Revision 113fef63c31d21304fe8336b4013dccb13aa88e6 authored by Andrew O. Finley on 08 March 2010, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 08 March 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 6bf88ae
Raw File
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Linpack.h>
#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
#include <R_ext/BLAS.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "covmodel.h"
#include "covInvDet.h"

extern "C" {

  SEXP spMvGLM_AMCMC(SEXP Y_r, SEXP X_r, SEXP p_r, SEXP n_r, SEXP m_r, SEXP coordsD_r,SEXP family_r,
		     SEXP betaPrior_r, SEXP betaNorm_r, SEXP KIW_r, SEXP nuUnif_r, SEXP phiUnif_r,
		     SEXP phiStarting_r, SEXP AStarting_r, SEXP nuStarting_r, SEXP betaStarting_r, SEXP wStarting_r,
		     SEXP phiTuning_r, SEXP ATuning_r, SEXP nuTuning_r , SEXP betaTuning_r, SEXP wTuning_r,
		     SEXP covModel_r, SEXP nBatch_r, SEXP batchLength_r, SEXP acceptRate_r, SEXP verbose_r, SEXP nReport_r){
                Common variables
    int i,j,k,l,b,info,nProtect= 0;
    char const *lower = "L";
    char const *upper = "U";
    char const *ntran = "N";
    char const *ytran = "T";
    char const *rside = "R";
    char const *lside = "L";
    const double one = 1.0;
    const double negOne = -1.0;
    const double zero = 0.0;
    const int incOne = 1;


    double *Y = REAL(Y_r);
    double *X = REAL(X_r);
    int p = INTEGER(p_r)[0];
    int pp = p*p;
    int n = INTEGER(n_r)[0];
    int m = INTEGER(m_r)[0];
    int mm = m*m;
    int nn = n*n;
    int nm = n*m;
    int nLTr = m*(m-1)/2+m;

    double *coordsD = REAL(coordsD_r);

    string family = CHAR(STRING_ELT(family_r,0));

    //covariance model
    string covModel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(covModel_r,0));

    //priors and starting
    string betaPrior = CHAR(STRING_ELT(betaPrior_r,0));

    double *betaMu = NULL;
    double *betaSd = NULL;
    if(betaPrior == "normal"){
      betaMu = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 0)); 
      betaSd = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 1));
    double *phiUnif = REAL(phiUnif_r);
    double KIW_df = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(KIW_r, 0))[0]; double *KIW_S = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(KIW_r, 1));

    double *phiStarting = REAL(phiStarting_r);
    double *AStarting = REAL(AStarting_r);
    double *betaStarting = REAL(betaStarting_r);
    double *wStarting = REAL(wStarting_r);

    //if matern
    double *nuUnif = NULL;
    double *nuStarting = NULL;

    if(covModel == "matern"){
      nuUnif = REAL(nuUnif_r);
      nuStarting = REAL(nuStarting_r);

    int nBatch = INTEGER(nBatch_r)[0];
    int batchLength = INTEGER(batchLength_r)[0];
    double acceptRate = REAL(acceptRate_r)[0];
    int nSamples = nBatch*batchLength;

    int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_r)[0];
    int nReport = INTEGER(nReport_r)[0];

    double *A = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));

      Rprintf("\tGeneral model description\n");
      Rprintf("Model fit with %i observations.\n\n", n);
      Rprintf("Number of covariates %i (including intercept if specified).\n\n", p);
      Rprintf("Using the %s spatial correlation model.\n\n", covModel.c_str());
      Rprintf("Number of MCMC samples %i.\n\n", nSamples);

      Rprintf("Priors and hyperpriors:\n");
      if(betaPrior == "flat"){
	Rprintf("\tbeta flat.\n");
	Rprintf("\tbeta normal:\n");
	Rprintf("\t\tmu:"); printVec(betaMu, p);
	Rprintf("\t\tsd:"); printVec(betaSd, p);Rprintf("\n");
      Rprintf("\tK IW hyperpriors df=%.5f, S=\n", KIW_df);
      printMtrx(KIW_S, m, m);

      Rprintf("\tphi Unif hyperpriors\n");
      for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	Rprintf("(%.5f, %.5f) ", phiUnif[i*2], phiUnif[i*2+1]);

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu Unif hyperpriors\n");
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	  Rprintf("(%.5f, %.5f) ", nuUnif[i*2], nuUnif[i*2+1]);

      Rprintf("Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: %.1f%\n", 100*acceptRate);

      Rprintf("Metropolis starting values:\n");
      Rprintf("\tbeta starting:\n");
      Rprintf("\t"); printVec(betaStarting, p);

      covExpand(AStarting, A, m);
      Rprintf("\tA starting\n");
      printMtrx(A, m, m);

