Revision 04bbc417cf2927b827660bc07743429783569aec authored by HwB on 10 February 2013, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 10 February 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 0e3ae6b
Raw File
\title{Companion Matrix}
  Computes the companion matrix of a vector.
  \item{p}{vector representing a polynomial}
  Computes the companion matrix corresponding to the vector \code{p}
  with \code{-p[2:length(p)]/p[1]} as first row.

  The eigenvalues of this matrix are the roots of the polynomial.
  A square matrix of \code{length(p)-1} rows and columns
  p <- c(1, 0, -7, 6)
  # 0  7 -6
  # 1  0  0
  # 0  1  0
\keyword{ array }
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