Revision 058022c3be6121e485ecf48e19424d1ed36dc535 authored by François Dupressoir on 19 January 2022, 19:29:05 UTC, committed by François Dupressoir on 19 January 2022, 19:29:05 UTC
1 parent 46ba308
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(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require import Bool Core List DBool.

type key.
type plaintext.
type ciphertext.

module type Scheme = {
  proc * init(): unit {}
  proc kg(): key
  proc enc(k:key,p:plaintext): ciphertext
  proc dec(k:key,c:ciphertext): plaintext option

module type CPA_Oracles = {
  proc enc(p:plaintext): ciphertext

module type CCA_Oracles = {
  proc enc(p:plaintext): ciphertext
  proc dec(c:ciphertext): plaintext option

module type Adv_INDCPA (O:CPA_Oracles) = {
  proc choose(): plaintext * plaintext
  proc guess(c:ciphertext): bool

module type Adv_INDCCA (O:CCA_Oracles) = {
  proc choose(): plaintext * plaintext
  proc guess(c:ciphertext): bool

module Wrap (S:Scheme) = {
  var k:key
  var qs:ciphertext list

  proc init(): unit = {
    k  <@;
    qs <- [];

  proc enc(p:plaintext): ciphertext = {
    var r:ciphertext;

    r <@ S.enc(k,p);
    return r;

  proc dec(c:ciphertext): plaintext option = {
    var r:plaintext option;

    qs <- c::qs;
    r  <@ S.dec(k,c);
    return r;

  proc queried_challenge(c:ciphertext): bool = {
    return mem qs c;

module INDCPA (S:Scheme, A:Adv_INDCPA) = {
  module O = Wrap(S)
  module A = A(O)

  proc main(): bool = {
    var b, b':bool;
    var p, p0, p1:plaintext;
    var c:ciphertext;

    (p0,p1) <@ A.choose();
    b       <$ {0,1};
    p       <- if b then p1 else p0;
    c       <@ O.enc(p);
    b'      <@ A.guess(c);
    return (b = b');

module INDCCA (S:Scheme, A:Adv_INDCCA) = {
  module O = Wrap(S)
  module A = A(O)

  proc main(): bool = {
    var b, b', qc:bool;
    var p, p0, p1:plaintext;
    var c:ciphertext;

    (p0,p1) <@ A.choose();
    b       <$ {0,1};
    p       <- if b then p1 else p0;
    c       <@ O.enc(p);
    b'      <@ A.guess(c);
    qc      <@ O.queried_challenge(c);
    return (b = b' /\ !qc);

module ToCCA (A:Adv_INDCPA, O:CCA_Oracles) = A(O).

lemma CCA_implies_CPA (S <: Scheme {INDCPA}) (A <: Adv_INDCPA {S, INDCPA}) &m:
  Pr[INDCPA(S,A).main() @ &m: res] = Pr[INDCCA(S,ToCCA(A)).main() @ &m: res].
proof strict.
byequiv (_: ={glob A} ==> ={res})=> //; proc.
call{2} (_: Wrap.qs = [] ==> !res); first by proc; skip; smt.
conseq [-frame] (_: _ ==> Wrap.qs{2} = [] /\ (b = b'){1} = (b = b'){2}); first smt.
call (_: ={glob Wrap, glob S} /\ Wrap.qs{2} = []);
  first by proc; call (_: true).
call (_: ={glob Wrap, glob S});
  first by call (_: true).
wp; rnd.
call (_: ={glob Wrap, glob S} /\ Wrap.qs{2} = []);
  first by proc; call (_: true).
by call (_: true ==> ={glob Wrap, glob S} /\ Wrap.qs{2} = []);
     first by proc; wp; sim.
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