Revision 0bdaea203e6a40593cdb20c0616ffd0a1d8afdf9 authored by ahaghani on 11 February 2021, 21:34:24 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 February 2021, 21:34:24 UTC
1 parent 9aa15d4
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import gzip
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations
def getMaxSpecies(positionComb, maxSpeciesSubset, curChunk, startPos, endPos, refSpecies, pt = False):
# Returns the maximal subset of species that can be covered with a probe starting at startPos and ending at endPos (end exclusive)
# with SNVs at positionComb. Also returns the specific nucleotide choice we should design for at every SNV so that
# the maximum number of species are covered.
# First keep only the species where the CG is conserved. The CG is always at positions startPos + 49 and startPos + 50
finalSNVchoice = []
localMaxSpeciesSubset = set(maxSpeciesSubset)
for pos in range(startPos, endPos):
SNVspecies = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # for each possible SNV nucleotide, which species we can cover
maxSpeciesSubsetCopy = set(localMaxSpeciesSubset)
for species in maxSpeciesSubsetCopy:
if (curChunk[pos][species] != curChunk[pos][refSpecies]): # if we have an SNV in this species
if (curChunk[pos][species] == "X"):
localMaxSpeciesSubset.remove(species) # can't cover if nothing in alignment here
if pos in positionComb: # check if we have an SNV here
SNVspecies[pos][curChunk[pos][species]].append(species) # add to the list of species we can keep if we design for this nucleotide
localMaxSpeciesSubset.remove(species) # can't cover if no SNP at this position and different
# find the best SNV choice at this position if we need one
if len(SNVspecies[pos]) > 0:
SNVchoices = []
for i in SNVspecies[pos]:
SNVchoices.append((len(SNVspecies[pos][i]), i))
SNVchoices = sorted(SNVchoices, reverse = True)
count = positionComb.count(pos) # how many SNVs are we picking at this position
SNVchoices = [x[1] for x in SNVchoices[:count]]
SNVpurpose = defaultdict(list)
# remove the species that don't have this SNV at this position
for i in SNVspecies[pos]:
if i not in SNVchoices:
for species in SNVspecies[pos][i]:
for species in SNVspecies[pos][i]:
for i in SNVchoices:
finalSNVchoice.append((pos, i, curChunk[pos][refSpecies], SNVpurpose[i]))
#if pt: print(maxSpeciesSubset)
return localMaxSpeciesSubset, finalSNVchoice
def getFeasibleSpecies(curChunk, startPos, endPos, refSpecies, numSNV):
# Return the feasible species for a 100bp chunk centered aroung the CG based on how many species actually
# have the CG conserved, since we can't design for an SNV in there. Also returns the list of positions where we
# need an SNV. If multiple SNVs are needed at a position, that position is featured multiple times in the list.
maxSpeciesSubset = set()
for species in curChunk[min(curChunk.keys()) + 50].keys():
if curChunk[min(curChunk.keys()) + 50][species] + curChunk[min(curChunk.keys()) + 51][species] == "CG":
SNVPossibilities = []
maxSpeciesSubsetCopy = set(maxSpeciesSubset)
different = defaultdict(set)
for species in maxSpeciesSubset:
mismatches = []
for pos in range(startPos, endPos):
if curChunk[pos][species] != curChunk[pos][refSpecies]:
mismatches.append((pos, curChunk[pos][species]))
if (len(mismatches) > numSNV):
if len(mismatches) <= numSNV:
for i in mismatches:
for pos in range(startPos, endPos):
SNVPossibilities += ([pos] * len(different[pos]))
maxSpeciesSubset = set(maxSpeciesSubsetCopy)
return (maxSpeciesSubset, SNVPossibilities)
def scoreProbe(probeStrand, probeType, numSNV, curChunk, infiniumType):
# print(probeStrand, probeType, infiniumType)
# For each probe, go through the 4 options for start and end and get the largest set of species we can
if (probeStrand == "TOP"):
if (probeType == "O"):
if (infiniumType == 1):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 1
elif (infiniumType == 2):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys())
print("Wrong infinium probe type. Must be 1 or 2.")
elif (probeType == "C"):
if (infiniumType == 1):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 50
elif (infiniumType == 2):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 51
print("Wrong infinium probe type. Must be 1 or 2.")
