Revision 0725ff3edc2ddddbd126193ca8ccaf392044b5ab authored by Bruce Mitchener on 25 September 2013, 04:58:12 UTC, committed by Bruce Mitchener on 25 September 2013, 23:46:53 UTC
1 parent 894d13a
Raw File
//"use strict";

// See browser tests for examples (tests/, search for sdl_). Run with
//    python tests/ browser

// Notes:
//  SDL_VIDEORESIZE: This is sent when the canvas is resized. Note that the user
//                   cannot manually do so, so this is only sent when the
//                   program manually resizes it (emscripten_set_canvas_size
//                   or otherwise).

var LibrarySDL = {
  $SDL__deps: ['$FS', '$PATH', '$Browser'],
  $SDL: {
    defaults: {
      width: 320,
      height: 200,
      copyOnLock: true

    version: null,

    surfaces: {},
    // A pool of freed canvas elements. Reusing them avoids GC pauses.
    canvasPool: [],
    events: [],
    fonts: [null],

    // The currently preloaded audio elements ready to be played
    audios: [null],
    rwops: [null],
    // The currently playing audio element.  There's only one music track.
    music: {
      audio: null,
      volume: 1.0
    mixerFrequency: 22050,
    mixerFormat: 0x8010, // AUDIO_S16LSB
    mixerNumChannels: 2,
    mixerChunkSize: 1024,
    channelMinimumNumber: 0,

    GL: false, // Set to true if we call SDL_SetVideoMode with SDL_OPENGL, and if so, we do not create 2D canvases&contexts for blitting
               // Note that images loaded before SDL_SetVideoMode will not get this optimization

    keyboardState: null,
    keyboardMap: {},

    canRequestFullscreen: false,
    isRequestingFullscreen: false,

    textInput: false,

    startTime: null,
    buttonState: 0,
    modState: 0,
    DOMButtons: [0, 0, 0],

    DOMEventToSDLEvent: {},

    keyCodes: { // DOM code ==> SDL code. See and SDL_keycode.h
      46: 127, // SDLK_DEL == '\177'
      38:  1106, // up arrow
      40:  1105, // down arrow
      37:  1104, // left arrow
      39:  1103, // right arrow

      33: 1099, // pagedup
      34: 1102, // pagedown

      17:  1248, // control (right, or left)
      18:  1250, // alt
      173: 45, // minus
      16:  1249, // shift
      96: 88 | 1<<10, // keypad 0
      97: 89 | 1<<10, // keypad 1
      98: 90 | 1<<10, // keypad 2
      99: 91 | 1<<10, // keypad 3
      100: 92 | 1<<10, // keypad 4
      101: 93 | 1<<10, // keypad 5
      102: 94 | 1<<10, // keypad 6
      103: 95 | 1<<10, // keypad 7
      104: 96 | 1<<10, // keypad 8
      105: 97 | 1<<10, // keypad 9

      112: 58 | 1<<10, // F1
      113: 59 | 1<<10, // F2
      114: 60 | 1<<10, // F3
      115: 61 | 1<<10, // F4
      116: 62 | 1<<10, // F5
      117: 63 | 1<<10, // F6
      118: 64 | 1<<10, // F7
      119: 65 | 1<<10, // F8
      120: 66 | 1<<10, // F9
      121: 67 | 1<<10, // F10
      122: 68 | 1<<10, // F11
      123: 69 | 1<<10, // F12

      188: 44, // comma
      190: 46, // period
      191: 47, // slash (/)
      192: 96, // backtick/backquote (`)

    scanCodes: { // SDL keycode ==> SDL scancode. See SDL_scancode.h
      97: 4, // A
      98: 5,
      99: 6,
      100: 7,
      101: 8,
      102: 9,
      103: 10,
      104: 11,
      105: 12,
      106: 13,
      107: 14,
      108: 15,
      109: 16,
      110: 17,
      111: 18,
      112: 19,
      113: 20,
      114: 21,
      115: 22,
      116: 23,
      117: 24,
      118: 25,
      119: 26,
      120: 27,
      121: 28,
      122: 29, // Z
      44: 54, // comma
      46: 55, // period
      47: 56, // slash
      49: 30, // 1
      50: 31,
      51: 32,
      52: 33,
      53: 34,
      54: 35,
      55: 36,
      56: 37,
      57: 38, // 9
      48: 39, // 0
      13: 40, // return
      9: 43, // tab
      27: 41, // escape
      32: 44, // space
      92: 49, // backslash
      305: 224, // ctrl
      308: 226, // alt

    structs: {
      Rect: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'x'], ['i32', 'y'], ['i32', 'w'], ['i32', 'h'], 
      PixelFormat: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'format'],
        ['void*', 'palette'], ['i8', 'BitsPerPixel'], ['i8', 'BytesPerPixel'],
        ['i8', 'padding1'], ['i8', 'padding2'],
        ['i32', 'Rmask'], ['i32', 'Gmask'], ['i32', 'Bmask'], ['i32', 'Amask'],
        ['i8', 'Rloss'], ['i8', 'Gloss'], ['i8', 'Bloss'], ['i8', 'Aloss'],
        ['i8', 'Rshift'], ['i8', 'Gshift'], ['i8', 'Bshift'], ['i8', 'Ashift']
      KeyboardEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'type'],
        ['i32', 'windowID'],
        ['i8', 'state'],
        ['i8', 'repeat'],
        ['i8', 'padding2'],
        ['i8', 'padding3'],
        ['i32', 'keysym']
      keysym: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'scancode'],
        ['i32', 'sym'],
        ['i16', 'mod'],
        ['i32', 'unicode']
      TextInputEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'type'],
        ['i32', 'windowID'],
        ['b256', 'text'],
      MouseMotionEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'type'],
        ['i32', 'windowID'],
        ['i8', 'state'],
        ['i8', 'padding1'],
        ['i8', 'padding2'],
        ['i8', 'padding3'],
        ['i32', 'x'],
        ['i32', 'y'],
        ['i32', 'xrel'],
        ['i32', 'yrel']
      MouseButtonEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'type'],
        ['i32', 'windowID'],
        ['i8', 'button'],
        ['i8', 'state'],
        ['i8', 'padding1'],
        ['i8', 'padding2'],
        ['i32', 'x'],
        ['i32', 'y']
      ResizeEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'type'],
        ['i32', 'w'],
        ['i32', 'h']
      AudioSpec: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i32', 'freq'],
        ['i16', 'format'],
        ['i8', 'channels'],
        ['i8', 'silence'],
        ['i16', 'samples'],
        ['i32', 'size'],
        ['void*', 'callback'],
        ['void*', 'userdata']
      version: Runtime.generateStructInfo([
        ['i8', 'major'],
        ['i8', 'minor'],
        ['i8', 'patch']

    loadRect: function(rect) {
      return {
        x: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.x', '0', 'i32') }}},
        y: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.y', '0', 'i32') }}},
        w: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.w', '0', 'i32') }}},
        h: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.h', '0', 'i32') }}}

    // Load SDL color into a CSS-style color specification
    loadColorToCSSRGB: function(color) {
      var rgba = {{{ makeGetValue('color', '0', 'i32') }}};
      return 'rgb(' + (rgba&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 8)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 16)&255) + ')';
    loadColorToCSSRGBA: function(color) {
      var rgba = {{{ makeGetValue('color', '0', 'i32') }}};
      return 'rgba(' + (rgba&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 8)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 16)&255) + ',' + (((rgba >> 24)&255)/255) + ')';

    translateColorToCSSRGBA: function(rgba) {
      return 'rgba(' + (rgba&0xff) + ',' + (rgba>>8 & 0xff) + ',' + (rgba>>16 & 0xff) + ',' + (rgba>>>24)/0xff + ')';

    translateRGBAToCSSRGBA: function(r, g, b, a) {
      return 'rgba(' + (r&0xff) + ',' + (g&0xff) + ',' + (b&0xff) + ',' + (a&0xff)/255 + ')';

    translateRGBAToColor: function(r, g, b, a) {
      return r | g << 8 | b << 16 | a << 24;

    makeSurface: function(width, height, flags, usePageCanvas, source, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) {
      flags = flags || 0;
      var surf = _malloc(15*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE);  // SDL_Surface has 15 fields of quantum size
      var buffer = _malloc(width*height*4); // TODO: only allocate when locked the first time
      var pixelFormat = _malloc(18*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE);
      flags |= 1; // SDL_HWSURFACE - this tells SDL_MUSTLOCK that this needs to be locked

      //surface with SDL_HWPALETTE flag is 8bpp surface (1 byte)
      var is_SDL_HWPALETTE = flags & 0x00200000;  
      var bpp = is_SDL_HWPALETTE ? 1 : 4;
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', 'flags', 'i32') }}}         // SDL_Surface.flags
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', 'pixelFormat', 'void*') }}} // SDL_Surface.format TODO
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', 'width', 'i32') }}}         // SDL_Surface.w
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'height', 'i32') }}}        // SDL_Surface.h
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'width * bpp', 'i32') }}}       // SDL_Surface.pitch, assuming RGBA or indexed for now,
                                                                               // since that is what ImageData gives us in browsers
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*5', '0', 'buffer', 'void*') }}}      // SDL_Surface.pixels
      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*6', '0', '0', 'i32*') }}}      // SDL_Surface.offset

      {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*14', '0', '1', 'i32') }}}

      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.format', '0', '-2042224636', 'i32') }}} // SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.palette', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BitsPerPixel', '0', 'bpp * 8', 'i8') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BytesPerPixel', '0', 'bpp', 'i8') }}}

