Revision 0d54ad3086b7fc61afa28b512b27668e1ddef2f5 authored by Keno Fischer on 17 April 2024, 23:01:19 UTC, committed by Keno Fischer on 17 April 2024, 23:40:48 UTC
The strategy here is to look at (data, padding) pairs and RLE
them into loops, so that repeated adjacent patterns use a loop
rather than getting unrolled. On the test case from #54109,
this makes compilation essentially instant, while also being
faster at runtime (turns out LLVM spends a massive amount of time
AND the answer is bad).

There's some obvious further enhancements possible here:
1. The `memcmp` constant is small. LLVM has a pass to inline these
   with better code. However, we don't have it turned on. We should
   consider vendoring it, though we may want to add some shorcutting
   to it to avoid having it iterate through each function.
2. This only does one level of sequence matching. It could be recursed
   to turn things into nested loops.

However, this solves the immediate issue, so hopefully it's a useful
start. Fixes #54109.
1 parent 7ba1b33
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

Represents a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
Can be built from one `UInt128` (all byte values), two `UInt64`, or four `UInt32`.
Conversion from a string will check the UUID validity.
struct UUID
UUID(u::UUID) = u
UUID(u::NTuple{2, UInt64}) = UUID((UInt128(u[1]) << 64) | UInt128(u[2]))
UUID(u::NTuple{4, UInt32}) = UUID((UInt128(u[1]) << 96) | (UInt128(u[2]) << 64) |
                                  (UInt128(u[3]) << 32) | UInt128(u[4]))

function convert(::Type{NTuple{2, UInt64}}, uuid::UUID)
    bytes = uuid.value
    hi = UInt64((bytes >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff)
    lo = UInt64(bytes & 0xffffffffffffffff)
    return (hi, lo)

function convert(::Type{NTuple{4, UInt32}}, uuid::UUID)
    bytes = uuid.value
    hh = UInt32((bytes >> 96) & 0xffffffff)
    hl = UInt32((bytes >> 64) & 0xffffffff)
    lh = UInt32((bytes >> 32) & 0xffffffff)
    ll = UInt32(bytes & 0xffffffff)
    return (hh, hl, lh, ll)

UInt128(u::UUID) = u.value

    uuid_hash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0xd06fa04f86f11b53 : 0x96a1f36d
    Base.hash(uuid::UUID, h::UInt) = hash(uuid_hash_seed, hash(convert(NTuple{2, UInt64}, uuid), h))

@inline function uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
    _c = UInt32(@inbounds codeunit(s, i))
    d = __convert_digit(_c, UInt32(16))
    d >= 16 && return nothing
    u <<= 4
    return u | d

function Base.tryparse(::Type{UUID}, s::AbstractString)
    u = UInt128(0)
    ncodeunits(s) != 36 && return nothing
    for i in 1:8
        u = uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
        u === nothing && return nothing
    @inbounds codeunit(s, 9) == UInt8('-') || return nothing
    for i in 10:13
        u = uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
        u === nothing && return nothing
    @inbounds codeunit(s, 14) == UInt8('-') || return nothing
    for i in 15:18
        u = uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
        u === nothing && return nothing
    @inbounds codeunit(s, 19) == UInt8('-') || return nothing
    for i in 20:23
        u = uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
        u === nothing && return nothing
    @inbounds codeunit(s, 24) == UInt8('-') || return nothing
    for i in 25:36
        u = uuid_kernel(s, i, u)
        u === nothing && return nothing
    return Base.UUID(u)

    @noinline throw_malformed_uuid(s) = throw(ArgumentError("Malformed UUID string: $(repr(s))"))
    function Base.parse(::Type{UUID}, s::AbstractString)
        uuid = tryparse(UUID, s)
        return uuid === nothing ? throw_malformed_uuid(s) : uuid

UUID(s::AbstractString) = parse(UUID, s)

let groupings = [36:-1:25; 23:-1:20; 18:-1:15; 13:-1:10; 8:-1:1]
    global string
    function string(u::UUID)
        u = u.value
        a = Base.StringMemory(36)
        for i in groupings
            @inbounds a[i] = hex_chars[1 + u & 0xf]
            u >>= 4
        @inbounds a[24] = a[19] = a[14] = a[9] = '-'
        return String(a)

print(io::IO, u::UUID) = print(io, string(u))
show(io::IO, u::UUID) = print(io, UUID, "(\"", u, "\")")

isless(a::UUID, b::UUID) = isless(a.value, b.value)

# give UUID scalar behavior in broadcasting
Base.broadcastable(x::UUID) = Ref(x)
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