print("Wrong probe type found in column 7.")
elif (probeStrand == "BOT"):
if (probeType == "O"):
if (infiniumType == 1):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 51
elif (infiniumType == 2):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 52
print("Wrong infinium probe type. Must be 1 or 2.")
elif (probeType == "C"):
if (infiniumType == 1):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 2
elif (infiniumType == 2):
startPos = min(curChunk.keys()) + 1
print("Wrong infinium probe type. Must be 1 or 2.")
print("Wrong probe type found in column 7.")
maxSpecies, SNVpositions = getFeasibleSpecies(curChunk, startPos, startPos + 50, "hg19", numSNV)
probeSequence = ""
for pos in range(startPos, startPos + 50):
probeSequence += curChunk[pos]["hg19"]
bestSpecies = set()
bestSNVchoice = []
for positionComb in combinations(SNVpositions, min(numSNV, len(SNVpositions))):
curMaxSpecies, curSNVchoice = getMaxSpecies(positionComb, maxSpecies, curChunk, startPos, startPos + 50, "hg19", pt=True)
#if (positionComb == (30864656, 30864659, 30864659)):
# print("But out here")
# print(curMaxSpecies)
# print(len(curMaxSpecies))
if (len(curMaxSpecies) > len(bestSpecies)):
bestSpecies = curMaxSpecies
bestSNVchoice = curSNVchoice
# returns the largest list of species we can cover, the best combination of SNVs and the best SNV choice
return bestSpecies, bestSNVchoice, probeSequence, startPos + 1, startPos + 50
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("Usage: python <alignment features file> <probes file> <output file>")
alignmentFile =[1], 'rt')
probesFile =[2], 'rt')
ofile =[3], 'wt')
isMammal = {"hg19": 1,"panTro4": 1,"gorGor3": 1,"ponAbe2": 1,"nomLeu3": 1,"rheMac3": 1,"macFas5": 1,"papHam1": 1,"chlSab1": 1,"calJac3": 1,"saiBol1": 1,"otoGar3": 1,"tupChi1": 1,"speTri2": 1,"jacJac1": 1,"micOch1": 1,"criGri1": 1,"mesAur1": 1,"mm10": 1,"rn5": 1,"hetGla2": 1,"cavPor3": 1,"chiLan1": 1,"octDeg1": 1,"oryCun2": 1,"ochPri3": 1,"susScr3": 1,"vicPac2": 1,"camFer1": 1,"turTru2": 1,"orcOrc1": 1,"panHod1": 1,"bosTau7": 1,"oviAri3": 1,"capHir1": 1,"equCab2": 1,"cerSim1": 1,"felCat5": 1,"canFam3": 1,"musFur1": 1,"ailMel1": 1,"odoRosDiv1": 1,"lepWed1": 1,"pteAle1": 1,"pteVam1": 1,"myoDav1": 1,"myoLuc2": 1,"eptFus1": 1,"eriEur2": 1,"sorAra2": 1,"conCri1": 1,"loxAfr3": 1,"eleEdw1": 1,"triMan1": 1,"chrAsi1": 1,"echTel2": 1,"oryAfe1": 1,"dasNov3": 1,"monDom5": 1,"sarHar1": 1,"macEug2": 1,"ornAna1": 1, "falChe1": 0,"falPer1": 0,"ficAlb2": 0,"zonAlb1": 0,"geoFor1": 0,"taeGut2": 0,"pseHum1": 0,"melUnd1": 0,"amaVit1": 0,"araMac1": 0,"colLiv1": 0,"anaPla1": 0,"galGal4": 0,"melGal1": 0,"allMis1": 0,"cheMyd1": 0,"chrPic1": 0,"pelSin1": 0,"apaSpi1": 0,"anoCar2": 0,"xenTro7": 0,"latCha1": 0,"tetNig2": 0,"fr3": 0,"takFla1": 0,"oreNil2": 0,"neoBri1": 0,"hapBur1": 0,"mayZeb1": 0,"punNye1": 0,"oryLat2": 0,"xipMac1": 0,"gasAcu1": 0,"gadMor1": 0,"danRer7": 0,"astMex1": 0,"lepOcu1": 0,"petMar2": 0}
# Read first 100 bases from alignment file
refSpecies = "hg19"
curChunk = defaultdict() # dictionary of dictionaries of the nucleotide at each position for each species
headerLine = alignmentFile.readline().rstrip().split(",")
