Revision 0bca3d921b0ea651288cfb5d8ef2f8753223c03c authored by Julien Bect on 27 January 2022, 09:22:47 UTC, committed by Julien Bect on 27 January 2022, 09:22:47 UTC
1 parent de87f15
Raw File
% STK_INIT initializes the STK
% CALL: stk_init ()
% STK_INIT sets paths and environment variables

% Copyright Notice
%    Copyright (C) 2015-2018, 2019 CentraleSupelec
%    Copyright (C) 2011-2014 SUPELEC
%    Authors:  Julien Bect       <>
%              Emmanuel Vazquez  <>

% Copying Permission Statement
%    This file is part of
%            STK: a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
%               (
%    STK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
%    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
%    Software Foundation,  either version 3  of the License, or  (at your
%    option) any later version.
%    STK is distributed  in the hope that it will  be useful, but WITHOUT
%    ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied  warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
%    or FITNESS  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See  the GNU  General Public
%    License for more details.
%    You should  have received a copy  of the GNU  General Public License
%    along with STK.  If not, see <>.

%% PKG_ADD: stk_init ('pkg_load');

%% PKG_DEL: stk_init ('pkg_unload');

function output = stk_init (command)

if nargin == 0
    command = 'pkg_load';

% Deduce the root of STK from the path to this function
root = fileparts (mfilename ('fullpath'));

switch command
    case 'pkg_load'
        stk_init__pkg_load (root);
    case 'pkg_unload'
        stk_init__pkg_unload (root);
    case 'prune_mole'
        stk_init__config_mole (root, false, true);  % prune, but do not add to path
    case 'clear_persistents'
        % Note: this implies munlock
        stk_init__clear_persistents ();
    case 'munlock'
        stk_init__munlock ();
    case 'addpath'
        % Add STK subdirectories to the search path
        stk_init__addpath (root);
    case 'rmpath'
        % Remove STK subdirectories from the search path
        stk_init__rmpath (root);
    case 'genpath'
        % Return the list of all STK "public" subdirectories
        output = stk_init__genpath (root);
    case 'build_mex'
        % Compile all MEX-files in the STK
        stk_init__build_mex (root, false);
    case 'force_build_mex'
        % Compile all MEX-files in the STK
        stk_init__build_mex (root, true);
    case 'get_make_info'
        % Provide make information for STK's MEX-files
        output = stk_init__get_make_info ();
    case 'test_private_mex'
        % Check if the MEX-files located in private dirs are found
        stk_init__test_private_mex ();
        error ('Unknown command.');
end % switch

end % function


function stk_init__pkg_load (root)

% Add STK's root directory to the path
addpath (root);

% Unlock all possibly mlock-ed STK files and clear all STK functions
% that contain persistent variables
stk_init__clear_persistents ();

% Build MEX-files "in-place"
stk_init__build_mex (root, false);

% Add STK subdirectories to the path
%   (note: doing this ATFER building the MEX-files seems to solve
%    the problem related to having MEX-files in private folders)
stk_init__addpath (root);

% Check that MEX-files located in private folders are properly detected (note:
% there are no MEX-files in private folders if STK is used as an Octave package)
if exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5  % Octave
    stk_init__test_private_mex ();

% Set default options
stk_options_set ();

% Select default "parallelization engine"
stk_parallel_engine_set ();

% Hide some warnings about numerical accuracy
warning ('off', 'STK:stk_predict:NegativeVariancesSetToZero');
warning ('off', 'STK:stk_cholcov:AddingRegularizationNoise');
warning ('off', 'STK:stk_param_relik:NumericalAccuracyProblem');

% Uncomment this line if you want to see a lot of details about the internals
% of stk_dataframe and stk_factorialdesign objects:
% stk_options_set ('stk_dataframe', 'disp_format', 'verbose');

end % function

function stk_init__pkg_unload (root)

% Unlock all possibly mlock-ed STK files and clear all STK functions
% that contain persistent variables
stk_init__clear_persistents ();

% Remove STK subdirectories from the path
stk_init__rmpath (root);