      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Rmask', '0', 'rmask || 0x000000ff', 'i32') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Gmask', '0', 'gmask || 0x0000ff00', 'i32') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Bmask', '0', 'bmask || 0x00ff0000', 'i32') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Amask', '0', 'amask || 0xff000000', 'i32') }}}

      // Decide if we want to use WebGL or not
      var useWebGL = (flags & 0x04000000) != 0; // SDL_OPENGL
      SDL.GL = SDL.GL || useWebGL;
      var canvas;
      if (!usePageCanvas) {
        if (SDL.canvasPool.length > 0) {
          canvas = SDL.canvasPool.pop();
        } else {
          canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = width;
        canvas.height = height;
      } else {
        canvas = Module['canvas'];
      var ctx = Browser.createContext(canvas, useWebGL, usePageCanvas);
      SDL.surfaces[surf] = {
        width: width,
        height: height,
        canvas: canvas,
        ctx: ctx,
        surf: surf,
        buffer: buffer,
        pixelFormat: pixelFormat,
        alpha: 255,
        flags: flags,
        locked: 0,
        usePageCanvas: usePageCanvas,
        source: source,

        isFlagSet: function(flag) {
          return flags & flag;

      return surf;

    // Copy data from the C++-accessible storage to the canvas backing 
    // for surface with HWPALETTE flag(8bpp depth)
    copyIndexedColorData: function(surfData, rX, rY, rW, rH) {
      // HWPALETTE works with palette
      // setted by SDL_SetColors
      if (!surfData.colors) {
      var fullWidth  = Module['canvas'].width;
      var fullHeight = Module['canvas'].height;

      var startX  = rX || 0;
      var startY  = rY || 0;
      var endX    = (rW || (fullWidth - startX)) + startX;
      var endY    = (rH || (fullHeight - startY)) + startY;
      var buffer  = surfData.buffer;
      var data    =;
      var colors  = surfData.colors;

      for (var y = startY; y < endY; ++y) {
        var indexBase = y * fullWidth;
        var colorBase = indexBase * 4;
        for (var x = startX; x < endX; ++x) {
          // HWPALETTE have only 256 colors (not rgba)
          var index = {{{ makeGetValue('buffer + indexBase + x', '0', 'i8', null, true) }}} * 3;
          var colorOffset = colorBase + x * 4;

          data[colorOffset   ] = colors[index   ];
          data[colorOffset +1] = colors[index +1];
          data[colorOffset +2] = colors[index +2];
          //unused: data[colorOffset +3] = color[index +3];

    freeSurface: function(surf) {
      var refcountPointer = surf + Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE * 14;
      var refcount = {{{ makeGetValue('refcountPointer', '0', 'i32') }}};
      if (refcount > 1) {
        {{{ makeSetValue('refcountPointer', '0', 'refcount - 1', 'i32') }}};

      var info = SDL.surfaces[surf];
      if (!info.usePageCanvas && info.canvas) SDL.canvasPool.push(info.canvas);
      SDL.surfaces[surf] = null;

    touchX: 0, touchY: 0,
    savedKeydown: null,

    receiveEvent: function(event) {
      switch(event.type) {
        case 'touchstart':
          var touch = event.touches[0];
          touchX = touch.pageX;
          touchY = touch.pageY;
          var event = {
            type: 'mousedown',
            button: 0,
            pageX: touchX,
            pageY: touchY
          SDL.DOMButtons[0] = 1;
        case 'touchmove':
          var touch = event.touches[0];
          touchX = touch.pageX;
          touchY = touch.pageY;
          event = {
            type: 'mousemove',
            button: 0,
            pageX: touchX,
            pageY: touchY
        case 'touchend':
          event = {
            type: 'mouseup',
            button: 0,
            pageX: touchX,
            pageY: touchY
          SDL.DOMButtons[0] = 0;
        case 'mousemove':
          if (Browser.pointerLock) {
            // workaround for firefox bug 750111
            if ('mozMovementX' in event) {
              event['movementX'] = event['mozMovementX'];
              event['movementY'] = event['mozMovementY'];
            // workaround for Firefox bug 782777
            if (event['movementX'] == 0 && event['movementY'] == 0) {
              // ignore a mousemove event if it doesn't contain any movement info
              // (without pointer lock, we infer movement from pageX/pageY, so this check is unnecessary)
          // fall through
        case 'keydown': case 'keyup': case 'keypress': case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'DOMMouseScroll': case 'mousewheel':
          // If we preventDefault on keydown events, the subsequent keypress events
          // won't fire. However, it's fine (and in some cases necessary) to
          // preventDefault for keys that don't generate a character. Otherwise,
          // preventDefault is the right thing to do in general.
          if (event.type !== 'keydown' || (event.keyCode === 8 /* backspace */ || event.keyCode === 9 /* tab */)) {

          if (event.type == 'DOMMouseScroll' || event.type == 'mousewheel') {
            var button = (event.type == 'DOMMouseScroll' ? event.detail : -event.wheelDelta) > 0 ? 4 : 3;
            var event2 = {
              type: 'mousedown',
              button: button,
              pageX: event.pageX,
              pageY: event.pageY
            event = {
              type: 'mouseup',
              button: button,
              pageX: event.pageX,
              pageY: event.pageY
          } else if (event.type == 'mousedown') {
            SDL.DOMButtons[event.button] = 1;
          } else if (event.type == 'mouseup') {
            // ignore extra ups, can happen if we leave the canvas while pressing down, then return,
            // since we add a mouseup in that case
            if (!SDL.DOMButtons[event.button]) {

            SDL.DOMButtons[event.button] = 0;

          // We can only request fullscreen as the result of user input.
          // Due to this limitation, we toggle a boolean on keydown which
          // SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen will check and subsequently set another
          // flag indicating for us to request fullscreen on the following
          // keyup. This isn't perfect, but it enables SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen
          // to work as the result of a keypress (which is an extremely
          // common use case).
          if (event.type === 'keydown') {
            SDL.canRequestFullscreen = true;
          } else if (event.type === 'keyup') {
            if (SDL.isRequestingFullscreen) {
              Module['requestFullScreen'](true, true);
              SDL.isRequestingFullscreen = false;
            SDL.canRequestFullscreen = false;

          // SDL expects a unicode character to be passed to its keydown events.
          // Unfortunately, the browser APIs only provide a charCode property on
          // keypress events, so we must backfill in keydown events with their
          // subsequent keypress event's charCode.
          if (event.type === 'keypress' && SDL.savedKeydown) {
            // charCode is read-only
            SDL.savedKeydown.keypressCharCode = event.charCode;
            SDL.savedKeydown = null;
          } else if (event.type === 'keydown') {
            SDL.savedKeydown = event;

          // Don't push keypress events unless SDL_StartTextInput has been called.
          if (event.type !== 'keypress' || SDL.textInput) {
        case 'mouseout':
          // Un-press all pressed mouse buttons, because we might miss the release outside of the canvas
          for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (SDL.DOMButtons[i]) {
                type: 'mouseup',
                button: i,
                pageX: event.pageX,
                pageY: event.pageY
              SDL.DOMButtons[i] = 0;
        case 'blur':
        case 'visibilitychange': {
          // Un-press all pressed keys: TODO
          for (var code in SDL.keyboardMap) {
              type: 'keyup',
              keyCode: SDL.keyboardMap[code]
        case 'unload':
          if (Browser.mainLoop.runner) {
            // Force-run a main event loop, since otherwise this event will never be caught!
        case 'resize':
          // manually triggered resize event doesn't have a preventDefault member
          if (event.preventDefault) {
      if ( >= 10000) {
        Module.printErr('SDL event queue full, dropping events'); =, 10000);

    handleEvent: function(event) {
      if (event.handled) return;
      event.handled = true;

      switch (event.type) {
        case 'keydown': case 'keyup': {
          var down = event.type === 'keydown';
          var code = event.keyCode;
          if (code >= 65 && code <= 90) {
            code += 32; // make lowercase for SDL
          } else {
            code = SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode;

          {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.keyboardState', 'code', 'down', 'i8') }}};
          // TODO: lmeta, rmeta, numlock, capslock, KMOD_MODE, KMOD_RESERVED
          SDL.modState = ({{{ makeGetValue('SDL.keyboardState', '1248', 'i8') }}} ? 0x0040 | 0x0080 : 0) | // KMOD_LCTRL & KMOD_RCTRL
            ({{{ makeGetValue('SDL.keyboardState', '1249', 'i8') }}} ? 0x0001 | 0x0002 : 0) | // KMOD_LSHIFT & KMOD_RSHIFT
            ({{{ makeGetValue('SDL.keyboardState', '1250', 'i8') }}} ? 0x0100 | 0x0200 : 0); // KMOD_LALT & KMOD_RALT

          if (down) {
            SDL.keyboardMap[code] = event.keyCode; // save the DOM input, which we can use to unpress it during blur
          } else {
            delete SDL.keyboardMap[code];

        case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup':
          if (event.type == 'mousedown') {
            // SDL_BUTTON(x) is defined as (1 << ((x)-1)).  SDL buttons are 1-3,
            // and DOM buttons are 0-2, so this means that the below formula is
            // correct.
            SDL.buttonState |= 1 << event.button;
          } else if (event.type == 'mouseup') {
            SDL.buttonState &= ~(1 << event.button);
          // fall through
        case 'mousemove': {

    makeCEvent: function(event, ptr) {
      if (typeof event === 'number') {
        // This is a pointer to a native C event that was SDL_PushEvent'ed
        _memcpy(ptr, event, SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.__size__); // XXX


      switch (event.type) {
        case 'keydown': case 'keyup': {
          var down = event.type === 'keydown';
          //Module.print('Received key event: ' + event.keyCode);
          var key = event.keyCode;
          if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) {
            key += 32; // make lowercase for SDL
          } else {
            key = SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode;
          var scan;
          if (key >= 1024) {
            scan = key - 1024;
          } else {
            scan = SDL.scanCodes[key] || key;