      Rprintf("\tphi starting\n");
      Rprintf("\t"); printVec(phiStarting, m);

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu starting\n");
	Rprintf("\t"); printVec(nuStarting, m);

        Set-up cov. model function pointer
    int nPramPtr = 1;
    void (covmodel::*cov1ParamPtr)(double, double &, double &) = NULL; 
    void (covmodel::*cov2ParamPtr)(double, double, double &, double&) = NULL;
    if(covModel == "exponential"){
      cov1ParamPtr = &covmodel::exponential;
    }else if(covModel == "spherical"){
      cov1ParamPtr = &covmodel::spherical;
    }else if(covModel == "gaussian"){
      cov1ParamPtr = &covmodel::gaussian;
    }else if(covModel == "matern"){
      cov2ParamPtr = &covmodel::matern;
      nPramPtr = 2;
      error("c++ error: cov.model is not correctly specified");
    //my covmodel object for calling cov function
    covmodel *covModelObj = new covmodel;

         Set-up MCMC sample matrices etc.
    //spatial parameters
    int nParams, betaIndx, AIndx, phiIndx, nuIndx;

    if(covModel != "matern"){
      nParams = p+nLTr+m;//A, phi
      betaIndx = 0; AIndx = betaIndx+p; phiIndx = AIndx+nLTr;
    }else {
      nParams = p+nLTr+2*m;//A, phi, nu
      betaIndx = 0; AIndx = betaIndx+p; phiIndx = AIndx+nLTr, nuIndx = phiIndx+m;
    double *spParams = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    //set starting
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, betaStarting, &incOne, &spParams[betaIndx], &incOne);

    covTrans(AStarting, &spParams[AIndx], m);

    for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
      spParams[phiIndx+i] = logit(phiStarting[i], phiUnif[i*2], phiUnif[i*2+1]);
      if(covModel == "matern"){
	spParams[nuIndx+i] = logit(nuStarting[i], nuUnif[i*2], nuUnif[i*2+1]);

    double *w = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nm, wStarting, &incOne, w, &incOne);

    //set tuning
    double *spTuning = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, REAL(betaTuning_r), &incOne, &spTuning[betaIndx], &incOne);

    for(i = 0; i < nLTr; i++)
      spTuning[AIndx+i] = REAL(ATuning_r)[i];
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
      spTuning[phiIndx+i] = REAL(phiTuning_r)[i];
      if(covModel == "matern"){
	spTuning[nuIndx+i] = REAL(nuTuning_r)[i];
    for(i = 0; i < nParams; i++)
      spTuning[i] = log(spTuning[i]);

    double *wTuning = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nm, REAL(wTuning_r), &incOne, wTuning, &incOne);

    for(i = 0; i < nm; i++)
      wTuning[i] = log(wTuning[i]);

    //samples and random effects
    SEXP w_r, samples_r, accept_r, accept_w_r, tuning_r, tuning_w_r;

    PROTECT(w_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nm, nSamples)); nProtect++;  
    PROTECT(samples_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
    PROTECT(accept_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nBatch)); nProtect++; //just to monitor acceptance rate
    PROTECT(accept_w_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nm, nBatch)); nProtect++; //just to monitor acceptance rate
    PROTECT(tuning_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nBatch)); nProtect++; //just to monitor acceptance rate
    PROTECT(tuning_w_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nm, nBatch)); nProtect++; //just to monitor acceptance rate

       Set-up MCMC alg. vars. matrices etc.
    int s=0, status=0;
    double logPostCurrent = 0, logPostCand = 0, detCand = 0, logDetK, SKtrace;
    double spParamsjCurrent, wjCurrent;

    double *accept = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    double *accept_w = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));

    double *C = (double *) R_alloc(nm*nm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *tmp_mm = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_mm1 = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_mm2 = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_nm = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));

    double *beta = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));
    double *K = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *Psi = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double)); zeros(Psi, mm);
    double *theta = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));

    double logMHRatio;

      #ifdef Win32

    logPostCurrent = R_NegInf;

    for(b = 0, s = 0; b < nBatch; b++){
      for(i = 0; i < batchLength; i++, s++){
	for(j = 0; j < nParams; j++){
	  spParamsjCurrent = spParams[j];
	  spParams[j] = rnorm(spParamsjCurrent, exp(spTuning[j]));
	  //extract and transform
	  F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, &spParams[betaIndx], &incOne, beta, &incOne);
	  covTransInvExpand(&spParams[AIndx], A, m);
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    theta[k] = logitInv(spParams[phiIndx+k], phiUnif[k*2], phiUnif[k*2+1]);
	    if(covModel == "matern"){
	      theta[m+k] = logitInv(spParams[nuIndx+k], nuUnif[k*2], nuUnif[k*2+1]);