% Remove STK root directory from the path
rmpath (root);

end % function

function stk_init__munlock ()

filenames = {                 ...
    'stk_optim_fmincon',      ...
    'stk_options_set',        ...
    'stk_parallel_engine_set' };

for i = 1:(length (filenames))
    name = filenames{i};
    if mislocked (name)
        munlock (name);

end % function

function stk_init__clear_persistents ()

stk_init__munlock ();

filenames = {                 ...
    'stk_disp_progress',      ...
    'stk_gausscov_iso',       ...
    'stk_gausscov_aniso',     ...
    'stk_materncov_aniso',    ...
    'stk_materncov_iso',      ...
    'stk_materncov32_aniso',  ...
    'stk_materncov32_iso',    ...
    'stk_materncov52_aniso',  ...
    'stk_materncov52_iso',    ...
    'stk_optim_fmincon',      ...
    'stk_options_set',        ...
    'stk_parallel_engine_set' };

for i = 1:(length (filenames))
    clear (filenames{i});

end % function

function stk_init__addpath (root)

path = stk_init__genpath (root);

% Check for missing directories
for i = 1:length (path)
    if ~ exist (path{i}, 'dir')
        error (sprintf (['Directory %s does not exist.\n' ...
            'Is there a problem in stk_init__genpath ?'], path{i}));

% Add STK folders to the path
addpath (path{:});

% Selectively add MOLE subdirectories to compensate for missing functions
stk_init__config_mole (root, true, false);  % (add to path, but do not prune)

end % function

function path = stk_init__genpath (root)

path = {};

% main function folders
path = [path {                              ...
    fullfile(root, 'arrays'               ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'arrays', 'generic'    ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'core'                 ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'covfcs'               ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'covfcs', 'rbf'        ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'lm'                   ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'model'                ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'model', 'noise'       ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'model', 'prior_struct') ...    
    fullfile(root, 'param', 'classes'     ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'param', 'estim'       ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'sampling'             ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'utils'                ) }];

% 'misc' folder and its subfolders
misc = fullfile (root, 'misc');
path = [path {                 ...
    fullfile(misc, 'design'  ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'dist'    ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'distrib' ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'error'   ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'optim'   ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'options' ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'parallel') ...
    fullfile(misc, 'pareto'  ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'plot'    ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'test'    ) ...
    fullfile(misc, 'text'    ) }];

iago = fullfile (root, 'iago');
path = [path {iago            ...
    fullfile(iago, 'crit'   ) ...
    fullfile(iago, 'rep'    ) ...
    fullfile(iago, 'utils'  ) }];

% folders that contain examples
path = [path {                                             ...
    fullfile(root, 'examples', '01_kriging_basics'       ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'examples', '02_design_of_experiments') ...
    fullfile(root, 'examples', '03_miscellaneous'        ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'examples', 'datasets'                ) ...
    fullfile(root, 'examples', 'test_functions'          ) }];

end % function

function stk_init__rmpath (root)

s = path ();

regex1 = strcat ('^', escape_regexp (root));

isoctave = (exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5);

if isoctave
        % Use the modern name (__octave_config_info__) if possible
        % NOTE: feval prevents Matlab from complaining about the underscores
        apiver = feval ('__octave_config_info__', 'api_version');
        assert (ischar (apiver));
        % Use the old name instead
        apiver = octave_config_info ('api_version');
    regex2 = strcat (escape_regexp (apiver), '$');

while ~ isempty (s)
    [d, s] = strtok (s, pathsep);  %#ok<STTOK>
    if (~ isempty (regexp (d,  regex1, 'once'))) ...
            && ((~ isoctave) || isempty (regexp (d, regex2, 'once'))) ...
            && (~ strcmp (d, root))  % Only remove subdirectories, not the root
        rmpath (d);

end % function

function s = escape_regexp (s)

s = strrep (s, '\', '\\');
s = strrep (s, '+', '\+');
s = strrep (s, '.', '\.');

end % function

function stk_init__build_mex (root, force_recompile)

here = pwd ();

opts.force_recompile = force_recompile;
opts.include_dir = fullfile (root, 'misc', 'include');

% Get information about the MEX-files that need to be built
info = stk_init__get_make_info ();

% Matlab/Octave version info
if exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5
    version_info = ['OCTAVE ' OCTAVE_VERSION];
    version_info = ['MATLAB ' version];

for k = 1:(length (info))
    gcc_version_warning = stk_init__compile ...
        (version_info, fullfile (root, info(k).relpath), ...
        opts, info(k).mexname, info(k).other_src, info(k).includes);

