Revision 03fb8d4ce6bb2f08ee21b1daf035f2c102a983fe authored by Bryna Hazelton on 25 September 2020, 16:38:52 UTC, committed by Bryna Hazelton on 06 October 2020, 00:23:06 UTC
None of the updates seem important to pyuvdata, but we should have the most recent version.
1 parent d64a6b0
Raw File
/*	DIO  -- Disk I/O routines for a Unix Enviromment.		*/
/*									*/
/*	Makes calls to the UNIX I/O and directory searching routines.	*/
/*	All of these get implemented in a pretty straight forward way.	*/
/*									*/
/*	Portability Notes:						*/
/*	These routines are intended to run on BSD UNIX and UNICOS. No	*/
/*	attempt has been made to make them any more portable than this.	*/
/*	There are some minor differences between the two, which are 	*/
/*	selectively compiled depending if BSD is defined.		*/
/*	1. The mkdir system service is not present on some systems, and	*/
/*	   may require superuser priveleges to implement using mknod.	*/
/*	   In this case, use 'popen("mkdir ...","r",...)'		*/
/*	2. The Berkeley directory searching routines are used. These	*/
/*	   can be relatively simply implemented in other UNIX's.	*/
/*									*/
/*	History:                                                        */
/*      dakr-ages  rjs Original version adapted from werong.		*/
/*	31-oct-89  pjt	_trace_ added as defined() option, errno	*/
/*        -nov-89  rjs dexpand_c routine				*/
/*       6-dec-89  pjt extended bug call				*/
/*      26-jan-90  rjs Reincluded <stdio.h>, which is needed by Unicos.	*/
/*	27-apr-90  rjs Added ddelete_c routine.				*/
/*      26-aug-93  rjs Added hrmdir.					*/
/*	 5-nov-94  rjs Improve POSIX compliance.			*/
/*	26-Oct-95  rjs Honour TMPDIR environment variable, if set.	*/
/*	10-Jan-96  rjs Make sure scratch file names are unique.		*/
/*      17-jun-02  pjt MIR4 changes, and proper prototypes              */
/*	 5-nov-04  jwr Changed a few size_t to ssize_t or off_t		*/
/*       3-jan-05  pjt ssize casting to appease the compiler            */
/*                     use SSIZE_MAX to protect from bad casting ?      */
/*       2-mar-05  pjt template->templat for C++, just in case          */

#include <Python.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#define direct dirent
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "miriad.h"

#define MAXPATH 1024

#ifndef NULL
#  define NULL 0

#define Malloc(x) malloc((unsigned)(x))
#define Strcat (void)strcat
#define Strcpy (void)strcpy
#define Lseek(a,b,c) (off64_t)lseek64(a,(off64_t)(b),c)

struct dent { 
  char path[MAXPATH];
  DIR *dir;
void ddelete_c(char *path,int *iostat)
  This deletes a file, and returns an i/o status.
  *iostat = ( unlink(path) ? errno : 0 );
void dtrans_c(char *inpath,char *outpath,int *iostat)
  Translate a directory spec into the local format. On a UNIX machine,
  this merely involves adding a slash to the end of the name.

    inpath	Input directory spec.
    outpath	Output directory spec.
    iostat	Error return.
  char *s;

  *iostat = 0;
  s = outpath + strlen(outpath) - 1;
  if(*s != '/')Strcat(outpath,"/");
void dmkdir_c(char *path,int *iostat)
  Create a directory. This might be a privileged operation on some systems,
  in which case dmkdir_c will have to work by using popen(3) and mkdir(1).

    path	Name of directory to create. This will usually have a
		trailing slash, which needs to be trimmed off.
    iostat	Errror status.
  char Path[MAXPATH],*s;

/* Usually the path will end in a '/', so get rid of it. */

  s = Path + strlen(Path) - 1;
  if(*s == '/')*s = 0;

  *iostat = 0;
  if(mkdir(Path,0777) < 0) *iostat = errno;
void drmdir_c(char *path,int *iostat)
  Delete a directory. This might be a privileged operation on some systems,
  in which case drmdir_c will have to work by using popen(3) and rmdir(1).

    path	Name of directory to remove. This will usually have a
		trailing slash, which needs to be trimmed off.
    iostat	Errror status.
  char Path[MAXPATH],*s;

/* Usually the path will end in a '/', so get rid of it. */

  s = Path + strlen(Path) - 1;
  if(*s == '/')*s = 0;