          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}}
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.repeat', '0', 'i8') }}} // TODO
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.scancode', 'scan', 'i32') }}}
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.sym', 'key', 'i32') }}}
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.mod', 'SDL.modState', 'i16') }}}
          // some non-character keys (e.g. backspace and tab) won't have keypressCharCode set, fill in with the keyCode.
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.unicode', 'event.keypressCharCode || key', 'i32') }}}

        case 'keypress': {
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.TextInputEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}}
          // Not filling in windowID for now
          var cStr = intArrayFromString(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode));
          for (var i = 0; i < cStr.length; ++i) {
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.TextInputEvent.text + i', 'cStr[i]', 'i8') }}};
        case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'mousemove': {
          if (event.type != 'mousemove') {
            var down = event.type === 'mousedown';
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.button', 'event.button+1', 'i8') }}}; // DOM buttons are 0-2, SDL 1-3
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.x', 'Browser.mouseX', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.y', 'Browser.mouseY', 'i32') }}};
          } else {
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.state', 'SDL.buttonState', 'i8') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.x', 'Browser.mouseX', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.y', 'Browser.mouseY', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.xrel', 'Browser.mouseMovementX', 'i32') }}};
            {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.yrel', 'Browser.mouseMovementY', 'i32') }}};
        case 'unload': {
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}};
        case 'resize': {
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}};
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.ResizeEvent.w', 'event.w', 'i32') }}};
          {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.ResizeEvent.h', 'event.h', 'i32') }}};
        default: throw 'Unhandled SDL event: ' + event.type;

    estimateTextWidth: function(fontData, text) {
      var h = fontData.size;
      var fontString = h + 'px ' +;
      var tempCtx = SDL.ttfContext;
      assert(tempCtx, 'TTF_Init must have been called');
      tempCtx.font = fontString;
      var ret = tempCtx.measureText(text).width | 0;
      return ret;

    // Sound

    // Channels are a SDL abstraction for allowing multiple sound tracks to be
    // played at the same time.  We don't need to actually implement the mixing
    // since the browser engine handles that for us.  Therefore, in JS we just
    // maintain a list of channels and return IDs for them to the SDL consumer.
    allocateChannels: function(num) { // called from Mix_AllocateChannels and init
      if (SDL.numChannels && SDL.numChannels >= num && num != 0) return;
      SDL.numChannels = num;
      SDL.channels = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        SDL.channels[i] = {
          audio: null,
          volume: 1.0

    setGetVolume: function(info, volume) {
      if (!info) return 0;
      var ret = info.volume * 128; // MIX_MAX_VOLUME
      if (volume != -1) {
        info.volume = volume / 128;
        if ( = info.volume;
      return ret;

    // Debugging

    debugSurface: function(surfData) {
      console.log('dumping surface ' + [, surfData.source, surfData.width, surfData.height]);
      var image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height);
      var data =;
      var num = Math.min(surfData.width, surfData.height);
      for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        console.log('   diagonal ' + i + ':' + [data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 0], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 1], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 2], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 3]]);

  SDL_Linked_Version: function() {
    if (SDL.version === null) {
      SDL.version = _malloc(SDL.structs.version.__size__);
      {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.major', '0', '1', 'i8') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.minor', '0', '3', 'i8') }}}
      {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.patch', '0', '0', 'i8') }}}
    return SDL.version;

  SDL_Init: function(what) {
    SDL.startTime =;
    // capture all key events. we just keep down and up, but also capture press to prevent default actions
    if (!Module['doNotCaptureKeyboard']) {
      document.addEventListener("keydown", SDL.receiveEvent);
      document.addEventListener("keyup", SDL.receiveEvent);
      document.addEventListener("keypress", SDL.receiveEvent);
      window.addEventListener("blur", SDL.receiveEvent);
      document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", SDL.receiveEvent);
    window.addEventListener("unload", SDL.receiveEvent);
    SDL.keyboardState = _malloc(0x10000); // Our SDL needs 512, but 64K is safe for older SDLs
    _memset(SDL.keyboardState, 0, 0x10000);
    // Initialize this structure carefully for closure
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['keydown'] = 0x300 /* SDL_KEYDOWN */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['keyup'] = 0x301 /* SDL_KEYUP */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['keypress'] = 0x303 /* SDL_TEXTINPUT */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mousedown'] = 0x401 /* SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mouseup'] = 0x402 /* SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mousemove'] = 0x400 /* SDL_MOUSEMOTION */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['unload'] = 0x100 /* SDL_QUIT */;
    SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['resize'] = 0x7001 /* SDL_VIDEORESIZE/SDL_EVENT_COMPAT2 */;
    return 0; // success

  SDL_WasInit__deps: ['SDL_Init'],
  SDL_WasInit: function() {
    if (SDL.startTime === null) {
    return 1;

  SDL_GetVideoInfo: function() {
    // %struct.SDL_VideoInfo = type { i32, i32, %struct.SDL_PixelFormat*, i32, i32 } - 5 fields of quantum size
    var ret = _malloc(5*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE);
    {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO
    {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO
    {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', '0', 'void*') }}}
    {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'Module["canvas"].width', 'i32') }}}
    {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'Module["canvas"].height', 'i32') }}}
    return ret;

  SDL_ListModes: function(format, flags) {
    return -1; // -1 == all modes are ok. TODO

  SDL_VideoModeOK: function(width, height, depth, flags) {
    // SDL_VideoModeOK returns 0 if the requested mode is not supported under any bit depth, or returns the 
    // bits-per-pixel of the closest available mode with the given width, height and requested surface flags
    return depth; // all modes are ok.

  SDL_AudioDriverName__deps: ['SDL_VideoDriverName'],
  SDL_AudioDriverName: function(buf, max_size) {
    return _SDL_VideoDriverName(buf, max_size);

  SDL_VideoDriverName: function(buf, max_size) {
    if (SDL.startTime === null) {
      return 0; //return NULL
    //driverName - emscripten_sdl_driver
    var driverName = [101, 109, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 101, 
      110, 95, 115, 100, 108, 95, 100, 114, 105, 118, 101, 114];

    var index = 0;
    var size  = driverName.length;

    if (max_size <= size) {
      size = max_size - 1; //-1 cause null-terminator

    while (index < size) {
        var value = driverName[index];
        {{{ makeSetValue('buf', 'index', 'value', 'i8') }}};

    {{{ makeSetValue('buf', 'index', '0', 'i8') }}};
    return buf;

  SDL_SetVideoMode: function(width, height, depth, flags) {
    ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel', 'mouseout'].forEach(function(event) {
      Module['canvas'].addEventListener(event, SDL.receiveEvent, true);
    Browser.setCanvasSize(width, height, true);
    // Free the old surface first.
    if (SDL.screen) {
      SDL.screen = null;
    SDL.screen = SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags, true, 'screen');
    if (!SDL.addedResizeListener) {
      SDL.addedResizeListener = true;
      Browser.resizeListeners.push(function(w, h) {
          type: 'resize',
          w: w,
          h: h
    return SDL.screen;

  SDL_GetVideoSurface: function() {
    return SDL.screen;

  SDL_QuitSubSystem: function(flags) {
    Module.print('SDL_QuitSubSystem called (and ignored)');

  SDL_Quit: function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < SDL.numChannels; ++i) {
      if (SDL.channels[i].audio) {
    if ( {;
    Module.print('SDL_Quit called (and ignored)');

  // Copy data from the canvas backing to a C++-accessible storage
  SDL_LockSurface: function(surf) {
    var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];

    if (surfData.locked > 1) return 0;

    // Mark in C/C++-accessible SDL structure
    // SDL_Surface has the following fields: Uint32 flags, SDL_PixelFormat *format; int w, h; Uint16 pitch; void *pixels; ...
    // So we have fields all of the same size, and 5 of them before us.
    // TODO: Use macros like in library.js
    {{{ makeSetValue('surf', '5*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE', 'surfData.buffer', 'void*') }}};

    if (surf == SDL.screen && Module.screenIsReadOnly && surfData.image) return 0;

    surfData.image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height);
    if (surf == SDL.screen) {
      var data =;
      var num = data.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
        data[i*4+3] = 255; // opacity, as canvases blend alpha

    if (SDL.defaults.copyOnLock) {
      // Copy pixel data to somewhere accessible to 'C/C++'
      if (surfData.isFlagSet(0x00200000 /* SDL_HWPALETTE */)) {
        // If this is neaded then
        // we should compact the data from 32bpp to 8bpp index.
        // I think best way to implement this is use
        // additional colorMap hash (color->index).
        // Something like this:
        // var size = surfData.width * surfData.height;
        // var data = '';
        // for (var i = 0; i<size; i++) {
        //   var color = SDL.translateRGBAToColor(
        //[i*4   ], 
        //[i*4 +1], 
        //[i*4 +2], 
        //     255);
        //   var index = surfData.colorMap[color];
        //   {{{ makeSetValue('surfData.buffer', 'i', 'index', 'i8') }}};
        // }
        throw 'CopyOnLock is not supported for SDL_LockSurface with SDL_HWPALETTE flag set' + new Error().stack;
      } else {
      HEAPU8.set(, surfData.buffer);
      var num2 =;
      for (var i = 0; i < num2; i++) {
        {{{ makeSetValue('surfData.buffer', 'i', '[i]', 'i8') }}};

    return 0;

