Revision 04c21bf6e5a9d75724a269fff725b82f973813c3 authored by Volodymyr Kysenko on 21 November 2023, 21:56:45 UTC, committed by GitHub on 21 November 2023, 21:56:45 UTC
1 parent f5a4e49
Raw File
#include "Halide.h"
#include "halide_benchmark.h"
#include "halide_test_dirs.h"

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

using namespace Halide;

void fill_buffer_a_bf16(Buffer<bfloat16_t> &buf, int row, int acc) {
    for (int iy = 0; iy < row; ++iy) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < acc; ++ix) {
            // value between 0 and 100
            bfloat16_t val = bfloat16_t(((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)) * 100.f);
            buf(ix, iy) = val;

void fill_buffer_b_bf16(Buffer<bfloat16_t> &buf, int col, int acc) {
    for (int iy = 0; iy < acc / 2; ++iy) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < col; ++ix) {
            for (int ik = 0; ik < 2; ++ik) {
                bfloat16_t val = bfloat16_t(((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)) * 100.f);
                buf(ik, ix, iy) = val;

struct make_uint_t {
    template<typename... Args>
    Type operator()(Args &&...args) const {
        return UInt(static_cast<Args &&>(args)...);

struct make_int_t {
    template<typename... Args>
    Type operator()(Args &&...args) const {
        return Int(static_cast<Args &&>(args)...);

template<typename IntT>
void fill_buffer_a(Buffer<IntT> &buf, int row, int acc) {
    for (int iy = 0; iy < row; iy++) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < acc; ix++) {
            buf(ix, iy) = rand() % 256 + std::numeric_limits<IntT>::min();

template<typename IntT>
void fill_buffer_b(Buffer<IntT> &buf, int col, int acc) {
    for (int iy = 0; iy < acc / 4; iy++) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < col; ix++) {
            for (int ik = 0; ik < 4; ++ik) {
                buf(ik, ix, iy) = rand() % 256 + std::numeric_limits<IntT>::min();

template<typename LhsInt8, typename RhsInt8>
bool matmul(Halide::Target target) {
    // used for compiling to llvm IR or asm

    constexpr bool lhs_signed = std::is_signed<LhsInt8>::value;
    constexpr bool rhs_signed = std::is_signed<RhsInt8>::value;

    auto lhs = typename std::conditional<lhs_signed, make_int_t, make_uint_t>::type{};
    auto rhs = typename std::conditional<rhs_signed, make_int_t, make_uint_t>::type{};

    const int row = 16;
    const int col = 16;
    const int acc = 16;

    Var x("x"), y("y");
    ImageParam A(lhs(8), 2, "lhs");
    // NB the RHS matrix in AMX instructions should be tiled in "VNNI format",
    // where instead of being (cols, rows) where rows are adjacent in memory it
    // should be (4, cols, rows / 4) for int8, or (2, cols, rows / 2) for bf16.
    // This means that the rows must always be divisible by 4 (or 2 for bf16).
    ImageParam B(rhs(8), 3, "rhs");

    RDom r(0, acc);

    Func mm("matmul");
    mm(y, x) = cast<int32_t>(0);
    mm(y, x) += cast<int32_t>(A(r.x, x)) * B(r.x % 4, y, r.x / 4);

    // Ensure all (x, y) tile sizes are the same so that loops are fused.
    int tile_y = 8;
    int tile_x = 6;
    int tile_r = 4;

    // Schedule the reduction
    Var rxi("rxi"), ryi("ryi");
    RVar rri("rri"), rro("rro");
    mm.compute_at(, y)
        // Split into (x,y) tile
        .tile(y, x, ryi, rxi, tile_y, tile_x, TailStrategy::GuardWithIf)
        // Split reduction dim by tile_r
        .split(r.x, rro, rri, tile_r)
        // Reorder so that the (x,y) tile is inside the inner ro loop
        .reorder({rri, ryi, rxi, rro, y, x})