	  //K = A'A
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ytran, &m, &m, &m, &one, A, &m, A, &m, &zero, K, &m);

	  detCand = mvCovInvDet(coordsD, C, n, m, Psi, K, theta, tmp_mm, tmp_mm1, tmp_mm2, 
				covModel, nPramPtr, covModelObj, cov1ParamPtr, cov2ParamPtr);
	  //Likelihood with Jacobian   
	  logPostCand = 0.0;
	  if(betaPrior == "normal"){
	    for(k = 0; k < p; k++){
	      logPostCand += dnorm(beta[k], betaMu[k], betaSd[k], 1);
	  //Jacobian and IW priors for K = A'A
	  //AtA prior with jacob.
	  logDetK = 0.0;
	  SKtrace = 0.0;
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++) logDetK += 2*log(A[k*m+k]);
	  //jacobian \sum_{i=1}^{m} (m-i+1)*log(a_ii)+log(a_ii)
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++) logPostCand += (m-k)*log(A[k*m+k])+log(A[k*m+k]);
	  //get S*K^-1, already have the chol of K (i.e., A)
	  F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &m, A, &m, &info); if(info != 0){cout << "c++ error: Cand A Cholesky inverse failed\n" << endl;}
	  F77_NAME(dsymm)(rside, lower, &m, &m, &one, A, &m, KIW_S, &m, &zero, tmp_mm, &m);
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){SKtrace += tmp_mm[k*m+k];}
	  logPostCand += -0.5*(KIW_df+m+1)*logDetK - 0.5*SKtrace;
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    logPostCand += log(theta[k] - phiUnif[k*2]) + log(phiUnif[k*2+1] - theta[k]); 
	    if(covModel == "matern"){
	      logPostCand += log(theta[m+k] - nuUnif[k*2]) + log(nuUnif[k*2+1] - theta[m+k]);  
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &nm, &p, &one, X, &nm, beta, &incOne, &zero, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  if(family == "binomial"){
	    logPostCand += logit_logpost(nm, Y, tmp_nm, w);
	  }else if(family == "poisson"){
	    logPostCand += poisson_logpost(nm, Y, tmp_nm, w);
	    error("c++ error: family misspecification in spGLM\n");
	  //(-1/2) * tmp_n` *  C^-1 * tmp_n
	  F77_NAME(dsymv)(lower, &nm, &one,  C, &nm, w, &incOne, &zero, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  logPostCand += -0.5*detCand-0.5*F77_NAME(ddot)(&nm, w, &incOne, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  //MH accept/reject	
	  //MH ratio with adjustment
	  logMHRatio = logPostCand - logPostCurrent;

	  if(runif(0.0,1.0) <= exp(logMHRatio)){
	    logPostCurrent = logPostCand;
	    spParams[j] = spParamsjCurrent;

	}//end spParams

	//update the sp. matrices

	//extract and transform
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, &spParams[betaIndx], &incOne, beta, &incOne);
	covTransInvExpand(&spParams[AIndx], A, m);
	for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	  theta[k] = logitInv(spParams[phiIndx+k], phiUnif[k*2], phiUnif[k*2+1]);
	  if(covModel == "matern"){
	    theta[m+k] = logitInv(spParams[nuIndx+k], nuUnif[k*2], nuUnif[k*2+1]);
	//K = A'A
	F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ytran, &m, &m, &m, &one, A, &m, A, &m, &zero, K, &m);
	detCand = mvCovInvDet(coordsD, C, n, m, Psi, K, theta, tmp_mm, tmp_mm1, tmp_mm2, 
			      covModel, nPramPtr, covModelObj, cov1ParamPtr, cov2ParamPtr);
	for(j = 0; j < nm; j++){
	  wjCurrent = w[j];
	  w[j] = rnorm(wjCurrent, exp(wTuning[j]));
	  //Likelihood with Jacobian   
	  logPostCand = 0.0;
	  if(betaPrior == "normal"){
	    for(k = 0; k < p; k++){
	      logPostCand += dnorm(beta[k], betaMu[k], betaSd[k], 1);
	  //Jacobian and IW priors for K = A'A

	  covTransInvExpand(&spParams[AIndx], A, m);	  