  // Copy data from the C++-accessible storage to the canvas backing
  SDL_UnlockSurface: function(surf) {
    assert(!SDL.GL); // in GL mode we do not keep around 2D canvases and contexts

    var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];

    if (surfData.locked > 0) return;

    // Copy pixel data to image
    if (surfData.isFlagSet(0x00200000 /* SDL_HWPALETTE */)) {
    } else if (!surfData.colors) {
      var data =;
      var buffer = surfData.buffer;
      assert(buffer % 4 == 0, 'Invalid buffer offset: ' + buffer);
      var src = buffer >> 2;
      var dst = 0;
      var isScreen = surf == SDL.screen;
      var data32 = new Uint32Array(data.buffer);
      var num = data32.length;
      while (dst < num) {
        // HEAP32[src++] is an optimization. Instead, we could do {{{ makeGetValue('buffer', 'dst', 'i32') }}};
        data32[dst++] = HEAP32[src++] | (isScreen ? 0xff000000 : 0);
      var num =;
      for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        // We may need to correct signs here. Potentially you can hardcode a write of 255 to alpha, say, and
        // the compiler may decide to write -1 in the llvm bitcode...
        data[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('buffer', 'i', 'i8', null, true) }}};
        if (i % 4 == 3) data[i] = 0xff;
    } else {
      var width = Module['canvas'].width;
      var height = Module['canvas'].height;
      var s = surfData.buffer;
      var data =;
      var colors = surfData.colors;
      for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        var base = y*width*4;
        for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
          // See comment above about signs
          var val = {{{ makeGetValue('s++', '0', 'i8', null, true) }}} * 3;
          var start = base + x*4;
          data[start]   = colors[val];
          data[start+1] = colors[val+1];
          data[start+2] = colors[val+2];
        s += width*3;
    // Copy to canvas
    surfData.ctx.putImageData(surfData.image, 0, 0);
    // Note that we save the image, so future writes are fast. But, memory is not yet released

  SDL_Flip: function(surf) {
    // We actually do this in Unlock, since the screen surface has as its canvas
    // backing the page canvas element

  SDL_UpdateRect: function(surf, x, y, w, h) {
    // We actually do the whole screen in Unlock...

  SDL_UpdateRects: function(surf, numrects, rects) {
    // We actually do the whole screen in Unlock...

  SDL_Delay: function(delay) {
    if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) abort('SDL_Delay called on the main thread! Potential infinite loop, quitting.');
    // horrible busy-wait, but in a worker it at least does not block rendering
    var now =;
    while ( - now < delay) {}

  SDL_WM_SetCaption: function(title, icon) {
    title = title && Pointer_stringify(title);
    icon = icon && Pointer_stringify(icon);

  SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: function(delay, interval) {
    // TODO

  SDL_GetKeyboardState: function(numKeys) {
    if (numKeys) {
      {{{ makeSetValue('numKeys', 0, 0x10000, 'i32') }}};
    return SDL.keyboardState;

  SDL_GetKeyState__deps: ['SDL_GetKeyboardState'],
  SDL_GetKeyState: function() {
    return _SDL_GetKeyboardState();
  SDL_GetKeyName: function(key) {
    if (!SDL.keyName) {
      SDL.keyName = allocate(intArrayFromString('unknown key'), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
    return SDL.keyName;

  SDL_GetModState: function() {
    return SDL.modState;

  SDL_GetMouseState: function(x, y) {
    if (x) {{{ makeSetValue('x', '0', 'Browser.mouseX', 'i32') }}};
    if (y) {{{ makeSetValue('y', '0', 'Browser.mouseY', 'i32') }}};
    return SDL.buttonState;

  SDL_WarpMouse: function(x, y) {
    return; // TODO: implement this in a non-buggy way. Need to keep relative mouse movements correct after calling this
    var rect = Module["canvas"].getBoundingClientRect();{
      type: 'mousemove',
      pageX: x + (window.scrollX + rect.left),
      pageY: y + (window.scrollY +

  SDL_ShowCursor: function(toggle) {
    switch (toggle) {
      case 0: // SDL_DISABLE
        if (Browser.isFullScreen) { // only try to lock the pointer when in full screen mode
          return 0;
        } else { // else return SDL_ENABLE to indicate the failure
          return 1;
      case 1: // SDL_ENABLE
        return 1;
      case -1: // SDL_QUERY
        return !Browser.pointerLock;
        console.log( "SDL_ShowCursor called with unknown toggle parameter value: " + toggle + "." );

  SDL_GetError: function() {
    if (!SDL.errorMessage) {
      SDL.errorMessage = allocate(intArrayFromString("unknown SDL-emscripten error"), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
    return SDL.errorMessage;

  SDL_CreateRGBSurface: function(flags, width, height, depth, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) {
    return SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags, false, 'CreateRGBSurface', rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

  SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom: function(pixels, width, height, depth, pitch, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) {
    // TODO: Actually fill pixel data to created surface.
    // TODO: Take into account depth and pitch parameters.
    console.log('TODO: Partially unimplemented SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom called!');
    return SDL.makeSurface(width, height, 0, false, 'CreateRGBSurfaceFrom', rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

  SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha: function(surf) {
    var oldData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
    var ret = SDL.makeSurface(oldData.width, oldData.height, oldData.flags, false, 'copy:' + oldData.source);
    var newData = SDL.surfaces[ret];
    //newData.ctx.putImageData(oldData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, oldData.width, oldData.height), 0, 0);
    newData.ctx.drawImage(oldData.canvas, 0, 0);
    return ret;

  SDL_FreeSurface: function(surf) {
    if (surf) SDL.freeSurface(surf);

  SDL_UpperBlit: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) {
    var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src];
    var dstData = SDL.surfaces[dst];
    var sr, dr;
    if (srcrect) {
      sr = SDL.loadRect(srcrect);
    } else {
      sr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: srcData.width, h: srcData.height };
    if (dstrect) {
      dr = SDL.loadRect(dstrect);
    } else {
      dr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: -1, h: -1 };
    var oldAlpha = dstData.ctx.globalAlpha;
    dstData.ctx.globalAlpha = srcData.alpha/255;
    dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, sr.x, sr.y, sr.w, sr.h, dr.x, dr.y, sr.w, sr.h);
    dstData.ctx.globalAlpha = oldAlpha;
    if (dst != SDL.screen) {
      // XXX As in IMG_Load, for compatibility we write out |pixels|
      console.log('WARNING: copying canvas data to memory for compatibility');
      dstData.locked--; // The surface is not actually locked in this hack
    return 0;

  SDL_FillRect: function(surf, rect, color) {
    var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
    assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must..
    if (surfData.isFlagSet(0x00200000 /* SDL_HWPALETTE */)) {
      //in SDL_HWPALETTE color is index (0..255)
      //so we should translate 1 byte value to
      //32 bit canvas
      var index = color * 3;
      color = SDL.translateRGBAToColor(surfData.colors[index], surfData.colors[index +1], surfData.colors[index +2], 255);

    var r = rect ? SDL.loadRect(rect) : { x: 0, y: 0, w: surfData.width, h: surfData.height };;
    surfData.ctx.fillStyle = SDL.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color);
    surfData.ctx.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
    return 0;

  SDL_BlitSurface__deps: ['SDL_UpperBlit'],
  SDL_BlitSurface: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) {
    return _SDL_UpperBlit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect);

  zoomSurface: function(src, x, y, smooth) {
    var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src];
    var w = srcData.width * x;
    var h = srcData.height * y;
    var ret = SDL.makeSurface(Math.abs(w), Math.abs(h), srcData.flags, false, 'zoomSurface');
    var dstData = SDL.surfaces[ret];
    if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, 0, 0, w, h);
    else {;
      dstData.ctx.scale(x < 0 ? -1 : 1, y < 0 ? -1 : 1);
      dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, w < 0 ? w : 0, h < 0 ? h : 0, Math.abs(w), Math.abs(h));
      // XXX I think this should work according to the spec, but currently
      // fails on FF: dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, 0, 0, w, h);
    return ret;

  rotozoomSurface__deps: ['zoomSurface'],
  rotozoomSurface: function(src, angle, zoom, smooth) {
    if (angle % 360 === 0) {
      return _zoomSurface(src, zoom, zoom, smooth);
    var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src];
    var w = srcData.width * zoom;
    var h = srcData.height * zoom;
    var diagonal = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w, 2) + Math.pow(h, 2)));
    var ret = SDL.makeSurface(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.flags, false, 'rotozoomSurface');
    var dstData = SDL.surfaces[ret];
    dstData.ctx.translate(diagonal / 2, diagonal / 2);
    dstData.ctx.rotate(angle * Math.PI / 180);
    dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, -w / 2, -h / 2, w, h);
    return ret;

  SDL_SetAlpha: function(surf, flag, alpha) {
    SDL.surfaces[surf].alpha = alpha;

  SDL_SetColorKey: function(surf, flag, key) {
    // SetColorKey assigns one color to be rendered as transparent. I don't
    // think the canvas API allows for anything like this, and iterating through
    // each pixel to replace that color seems prohibitively expensive.
    Runtime.warnOnce('SDL_SetColorKey is a no-op for performance reasons');
    return 0;

  SDL_GetTicks: function() {
    return Math.floor( - SDL.startTime);

  SDL_PollEvent: function(ptr) {
    if ( === 0) return 0;
    if (ptr) {
      SDL.makeCEvent(, ptr);
    return 1;