    // Schedule the initialization
    Var ixi("ixi"), iyi("iyi");
    mm.compute_at(, y)
        .tile(y, x, iyi, ixi, tile_y, tile_x)

    // Schedule the consumer
    Var mmxi("mmxi"), mmyi("mmyi");
        .tile(y, x, mmyi, mmxi, tile_y, tile_x)

    Buffer<LhsInt8> a_buf(acc, row);
    fill_buffer_a(a_buf, row, acc);

    Buffer<RhsInt8> b_buf(4, col, acc / 4);
    fill_buffer_b(b_buf, col, acc);

    Buffer<int32_t> out(col, row);

    Func result =;

    // Uncomment to check the asm
    // result.compile_to_llvm_assembly(Internal::get_test_tmp_dir() + "tiled_matmul.ll", {A, B}, target);
    // result.compile_to_assembly(Internal::get_test_tmp_dir() + "tiled_matmul.s", {A, B}, target);

    auto time = Tools::benchmark(20, 20, [&]() {
    std::cout << "Exec time: " << time << "\n";
    std::cout << "Success!\n";
    return true;

auto matmul_ss = &matmul<int8_t, int8_t>;
auto matmul_us = &matmul<uint8_t, int8_t>;
auto matmul_su = &matmul<int8_t, uint8_t>;
auto matmul_uu = &matmul<uint8_t, uint8_t>;

bool equal_eps(float lhs, float rhs, float eps) {
    return std::abs(lhs - rhs) < eps;

bool matmul_bf16(Halide::Target target) {

    // lhs: 32x16, rhs: 16x32
    const int row = 32;
    const int col = 32;
    const int acc = 16;

    Var x("x"), y("y");
    ImageParam A(BFloat(16), 2, "lhs");
    ImageParam B(BFloat(16), 3, "rhs");

    RDom r(0, acc, "acc");

    Func mm("matmul");
    mm(x, y) = cast<float>(0);
    mm(x, y) += cast<float>(cast<float>(A(r.x, y))) * cast<float>(B(r.x % 2, x, r.x / 2));

    int tile_x = 8;
    int tile_y = 8;
    int tile_r = 2;

    Var rxi("rxi"), ryi("ryi");
    RVar rri("rri"), rro("rro");

    mm.compute_at(, x)
        .tile(x, y, rxi, ryi, tile_x, tile_y, TailStrategy::GuardWithIf)
        .split(r.x, rro, rri, tile_r)
        .reorder({rri, rxi, ryi, rro, x, y})

    Var ixi("ixi"), iyi("iyi");
    mm.compute_at(, x)
        .tile(x, y, ixi, iyi, tile_x, tile_y)

    // schedule the consumer
    Var mmxi("mmxi"), mmyi("mmyi");
        .tile(x, y, mmxi, mmyi, tile_x, tile_y)

    Func result =;

    Buffer<bfloat16_t> a_buf(acc, row);
    fill_buffer_a_bf16(a_buf, row, acc);

    Buffer<bfloat16_t> b_buf(2, col, acc / 2);
    fill_buffer_b_bf16(b_buf, col, acc);

    Buffer<float> out(col, row);

    // Uncomment to check the asm
    // result.compile_to_llvm_assembly(Internal::get_test_tmp_dir() + "tiled_matmul_bf16.ll", {A, B}, target);
    // result.compile_to_assembly(Internal::get_test_tmp_dir() + "tiled_matmul.s", {A, B}, target);

    auto time = Tools::benchmark(20, 20, [&]() {

    std::cout << "Exec time: " << time << "\n";
    std::cout << "Success!\n";
    return true;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment();
    if (!target.has_feature(Target::AVX512_SapphireRapids)) {
        std::cout << "[SKIP] The tiled matmul test is only designed to test AMX support.\n";
        return 0;

    printf("Running AMX (signed/signed)\n");
    printf("Running AMX (unsigned/signed)\n");
    printf("Running AMX (signed/unsigned)\n");
    printf("Running AMX (unsigned/unsigned)\n");

    printf("Running AMX (bf16)\n");
    return 0;
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