for i in range(102):
splitLine = alignmentFile.readline().rstrip().split(",")
curPos = int(splitLine[0])
curChunk[curPos] = {}
for j in range(2, len(splitLine)):
if (isMammal[headerLine[j]]):
curChunk[curPos][headerLine[j]] = splitLine[j]
end = False
count = 0
for line in probesFile:
count += 1
if (count % 10000 == 0):
splitLine = line.strip().split()
coord = int(splitLine[4]) - 1
designScore = float(splitLine[22])
tempStrand = splitLine[15].split("_")[-1]
if (tempStrand == "F"):
probeStrand = "TOP"
elif (tempStrand == "R"):
probeStrand = "BOT"
print ("Unknown probe strand found for ", line)
probeType = splitLine[17]
# get to position in in the alignment that is centered on the current CG site
while (curPos - 51 < coord):
if (curPos % 10000 == 0):
newLine = alignmentFile.readline()
if (not newLine):
end = True
break # add what to do in this case
newSplitLine = newLine.rstrip().split(",")
curPos = int(newSplitLine[0])
curChunk[curPos] = {}
for j in range(2, len(newSplitLine)):
if (isMammal[headerLine[j]]):
curChunk[curPos][headerLine[j]] = newSplitLine[j]
if (max(curChunk.keys()) - min(curChunk.keys()) == 101):
printEL = False
if (end):
# Infinium 1 probe
if designScore >= 0.6:
numSNV = 3
elif designScore >= 0.5:
numSNV = 2
elif designScore >= 0.4:
numSNV = 1
elif designScore >= 0.3:
numSNV = 0
numSNV = -1
if numSNV >= 0:
bestSpecies, bestSNVchoice, probeSequence, probeStart, probeEnd = scoreProbe(probeStrand, probeType, numSNV, curChunk, infiniumType = 1)
if (len(list(bestSpecies)) > 0):
ofile.write(line.strip() + "\t" + ",".join(list(bestSpecies)) + "\t" + str(probeStart) + "\t" + str(probeEnd) + "\t" + probeSequence)
if (len(bestSNVchoice) != 0):
# write position of SNPs, reference nucleotide and alternate nucleotide
ofile.write("\t" + ",".join([str(x[0] + 1) for x in bestSNVchoice]) + "\t" + ",".join([str(x[2]) for x in bestSNVchoice]) + "\t" + ",".join([str(x[1]) for x in bestSNVchoice]))
# write which species they each target
for x in bestSNVchoice:
ofile.write("\t" + ",".join(x[3]))
for x in range(len(bestSNVchoice), 3):
printEL = True
#print(bestSpecies, bestSNVchoice)
#Infinium 2 probe
numCpG = int(splitLine[-4])
if numCpG > 3:
numSNV = -1
if designScore >= 0.6:
numSNV = 3 - numCpG
elif designScore >= 0.5:
numSNV = 2 - numCpG
elif designScore >= 0.4:
numSNV = 1 - numCpG
elif designScore >= 0.3:
numSNV = 0
numSNV = -1
# print("numSNV = ", numSNV)
if numSNV >= 0:
bestSpecies, bestSNVchoice, probeSequence, probeStart, probeEnd = scoreProbe(probeStrand, probeType, numSNV, curChunk, infiniumType=2)
if (len(list(bestSpecies)) > 0):
ofile.write("\t" + ",".join(list(bestSpecies)) + "\t" + str(probeStart) + "\t" + str(probeEnd) + "\t" + probeSequence)
if (len(bestSNVchoice) != 0):
ofile.write("\t" + ",".join([str(x[0] + 1) for x in bestSNVchoice]) + "\t" + ",".join([str(x[2]) for x in bestSNVchoice]) + "\t" + ",".join([str(x[1]) for x in bestSNVchoice]))
# write which species they each target
for x in bestSNVchoice:
ofile.write("\t" + ",".join(x[3]))
for x in range(len(bestSNVchoice), 3):
printEL = True
if (printEL):
Computing file changes ...