  SDL_PushEvent: function(ptr) {; // XXX Should we copy it? Not clear from API
    return 0;

  SDL_PeepEvents: function(events, numEvents, action, from, to) {
    switch(action) {
      case 2: { // SDL_GETEVENT
        assert(numEvents == 1);
        var got = 0;
        while ( > 0 && numEvents > 0) {
          var type = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[[0].type];
          if (type < from || type > to) break;
          SDL.makeCEvent(, events);
          // events += sizeof(..)
        return got;
      default: throw 'SDL_PeepEvents does not yet support that action: ' + action;

  SDL_PumpEvents: function(){ {

  SDL_SetColors: function(surf, colors, firstColor, nColors) {
    var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];

    // we should create colors array
    // only once cause client code
    // often wants to change portion 
    // of palette not all palette.
    if (!surfData.colors) {
      surfData.colors = new Uint8Array(256 * 3); //256 RGB colors

    for (var i = firstColor; i < firstColor + nColors; i++) {
      var index = i *3;
      surfData.colors[index] = {{{ makeGetValue('colors', 'i*4', 'i8', null, true) }}};
      surfData.colors[index +1] = {{{ makeGetValue('colors', 'i*4 +1', 'i8', null, true) }}};
      surfData.colors[index +2] = {{{ makeGetValue('colors', 'i*4 +2', 'i8', null, true) }}};

    return 1;

  SDL_SetPalette__deps: ['SDL_SetColors'],
  SDL_SetPalette: function(surf, flags, colors, firstColor, nColors) {
    return _SDL_SetColors(surf, colors, firstColor, nColors);

  SDL_MapRGB: function(fmt, r, g, b) {
    // Canvas screens are always RGBA. We assume the machine is little-endian.
    return r&0xff|(g&0xff)<<8|(b&0xff)<<16|0xff000000;

  SDL_MapRGBA: function(fmt, r, g, b, a) {
    // Canvas screens are always RGBA. We assume the machine is little-endian.
    return r&0xff|(g&0xff)<<8|(b&0xff)<<16|(a&0xff)<<24;

  SDL_GetAppState: function() {
    var state = 0;

    if (Browser.pointerLock) {
      state |= 0x01;  // SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS
    if (document.hasFocus()) {
      state |= 0x02;  // SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS
    state |= 0x04;  // SDL_APPACTIVE

    return state;

  SDL_WM_GrabInput: function() {},
  SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen: function(surf) {
    if (Browser.isFullScreen) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      if (!SDL.canRequestFullscreen) {
        return 0;
      SDL.isRequestingFullscreen = true;
      return 1;

  // SDL_Image

  IMG_Init: function(flags) {
    return flags; // We support JPG, PNG, TIF because browsers do

  IMG_Load_RW__deps: ['SDL_LockSurface', 'SDL_FreeRW'],
  IMG_Load_RW: function(rwopsID, freeSrc) {
    try {
      // stb_image integration support
      var cleanup = function() {
        if (rwops && freeSrc) _SDL_FreeRW(rwopsID);
      function addCleanup(func) {
        var old = cleanup;
        cleanup = function() {
      function callStbImage(func, params) {
        var x = Module['_malloc']({{{ QUANTUM_SIZE }}});
        var y = Module['_malloc']({{{ QUANTUM_SIZE }}});
        var comp = Module['_malloc']({{{ QUANTUM_SIZE }}});
        addCleanup(function() {
          if (data) Module['_stbi_image_free'](data);
        var data = Module['_' + func].apply(null, params.concat([x, y, comp, 0]));
        if (!data) return null;
        return {
          rawData: true,
          data: data,
          width: {{{ makeGetValue('x', 0, 'i32') }}},
          height: {{{ makeGetValue('y', 0, 'i32') }}},
          size: {{{ makeGetValue('x', 0, 'i32') }}} * {{{ makeGetValue('y', 0, 'i32') }}} * {{{ makeGetValue('comp', 0, 'i32') }}},
          bpp: {{{ makeGetValue('comp', 0, 'i32') }}}

      var rwops = SDL.rwops[rwopsID];
      if (rwops === undefined) {
        return 0;

      var filename = rwops.filename;
      if (filename === undefined) {
        var raw = callStbImage('stbi_load_from_memory', [rwops.bytes, rwops.count]);
        if (!raw) return 0;
        Runtime.warnOnce('Only file names that have been preloaded are supported for IMG_Load_RW. Consider using STB_IMAGE=1 if you want synchronous image decoding (see settings.js)');
        return 0;

      if (!raw) {
        filename = PATH.resolve(filename);
        var raw = Module["preloadedImages"][filename];
        if (!raw) {
          if (raw === null) Module.printErr('Trying to reuse preloaded image, but freePreloadedMediaOnUse is set!');
          var name = Module['_malloc'](filename.length+1);
          writeStringToMemory(filename, name);
          addCleanup(function() {
          var raw = callStbImage('stbi_load', [name]);
          if (!raw) return 0;
          Runtime.warnOnce('Cannot find preloaded image ' + filename);
          Runtime.warnOnce('Cannot find preloaded image ' + filename + '. Consider using STB_IMAGE=1 if you want synchronous image decoding (see settings.js)');
          return 0;
        } else if (Module['freePreloadedMediaOnUse']) {
          Module["preloadedImages"][filename] = null;

      var surf = SDL.makeSurface(raw.width, raw.height, 0, false, 'load:' + filename);
      var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
      surfData.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
      if (!raw.rawData) {
        surfData.ctx.drawImage(raw, 0, 0, raw.width, raw.height, 0, 0, raw.width, raw.height);
      } else {
        var imageData = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height);
        if (raw.bpp == 4) {
{{{ makeHEAPView('U8', '', '') }}});
        } else if (raw.bpp == 3) {
          var pixels = raw.size/3;
          var data =;
          var sourcePtr =;
          var destPtr = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < pixels; i++) {
            data[destPtr++] = {{{ makeGetValue('sourcePtr++', 0, 'i8', null, 1) }}};
            data[destPtr++] = {{{ makeGetValue('sourcePtr++', 0, 'i8', null, 1) }}};
            data[destPtr++] = {{{ makeGetValue('sourcePtr++', 0, 'i8', null, 1) }}};
            data[destPtr++] = 255;
        } else {
          Module.printErr('cannot handle bpp ' + raw.bpp);
          return 0;
        surfData.ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
      surfData.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
      // XXX SDL does not specify that loaded images must have available pixel data, in fact
      //     there are cases where you just want to blit them, so you just need the hardware
      //     accelerated version. However, code everywhere seems to assume that the pixels
      //     are in fact available, so we retrieve it here. This does add overhead though.
      surfData.locked--; // The surface is not actually locked in this hack
      if (SDL.GL) {
        // After getting the pixel data, we can free the canvas and context if we do not need to do 2D canvas blitting
        surfData.canvas = surfData.ctx = null;
      return surf;
    } finally {
  SDL_LoadBMP: 'IMG_Load',
  SDL_LoadBMP_RW: 'IMG_Load_RW',
  IMG_Load__deps: ['IMG_Load_RW', 'SDL_RWFromFile'],
  IMG_Load: function(filename){
    var rwops = _SDL_RWFromFile(filename);
    var result = _IMG_Load_RW(rwops, 1);
    return result;