  *iostat = 0;
  if(rmdir(Path) < 0) *iostat = errno;
void dopen_c(int *fd,char *name,char *status,off64_t *size,int *iostat)
  Open a file.
    name	Name of file to create (in host format).
    status	Either "read", "write", "append" or "scratch".

    fd		File descriptor.
    size	Size of file.
    iostat	I/O status.

  int is_scratch,pid,flags=0;
  char *s,sname[MAXPATH];

  is_scratch = *iostat = 0;
  s = name;

  if     (!strcmp(status,"read"))    flags = O_RDONLY;
  else if(!strcmp(status,"write"))   flags = O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR;
  else if(!strcmp(status,"append"))  flags = O_CREAT|O_RDWR;
  else if(!strcmp(status,"scratch")){
    flags = O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR;
    is_scratch = 1;
    s = getenv("TMPDIR");
    pid = getpid();
    if(s != NULL)sprintf(sname,"%s/%s.%d",s,name,pid);
    else         sprintf(sname,"%s.%d",name,pid);
    s = sname;
  } else bug_c('f',"dopen_c: Unrecognised status");
  flags |= O_LARGEFILE;
  if((*fd = open(s,flags,0644)) < 0){*iostat = errno; return;}
  *size = Lseek(*fd,0,SEEK_END);

/* If its a scratch file, unlink it now, so that the file will disappear
   when it is closed (or this program crashes). */

void dclose_c(int fd,int *iostat)
  This subroutine does unbelievably complex stuff.
  *iostat = ( close(fd) < 0 ? errno : 0 );
void dread_c(int fd, char *buffer,off64_t offset,size_t length,int *iostat)
  Read from a file.
  ssize_t nread;
#ifdef debug
  if (length >= SSIZE_MAX) bugv_c('f',"dread_c: possible incomplete read");
  if(Lseek(fd,offset,SEEK_SET) < 0) { *iostat = errno; return; }
  nread = read(fd,buffer,length);
  if(nread < 0) *iostat = errno; 
  else if(nread != (ssize_t) length) *iostat = EIO;
void dwrite_c(int fd, char *buffer,off64_t offset,size_t length,int *iostat)
  Write to a file.
  ssize_t nwrite;
#ifdef debug
  if (length >= SSIZE_MAX) bugv_c('f',"dwrite_c: possible incomplete write");
  if(Lseek(fd,offset,SEEK_SET) < 0) { *iostat = errno; return; }
  nwrite = write(fd,buffer,length);
  if(nwrite < 0) *iostat = errno; 
  else if(nwrite != (ssize_t) length) *iostat = EIO;
void dwait_c(int fd,int *iostat)
  This nominally waits for i/o to a file to finish. Things work synchronously
  in UNIX.
  *iostat = 0;
int dexpand_c(char *templat,char *output,int length)
  This expands wildcards, matching them with files.

    templat	The input character string, containing the wildcards.
    length	The length of the output buffer.
    output	All the files matching "template". Filenames are separated
		by commas.
  FILE *fd;
  char line[MAXPATH],*s;
  int l;

  Strcpy(line,"echo ");
  fd = popen(line,"r");
  if(fd == NULL) return(-1);
  s = output;
    l = strlen(s);
    if( length-l <= 1 ){(void)pclose(fd); return(-1);}
    *(s+l-1) = ',';
    s += l;
    length -= l;
  if(s != output) *--s = 0;
void dopendir_c(char **contxt,char *path)
  Open a directory, and prepare to read from it.
  struct dent *d;

  *contxt = Malloc(sizeof(struct dent));
  d = (struct dent *)*contxt;
  d->dir = opendir(path);
void dclosedir_c(char *contxt)
  Close a directory.
  struct dent *d;
  d = (struct dent *)contxt;
void dreaddir_c(char *contxt,char *path,int length)
  Read a directory entry.
  struct dent *d;
  struct direct *dp;
  struct stat buf;
  char npath[MAXPATH];

  d = (struct dent *)contxt;

  do dp = readdir(d->dir);
  while(dp != NULL && (!strcmp(dp->d_name,".") || !strcmp(dp->d_name,"..")));

  if(dp == NULL)
    *path = 0;
    Strcpy(npath,d->path);    Strcat(npath,path);
    if(S_IFDIR & buf.st_mode)Strcat(path,"/");
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