Revision 06a49a392db85e1f55a1810669559389e8ecf37c authored by Simeon David Schaub on 25 April 2022, 12:30:31 UTC, committed by Simeon David Schaub on 25 April 2022, 20:15:55 UTC
Not sure whether putting hints into the lowering pass like this is a
great solution. I thought about maybe using Julia-side error hints for
this instead, but using some kind of pattern-matching doesn't seem like
a great solution either.

fixes #45031
1 parent 9d14cb1
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Tip revision: 06a49a392db85e1f55a1810669559389e8ecf37c authored by Simeon David Schaub on 25 April 2022, 12:30:31 UTC
improve error message for invalid function args
Tip revision: 06a49a3
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

export threadid, nthreads, @threads, @spawn


Get the ID number of the current thread of execution. The master thread has ID `1`.
threadid() = Int(ccall(:jl_threadid, Int16, ())+1)

# Inclusive upper bound on threadid()

Get the number of threads available to the Julia process. This is the inclusive upper bound
on [`threadid()`](@ref).

See also: `BLAS.get_num_threads` and `BLAS.set_num_threads` in the
[`LinearAlgebra`](@ref man-linalg) standard library, and `nprocs()` in the
[`Distributed`](@ref man-distributed) standard library.
nthreads() = Int(unsafe_load(cglobal(:jl_n_threads, Cint)))

function threading_run(fun, static)
    ccall(:jl_enter_threaded_region, Cvoid, ())
    n = nthreads()
    tasks = Vector{Task}(undef, n)
    for i = 1:n
        t = Task(() -> fun(i)) # pass in tid
        t.sticky = static
        static && ccall(:jl_set_task_tid, Cint, (Any, Cint), t, i-1)
        tasks[i] = t
        for i = 1:n
        ccall(:jl_exit_threaded_region, Cvoid, ())

function _threadsfor(iter, lbody, schedule)
    lidx = iter.args[1]         # index
    range = iter.args[2]
        local threadsfor_fun
        let range = $(esc(range))
        function threadsfor_fun(tid=1; onethread=false)
            r = range # Load into local variable
            lenr = length(r)
            # divide loop iterations among threads
            if onethread
                tid = 1
                len, rem = lenr, 0
                len, rem = divrem(lenr, nthreads())
            # not enough iterations for all the threads?
            if len == 0
                if tid > rem
                len, rem = 1, 0
            # compute this thread's iterations
            f = firstindex(r) + ((tid-1) * len)
            l = f + len - 1
            # distribute remaining iterations evenly
            if rem > 0
                if tid <= rem
                    f = f + (tid-1)
                    l = l + tid
                    f = f + rem
                    l = l + rem
            # run this thread's iterations
            for i = f:l
                local $(esc(lidx)) = @inbounds r[i]
        if $(schedule === :dynamic || schedule === :default)
            threading_run(threadsfor_fun, false)
        elseif ccall(:jl_in_threaded_region, Cint, ()) != 0 # :static
            error("`@threads :static` cannot be used concurrently or nested")
        else # :static
            threading_run(threadsfor_fun, true)

    Threads.@threads [schedule] for ... end

A macro to execute a `for` loop in parallel. The iteration space is distributed to
coarse-grained tasks. This policy can be specified by the `schedule` argument. The
execution of the loop waits for the evaluation of all iterations.

See also: [`@spawn`](@ref Threads.@spawn) and
`pmap` in [`Distributed`](@ref man-distributed).

# Extended help

## Semantics

Unless stronger guarantees are specified by the scheduling option, the loop executed by
`@threads` macro have the following semantics.

The `@threads` macro executes the loop body in an unspecified order and potentially
concurrently. It does not specify the exact assignments of the tasks and the worker threads.
The assignments can be different for each execution. The loop body code (including any code
transitively called from it) must not make any assumptions about the distribution of
iterations to tasks or the worker thread in which they are executed. The loop body for each
iteration must be able to make forward progress independent of other iterations and be free
from data races. As such, invalid synchronizations across iterations may deadlock while
unsynchronized memory accesses may result in undefined behavior.

For example, the above conditions imply that:

- The lock taken in an iteration *must* be released within the same iteration.
- Communicating between iterations using blocking primitives like `Channel`s is incorrect.
- Write only to locations not shared across iterations (unless a lock or atomic operation is
- The value of [`threadid()`](@ref Threads.threadid) may change even within a single

## Schedulers

Without the scheduler argument, the exact scheduling is unspecified and varies across Julia
releases. Currently, `:dynamic` is used when the scheduler is not specified.

