Matern Model II
rMaternI                Simulate Matern Model I
rmh.default             Simulate Point Process Models using the
                        Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.
rmh.ppm                 Simulate from a Fitted Point Process Model
rmh                     Simulate point patterns using the
                        Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
rmpoint                 Generate N Random Multitype Points
rmpoispp                Generate Multitype Poisson Point Pattern
rNeymanScott            Simulate Neyman-Scott Process
rotate.owin             Rotate a Window
rotate.ppp              Rotate a Point Pattern
rotate                  Rotate
rpoint                  Generate N Random Points
rpoispp                 Generate Poisson Point Pattern
rSSI                    Simple Sequential Inhibition
rThomas                 Simulate Thomas Process
runifpoint              Generate N Uniform Random Points
Saturated               Saturated Pairwise Interaction model
setmarks                Set or Reset the Marks in a Point Pattern                Apply Vector Translation To Pixel Image
shift.owin              Apply Vector Translation To Window
shift.ppp               Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern
shift                   Apply Vector Translation
simdat                  Simulated Point Pattern
Softcore                The Soft Core Point Process Model
spatstat.options        Internal Options in Spatstat Package
spokes                  Spokes pattern of dummy points
square                  Square Window
stratrand               Stratified random point pattern
StraussHard             The Strauss / Hard Core Point Process Model
Strauss                 The Strauss Point Process Model
subset.fasp             Extract Subset of Function Array
subset.fv               Extract Subset of Function Values               Extract Subset of Image
subset.ppp              Extract Subset of Point Pattern              Summarizing a Pixel Image
summary.owin            Summary of a Spatial Window
summary.ppm             Summarizing a Fitted Point Process Model
summary.ppp             Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset
summary.quad            Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme
superimpose             Superimpose Several Point Patterns
swedishpines            Swedish Pines Point Pattern
union.quad              Union of Data and Dummy Points
unmark                  Remove Marks from a Marked Point Pattern
update.ppm              Update a Fitted Point Process Model
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