  // SDL_Audio

  SDL_OpenAudio: function(desired, obtained) {
    try { = {
        freq: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.freq', 'i32', 0, 1) }}},
        format: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.format', 'i16', 0, 1) }}},
        channels: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.channels', 'i8', 0, 1) }}},
        samples: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.samples', 'i16', 0, 1) }}}, // Samples in the CB buffer per single sound channel.
        callback: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.callback', 'void*', 0, 1) }}},
        userdata: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.userdata', 'void*', 0, 1) }}},
        paused: true,
        timer: null
      // The .silence field tells the constant sample value that corresponds to the safe un-skewed silence value for the wave data.
      if ( == 0x0008 /*AUDIO_U8*/) { = 128; // Audio ranges in [0, 255], so silence is half-way in between.
      } else if ( == 0x8010 /*AUDIO_S16LSB*/) { = 0; // Signed data in range [-32768, 32767], silence is 0.
      } else {
        throw 'Invalid SDL audio format ' + + '!';
      // Round the desired audio frequency up to the next 'common' frequency value.
      // Web Audio API spec states 'An implementation must support sample-rates in at least the range 22050 to 96000.'
      if ( <= 0) {
        throw 'Unsupported sound frequency ' + + '!';
      } else if ( <= 22050) { = 22050; // Take it safe and clamp everything lower than 22kHz to that.
      } else if ( <= 32000) { = 32000;
      } else if ( <= 44100) { = 44100;
      } else if ( <= 48000) { = 48000;
      } else if ( <= 96000) { = 96000;
      } else {
        throw 'Unsupported sound frequency ' + + '!';
      if ( == 0) { = 1; // In SDL both 0 and 1 mean mono.
      } else if ( < 0 || > 32) {
        throw 'Unsupported number of audio channels for SDL audio: ' + + '!';
      } else if ( != 1 && != 2) { // Unsure what SDL audio spec supports. Web Audio spec supports up to 32 channels.
        console.log('Warning: Using untested number of audio channels ' +;
      if ( < 1024 || > 524288 /* arbitrary cap */) {
        throw 'Unsupported audio callback buffer size ' + + '!';
      } else if (( & ( != 0) {
        throw 'Audio callback buffer size ' + + ' must be a power-of-two!';
      var totalSamples =*; = ( == 0x0008 /*AUDIO_U8*/ || == 0x8008 /*AUDIO_S8*/) ? 1 : 2; = totalSamples*; = _malloc(;
      // Create a callback function that will be routinely called to ask more audio data from the user application. = function() {
        if (! {
        Runtime.dynCall('viii',, [,,]);,;
    = new Audio();
      // As a workaround use Mozilla Audio Data API on Firefox until it ships with Web Audio and sound quality issues are fixed.
      if (typeof(['mozSetup'])==='function') {['mozSetup'](,; // use string attributes on mozOutput for closure compiler = new Float32Array(totalSamples); = 0; = function(ptr, size) {
          var mozBuffer =;
          // The input audio data for SDL audio is either 8-bit or 16-bit interleaved across channels, output for Mozilla Audio Data API
          // needs to be Float32 interleaved, so perform a sample conversion.
          if ( == 0x8010 /*AUDIO_S16LSB*/) {
            for (var i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) {
              mozBuffer[i] = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 'i*2', 'i16', 0, 0) }}}) / 0x8000;
          } else if ( == 0x0008 /*AUDIO_U8*/) {
            for (var i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) {
              var v = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 'i', 'i8', 0, 0) }}});
              mozBuffer[i] = ((v >= 0) ? v-128 : v+128) /128;
          // Submit the audio data to audio device.
          // Compute when the next audio callback should be called.
          var curtime = / 1000.0 -;
          if (curtime > && != 0) {
            console.log('warning: Audio callback had starved sending audio by ' + (curtime - + ' seconds.');
          var playtime = Math.max(curtime,;
          var buffer_duration = /;
 = playtime + buffer_duration;
          // Schedule the next audio callback call.
 = Browser.safeSetTimeout(, 1000.0 * (playtime-curtime));
      } else {
        // Initialize Web Audio API if we haven't done so yet. Note: Only initialize Web Audio context ever once on the web page,
        // since initializing multiple times fails on Chrome saying 'audio resources have been exhausted'.
        if (!SDL.audioContext) {
          if (typeof(AudioContext) === 'function') {
            SDL.audioContext = new AudioContext();
          } else if (typeof(webkitAudioContext) === 'function') {
            SDL.audioContext = new webkitAudioContext();
          } else {
            throw 'Web Audio API is not available!';
        } = new Array(); // Use an array of sound sources as a ring buffer to queue blocks of synthesized audio to Web Audio API. = 0; // Index of the next sound buffer in the ring buffer queue to play. = 0; // Time in seconds when the next audio block is due to start.
        // The pushAudio function with a new audio buffer whenever there is new audio data to schedule to be played back on the device.,sizeBytes) {
          try {

            var sizeSamples = sizeBytes /; // How many samples fit in the callback buffer?
            var sizeSamplesPerChannel = sizeSamples /; // How many samples per a single channel fit in the cb buffer?
            if (sizeSamplesPerChannel != {
              throw 'Received mismatching audio buffer size!';
            // Allocate new sound buffer to be played.
            var source = SDL.audioContext['createBufferSource']();
            if ([]) {
    []['disconnect'](); // Explicitly disconnect old source, since we know it shouldn't be running anymore.
  [] = source;
            var soundBuffer = SDL.audioContext['createBuffer'](,sizeSamplesPerChannel,;

            // The input audio data is interleaved across the channels, i.e. [L, R, L, R, L, R, ...] and is either 8-bit or 16-bit as
            // supported by the SDL API. The output audio wave data for Web Audio API must be in planar buffers of [-1,1]-normalized Float32 data,
            // so perform a buffer conversion for the data.
            var numChannels =;
            for(var i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i) {
              var channelData = soundBuffer['getChannelData'](i);
              if (channelData.length != sizeSamplesPerChannel) {
                throw 'Web Audio output buffer length mismatch! Destination size: ' + channelData.length + ' samples vs expected ' + sizeSamplesPerChannel + ' samples!';
              if ( == 0x8010 /*AUDIO_S16LSB*/) {
                for(var j = 0; j < sizeSamplesPerChannel; ++j) {
                  channelData[j] = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', '(j*numChannels + i)*2', 'i16', 0, 0) }}}) / 0x8000;
              } else if ( == 0x0008 /*AUDIO_U8*/) {
                for(var j = 0; j < sizeSamplesPerChannel; ++j) {
                  var v = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 'j*numChannels + i', 'i8', 0, 0) }}});
                  channelData[j] = ((v >= 0) ? v-128 : v+128) /128;
            // Workaround by setting the buffer only after filling. The order is important here!
            source['buffer'] = soundBuffer;
            // Schedule the generated sample buffer to be played out at the correct time right after the previously scheduled
            // sample buffer has finished.
            var curtime = SDL.audioContext['currentTime'];
//            if (curtime > && != 0) {
//              console.log('warning: Audio callback had starved sending audio by ' + (curtime - + ' seconds.');
//            }
            var playtime = Math.max(curtime,;
            var buffer_duration = sizeSamplesPerChannel /;
   = playtime + buffer_duration;
   = ( + 1) % 4;
            var secsUntilNextCall = playtime-curtime;
            // Queue the next audio frame push to be performed when the previously queued buffer has finished playing.
            if ( == 0) {
              var preemptBufferFeedMSecs = buffer_duration/2.0;
     = Browser.safeSetTimeout(, Math.max(0.0, 1000.0*secsUntilNextCall-preemptBufferFeedMSecs));

            // If we are risking starving, immediately queue an extra second buffer.
            if (secsUntilNextCall <= buffer_duration && <= 1) {
              Browser.safeSetTimeout(, 1.0);
          } catch(e) {
            console.log('Web Audio API error playing back audio: ' + e.toString());

      if (obtained) {
        // Report back the initialized audio parameters.
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.freq', '', 'i32') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.format', '', 'i16') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.channels', '', 'i8') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.silence', '', 'i8') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.samples', '', 'i16') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.callback', '', '*') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.userdata', '', '*') }}};

    } catch(e) {
      console.log('Initializing SDL audio threw an exception: "' + e.toString() + '"! Continuing without audio.'); = null;
      if (obtained) {
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.freq', 0, 'i32') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.format', 0, 'i16') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.channels', 0, 'i8') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.silence', 0, 'i8') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.samples', 0, 'i16') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.callback', 0, '*') }}};
        {{{ makeSetValue('obtained', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.userdata', 0, '*') }}};
    if (! {
      return -1;
    return 0;

  SDL_PauseAudio: function(pauseOn) {
    if (! {
    if (pauseOn) {
      if ( !== undefined) {
        clearTimeout(; = 0; = undefined;
    } else if (! {
      // Start the audio playback timer callback loop. = 1; = Browser.safeSetTimeout(, 1); = / 1000.0; // Only used for Mozilla Audio Data API. Not needed for Web Audio API.
    } = pauseOn;

  SDL_CloseAudio__deps: ['SDL_PauseAudio', 'free'],
  SDL_CloseAudio: function() {
    if ( {
        for(var i = 0; i <; ++i) {
          if (!(typeof([i]==='undefined'))) {
      } catch(e) {} = null;
      _free(; = null;

  SDL_LockAudio: function() {},
  SDL_UnlockAudio: function() {},

  SDL_CreateMutex: function() { return 0 },
  SDL_LockMutex: function() {},
  SDL_UnlockMutex: function() {},
  SDL_mutexP: function() { return 0 },
  SDL_mutexV: function() { return 0 },
  SDL_DestroyMutex: function() {},

  SDL_CreateCond: function() { return 0 },
  SDL_CondSignal: function() {},
  SDL_CondWait: function() {},
  SDL_DestroyCond: function() {},

  SDL_StartTextInput: function() {
    SDL.textInput = true;
  SDL_StopTextInput: function() {
    SDL.textInput = false;

  // SDL Mixer

  Mix_Init: function(flags) {
    if (!flags) return 0;
    return 8; /* MIX_INIT_OGG */
  Mix_Quit: function(){},

  Mix_OpenAudio: function(frequency, format, channels, chunksize) {
    // Just record the values for a later call to Mix_QuickLoad_RAW
    SDL.mixerFrequency = frequency;
    SDL.mixerFormat = format;
    SDL.mixerNumChannels = channels;
    SDL.mixerChunkSize = chunksize;
    return 0;

  Mix_CloseAudio: 'SDL_CloseAudio',

  Mix_AllocateChannels: function(num) {
    return num;

  Mix_ChannelFinished: function(func) {
    SDL.channelFinished = func;

  Mix_Volume: function(channel, volume) {
    if (channel == -1) {
      for (var i = 0; i < SDL.numChannels-1; i++) {
        _Mix_Volume(i, volume);
      return _Mix_Volume(SDL.numChannels-1, volume);
    return SDL.setGetVolume(SDL.channels[channel], volume);