!!! compat "Julia 1.5"
    The `schedule` argument is available as of Julia 1.5.

### `:dynamic` (default)

`:dynamic` scheduler executes iterations dynamically to available worker threads. Current
implementation assumes that the workload for each iteration is uniform. However, this
assumption may be removed in the future.

This scheduling option is merely a hint to the underlying execution mechanism. However, a
few properties can be expected. The number of `Task`s used by `:dynamic` scheduler is
bounded by a small constant multiple of the number of available worker threads
([`nthreads()`](@ref Threads.nthreads)). Each task processes contiguous regions of the
iteration space. Thus, `@threads :dynamic for x in xs; f(x); end` is typically more
efficient than `@sync for x in xs; @spawn f(x); end` if `length(xs)` is significantly
larger than the number of the worker threads and the run-time of `f(x)` is relatively
smaller than the cost of spawning and synchronizing a task (typically less than 10

!!! compat "Julia 1.8"
    The `:dynamic` option for the `schedule` argument is available and the default as of Julia 1.8.

### `:static`

`:static` scheduler creates one task per thread and divides the iterations equally among
them, assigning each task specifically to each thread. In particular, the value of
[`threadid()`](@ref Threads.threadid) is guranteed to be constant within one iteration.
Specifying `:static` is an error if used from inside another `@threads` loop or from a
thread other than 1.

!!! note
    `:static` scheduling exists for supporting transition of code written before Julia 1.3.
    In newly written library functions, `:static` scheduling is discouraged because the
    functions using this option cannot be called from arbitrary worker threads.

## Example

To illustrate of the different scheduling strategies, consider the following function
`busywait` containing a non-yielding timed loop that runs for a given number of seconds.

julia> function busywait(seconds)
            tstart = time_ns()
            while (time_ns() - tstart) / 1e9 < seconds

julia> @time begin
            Threads.@spawn busywait(5)
            Threads.@threads :static for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()
6.003001 seconds (16.33 k allocations: 899.255 KiB, 0.25% compilation time)

julia> @time begin
            Threads.@spawn busywait(5)
            Threads.@threads :dynamic for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()
2.012056 seconds (16.05 k allocations: 883.919 KiB, 0.66% compilation time)

The `:dynamic` example takes 2 seconds since one of the non-occupied threads is able
to run two of the 1-second iterations to complete the for loop.
macro threads(args...)
    na = length(args)
    if na == 2
        sched, ex = args
        if sched isa QuoteNode
            sched = sched.value
        elseif sched isa Symbol
            # for now only allow quoted symbols
            sched = nothing
        if sched !== :static && sched !== :dynamic
            throw(ArgumentError("unsupported schedule argument in @threads"))
    elseif na == 1
        sched = :default
        ex = args[1]
        throw(ArgumentError("wrong number of arguments in @threads"))
    if !(isa(ex, Expr) && ex.head === :for)
        throw(ArgumentError("@threads requires a `for` loop expression"))
    if !(ex.args[1] isa Expr && ex.args[1].head === :(=))
        throw(ArgumentError("nested outer loops are not currently supported by @threads"))
    return _threadsfor(ex.args[1], ex.args[2], sched)

    Threads.@spawn expr

Create a [`Task`](@ref) and [`schedule`](@ref) it to run on any available thread.
The task is allocated to a thread after it becomes available. To wait for the task
to finish, call [`wait`](@ref) on the result of this macro, or call [`fetch`](@ref) to
wait and then obtain its return value.

Values can be interpolated into `@spawn` via `\$`, which copies the value directly into the
constructed underlying closure. This allows you to insert the _value_ of a variable,
isolating the asynchronous code from changes to the variable's value in the current task.

!!! note
    See the manual chapter on threading for important caveats.

!!! compat "Julia 1.3"
    This macro is available as of Julia 1.3.

!!! compat "Julia 1.4"
    Interpolating values via `\$` is available as of Julia 1.4.
macro spawn(expr)
    letargs = Base._lift_one_interp!(expr)

    thunk = esc(:(()->($expr)))
    var = esc(Base.sync_varname)
        let $(letargs...)
            local task = Task($thunk)
            task.sticky = false
            if $(Expr(:islocal, var))
                put!($var, task)

# This is a stub that can be overloaded for downstream structures like `Channel`
function foreach end

# Scheduling traits that can be employed for downstream overloads
abstract type AbstractSchedule end
struct StaticSchedule <: AbstractSchedule end
struct FairSchedule <: AbstractSchedule end
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