	  //AtA prior with jacob.
	  logDetK = 0.0;
	  SKtrace = 0.0;
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++) logDetK += 2*log(A[k*m+k]);
	  //jacobian \sum_{i=1}^{m} (m-i+1)*log(a_ii)+log(a_ii)
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++) logPostCand += (m-k)*log(A[k*m+k])+log(A[k*m+k]);
	  //get S*K^-1, already have the chol of K (i.e., A)
	  F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &m, A, &m, &info); if(info != 0){cout << "c++ error: Cand A Cholesky inverse failed\n" << endl;}
	  F77_NAME(dsymm)(rside, lower, &m, &m, &one, A, &m, KIW_S, &m, &zero, tmp_mm, &m);
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){SKtrace += tmp_mm[k*m+k];}
	  logPostCand += -0.5*(KIW_df+m+1)*logDetK - 0.5*SKtrace;
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    logPostCand += log(theta[k] - phiUnif[k*2]) + log(phiUnif[k*2+1] - theta[k]); 
	    if(covModel == "matern"){
	      logPostCand += log(theta[m+k] - nuUnif[k*2]) + log(nuUnif[k*2+1] - theta[m+k]);  
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &nm, &p, &one, X, &nm, beta, &incOne, &zero, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  if(family == "binomial"){
	    logPostCand += logit_logpost(nm, Y, tmp_nm, w);
	  }else if(family == "poisson"){
	    logPostCand += poisson_logpost(nm, Y, tmp_nm, w);
	    error("c++ error: family misspecification in spGLM\n");
	  //(-1/2) * tmp_n` *  C^-1 * tmp_n
	  F77_NAME(dsymv)(lower, &nm, &one,  C, &nm, w, &incOne, &zero, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  logPostCand += -0.5*detCand-0.5*F77_NAME(ddot)(&nm, w, &incOne, tmp_nm, &incOne);
	  //MH accept/reject	
	  //MH ratio with adjustment
	  logMHRatio = logPostCand - logPostCurrent;
	  if(runif(0.0,1.0) <= exp(logMHRatio)){
	    logPostCurrent = logPostCand;
	    w[j] = wjCurrent;
	}//end w
          Save samples and report
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, spParams, &incOne, &REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams], &incOne);
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nm, w, &incOne, &REAL(w_r)[s*nm], &incOne);
      }//end batch
      //adjust tuning
      for(j = 0; j < nParams; j++){
	REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+j] = accept[j]/batchLength;
	REAL(tuning_r)[b*nParams+j] = spTuning[j];
	if(accept[j]/batchLength > acceptRate){
	  spTuning[j] += min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	  spTuning[j] -= min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	accept[j] = 0.0;
      for(j = 0; j < nm; j++){
	REAL(accept_w_r)[b*nm+j] = accept_w[j]/batchLength;
	REAL(tuning_w_r)[b*nm+j] = wTuning[j];
	if(accept_w[j]/batchLength > acceptRate){
	  wTuning[j] += min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	  wTuning[j] -= min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	accept_w[j] = 0.0;
	if(status == nReport){
	  Rprintf("Batch: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", b, nBatch, 100.0*b/nBatch);
	  for(j = 0; j < p; j++){
	    Rprintf("\tbeta[%i]\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", j, 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+betaIndx+j], exp(spTuning[betaIndx+j]));
	  covTransInvExpand(&spParams[AIndx], A, m);
	  for(k = 0, i = 0; k < m; k++){
	    for(j = k; j < m; j++, i++){
	      Rprintf("\tA[%i,%i]\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n",j, k, 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+AIndx+j], exp(spTuning[AIndx+i]));
	  for(j = 0; j < m; j++){
	    Rprintf("\tphi[%i]\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", j, 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+phiIndx+j], exp(spTuning[phiIndx+j]));	
	    if(covModel == "matern")
	      Rprintf("\tnu[%i]\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", j, 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+nuIndx+j], exp(spTuning[nuIndx+j]));
          #ifdef Win32
	  status = 0;

    }//end sample loop
    //final status report
      Rprintf("Sampled: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", s, nSamples, 100.0*s/nSamples);
    #ifdef Win32
    //untransform variance variables
    for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
      covTransInv(&REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+AIndx], &REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+AIndx], m);
      for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
    	REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+phiIndx+i] = logitInv(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+phiIndx+i], phiUnif[i*2], phiUnif[i*2+1]);
    	if(covModel == "matern"){
    	  REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+nuIndx+i] = logitInv(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+nuIndx+i], nuUnif[i*2], nuUnif[i*2+1]);
    //make return object
    SEXP result, resultNames;
    int nResultListObjs = 6;
    PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    PROTECT(resultNames = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, samples_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 0, mkChar("p.samples")); 

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, accept_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 1, mkChar("acceptance"));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, accept_w_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 2, mkChar("acceptance.w"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, w_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 3, mkChar("sp.effects"));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 4, tuning_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 4, mkChar("tuning"));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 5, tuning_w_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 5, mkChar("tuning.w"));
    namesgets(result, resultNames);
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