  Mix_SetPanning: function() {
    return 0; // error

  Mix_LoadWAV_RW: function(rwopsID, freesrc) {
    var rwops = SDL.rwops[rwopsID];

    if (rwops === undefined)
      return 0;

    var filename = '';
    var audio;
    var bytes;
    if (rwops.filename !== undefined) {
      filename = PATH.resolve(rwops.filename);
      var raw = Module["preloadedAudios"][filename];
      if (!raw) {
        if (raw === null) Module.printErr('Trying to reuse preloaded audio, but freePreloadedMediaOnUse is set!');
        Runtime.warnOnce('Cannot find preloaded audio ' + filename);
        // see if we can read the file-contents from the in-memory FS
        var fileObject = FS.findObject(filename);
        if (fileObject === null) Module.printErr('Couldn\'t find file for: ' + filename);
        // We found the file. Load the contents
        if (fileObject && !fileObject.isFolder && {
          bytes = fileObject.contents;
        } else {
          return 0;
      if (Module['freePreloadedMediaOnUse']) {
        Module["preloadedAudios"][filename] = null;
      audio = raw;
    else if (rwops.bytes !== undefined) {
      bytes = HEAPU8.subarray(rwops.bytes, rwops.bytes + rwops.count);
    else {
      return 0;
    // Here, we didn't find a preloaded audio but we either were passed a filepath for
    // which we loaded bytes, or we were passed some bytes
    if (audio === undefined && bytes) {
      var blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(bytes)], {type: rwops.mimetype});
      var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      audio = new Audio();
      audio.src = url;
    var id = SDL.audios.length;
    // Keep the loaded audio in the audio arrays, ready for playback
      source: filename,
      audio: audio
    return id;

  Mix_QuickLoad_RAW: function(mem, len) {
    var audio = new Audio();
    // Record the number of channels and frequency for later usage
    audio.numChannels = SDL.mixerNumChannels;
    audio.frequency = SDL.mixerFrequency;
    var numSamples = len >> 1; // len is the length in bytes, and the array contains 16-bit PCM values
    var buffer = new Float32Array(numSamples);
    for (var i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
      buffer[i] = ({{{ makeGetValue('mem', 'i*2', 'i16', 0, 0) }}}) / 0x8000; // hardcoded 16-bit audio, signed (TODO: reSign if not ta2?)
    // FIXME: doesn't make sense to keep the audio element in the buffer
    var id = SDL.audios.length;
      source: '',
      audio: audio,
      buffer: buffer
    return id;

  Mix_FreeChunk: function(id) {
    SDL.audios[id] = null;
  Mix_ReserveChannels: function(num) {
    SDL.channelMinimumNumber = num;
  Mix_PlayChannel: function(channel, id, loops) {
    // TODO: handle loops

    // Get the audio element associated with the ID
    var info = SDL.audios[id];
    if (!info) return -1;
    var audio =;
    if (!audio) return -1;

    // If the user asks us to allocate a channel automatically, get the first
    // free one.
    if (channel == -1) {
      for (var i = SDL.channelMinimumNumber; i < SDL.numChannels; i++) {
        if (!SDL.channels[i].audio) {
          channel = i;
      if (channel == -1) {
        Module.printErr('All ' + SDL.numChannels + ' channels in use!');
        return -1;
    // We clone the audio node to utilize the preloaded audio buffer, since
    // the browser has already preloaded the audio file.
    var channelInfo = SDL.channels[channel]; = audio = audio.cloneNode(true);
    audio.numChannels =;
    audio.frequency =;
    // TODO: handle N loops. Behavior matches Mix_PlayMusic
    audio.loop = loops != 0; 
    audio['onended'] = function() { // TODO: cache these = null;
      if (SDL.channelFinished) {
        Runtime.getFuncWrapper(SDL.channelFinished, 'vi')(channel);
    // Either play the element, or load the dynamic data into it
    if (info.buffer) {
      var contextCtor = null;
      if (audio && ('mozSetup' in audio)) { // Audio Data API
        try {
          audio['mozSetup'](audio.numChannels, audio.frequency);
        } catch (e) {
          // Workaround for Firefox bug 783052
          // ignore this exception!
      } else if (contextCtor = (window.AudioContext || // WebAudio API
                                window.webkitAudioContext)) {
        var currentIndex = 0;
        var numChannels = parseInt(audio.numChannels);
        var context = new contextCtor();
        var source = context.createBufferSource();
        source.loop = false;
        source.buffer = context.createBuffer(numChannels, 1, audio.frequency);
        var jsNode = context.createJavaScriptNode(2048, numChannels, numChannels);
        jsNode.onaudioprocess = function(event) {
          var buffers = new Array(numChannels);
          for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i) {
            buffers[i] = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
          var remaining = info.buffer.length - currentIndex;
          if (remaining > 2048) {
            remaining = 2048;
          for (var i = 0; i < remaining;) {
            for (var j = 0; j < numChannels; ++j) {
              buffers[j][i] = info.buffer[currentIndex + i + j] * audio.volume;
            i += j;
          currentIndex += remaining * numChannels;
          for (var i = remaining; i < 2048;) {
            for (var j = 0; j < numChannels; ++j) {
              buffers[j][i] = 0; // silence
            i += j;
    } else {;
    audio.volume = channelInfo.volume;
    return channel;
  Mix_PlayChannelTimed: 'Mix_PlayChannel', // XXX ignore Timing

  Mix_FadingChannel: function(channel) {
    return 0; // MIX_NO_FADING, TODO

  Mix_HaltChannel: function(channel) {
    function halt(channel) {
      var info = SDL.channels[channel];
      if ( {; = null;
      if (SDL.channelFinished) {
        Runtime.getFuncWrapper(SDL.channelFinished, 'vi')(channel);
    if (channel != -1) {
    } else {
      for (var i = 0; i < SDL.channels.length; ++i) halt(i);
    return 0;

  Mix_HookMusicFinished__deps: ['Mix_HaltMusic'],
  Mix_HookMusicFinished: function(func) {
    SDL.hookMusicFinished = func;
    if ( { // ensure the callback will be called, if a music is already playing['onended'] = _Mix_HaltMusic;

  Mix_VolumeMusic: function(volume) {
    return SDL.setGetVolume(, volume);

  Mix_LoadMUS_RW: 'Mix_LoadWAV_RW',
  Mix_LoadMUS__deps: ['Mix_LoadMUS_RW', 'SDL_RWFromFile', 'SDL_FreeRW'],
  Mix_LoadMUS: function(filename) {
    var rwops = _SDL_RWFromFile(filename);
    var result = _Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rwops);
    return result;

  Mix_FreeMusic: 'Mix_FreeChunk',

  Mix_PlayMusic__deps: ['Mix_HaltMusic'],
  Mix_PlayMusic: function(id, loops) {
    loops = Math.max(loops, 1);
    var audio = SDL.audios[id].audio;
    if (!audio) return 0;
    audio.loop = loops != 0; // TODO: handle N loops for finite N
    if (SDL.audios[id].buffer) {
    } else {;
    audio.volume =;
    audio['onended'] = _Mix_HaltMusic; // will send callback
    if ( {
      if (! {
        Module.printErr('Music is already playing. ' +;
    } = audio;
    return 0;

  Mix_PauseMusic: function() {
    var audio =;
    if (!audio) return 0;
    return 0;

  Mix_ResumeMusic: function() {
    var audio =;
    if (!audio) return 0;;
    return 0;

  Mix_HaltMusic: function() {
    var audio =;
    if (!audio) return 0;
    audio.src = audio.src; // rewind
    audio.pause(); = null;
    if (SDL.hookMusicFinished) {
      Runtime.dynCall('v', SDL.hookMusicFinished);
    return 0;

  Mix_FadeInMusicPos: 'Mix_PlayMusic', // XXX ignore fading in effect

  Mix_FadeOutMusic: 'Mix_HaltMusic', // XXX ignore fading out effect

  Mix_PlayingMusic: function() {
    return ( && ! ? 1 : 0;

  // "Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused."
  Mix_Playing: function(channel) {
    if (channel === -1) {
      var count = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < SDL.channels.length; i++) {
        count += _Mix_Playing(i);
      return count;
    var info = SDL.channels[channel];
    if (info && && ! {
      return 1;
    return 0;
  Mix_Pause: function(channel) {
    if (channel === -1) {
      for (var i = 0; i<SDL.channels.length;i++) {
    var info = SDL.channels[channel];
    if (info && {;
    } else {
      Module.printErr('Mix_Pause: no sound found for channel: ' + channel);
  Mix_Paused: function(channel) {
    if (channel === -1) {
      var pausedCount = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i<SDL.channels.length;i++) {
        pausedCount += _Mix_Paused(i);
      return pausedCount;
    var info = SDL.channels[channel];
    if (info && && {
      return 1;
    return 0;

  Mix_PausedMusic: function() {
    return ( && ? 1 : 0;

  Mix_Resume: function(channel) {
    if (channel === -1) {
      for (var i = 0; i<SDL.channels.length;i++) {
    var info = SDL.channels[channel];
    if (info && {;

  // SDL TTF

  TTF_Init: function() {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    SDL.ttfContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
    return 0;

  TTF_OpenFont: function(filename, size) {
    filename = FS.standardizePath(Pointer_stringify(filename));
    var id = SDL.fonts.length;
      name: filename, // but we don't actually do anything with it..
      size: size
    return id;

  TTF_CloseFont: function(font) {
    SDL.fonts[font] = null;

  TTF_RenderText_Solid: function(font, text, color) {
    // XXX the font and color are ignored
    text = Pointer_stringify(text) || ' '; // if given an empty string, still return a valid surface
    var fontData = SDL.fonts[font];
    var w = SDL.estimateTextWidth(fontData, text);
    var h = fontData.size;
    var color = SDL.loadColorToCSSRGB(color); // XXX alpha breaks fonts?
    var fontString = h + 'px ' +;
    var surf = SDL.makeSurface(w, h, 0, false, 'text:' + text); // bogus numbers..
    var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];;
    surfData.ctx.fillStyle = color;
    surfData.ctx.font = fontString;
    surfData.ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
    surfData.ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
    return surf;
  TTF_RenderText_Blended: 'TTF_RenderText_Solid', // XXX ignore blending vs. solid
  TTF_RenderText_Shaded: 'TTF_RenderText_Solid', // XXX ignore blending vs. solid
  TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid: 'TTF_RenderText_Solid',

