Revision 0d5355a3ce646571836b8d44d17dc3b11001bc6e authored by timlinux on 08 February 2008, 15:33:14 UTC, committed by timlinux on 08 February 2008, 15:33:14 UTC

git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
1 parent 8ca85ca
Raw File
SQLite format 3@  
Ýx݁''otablecontext_helpscontext_helpsCREATE TABLE context_helps(id integer primary key, context_id integer, class_name text, content text, title text)]tabletbl_helptbl_helpCREATE TABLE tbl_help(
  class_name TEXT,
  content TEXT
, title text)î÷ÉË/ƒÀ˳!ìûöñì	

bar using the precision you choose. Automatic (the default) results in a default precision based on the map units.</td>
<td>Digitising Settings</td><td>This allows you to set the snapping tolerance in pixels, the line width used when digitising, and the color for digitised lines.</td>
<tr><td>Selection color</td><td>Selected features are displayed on the map using this color.</td>
<a anchor="projections"></a><h4>Projection Tab</h4>
The Projection tab allows you to set the projection for the current project and enable ont the fly projection. You do not need to have a saved project to setup and enable on the fly projection.<p>
To use on the fly projection, click the <i>Enable on the fly projection</i> checkbox. Then choose the projection for the project (map canvas) from the list of Geographic or Projected coordinate systems.
You can find a coordinate system by entering its PostGIS SRID, EPSG code, or the QGIS SRSRID and clicking the <i>Find</i> button.
Project Properties
vvˆɊ¨Øã%“O/QgsBookmarks<h3>Spatial Bookmarks</h3>
Spatial Bookmarks allow you to "bookmark" a geographic location and return to it later. 

<h4>Creating a Bookmark</h4>
To create a bookmark:
<li>Zoom or pan to the area of interest
<li>Click on the <i>Create;ƒ‡àå!-33QgsNewConnectionPostGIS ConnectionsPostGIS Connections1ƒÀ˳!!//QgsMeasureMeasure DistancesMeasure Distances
ññŽ„¯ÉË/5›51QgsProjectProperties<h3>Project Properties</h3>
This dialog allows you to set a number of properties related to the <i>Project</i>. A Project is a saved set of layers and their settings, as well as other information required to restore the project from disk.<p>

<h4>General Tab</h4>
<table border=1>
<td>Project Title</td><td>A descriptive title for the project. This title will be displayed in the title bar of the QGIS window</td>
<td>Map Units</td><td>Choose the map units appropriate for the layers in the project</td>
<td>Cursor Display Precision</td><td>Use the manual setting  to set the precision of the display in the status bar. As the mouse is moved over the map canvas, the coordinates are updated and displayed in the status 
ä䆄ѱÍr/‹e1QgsDbSourceSelect<h3>Add PostGIS Tables</h3>
This dialog allows you to add PostGIS layers (tables with a geometry column) to the QGIS map canvas.
<li>Choose the connection to use from the drop-down box and click <i>Connect</i> 
<li>If there are no connections, use the <i>New</i> button to create a connection
<li>To modify a connection, click the <i>Edit</i> button
<h4>Adding Layers</h4>
To add a layer:
<li>Choose the desired connection from the drop-down box
<li>Click <i>Connect</i>
<li>Find the layer you want to add in the list and click on it to select it
<li>You can select additional layers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking
<li>Click <i>Add</i> to add the layer(s) to the map
<h4>Filtering a Layer</h4>
Add PostGIS Tables a new geospatial bookmark</i> or type Ctrl-B
<li>Enter a descriptive name for the bookmark (up to 255 characters)
<li>Click <i>OK</i> to add the bookmark or <i>Cancel</i> to exit without adding the bookmark
Note that you can have multiple bookmarks with the same name.
<h4>Working with Bookmarks</h4>
To use or manage bookmarks, click on the <i>Show geospatial bookmarks</i> button or choose <i>Geospatial Bookmarks</i> from the <i>View</i> menu. The bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You can not edit the bookmark name or coordinates.
<h5>Zooming to a Bookmark</h5>
From the Bookmarks dialog, select the desired bookmark by clicking on it, then click the <i>Zoom To</i> button.
You can also zoom to a bookmark by double-clicking on it.

<h5>Deleting a Bookmark</h5>
To delete a bookmark from the Bookmarks dialog, click on it then click the <i>Delete</i> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <i>Yes</i> or cancel the delete by clicking <i>No</i>.
Spatial Bookmarks a new geospatial bookmark</i> or type Ctrl-B
<li>Enter a descriptive name for the bookmark (up to 255 characters)
<li>Click <i>OK</i> to add the bookmark or <i>Cancel</i> to exit without adding the bookmark
Note that you can have multiple bookmarks with the same name.
<h4>Working with Bookmarks</h4>
To use or manage bookmarks, click on the <i>Show geospatial bookmarks</i> button or choose <i>Geospatial Bookmarks</i> from the <i>View</i> menu. The bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You can not edit the bookmark name or coordinates.
<h5>Zooming to a Bookmark</h5>
From the Bookmarks dialog, select the desired bookmark by clicking on it, then click the <i>Zoom To</i> button.
You can also zoom to a bookmark by double-clicking on it.