% Matlab only: issue GCC version warning only once
if ~ isempty (gcc_version_warning)
    warning (, gcc_version_warning.msg);

cd (here);

end % function

function gcc_version_warning = stk_init__compile ...
    (version_info, d, opts, mexname, other_src, includes)

mex_filename = [mexname '.' mexext];
mex_fullpath = fullfile (d, mex_filename);

src_filename = [mexname '.c'];

% List of all source files (not counting include files)
src_files = [{src_filename} other_src];

compile = opts.force_recompile;

if ~ compile
    % Compile if the MEX is not present or out-dated
    dir_mex = dir (mex_fullpath);
    compile = isempty (dir_mex);
    % Compile if different version of Matlab/Octave (better safe than sorry)
        fid = fopen ([mex_fullpath '.info']);
        assert (strcmp (version_info, fgetl (fid)));
        compile = true;
    if ~ compile
        % Compile if one of the source files is more recent than the MEX
        for k = 1:(length (src_files))
            % Look for src file in current directory
            dir_src = dir (fullfile (d, src_files{k}));
            if isempty (dir_src)
                error ('STK:stk_init__build_mex:FileNotFound', ...
                    sprintf ('Source file %s not found', src_files{k}));
            if dir_mex.datenum < dir_src.datenum
                compile = true;
        if (~ compile) && (~ isempty (includes))
            % Compile if one of the include files is more recent than the MEX
            for k = 1:(length (includes))
                % Look for header file in current directory
                dir_hdr = dir (fullfile (d, includes{k}));
                if isempty (dir_hdr)
                    % Look for header file in include directory
                    dir_hdr = dir (fullfile (opts.include_dir, includes{k}));
                    if isempty (dir_hdr)
                        error ('STK:stk_init__build_mex:FileNotFound', ...
                            sprintf ('Header file %s not found', includes{k}));
                if dir_mex.datenum < dir_hdr.datenum
                    compile = true;

gcc_version_warning = [];
isoctave = (exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5);

persistent use_silent
if isoctave && (isempty (use_silent))
    use_silent = false;

if compile
    fprintf ('Compiling MEX-file %s... ', mexname);
    here = pwd ();
    try  % Safely change directory
        cd (d);
        include = sprintf ('-I%s', opts.include_dir);
        if isoctave
            mex (src_files{:}, include);
            warning_state = warning ('off', 'MATLAB:mex:GccVersion_link');
            lastwarn ('');
            if isempty (use_silent)
                % Try with -silent (only supported in recent versions of Matlab)
                    mex ('-silent', src_files{:}, include);
                    use_silent = true;
                    % Try without -silent
                    mex (src_files{:}, include);
                    use_silent = false;
            elseif use_silent
                mex ('-silent', src_files{:}, include);
                mex (src_files{:}, include);
            [lastmsg, lastid] = lastwarn ();
            if ~ isempty (strfind (lastid, 'GccVersion'))  %#ok<STREMP> 
                gcc_version_warning.msg = lastmsg;
       = lastid;
            warning (warning_state);
        fid = fopen ([mex_fullpath '.info'], 'wt');
        fprintf (fid, version_info);
        fclose (fid);
        fprintf ('ok.\n');
        if isoctave
            fflush (stdout);
        cd (here);
        cd (here);
        rethrow (lasterror ());

end % function

function info = stk_init__get_make_info ()

relpath = fullfile ('misc', 'dist', 'private');
info = register_mex ([],   relpath, 'stk_dist_matrixx');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_dist_matrixy');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_dist_pairwise');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_filldist_discr_mex');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_mindist_mex');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_gpquadform_matrixy');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_gpquadform_matrixx');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_gpquadform_pairwise');

relpath = fullfile ('misc', 'distrib', 'private');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_distrib_bivnorm0_cdf');

relpath = fullfile ('arrays', '@stk_dataframe', 'private');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'get_column_number');

relpath = 'sampling';
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_sampling_vdc_rr2', {}, {'primes.h'});

relpath = fullfile ('sampling', 'private');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_sampling_sobol_mex');