  TTF_SizeText: function(font, text, w, h) {
    var fontData = SDL.fonts[font];
    if (w) {
      {{{ makeSetValue('w', '0', 'SDL.estimateTextWidth(fontData, Pointer_stringify(text))', 'i32') }}};
    if (h) {
      {{{ makeSetValue('h', '0', 'fontData.size', 'i32') }}};
    return 0;

  TTF_FontAscent: function(font) {
    var fontData = SDL.fonts[font];
    return Math.floor(fontData.size*0.98); // XXX

  TTF_FontDescent: function(font) {
    var fontData = SDL.fonts[font];
    return Math.floor(fontData.size*0.02); // XXX

  TTF_FontHeight: function(font) {
    var fontData = SDL.fonts[font];
    return fontData.size;

  // SDL gfx

  $SDL_gfx: {
    drawRectangle: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, action, cssColor) {
      x1 = x1 << 16 >> 16;
      y1 = y1 << 16 >> 16;
      x2 = x2 << 16 >> 16;
      y2 = y2 << 16 >> 16;
      var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
      assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must..
      // TODO: if ctx does not change, leave as is, and also do not re-set xStyle etc.
      var x = x1 < x2 ? x1 : x2;
      var y = y1 < y2 ? y1 : y2;
      var w = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
      var h = Math.abs(y2 - y1);;
      surfData.ctx[action + 'Style'] = cssColor;
      surfData.ctx[action + 'Rect'](x, y, w, h);
    drawLine: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, cssColor) {
      x1 = x1 << 16 >> 16;
      y1 = y1 << 16 >> 16;
      x2 = x2 << 16 >> 16;
      y2 = y2 << 16 >> 16;
      var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
      assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must..;
      surfData.ctx.strokeStyle = cssColor;
      surfData.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
      surfData.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
    // See
    drawEllipse: function(surf, x, y, rx, ry, action, cssColor) {
      x = x << 16 >> 16;
      y = y << 16 >> 16;
      rx = rx << 16 >> 16;
      ry = ry << 16 >> 16;
      var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf];
      assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must..;
      surfData.ctx.translate(x, y);
      surfData.ctx.scale(rx, ry);
      surfData.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
      surfData.ctx[action + 'Style'] = cssColor;
    // the gfx library uses something different from the rest of SDL...
    translateColorToCSSRGBA: function(rgba) {
      return 'rgba(' + (rgba>>>24) + ',' + (rgba>>16 & 0xff) + ',' + (rgba>>8 & 0xff) + ',' + (rgba&0xff) + ')';

  boxColor__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  boxColor: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawRectangle(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, 'fill', SDL_gfx.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color));

  boxRGBA__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  boxRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawRectangle(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, 'fill', SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a));

  rectangleColor__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  rectangleColor: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawRectangle(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, 'stroke', SDL_gfx.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color));

  rectangleRGBA__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  rectangleRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawRectangle(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, 'stroke', SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a));

  ellipseColor__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  ellipseColor: function(surf, x, y, rx, ry, color) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawEllipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, 'stroke', SDL_gfx.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color));

  ellipseRGBA__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  ellipseRGBA: function(surf, x, y, rx, ry, r, g, b, a) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawEllipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, 'stroke', SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a));

  filledEllipseColor__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  filledEllipseColor: function(surf, x, y, rx, ry, color) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawEllipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, 'fill', SDL_gfx.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color));

  filledEllipseRGBA__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  filledEllipseRGBA: function(surf, x, y, rx, ry, r, g, b, a) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawEllipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, 'fill', SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a));

  lineColor__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  lineColor: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawLine(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, SDL_gfx.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color));

  lineRGBA__deps: ['$SDL_gfx'],
  lineRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) {
    return SDL_gfx.drawLine(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a));

  pixelRGBA__deps: ['boxRGBA'],
  pixelRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, r, g, b, a) {
    // This cannot be fast, to render many pixels this way!
    _boxRGBA(surf, x1, y1, x1, y1, r, g, b, a);

  // GL

  SDL_GL_SetAttribute: function(attr, value) {
    console.log('TODO: SDL_GL_SetAttribute');

  SDL_GL_GetProcAddress__deps: ['emscripten_GetProcAddress'],
  SDL_GL_GetProcAddress: function(name_) {
    return _emscripten_GetProcAddress(Pointer_stringify(name_));

  SDL_GL_SwapBuffers: function() {},

  // SDL 2

  SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported: function(extension) {
    return Module.ctx.getExtension(extension) | 0;

  SDL_DestroyWindow: function(window) {},

  SDL_DestroyRenderer: function(renderer) {},

  SDL_GetWindowFlags: function(x, y) {
    if (Browser.isFullScreen) {
       return 1;

    return 0;

  SDL_GL_SwapWindow: function(window) {},

  SDL_GL_MakeCurrent: function(window, context) {},

  SDL_GL_DeleteContext: function(context) {},

  SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval: function(state) {},

  SDL_SetWindowTitle: function(window, title) {
    if (title) document.title = Pointer_stringify(title);

  SDL_GetWindowSize: function(window, width, height){
    var w = Module['canvas'].width;
    var h = Module['canvas'].height;
    if (width) {{{ makeSetValue('width', '0', 'w', 'i32') }}};
    if (height) {{{ makeSetValue('height', '0', 'h', 'i32') }}};

  SDL_LogSetOutputFunction: function(callback, userdata) {},

  SDL_SetWindowFullscreen: function(window, fullscreen) {
    if (Browser.isFullScreen) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;

  SDL_GetWindowFlags: function() {},

  SDL_ClearError: function() {},

  SDL_getenv: 'getenv',

  // TODO

  SDL_SetGamma: function(r, g, b) {
    return -1;

  SDL_SetGammaRamp: function(redTable, greenTable, blueTable) {
    return -1;

  // Joysticks

  SDL_NumJoysticks: function() { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickName: function(deviceIndex) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickOpen: function(deviceIndex) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickOpened: function(deviceIndex) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickIndex: function(joystick) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickNumAxes: function(joystick) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickNumBalls: function(joystick) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickNumHats: function(joystick) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickNumButtons: function(joystick) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickUpdate: function() {},

  SDL_JoystickEventState: function(state) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickGetAxis: function(joystick, axis) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickGetHat: function(joystick, hat) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickGetBall: function(joystick, ball, dxptr, dyptr) { return -1; },

  SDL_JoystickGetButton: function(joystick, button) { return 0; },

  SDL_JoystickClose: function(joystick) {},

  // Misc

  SDL_InitSubSystem: function(flags) { return 0 },

  SDL_RWFromConstMem: function(mem, size) {
    var id = SDL.rwops.length; // TODO: recycle ids when they are null
    SDL.rwops.push({ bytes: mem, count: size });
    return id;
  SDL_RWFromMem: 'SDL_RWFromConstMem',

  SDL_RWFromFile: function(_name, mode) {
    var id = SDL.rwops.length; // TODO: recycle ids when they are null
    var name = Pointer_stringify(_name)
    SDL.rwops.push({ filename: name, mimetype: Browser.getMimetype(name) });
    return id;
  SDL_FreeRW: function(rwopsID) {
    SDL.rwops[rwopsID] = null;
    while (SDL.rwops.length > 0 && SDL.rwops[SDL.rwops.length-1] === null) {

  SDL_EnableUNICODE: function(on) {
    var ret = SDL.unicode || 0;
    SDL.unicode = on;
    return ret;

  SDL_AddTimer: function(interval, callback, param) {
    return window.setTimeout(function() {
      Runtime.dynCall('iii', callback, [interval, param]);
    }, interval);
  SDL_RemoveTimer: function(id) {
    return true;

  SDL_CreateThread: function() {
    throw 'SDL threads cannot be supported in the web platform because they assume shared state. See emscripten_create_worker etc. for a message-passing concurrency model that does let you run code in another thread.'

  SDL_WaitThread: function() { throw 'SDL_WaitThread' },
  SDL_GetThreadID: function() { throw 'SDL_GetThreadID' },
  SDL_ThreadID: function() { throw 'SDL_ThreadID' },
  SDL_AllocRW: function() { throw 'SDL_AllocRW: TODO' },
  SDL_CondBroadcast: function() { throw 'SDL_CondBroadcast: TODO' },
  SDL_CondWaitTimeout: function() { throw 'SDL_CondWaitTimeout: TODO' },
  SDL_WM_IconifyWindow: function() { throw 'SDL_WM_IconifyWindow TODO' },

  Mix_SetPostMix: function() { Runtime.warnOnce('Mix_SetPostMix: TODO') },
  Mix_QuerySpec: function() { throw 'Mix_QuerySpec: TODO' },
  Mix_FadeInChannelTimed: function() { throw 'Mix_FadeInChannelTimed' },
  Mix_FadeOutChannel: function() { throw 'Mix_FadeOutChannel' },

  Mix_Linked_Version: function() { throw 'Mix_Linked_Version: TODO' },
  SDL_SaveBMP_RW: function() { throw 'SDL_SaveBMP_RW: TODO' },

  SDL_WM_SetIcon: function() { /* This function would set the application window icon surface, which doesn't apply for web canvases, so a no-op. */ },
  SDL_HasRDTSC: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_HasMMX: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_HasMMXExt: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_Has3DNow: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_Has3DNowExt: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_HasSSE: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_HasSSE2: function() { return 0; },
  SDL_HasAltiVec: function() { return 0; }

autoAddDeps(LibrarySDL, '$SDL');
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibrarySDL);

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