Revision 0a03bbb7cf19e479dc77592ed09621eeb8afb470 authored by A.I. McLeod on 21 December 2015, 08:55:04 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 21 December 2015, 08:55:04 UTC
1 parent 83deceb
Raw File
\title{ Simulate linear time series }
The Durbin-Levinsion recursions are used to simulate a stationary
time series given an unit innovation sequence and given autocovariance
function. Requires \deqn{O(n^2)} flops.
DLSimulate(n, r, useC = TRUE, rand.gen = rnorm, ...)

  \item{n}{ length of time series to be generated }
  \item{r}{ autocovariances, lags 0, ...,  }
  \item{useC}{ =TRUE, use C interface. Otherwise direct
   computation. }
  \item{rand.gen}{ random number generator to use}
  \item{\dots}{ optional arguments passed to \code{rand.gen} }
See Hipel and McLeod (1994) or
McLeod, Yu and Krougly (2007).
simulated time series of length n
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L.  (2007).
Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis,
Journal of Statistical Software.
\author{ A.I. McLeod }

#Simulate hyperbolic decay time series 
#with Hurst coefficient, H=0.9
alpha<-2*(1-H)  #hyperbolic decay parameter
z<-DLSimulate(n, r)
#can use HurstK function in FGN library to estimate H

\keyword{ ts }
\keyword{ datagen }
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