relpath = fullfile ('misc', 'pareto', 'private');
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_paretofind_mex', {}, {'pareto.h'});
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_isdominated_mex', {}, {'pareto.h'});
info = register_mex (info, relpath, 'stk_dominatedhv_mex', {'wfg.c'}, {'wfg.h'});

end % function

function info = register_mex (info, relpath, mexname, other_src, includes)

if nargin < 4
    other_src = {};

if nargin < 5
    includes = {};

k = 1 + length (info);

info(k).relpath = relpath;
info(k).mexname = mexname;
info(k).other_src = other_src;
info(k).includes = [{'stk_mex.h'} includes];

end % function

function stk_init__test_private_mex ()

    n = 5;  d = 2;
    x = rand (n, d);
    D = stk_dist (x);  % calls a MEX-file internally
    assert (isequal (size (D), [n n]));
    err = lasterror ();
    if (~ isempty (regexp (err.message, 'stk_dist_matrixx', 'once')))  ...
            && (~ isempty (regexp (err.message, 'undefined', 'once')))
        fprintf ('\n\n');
        warning (sprintf (['\n\n'                                      ...
            '!>>>>>> PLEASE RESTART OCTAVE BEFORE USING STK <<<<<<!\n' ...
            '!                                                    !\n' ...
            '! Some STK functions implemented as MEX-files have   !\n' ...
            '! just been compiled, but will not be detected until !\n' ...
            '! Octave is restarted.                               !\n' ...
            '!                                                    !\n' ...
            '! We apologize for this inconvenience, which is      !\n' ...
            '! related to a known Octave bug (bug #40824), that   !\n' ...
            '! will hopefully be fixed in the near future.        !\n' ...
            '! (see         !\n' ...
            '!                                                    !\n' ...
            '!>>>>>> PLEASE RESTART OCTAVE BEFORE USING STK <<<<<<!\n' ...
        rethrow (err);

end % function

function stk_init__config_mole (root, do_addpath, prune_unused)

mole_dir = fullfile (root, 'misc', 'mole');
isoctave = (exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5);

if isoctave
    recursive_rmdir_state = confirm_recursive_rmdir (0);

opts = {root, mole_dir, do_addpath, prune_unused};

% Provide missing octave functions for Matlab users
% TODO: extract functions that are REALLY needed in separate directories
%       and get rid of the others !
if (exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') ~= 5)  % if Matlab
    if do_addpath
        addpath (fullfile (mole_dir, 'matlab'));
elseif prune_unused
    rmdir (fullfile (mole_dir, 'matlab'), 's');

% graphics_toolkit
%  * For Octave users: graphics_toolkit is missing in some old version of Octave
%  * For Matlab users: there is no function named graphics_toolkit in Matlab.
%    Our implementation returns either 'matlab-jvm' or 'matlab-nojvm'.
install_mole_function ('graphics_toolkit', opts{:});

% isrow
%  * For Octave users: ?
%  * For Matlab users: missing in R2007a
install_mole_function ('isrow', opts{:});

% linsolve
%  * For Octave users: linsolve has been missing in Octave for a long time
%    (up to 3.6.4)
%  * For Matlab users: ?
install_mole_function ('linsolve', opts{:});

% quantile
%  * For Octave users: ?
%  * For Matlab users: quantile is missing from Matlab itself, but it provided
%    by the Statistics toolbox if you're rich enough to afford it.
install_mole_function ('quantile', opts{:});

% cleanup
if isoctave
    confirm_recursive_rmdir (recursive_rmdir_state);

end % function

function install_mole_function (funct_name, ...
    root, mole_dir, do_addpath, prune_unused)

function_dir = fullfile (mole_dir, funct_name);

w = which (funct_name);

if (isempty (w)) || (~ isempty (strfind (w, root)))  %#ok<STREMP> % if the function is absent
    function_mfile = fullfile (function_dir, [funct_name '.m']);
    if exist (function_dir, 'dir') && exist (function_mfile, 'file')
        % fprintf ('[MOLE]  Providing function %s\n', function_name);
        if do_addpath
            addpath (function_dir);
        warning (sprintf ('[MOLE]  Missing function: %s\n', funct_name));
elseif prune_unused && (exist (function_dir, 'dir'))
    rmdir (function_dir, 's');

end % function
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