<h5>Deleting a Bookmark</h5>
To delete a bookmark from the Bookmarks dialog, click on it then click the <i>Delete</i> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <i>Yes</i> or cancel the delete by clicking <i>No</i>.
Spatial Bookmarks
®DQgsBookmark<h3>Spatial Bookmarks</h3>
Spatial Bookmarks allow you to "bookmark" a geographic location and return to it later. 

<h4>Creating a Bookmark</h4>
To create a bookmark:
<li>Zoom or pan to the area of interest
<li>Click on the <i>Create	
MM|†,/Œ	17ýLÛQgsDbSourceSelect<h3>Add PostGIS Tables</h3>
This dialog allows you to add PostGIS layers (tables with a geometry column) to the QGIS map canvas.
<li>Choose the connection to use from the drop-down box and click <i>Connect</i> 
<li>If there are no connections, use the <i>New</i> button to create a connection
<li>To modify a connection, click the <i>Edit</i> button
<h4>Adding Layers</h4>
To add a layer:
<li>Choose the desired connection from the drop-down box
<li>Click <i>Connect</i>
<li>Find the layer you want to add in the list and click on it to select it
<li>You can select additional layers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking
<li>Click <i>Add</i> to add the layer(s) to the map
<h4>Filtering a Layer</h4>
Add PostGIS Tables!1AÖÿ¹üQgsMeasureWith the measure tool, you can measure both distances and areas on the map canvas.Measure Distances and Area precision you choose. Automatic (the default) results in a default precision based on the map units.</td>
<td>Digitising Settings</td><td>This allows you to set the snapping tolerance in pixels, the line width used when digitising, and the color for digitised lines.</td>
<tr><td>Selection color</td><td>Selected features are displayed on the map using this color.</td>
<a anchor="projections"></a><h4>Projection Tab</h4>
The Projection tab allows you to set the projection for the current project and enable ont the fly projection. You do not need to have a saved project to setup and enable on the fly projection.<p>
To use on the fly projection, click the <i>Enable on the fly projection</i> checkbox. Then choose the projection for the project (map canvas) from the list of Geographic or Projected coordinate systems.
You can find a coordinate system by entering its PostGIS SRID, EPSG code, or the QGIS SRSRID and clicking the <i>Find</i> button.
Project Properties
QgsNewConnectionPostGIS Connections are made easily.PostGIS ConnectionsŽ5›g1…ÁˆQgsProjectProperties<h3>Project Properties</h3>
This dialog allows you to set a number of properties related to the <i>Project</i>. A Project is a saved set of layers and their settings, as well as other information required to restore the project from disk.<p>

<h4>General Tab</h4>
<table border=1>
<td>Project Title</td><td>A descriptive title for the project. This title will be displayed in the title bar of the QGIS window</td>
<td>Map Units</td><td>Choose the map units appropriate for the layers in the project</td>
<td>Cursor Display Precision</td><td>Use the manual setting  to set the precision of the display in the status bar. As the mouse is moved over the map canvas, the coordinates are updated and displayed in the status bar using the
PP‡-	3Ž-Öëc½QgsIdentifyResulsts<h1>Identify Results</h1>

<p>The Identify Results dialog box displays the feature attributes that are close to the region where you click with the Identify Results pointer.</p>

<p>The feature data is presented in a tree format - click on the + symbol to expand the tree. If there was only one feature close to the click point the tree is automatically expanded.</p>

<p>The length of each line feature and area of each polygon feature are automatically calculated and displayed under the <tt>(Derived)</tt> branch.</p>

<p>The order of the features in the dialog box can be changed by clicking on the relevant column header.</p>

<p>If attribute actions have been defined for the layer, they will be identified by a cog symbol. Clicking on that row will then run the action.</p>

<p>The width of the columns can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the vertical bar separating the headers.</p>Identify results
5C1\ÃQgsNewHttpConnectionCreate a new WMS connectionNew WMS ConnectionJ7A/*`®,QgsServerSourceSelect<h3>Select WMS server</h3>WMS Source Select†A‹9íq%QgsCopyrightLabelPluginGui<h4>Copyright label plugin</h4><p>The copyright label plugin places text and symbols onto one of the map corners. </p> <p>The actual text and symbol (if any) are determined by the text in the copyright label plugin dialog box. You can enter your text as plain ASCII or using simple html tags. </p> <p>One html tag of use is the copyright symbol - use <tt>&amp;copy;</tt> to get a copyright symbol.</p><p>Other html tags of use are <tt>&lt;b&gt;text&lt;/b&gt;</tt> for <b>bold</b> text and <tt>&lt;i&gt;text&lt;/i&gt;</tt> for <i>italic</i> text.</p> <p>You can have multiple lines of text by using the <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt> or <tt>&lt;li&gt;</tt> tags.</p> <p>Refer to an html writing guide for further tags.<p>Copyright Label Plugin
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